Nikola Gruevski

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8532

    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    So, ignorant, confused or otherwise, they are all traitors by default, according to the definition above which makes all members responsible for the consequences that their political support (and monetary support) leads to. Admittedly, that is a little too black and white. There are numerous people that work for Greek businesses in Bitola and Prilep. Some of the Greek owners are anti-Macedonian scum, and they fund organisations in Greece that actively work against Macedonia and the Macedonians. Are the Macedonians that work for these businesses also traitors? How about Macedonians that shop at the Vero food store chain? Probably not the best analogies, but I think you can understand where I am coming from.

    I said those that clearly understand what the party stands for are traitors.

    I wouldn't necessarily call the ignorant and confused traitors as they 'know not what they do'. Having said that, as members of the party and citizens they have a responsibility to inform themselves. They should know exactly what their money and vote is being used for.

    In relation to Vero and all those other Greek businesses, I'm not sure of what their political activities are or whether they finance political activities.

    At the end of the day, its about personal responsibility to be informed and to act accordingly. Citizenship basically means rights AND responsibilities. One without the other either means you don't deserve your citizenship or you are being oppressed.

    You didn't answer my question - would you take me seriously if I were still a UMD member, preaching one thing and financially supporting another?
    Last edited by Vangelovski; 11-22-2010, 06:40 PM.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13674

      In response to your question - no, absolutely not.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15658

        Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
        would you take me seriously if I were still a UMD member, preaching one thing and financially supporting another?
        But what if you were a double agent like Meto ... the man of mystery. Working with the Macedonian government but secretly plotting to overthrow them with his CIA connections?
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • indigen
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 1558

          “....Потребни се суштински преговори за меѓународното име на Македонија и употреба, [изворен цитат нема, з.м.] вели првиот министер за одбрана во владата на Груевски, Лазар Еленовски....

          …..„Чекаат Меѓународниот суд на правдата во Хаг да ја донесе одлуката по повод нашата тужба дека Грција ја крши времената спогодба, тоа нема да се случи до есента 2011-та“, изјави Владо Бучковски, поранешен министер за одбрана...”


          Тажни вести од Лисабон, што понатаму

          Наместо добри вести, државнички восхитувања во стилот „Пинки го виде Тито“

          Билјана Јовановска

          Од Самитот на НАТО во Лисабон реално никој не очекуваше дека Македонија може да очекува позитивен исход, но фактот дека не се најдовме ниту на дневниот ред, е разочарувачки.


          Граѓаните на Македонија, вели Ризван Сулејмани, мора да живеат со оваа нова реалност дека дефинитивно нема влез во НАТО и во ЕУ без промена на името на државата, што, пак, го засега идентитетот на Македонците. Ако Албанците сакаат да бидат некаков фактор во Македонија и на Балканот, тогаш мора да имаат став околу македонското прашање, бидејќи и сите наши соседи имаат свои ставови. „Грците, потсетува Сулејмани, ја сакаат Македонија, но не сакаат Македонци, Србите сакаат да имаат патерналистичка улога врз македонскиот народ во стилот ’ние ве создадовме и ние треба да ве контролираме‘, односно, како што велат, - две нации, една црква. Бугарите ја повторуваат старата фраза - две држави, еден народ, а само Албанците во Македонија и во регионот не се изјаснуваат. За Албанците, конечно, да излезат со свој став, мора да одговорат на прашањето дали сакаат да живеат или во соседство да имаат народ што има изграден идентитет и што ќе биде подеднакво дистанциран од Белград, Софија и од Атина или ќе сакаат да живеат со народ со недоволно изграден идентитет. Кога ќе одговорат на ова прашање Албанците и кога ќе направат анализа, ќе заземат став, тоа ќе биде позиција на која ќе ја градат сопствената улога во процесот на интеграцијата на Република Македонија и регионот во ЕУ и во НАТО“, оценува Сулејмани.

          По фијаското во Лисабон, тој не очекува реакции на Албанците во Македонија, меѓутоа, сугерира на што поскора интелектуална дебата што ќе прерасне во нивна политичка платформа.

