Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    Thanks Bill77 for exposing a weakness in Google translate and that I should not only rely on it but instead should verify the Macedonia. I was being slack as I read much faster in English.

    English text via Google translate automatic

    "We are part of a campaign of emigrants who have recently called for suspension of negotiations with Greece, but have the same attitude

    Macedonian text original from Vest newspaper

    "Не сме дел од кам*па*ња*та на исе*ле*ни*ци*те кои не*о*дам*на по*ба*раа пре*кин на пре*го*во*ри*те со Гр*ци*ја, но има*ме ист став

    Yes SoM I know
    OziMak, can you speak Macedonian?…can I have some sauce with my humble pie.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Originally posted by OziMak
      I feel silly wasting this much space in this thread and even over thought making this post
      Indeed. So, rather than giving me another 5 paragraphs, in a simple one-word reply, can you speak Macedonian? Let me know if I need to rephrase the question in another way.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • fyrOM
        • Feb 2010
        • 2180

        Yes I can speak Macedonian SoM but not as well as some. My previous post in Macedonian should give you some indication. I read much slower in Macedonian than English and my Google tool bar has an automatic translation thingy so if I switch from page to page it will keep translating. It makes one slack in practicing reading Macedonian and as Bill77 correctly spotted Google translate is not only not perfect but can give you the totally opposite meaning.


        • MHRMI
          • Dec 2009
          • 132

          Ad Campaign ad on Kanal 5

          Канал 5 телевизија како една од водечките телевизиски куќи во Македонија, од 1998 година на малите екрани до гледање онлајн денес, известува за најновите вести од Македонија, регионот и светот.

          A tv commercial is also airing three times a day, including primetime, for one month.


          • makedonche
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 3242

            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
            Ad Campaign ad on Kanal 5

            Канал 5 телевизија како една од водечките телевизиски куќи во Македонија, од 1998 година на малите екрани до гледање онлајн денес, известува за најновите вести од Македонија, регионот и светот.

            A tv commercial is also airing three times a day, including primetime, for one month.
            Well done, keep up the good work!
            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by Currency Trader View Post
              I'm not sure if this is true, but curiously asking this question myself, individuals at Maknews suggests that UMD would not have been involved with the campaign regardless.

              The reason being claimed, or suggested, boils down to a member of UMD whose support is very important. This supposed member would withdraw its support for UMD if UMD joined in on the campaign with AMHRC/MHMRI. Supposedly this member have had some prior dealings with AMHRC/MHMRI.
              CT, I am sure you have read his posts on the relevant thread at Maknews. He practically tries to 'school' the AMHRC about the necessity to have the UMD on board.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Here is a list of Maknews' statements, so you can see where he really stands:
                Will the AMHRC initiate contact with the UMD and formally ask it to support this campaign? I know you're professional enough to do that - this would be in the best interest of the Diaspora and of all Macedonians.

                To the UMD I would say, get on board. What the AMHRC is doing with this campaing is expressing the bona fide voice of the Macedonian Diaspora.
                It's good to see the AMHRC/MHRMI supporting the UMD position to end the name negotiations. Now the AMHRC/MHRMI and the UMD are all on the same page.
                The AMHRC supporting the UMD position?? Since when??
                The UMD may not be an official part of this campaign, but I'm sure, judging by the comments of Mr Koloski, they are supportive of it. That's the nuance I read.
                But then..............
                However, given the UMD does not have a voice in how the campaign is run it would be unwise for the UMD to officially sign on.
                If you think this campaign is so important, then explain to me why the AMHRC/MHRMI didn't include the UMD in the project? They would have gotten more funds and more exposure, so why didn't they do it?
                And of course.......
                Having said that I openly declare that I am a proud UMD supporter.
                I'm sincerely pleased with the approach and policies the UMD have adopted. Not everyone can be a chest beater, some people have to actually go out and do some work.
                However, what the UMD is saying here is that membership in these organizations must be undertaking using Macedonia's constitutional name. I agree wholeheartedly with that.
                But then.......
                As for European Union membership, personally, I could care less if Macedonia ever joins the Euro Disneyland. I'm not a blind disciple of the "European Project". If the EU were to collapse tomorrow, so much the better, it's a house of rot anyway.
                Make up your mind!

                Hope you enjoyed the roller coaster.

                What "other" Diaspora organizations are you talking about? The ones who up until last month called themselves "Human Rights" organizations - but are now rebranding themsleves as Diaspora groups?
                I strongly suggest to the UMD that it keeps a healthy distance from the AMHRC/MHRMI and works with them where reasonable, but under strict understanding, so as not to accidentally become associated with some of the more extremist element that is nowadays attaching itself to the AMHRC.
                I wasn't talking about groups the AMHRC supports, I was talking about an extreme segment of the Diaspora, mainly the Australian Diaspora, that is lately associated with the AMHRC. It needed to be said. The behaviour of some of the AMHRC's supporters can have a negative affect on the AMHRC's reputation or brand.
                Now we are labellled extremists? Da ti e sram! It needed to be said, indeed, well done. We've always known your view, now you've confirmed it.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Vangelovski
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 8532

                  Lubi consistently reaffirms his 'vassalism' (which is an extremist view in itself) while attacking self-determination as something immoral or not normal. He doesn't really believe in a free, self-governed Macedonia - he believes that Macedonia is too small, too weak, too poor etc to maintain any substantive freedom and that it needs to rely on a 'big brother' to protect it. Whether this is Belgrade, Brussels or Washington doesn't really make a difference to him - the slave needs a master.
                  Last edited by Vangelovski; 08-18-2010, 10:13 PM.
                  If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                  The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    You analysis SoM is spot on, really makes me take another hard look at UMD's recent 'Where as...' statements.

