B. Osmani "warns" of interethnic tensions if the proposal is rejected
Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations
It was so nice of the Frenchies to make proposals to the Macedonians on behalf of the Bulgaro-Tatars. With no self-awareness at all, they are proposing Macedonians formally recognize that our language has Bulgarian roots as well as amending our constitution to acknowledge the existence of a Bulgarian minority in Macedonia. Oh, and to cease with the “hate speech” against Bulgaria. I guess all the "Tatar" barbs have hit a nerve with the Bulgars.
I think someone needs to explain to the frogs that the language of St's. Cyril & Methodi was already being spoken in Macedonia long before the Turkic speaking Bulgars first appeared in the Balkans. What needs to happen is for the Bulgaro-Tatars to acknowledge and formally recognise that their language is in fact based on the Macedonian language which they adopted and not the other way around. As for talk of minorities being recognised, who's kidding who here? Talk about projecting.
Originally posted by Karposh View PostIt was so nice of the Frenchies to make proposals to the Macedonians on behalf of the Bulgaro-Tatars...........As for talk of minorities being recognised, who's kidding who here? Talk about projecting.
The French state’s policy rejects any references to national, racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. This model is based on the idea that the state should interact with the individual only, not communities or groups, in order to give equal treatment to everyone.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Albanians fire shots towards Macedonian protesters 🔥
Among Bulgaria’s key demands were....the recognition of a Bulgarian minority.
The size of the Bulgarian community in North Macedonia is a matter of contention. Official data from the 2021 census put it at 3,504 people, or about 0.2% of the population. Bulgaria has doubted the figure, noting that about 90,000 of North Macedonia's roughly 2 million population received dual Bulgarian citizenship over the last two decades based on their family roots. About 53,000 more applications are pending.
Zaev’s History Rep Dragi Gjorgiev sells Car Samuil and Cyril and Methodius to Bulgaria
The two-year battle to defend the Bulgarian position in the history disputes with Macedonia has reached its first victory, said the Bulgarian National Circle “For Macedonia”, a platform in which Bulgarian professors – historians and linguists are members, Deutsche Welle reports.
The two-year battle to defend the Bulgarian position in the history disputes with Macedonia has reached its first victory, said the Bulgarian National Circle “For Macedonia”, a platform in which Bulgarian professors – historians and linguists are members, Deutsche Welle reports.
Document was signed by Zaev’s man into the “Macedonian history representatives” Dragi Gjorgiev who was spotted in Sofia twice, by himself, meeting behind closed doors with Bulgaria’s chief negotiator Angel Dimitrov (spent decades working for Bulgaria’s Secret Service) back in January and early February. No other Macedonian representatives were present.
Are we keeping up to date with the proposed constitutional amendments here?
It seems Macedonia will acknowledge a "Bulgarian" minority and will not require those "Bulgarians" to recognise the Macedonian language.
Is there a stupider nation in the world than Macedonia?Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Macedonian Jewish MP R. Mizrahi says she now feels "unprotected" after Macedonia govt allowed opening of Bulgarian Club named after WW2 Bulgarian Nazi collaborator King Boris III, complicit in the extermination of Macedonian Jews.
Отварањето на новиот бугарски клуб „Цар Борис Трети“ во Охрид, помина во тензична атмосфера и со протест, на кој дадоа подршка ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и Левица, но без инциденти. ПОВРЗАНИ ВЕСТИ (Видео) Јајца и камења за новиот бугарски клуб во Охрид, спречен инцидент Седиштето на бугарскиот клуб во Охрид веднаш до куќата...
Last edited by Carlin; 10-08-2022, 01:22 PM.
Originally posted by Carlin View PostMacedonian Jewish MP R. Mizrahi says she now feels "unprotected" after Macedonia govt allowed opening of Bulgarian Club named after WW2 Bulgarian Nazi collaborator King Boris III, complicit in the extermination of Macedonian Jews.
Отварањето на новиот бугарски клуб „Цар Борис Трети“ во Охрид, помина во тензична атмосфера и со протест, на кој дадоа подршка ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и Левица, но без инциденти. ПОВРЗАНИ ВЕСТИ (Видео) Јајца и камења за новиот бугарски клуб во Охрид, спречен инцидент Седиштето на бугарскиот клуб во Охрид веднаш до куќата...
https://mobile.twitter.com/Mojsoskat...21425727094786I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.
Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View PostIt amazes me how my expectations of how low we can go continue to be superseded.
Bulgarian Foundation “Macedonia”: Macedonia will not become a member as long as it celebrates October 11 as an official holiday
Originally posted by Carlin View PostThere's more to go...
Bulgarian Foundation “Macedonia”: Macedonia will not become a member as long as it celebrates October 11 as an official holiday
https://english.republika.mk/news/ma...icial-holiday/I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.
"Sign on the newly opened Bulgarian cultural center in Ohrid, named after WW2 King Boris III, was smashed overnight."
The circus continues...
Реакции во бугарската јавност за канонизацијата на Пејчиновиќ
И во канонизацијата на Кирил Пејчиновиќ, бугарските историчари гледаат политика.
БГНЕС објави став на професорот Пламен Павлов од униерзитетот во Велико Трново, кој чинот го оцен...
БГНЕС објави став на професорот Пламен Павлов од униерзитетот во Велико Трново, кој чинот го оцени како богохулење, апсолутно кршење на билатералниот протокол меѓу Бугарија и Македонија и невидена злоупотреба на историјата.
Претходно дел од медиуми објавија дека за Пејчиновиќ е интервенирано и на англиската верзија на Википедија, со назнаки дека е бугарски преродбеник.