          Број 3438 понеделник, 22 ноември 2010


          • indigen
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 1558

            НАТО, Македонија и талибанците

            Според демократските вредности на НАТО, секој од нас може за по дома да си биде Македонец (и тоа само на кирилица), ама сите ние заедно не можеме да бидеме Македонци, кои заедно со другите што живеат на оваа територија формираат држава Македонија


            Пред шеесетина години НАТО е формирана како организација која низ светот ќе ги промовира демократските вредности. Членките на НАТО „се решени да ја чуваат слободата, заедничкото наследство и слободата на нивните народи, засновани на принципите на демократијата, индивидуалните слободи и владеењето на правото“, се вели во Вашингтонскиот акт од 1949 година. За жал, на нашиот случај се гледа дека од тоа нема ништо. Принципите на демократијата и индивидуалните слободи, според НАТО-сфаќањето, всушност во себе не го опфаќаат правото на народите на слободно национално определување и, од тоа, правото да го изведат и името на својата држава. Уште повеќе, НАТО (и ЕУ) во нашиот случај го промовираа правилото дека правото на индивидуално национално чувство е свето и никој не може да го загрози, ама и дека збирот на тие индивидуални чувства не дава идентичен колективен национален идентитет. Поточно кажано, секој од нас може за по дома да си биде Македонец (и тоа само на кирилица), ама сите ние заедно не можеме да бидеме Македонци, кои заедно со другите што живеат на оваа територија формираат држава Македонија. Тоа е друштво што пропагира дека ја шири демократијата, но изгледа дека малку чудно ги сфаќа нејзините основни принципи кога треба да се добие членска карта за влез во друштвото.

            При такво лицемерие, може само да се претпостави колку му е лесно на некој фанатик во Ирак или Авганистан да регрутира нови членови за „светата борба“. Не дека македонскиот пример е лекција без која не може да се врзат неколку килограми експлозив околу половината, но е повеќе од пластична слика зашто малку кој во светот, вклучувајќи ги и тие од земјите-членки, навистина верува во демократската невиност и посветеност на Алијансата. Всушност, во овој момент, НАТО не е ништо друго освен глобален мангуп со најсилни мускули на светот на кого му плаќате дел од својот џепарлак и учествувате во неговите крстоносни војни, за да добиете гаранција дека некој друг нема да ве задева и за да добиете благослов кога некоја од западните компании бара каде да ги инвестира своите пари. А, во тој домен, НАТО не само што не се реформира, туку и не покажува желба за такво нешто.

            Автор: Дарко Јаневски


            • Pelister
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2742

              Originally posted by Bratot
              Due to the strong pressure from Brussels and Washington, the government decided to hold a referendum even if Nimetz come up with a proposal that is not acceptable for the Macedonian negotiating side.
              That's a scary scenario and reckless, but if that is what the government intend doing, we are in serious trouble.


              • makedonin
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1668

                Reading through the thread, I asked my self if there is anyone who is not a traitor or considered one?

                Who ever comes it seems to become traitor. Than we are doomed after all.
                To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Originally posted by makedonin View Post
                  Reading through the thread, I asked my self if there is anyone who is not a traitor or considered one?
                  Judging by this reply, you are not thinking logically but, IMO, acting as an apologist for VASSAL traitors and ALL their misdeeds.

                  Who ever comes it seems to become traitor. Than we are doomed after all.
                  Not exactly so but the "IC" PUPPET MASTERS will not ALLOW anyone to stay in power if they do not toe their line and are now able to assist their chosen ones to come into power with ease.
                  Last edited by indigen; 11-25-2010, 12:18 AM.


                  • Volk
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 894

                    Originally posted by indigen View Post
                    Not exactly so but the "IC" PUPPET MASTERS will not ALLOW anyone to stay in power if they do not toe their line and are now able to assist their chosen ones to come into power with ease.
                    Thats the bottom line isn't it... But under this logic we would have changed our name already??

                    Surely the IC would prefer the likes of SDS to take power...