                    Fancy labelling us 'extremists'
                    Last edited by Pelister; 08-18-2010, 10:53 PM.


                    • MHRMI
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 132

                      Ad Campaign ad on Dnevnik


                      • Prolet
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 5241

                        Maknews for some reason thinks that in order for UMD to support this campaign they need to be involved yet so far 129 organizations world wide have supported this initiative.
                        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Maknews served a purpose, a long time ago. Now it's just an UMD tool, who in turn are a US tool.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • MHRMI
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 132

                            Macedonians Demand End to Name Negotiations

                            Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version below)

                            MHRMI and AMHRC Press Release

                            Toronto, Canada and Melbourne, Australia (August 19, 2010) – Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia, and
                            throughout the world, are showing overwhelming support for the "Our Name is Macedonia" ad campaign, which demands that
                            Macedonia end all negotiations with Greece over its name.

                            Ads are appearing in print and online editions of major newspapers, television commercials are airing,
                            billboards in the centre of Skopje are going up, and hundreds of thousands of flyers are being distributed
                            throughout the country.

                            MHRMI and AMHRC will also hold its third press conference announcing another update to the campaign.

                            However, some Macedonian media outlets have decided to ignore the message of the ad campaign and publish
                            articles attacking the Macedonian diaspora for initiating it, and even criticizing the child that appears in
                            the ad in a desperate attempt to detract from the message. They have decided to continue their own campaign of
                            scare-mongering, trying to convince the Macedonian public that a name change is necessary in order to enter
                            NATO and the EU.

                            This ad campaign is not about embracing or rejecting NATO and EU membership. It is about finally putting an
                            end to the nonsensical "name negotiations".

                            The focus never should have been on Macedonia to compromise its own name and identity. The focus should be on NATO, the
                            EU, and its member-states upholding their principles, supporting and recognizing Macedonia. NATO and the EU should
                            reprimand Greece for handcuffing them based on its xenophobic policies.

                            Countries that have recognized Macedonia must publicly support it and not call for "compromise".

                            The first UN mediator for the name dispute, Robin O'Neil, said that "Macedonia must not and will not change its name in
                            order to appease Greece. If Macedonia succumbs to pressures and changes its name, such events will only give more
                            firepower to Greece until it reaches its final goal - Macedonia to vanish from the map."

                            Even changing the name bilaterally would change it permanently everywhere. Countries that have recognized Macedonia have
                            said "If a bilateral solution is reached, we will abide by that decision and use the new name for Macedonia".

                            By continuing the negotiations, we are telling the world "we will change our name". We have the power to end this. 127
                            countries have recognized Macedonia, including 4/5 United Nations Security Council members. Stop negotiating our own name.

                            MHRMI and AMHRC call on Macedonians, in the Republic of Macedonia and abroad, to join our call for Macedonia to
                            immediately cease name negotiations and demand immediate international recognition.

                            To sign on or see the ad campaign, please visit:

                            Our Name is Macedonia

                            English ad

                            Macedonian ad

                            To put a banner on your website, please visit:


                            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for
                            Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information, please visit, or
                            contact MHRMI at 416-850-7125, or [email protected].

                            Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation
                            that informs and advocates to governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating
                            discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and
                            other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more
                            information please visit, or contact AMHRC at [email protected] or via +61
                            3 93298960.


                            Македонците бараат прекин на преговорите за името

                            19 август, 2010

                            Торонто, Канада и Мелбурн, Австралија (19 август, 2010) - Македонците од Република Македонија и од целиот свет дадоа огромна поддршка за рекламната кампања "Нашето име е Македонија", со која што се бара Македонија да ги прекине сите преговори со Грција за своето име.

                            Рекламни банери се појавуваат во печатените и интернет изданија на поголемите весници, се емитуваат телевизиски реклами, се поставуваат билборди во центарот на Скопје, а и неколку стотини илјади летоци се дистрибуирани низ целата земја.

                            ММДЧП и АМКЧП ќе ја одржат и својата трета прес-конференција на која што ќе бидат изнесени најновите информации во врска со кампањата.

                            Инаку, некои македонски медиуми се одлучија да ја игнорираат пораката од рекламната кампања и објавуваа статии со кои што се напаѓа македонската дијаспора за оваа иницијатива, а во очајнички обид да се потцени основното барање на кампањата си дозволија дури и да упатат критики за детето кое што се појавува на постерите. Тие одлучија да продолжат со нивната сопствена кампања на сеење страв, обидувајќи се да ја убедат македонската јавност дека промената на името е неопходна за да се влезе во НАТО и ЕУ.

