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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Reports about a caravan of migrants coming to the U.S. from Central America have been featured prominently in the news cycle in past weeks, but the group is still far from the U.S.

    The U.S. military is preparing plans to send 5,000 troops to the southwest border in anticipation of the caravan’s arrival, U.S. officials said Monday.

    How long could it take for the migrants to reach the U.S.?

    The caravan was near the city of Tapanatepec, Mexico on Sunday, according to the Associated Press. That is in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, about 1,000 miles from the U.S. border.

    The caravan formed in Honduras about two weeks ago, CNN reported. It is covering about 20 to 30 miles each day, with some on foot and some riding in trucks and other vehicles but at a walking pace.

    Estimates as to the size of the caravan are varying widely — it has been reported to be anywhere from 3,600 to 7,000 migrants. However, there are reportedly other caravans forming, including one in El Salvador that plans to depart for the northward journey on Oct. 31, NBC News reported.

    Last edited by Carlin; 10-29-2018, 11:32 PM.


    • Gocka
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 2306

      The orange man is just trying to gin up his base before the upcoming elections. The military isn't eve allowed to be deployed internally in the manner in which he is calling for. The US has a national guard for this very purpose but that doesn't sound tough enough.

      I'll give the buffoon one thing, he really does know how the average moron thinks, and he is very good at selling them on some bullshit. He is dumb as rock, but a marketing genius.

      Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
      Reports about a caravan of migrants coming to the U.S. from Central America have been featured prominently in the news cycle in past weeks, but the group is still far from the U.S.

      The U.S. military is preparing plans to send 5,000 troops to the southwest border in anticipation of the caravan’s arrival, U.S. officials said Monday.

      How long could it take for the migrants to reach the U.S.?

      The caravan was near the city of Tapanatepec, Mexico on Sunday, according to the Associated Press. That is in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, about 1,000 miles from the U.S. border.

      The caravan formed in Honduras about two weeks ago, CNN reported. It is covering about 20 to 30 miles each day, with some on foot and some riding in trucks and other vehicles but at a walking pace.

      Estimates as to the size of the caravan are varying widely — it has been reported to be anywhere from 3,600 to 7,000 migrants. However, there are reportedly other caravans forming, including one in El Salvador that plans to depart for the northward journey on Oct. 31, NBC News reported.



      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Originally posted by Gocka View Post
        The orange man is just trying to gin up his base before the upcoming elections. The military isn't eve allowed to be deployed internally in the manner in which he is calling for. The US has a national guard for this very purpose but that doesn't sound tough enough.

        I'll give the buffoon one thing, he really does know how the average moron thinks, and he is very good at selling them on some bullshit. He is dumb as rock, but a marketing genius.
        I wouldn't even pretend to know if this is allowed or not (according to the U.S. constitution), but this seems to be a done deal. That much was stated by Air Force general Terrence John O'Shaughnessy. Also, this same general said that 800 soldiers are already on their way to the border.


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          Its not in the constitution but there are varies laws that are on the books. For example the insurrection act which dates back to 1807 which limits the presidents powers to be able to deploy the military internally. Its not blatantly banned but it requires very specific circumstances in which violence is occurring and the states authorities are incapable of maintaining order.

          Then you have the Posse Comitatus Act back form 1878 which limits it even further.

          The military can be deployed, the military is being deployed but the way Trump wants to use them, as essentially an armed force that will engage the migrants and shoot at them if they don'y comply, is not going to happen. Currently they are being deployed as support staff for the border control agency. Things like logistics, communications, engineering, etc.

          By the time the migrants reach the US border, probably a month to 6 weeks away, there numbers we be 1500 at best. They are already down to 3500 from 7000. Wasting money and resources just to make a show of force is idiotic.

          Trump showed his hand in a recent interview on Fox. He was informed by the interviewer that previous presidents Bush and Obama have deployed the national guard to deal with this exact situation before. Trump got agitated and said, no no that was weak, with is not the national guard, this is the military! He wants to put on the image that he is tougher than any of his predecessors, that's all.

          Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
          I wouldn't even pretend to know if this is allowed or not (according to the U.S. constitution), but this seems to be a done deal. That much was stated by Air Force general Terrence John O'Shaughnessy. Also, this same general said that 800 soldiers are already on their way to the border.