                    This is why I dont quite see Gruevski the traitor people here are starting to paint him as.. Traitor is a forgone conclusion... there is still some hope i pray
                    Makedonija vo Srce


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8532

                      Originally posted by Volk View Post
                      This is why I dont quite see Gruevski the traitor people here are starting to paint him as.. Traitor is a forgone conclusion... there is still some hope i pray
                      Only if Gruevski had a time machine and undid what he implemented in relation to the Interim Accord and Framework Agreement.
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • indigen
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 1558

                        Originally posted by Volk View Post
                        Thats the bottom line isn't it... But under this logic we would have changed our name already??
                        But for all intents and purpose "we" already have come close to that and there IS NO SERIOUS OPPOSITION FROM ANYONE to those DECONSTRUCTIONS ALREADY in place and thus no prospective chance exists for their reversal and/or their being declared null and void.

                        Surely the IC would prefer the likes of SDS to take power...
                        Not necessarily as SDS's (under Crvenkovski) street credibility is pretty low and they ("IC") need someone with more "credibility" to do the hard-sell.

                        This is why I don't quite see Gruevski the traitor people here are starting to paint him as.. Traitor is a forgone conclusion... there is still some hope i pray
                        I have already stated why I consider him as a traitor in a previous post (look at page 16 onwards) of this thread. They (DPMNE and Gruevski) are ready to deal and change the name for international use!!! It is the Greeks who are delaying the deal because they want more than that ("erga omnes") and think they will get what they want sooner or later!
                        Last edited by indigen; 11-27-2010, 05:24 PM.


                        • Bratot
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2855

                          Originally posted by Volk View Post
                          Thats the bottom line isn't it... But under this logic we would have changed our name already??

                          Surely the IC would prefer the likes of SDS to take power...

                          This is why I dont quite see Gruevski the traitor people here are starting to paint him as.. Traitor is a forgone conclusion... there is still some hope i pray

                          You have to separate the belief from the factual condition:

                          "VMRO DPMNE has advocated finding a compromise name, but only if it “would not affect national identity.” by Nikola Gruevski

                          "We could find a formulation with a addition or an adjective which does not break down our national identity" by Branko Crvenkovski

                          Can you point out the difference?
                          The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                          • makalek
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 128

                            PM Gruevski: Problems with Greece lingering for 100 + years...

                            PM: Problems with Greece lingering for 100 + years...

                            The open identity issue with our southern neighbour is over one hundred years old and has never been closed, stated Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at a Q&A session in the Parliament on Thursday.

                            "This issue is widely known and is older than you and me. The identity issue, which was opened by our southern neighbour, is over one hundred years old. If you browse through censuses conducted in the early 20th century (in 1903, 1904, 1905) by the Ottoman empire in the northern part of present Greece, you'll be able to compare how many Macedonians lived then and how many are living now in the region - how and when they started to leave the region i.e. how they were ousted. If you take into consideration this part of the not-so-distant history, you'll see that this issue is much older, older than you and me. The issue has never been closed," the PM stressed at the session.

                            He mentioned events that occurred in 2005 within the name talks under UN mediator Matthew Nimetz.

                            "I'll remind you that in 2005, mediator Nimetz had submitted a proposal to then government. Former president Branko Crvenkovski convened ruling and opposition leaders in order to present the proposal. The Macedonian language was not included in the resolution, to which I objected, while the president and government accepted it. It was a mistake and signal that someone in Macedonia is prepared to accept some parts of the identity of the Macedonian people to be removed," Gruevski said.

                            The issue has been lingering for not only 100, 50 years, but also for 20 years during which time Macedonia has been independent and it is directly linked to the identity, according to him.

                            "The name issue in fact refers to the identity. The other side (Greece) has never attempted to hide it in all talks held in the past. We have never imposed anything; we have neither failed nor succeeded. For us the issue is difficult and bitter. Our neighbour paid attention to it not only in the past, but also throughout the past two decades," PM Gruevski said.

                            He underlined that the Government was doing everything in its power to settle the issue and Macedonia's integration process to be unblocked while preserving state's key interest including identity.


                            • Frank
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 687

                              MR PM you are saying in your own words Athens and the vehicle of Hellenism which burdens this fake arse Country can never be appeased because like Sofia Macedonian Identity or in fact our existence challenges what it is to be a modern Greeks and Bulgar


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15658

                                Nice to here Gruevski admit to the 100 year old problem.
                                In fact these are some of the best words to come from him for a very long time.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

