Professor Vanco Gorgiev has resigned from the commission due to interference/pressure from the highest levels of MNR
Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations
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Historian Gorgiev says he was threatened by a top Foreign Ministry official because he refused to accept the Bulgarian demands.
From the link.
Historian Vanco Gjorgjiev, who resigned yesterday from the joint commission of historians with Bulgaria, told PressingTV that he was told by a top Foreign Ministry official that he will face “revenge” after resigning. Even though the commission was supposed to work independently and based on scientific facts, its Macedonian members are under strong pressure from the Zaev regime to agree to the Bulgarian demands and rewrite chunks of Macedonian history, so that Zaev could then ask Bulgaria to lift its veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Gjorgjiev yesterday informed that other members of the commission began to yield, but that there was a principle that all decisions are made unanimously. Once he realized that during an online meeting with the Bulgarian counterparts, this principle is being violated, he said that he will resign from the commission.
"After that I got a call from a top Foreign Ministry official, who tried to persuade me to go back to work, citing the sensitive political moment. This conversation lasted for 18 minutes and 30 seconds, Gjorgjiev said. A few hours later, the professor informed the press about his decision to leave the commission, which caused alarm in the public as it indicated that Zaev is close to pushing its members to rewrite school textbooks with a completely new and alien historic narrative – one that will teach the children that the Macedonians are not an independent nation but derived from the Bulgarians."
I got a new call after I made the announcement. This time it was only 43 seconds. I was told: “You should know, I will personally get my revenge on you for this”, Gjorgjiev told PressingTV. He added that the threat from the top Foreign Ministry official was clearly a message from a higher circles of the Government.
The commission has been stuck for over a year, as Bulgarian demands grew and as both countries faced narrowly fought elections. This helped solidify the Bulgarian veto in the EU. Meanwhile, the Zaev regime keeps postponing the moment when segments of the “new” historic narrative that were agreed between the two teams of historians, such as the period of medieval Tsar Samuil who is claimed by both countries, will be revealed to the public. This lack of transparency in the process is only deepening distrust on the Macedonian side.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Захариева барала да објаснуваме зошто постоиме!?
Захариева ни дала непристојни предлози
Шефот на дипломатијата откри дека лани во декември тогашната негова бугарска колешка Екатерина Захариева понудила договор за надминување на спорот, но македонската страна го одбила затоа што две точки не биле прифатливи.
– Се бараше да потпишеме дека македонскиот јазик произлегува од бугарскиот, а дека нацијата произлегла од обидот за ослободување од Отоманската империја – рече Османи.
The balls on these Ballgarians. Meanwhile their Turkic origins are being swept under their yurts.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Buckovski dismissed from post Special Representative for Ballgaria
The Government has dismissed Vlado Buckovski from the post Special Representative of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in the negotiations with Bulgaria for overcoming the dispute Republic of Bulgaria.
The reasons for the dismissal have not been revelaed, but unofficially the assessment is that with the new approach, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries will lead the negotiations through five working groups, due to which there is no need for a special representative.
Relevant links:
Zaev’s former Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister for EU integration Nikola Dimitrov came out with a hard hitting press conference today, accusing the Government of being ready to accept the most hardline Bulgarian demands. Dimitrov, who signed the 2018 Prespa Treaty which gave away Macedonia’s name and much of its history to Greece, accused current Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani of being willing to accept Bulgarian demands that would reduce the Macedonian language to a dialect of the Bulgarian.
I do not have full trust in the Foreign Minister on the issue of Bulgaria. That comes from my experience with our internal coordination meetings and the meetings in Brussels. I have a sense that he is driven by the need to achieve success at any cost, which is dangerous and not productive. I may be wrong and I hope I am wrong, Dimitrov said.
И милиони да ја повторат лагата на Петков за македонското малцинство, нема да ја претворат во вистина
Реакција на ОМО Илинден – Пирин за изјавата на Кирил Петков за македонското малцинство во Бугарија Колку е апсурдно чувството да се кажуваат очигледни лаги, во кои никој, освен измамените граѓани на Бугарија, не верува, се вели во реакцијата на ОМО Илинден – Пирин за изјавата на бугарскиот премиер Кирил Петков за македонското малцинство во […]
Бугарскиот премиер Кирил Петков уште еднаш повтори дека не постои македонско малцинство во Бугарија и нема да дозволи на таа […]
OMO “Ilinden” – Pirin to Radev: We are not separatists
OMO “Ilinden” – Pirin, the leading association of Macedonians in Bulgaria, responded to President Rumen Radev, who labeled them as “separatists”. Radev reacted angrily after President Pendarovski met with representatives from this and other organizations that represent ethnic Macedonians in Bulgaria.