                            Оваа рекламна кампања не се однесува на прифаќање или откажување од членство во НАТО и ЕУ. Се работи само за барање конечно да се стави крај на безсмислените "преговори за името".

                            Македонија воопшто не треба да се фокусира на правење компромис за сопственото име и идентитет. Македонија треба да се фокусира на зачленување во НАТО, зачленување во ЕУ, на почитување на принципите на кои што се засновани овие организации, како и на барање поддршка за признавање под името Република Македонија. НАТО и ЕУ треба да и' упатат јавна критика на Грција заради тоа што станаа заложници на нејзината ксенофобична политика.

                            Државите кои што веќе ја признаа Македонија мора да и' дадат јавна поддршка, а не да бараат "компромис".

                            Првиот посредник на ОН за спорот околу името, Робин О'Нил изјави дека "Македонија никако не смее да го смени своето име и да и' попушти на Грција. Ако тоа го стори, тогаш Грција ќе поставува нови и нови барања сe додека не ја постигне својата крајна цел, а тоа е Македонија да ја снема од мапата".

                            Дури и промена на името само за билатерална употреба може да доведе до трајни промени. Земјите кои што веќе ја признаа Македонија велат: "Доколку се постигне билатерално решение, ние ќе ја почитуваме таа одлука и ќе го користиме новото име за Македонија".

                            Со продолжување на преговорите, ние самите му изјавуваме на светот дека "ќе го смениме нашето име". Ние самите имаме моќ да му ставиме на ова крај. 127 земји веќе ја имаат признато Македонија под името Република Македонија, вклучувајќи и 4 од 5 постојани членки на Советот за безбедност при Обединетите нации. Прекинете ги преговорите за нашето име.

                            ММДЧП и АМКЧП бараат од сите Македонци во Република Македонија и странство, да се придружат на барањето Македонија веднаш да ги прекине преговорите за името и да побараат неодложно меѓународно признавање под името Република Македонија.

                            За да се потпишете, или за да ја видите рекламната кампања, посетете не' на страницата:
                            Нашето име е Македонија

                            Рекламен постер на англиски јазик:

                            Рекламен постер на македонски јазик:

                            За да преземете рекламен банер и да го ставите на вашиот вебсајт, посетете ја страницата:


                            Основано во 1986 година, Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи. За повеќе информации, посетете ја, или контактирајте го ММДЧП на 416-850-7125 или [email protected].

                            Основан во 1984 година, Австралиско-Македонскиот Комитет за Човекови Права (АМКЧП) е невладина организација која се залага за информирање на влади, меѓународни институции и пошироката јавност / заедници за борбата против дискриминацијата и промовирање на основните човекови права. Нашиот стремеж е да се осигура дека македонските заедници како и другите исклучени групи низ целиот свет се признати, почитувани и уживат во правичен третман. За повеќе информации, посетете, или контактирајте со АМКЧП на [email protected] или преку +61 3 93298960.


                            • Currency Trader
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 172

                              Question for MHRMI

                              Hello MHRMI,

                              I have two small questions.

                              When did you make the policy to call for an end to name-negotiations?

                              And secondly, if you can, you dont need to be exact, when did you start the planning process for this campaign, and when was the deadline (workwise) for everything to be finished?

                              Last edited by Currency Trader; 08-20-2010, 12:31 PM.


                              • AMHRC
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 919


                                It might be helpful if we try to answer your questions; though we cannot on a public forum, answer them as fully as you might like.

                                The first thing to understand is that the AMHRC and MHRMI have always been opposed to the name talks. As human rights organisations, we could not logically hold any other position.

                                The plans for this campaign were first discussed by our committees, months ago - around February/March of this year (2010). No deadline was established at this point; it was something that was constructed on the basis of some serious concerns. One point that was particularly worrying at this time (and still is now), was something we have mentioned here previously and that is that a very unhealthy perception had arisen among certain segments of the population in Macedonia, wherein the view is held that it is somehow 'legitimate' for Macedonia to discuss its name with outsiders - who of course, in actuality, have no right, moral or legal, to ask the Republic of Macedonia to change its name. It might here be worthy to note that when we made the initial preparations, it also seemed to be the policy of some others in the diaspora, that the name talks should continue.

                                Whatever the case, in the 10 days or so prior to our launching this campaign, we came to the conclusion that we must proceed immediately and that there was no time to waste on 'bureaucratic' discussion of it. The reasons for this are best not discussed on a public forum - though we will say this much: there appeared, in our eyes, the presence of a very imminent danger.

                                So we acted swiftly, though we did make an open and sincere invitation to all Macedonian organisations to join the campaign. To date, over 130 Macedonian bodies, both inside and outside Macedonia, have accepted that invitation and it still remains open for others to accept.

                                The summary offered here of how the whole campaign came about, is very crude and there are many factors and nuances we have not mentioned (and we wont in any case discuss these on a public forum), though we trust that we have answered your questions adequately.


                                Last edited by AMHRC; 08-20-2010, 11:58 PM.

