Originally posted by George S.
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Financial Crisis in Greece
We have to go a little bit further Phoenix, the crash needs to be felt and remembered in Greece. Shit is about to hit the fan big time in Greece.
If I were a Greek with brains in the middle of this shit storm I would get as far away as I can from the cities, I would also see to it that I have access to fresh water and food for at least three months. And be amongst people I can trust completely.
The storm is coming and soon it will be winter.Macedonian Truth Organisation
Originally posted by Daskalot View PostWe have to go a little bit further Phoenix, the crash needs to be felt and remembered in Greece. Shit is about to hit the fan big time in Greece.
If I were a Greek with brains in the middle of this shit storm I would get as far away as I can from the cities, I would also see to it that I have access to fresh water and food for at least three months. And be amongst people I can trust completely.
The storm is coming and soon it will be winter.
I believe that the Eurozone is trying to contain the damage from the inevitable bankruptcy of greece, it can't be too long now before they're cut loose.
At some point the international financial damage of prolonging this fiasco is going to outweigh the fallout of a civil war in greece...
I also suggest that Macedonia closes its border with Greece, thus preventing anarchy to spread across the border when society collapses in Greece.
People will become very desperate when the system does not feed them any more.
Does Greece have emergency food stockpiled? If so, how much?
If you are a smart and clever person living within Greek borders, this is information of great value to you and the people you care about.Macedonian Truth Organisation
What ever happens to Greece we should always help those in desperate need particularly families with children
The Greeks have proven time and time again to be our enemy, but this must not stop us from providing help to their children if they are in danger, I could not respect myself to feel any other way
We are Human first before anything elseThe one who tells the story rules the World - Hopi proverb
“Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only meant that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark” - Monty Python
Originally posted by blackcactus View PostWe are Human first before anything elseYou want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!
A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.
Greeks are bigger victims of their geopolitical landscape than Macedonians have ever been. I can't see them missing out on food.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
we should close the doors the same way they did to us."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Daskalot View PostIf I were a Greek with brains in the middle of this shit storm I would get as far away as I can from the cities, I would also see to it that I have access to fresh water and food for at least three months. And be amongst people I can trust completely.
Originally posted by Daskalot View Post...soon it will be winter.
So Cultea how is it in Greece? All business as usual? Do you feel safe in Salonica? How is unemployment effecting people? Are there many personal bankruptcies?
How are you doing, mind you being employed by the Greek government, have you got your paycheck cut?Macedonian Truth Organisation
What people don't realise the normal"""brainwashed greek is trained to ignore the calamity of disastersby using the term denial or paranoia.They ignore the reality of the situation.
You have an economic collapse dragging the whole eu into oblivion & they are ignoring as if there is nothing to worry about.Cultea just when you think we don't know we allready know you are just pretending that nothing is happening.We are just reminding you that your country due to its stupidity is destroying itself by overborrowing.It is heading into bankruptcy oblivion.I can see you packing your bags & heading for the nearest safe haven country macedonia.
We are not predicting it's happening in the daily news you are completely finished."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Daskalot View Post...
How are you doing, mind you being employed by the Greek government, have you got your paycheck cut?
One of the more interesting aspects of the current imbroglio that burdens the 'greeks' is how do they maintain their arms purchases in competition with Turkey, who is growing as a regional powerhouse, or their network of spies that are embedded in every minority village across the country, how do they keep thugs like Golden Dawn on the payroll and continue other menacing practices that have been employed for the last 100 years.
This form of state sponsored terrorism is an institution in modern greece, how it survives after the bankruptcy of the state will be most interesting.Last edited by Phoenix; 10-05-2011, 05:36 AM.
Today Cultea has plenty of time, they have a general strike again, why work when you get a free day off?
He is probably sipping on a frappe while he is basking in the Sun.
Life is great for the Greeks, borrow as much as you can, then complain when you are supposed to pay back and instead get new loans. Easy peasy!Macedonian Truth Organisation