His statement is a lie and slander. It is shameful for all, since when it comes from a President, its shame falls on all citizens. So far, no Macedonian organization, or a Macedonian in Bulgaria, was charged, tried or sentenced for separatist activities. The false allegation of separatism is used to justify the systemic discrimination of the Bulgarian citizens of Macedonian identity. This has been noted in 14 verdicts reached by the European Court of Human Rights. Discrimination of Macedonians in Bulgaria has been reflected in every report on human rights in Bulgaria prepared by an international organization over the past 18 years, which prompted Bulgaria to be placed under an increased monitoring by the Committee of ministers, the organization said in a statement.
OMO “Ilinden” – Pirin notes that Radev has rejected their requests for a meeting, where they would be able to state their case and call for an end to the “systemic discrimination, hate speech and marginalization of the Macedonian minority” in Bulgaria. Radev recently met with representatives of ethnic Bulgarians from Macedonia, who have similar complaints, but has denounced Pendarovski’s meeting with the Macedonians from Bulgaria.
„И преди и сега Македонија е блгарска“: Скандирања во Софија, ќе реагира ли владата?
На социјалните мрежи се појави видео од Софија во која група граѓани скандираат недолично против Македонија. Нивните повици гласат „И преди и сега Македонија е блгарска“.
Ваквите скандирања доаѓаат по неколкуте средби меѓу новите премиери Петков и Ковачевски и новиот пристап кој го најави Бугарија.
Прашањето до македонската влада е дали ќе ги осуди ваквите иредентистички скандирања и дали ќе биде врачена официјална нота на овие навреди.
Macedonia and Bulgaria to "celebrate" 150 years since the birth of Goce Delčev together:Во изминатиот период беа преземени директни дипломатски средби и активности на највисоко ниво помеѓу владите во Скопје и во Софија, со намера да се изнајде решение за отстранување на бугарското вето и за започнување на процесот за интеграција на Македонија во Европската Унија. Од двете страни беше искажан оптимизам дека нештата се движат во позитивна […]I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.
Perhaps the Bulgarians will do a great reveal of which Bulgar led Delcev to his demise.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View PostMacedonia and Bulgaria to "celebrate" 150 years since the birth of Goce Delčev together:
Originally posted by Risto the GreatPerhaps the Bulgarians will do a great reveal of which Bulgar led Delcev to his demise.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
As Bulgarian historians celebrate their victory over Macedonia, the Kovacevski Government remains silent about what was agreed
VMRO-DPMNE called on the Kovacevski Government to come clean and explain to the public what was agreed between the historians from Macedonia and Bulgaria who met on Thursday and Friday.
Unusually for the years long negotiations, the Bulgarian side said that there were encouraging moments and that a major issue – the legacy of medieval Tsar Samoil – was settled. But no details were given after the meeting ended on Friday.
All the information the Macedonian public received came from the Bulgarian Government or their historians. We witnessed their triumphant mood over Tsar Samoil. And the Kovacevski Government only tells us that the meeting went well, but without any information for our public. What kind of an agreement is Kovacevski preparing with Bulgaria? The Macedonian public needs to hear the answers to this, the opposition party said.Last edited by Carlin; 04-02-2022, 12:23 PM.
De-Nazification needed in Macedonia after opening of “Vanco Mihailov” club in Bitola
The tension with the Nazi “Vanco Mihajlov” club is heating up in Macedonia. Today, the President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, the Macedonian Stevo Pendarovski, SDS leader Kovacevski and the organization of Macedonians in Bulgaria OMO Ilinden-Pirin spoke on this topic.
By far, the most scandalous is the statement of Radev who said that in Macedonia there were concentration camps in which Bulgarians were killed!
Radev says that Vanco Mihailov refused Hitler to include Macedonia in a fratricidal war with Bulgaria.
Macedonia’s president who is practically silent on everything issued a statement condemning Bulgaria’s president of spreading lies.
The figure of 10,000 Bulgarians allegedly killed is a lie, a sheer construction for political purposes. There is not a single relevant historical source, neither in the Bulgarian, nor in the Macedonian, or world historiography that 10,000 people were killed in concentration camps at that time in our country. Something that could fit into that definition of a concentration camp existed in Croatia on Goli Otok. There were never any concentration camps on the territory of Macedonia. – stated Pendarovski.
Bulgaria, with Macedonia’s quislings opened the Vanco Mihailov club on the busiest Jewish street in Bitola. The name of the club is written in Bulgarian language which is unlawful. And since Macedonia is flourishing with democratic activities, the SDS leadership proclaimed having a club named after Vanco Mihailov, a Nazi collaborator, is freedom of speech and democratic.