          • Phoenix
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 4671

            Originally posted by nushevski77
            sds with the help of the us embassy just seized all of dpmne's properties including the parties hq in Skopje

            It won't be too long before the main political opposition in the country is totally obliterated leaving the president open for dismissal and Zaev having total and unobstructed control of the country and its constitution, to do whatever his masters wish of him and without impunity...judge, jury and executioner...welcome to 'European Macedonia'.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
              It won't be too long before the main political opposition in the country is totally obliterated leaving the president open for dismissal and Zaev having total and unobstructed control of the country and its constitution, to do whatever his masters wish of him and without impunity...judge, jury and executioner...welcome to 'European Macedonia'.
              DPMNE is imploding.

              A slew of resignations by prominent party officials who disagree with their leadership’s anti-Western path have rocked Macedonia’s opposition right-wing VMRO DPMNE.

              Several prominent opposition party officials and MPs resigned from their VMRO DPMNE party positions in the past few days, accusing the leadership of isolating the party and taking an anti-Western course which they do not want to follow.

              The most recent to resign, on Wednesday, was the head of the party’s youth union, Luka Krzaloski.

              In his resignation note, Krzaloski accused the VMRO DPMNE’s leadership of being responsible for the “continuous deterioration” of relations with the key international partners such as the European People’s Party.

              Another problem he cited was that “key US decision-makers are completely refusing to have discussions with the current [VMRO DPMNE] leadership”.

              The resignations come after party leader Hristijan Mickoski ignored calls by key EU and US players to stop opposing the implementation of the historic ‘name’ agreement with Greece which opens up the country’s NATO and EU membership perspectives.

              “The youth think that in the recent period, the party has been preoccupied with everyday politics, populism and with adhering to the interests of a small group of people,” Krzaloski wrote.

              A day earlier, on Tuesday, VMRO DPMNE MP Daniela Rangelova cited similar reasons when she resigned from her post as head of the party’s women’s association. This automatically meant her resignation from the party’s Central Committee as well.

              “I cannot be part of a leadership that has isolated the party… I cannot accept being part of the toxic games led by the ambition to feed the vanity of a few individuals,” Rangelova wrote, in a swipe at the party’s leadership.

              Two of her associates who are also VMRO DPMNE MPs, Liljana Zaturovska and Liljana Kuzmanovska, also resigned from the women’s association the same day.

              On Monday, the head of the VMRO DPMNE’s parliamentary group, Dragan Danev, tendered his resignation without giving specific reasons.

              The resignations represent the continuation of the ongoing turmoil within the party’s ranks.

              In October 23, the VMRO DPMNE dismissed one of its vice-presidents and ousted several other high-profile members in what some insiders saw as a purge intended to further centralise the power of its leader Miskoski, who assumed office last year.

              Most of the ousted members were proponents of the idea that the party should stop confronting the West over the ‘name’ agreement and practically demonstrate its pro-Western orientation.

              The expulsions followed the parliamentary vote on October 19, when seven VMRO DPMNE MPs defied the party line and voted with the government for constitutional changes which would allow the country’s name to be altered to implement the agreement with Greece.

              The party leadership immediately expelled all seven MPs.

              The current disagreements inside the opposition over its course raises hope among the government majority led by the Social Democrats of Zoran Zaev that during the next two phases of the parliamentary implementation of the name agreement, even more VMRO DPMNE MPs might defy their leaders and offer their support.

              A slew of resignations by prominent party officials who disagree with their leadership’s anti-Western path have rocked Macedonia’s opposition right-wing VMRO DPMNE.

              TV Debate: Complete disintegration or catharsis - what is happening in VMRO-DPMNE?
              Вовед кон целосен распад или катарза – што се случува во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ? Мијалков ги разобличува политиките на Мицкоски како пандан на лажниот патриотизам. Дали...
              Last edited by Carlin; 11-02-2018, 10:48 PM.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Could you imagine key Russian decision makers for USA? How are key USA decision makers relevant for Macedonia. Where are the key Macedonian decision makers? Such a shit country with shit people.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Gocka
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 2306

                  Then people will talk bullshit about "coercion" on the part of the US and Europe. The only coercion that is happening is that you are denied a seat at the table unless you play ball, hardly the death by hellfire that many assume is the threat.

                  The reality is that most of those shit people are cutting each other in line to see who can get fucked first.

                  Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                  Could you imagine key Russian decision makers for USA? How are key USA decision makers relevant for Macedonia. Where are the key Macedonian decision makers? Such a shit country with shit people.
                  It is not the West's fault "Кога си нашле овца за стрижење ќе стрижат."

                  The only solution is to not be an овца


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    New Caledonia: French Pacific territory rejects independence

                    The Pacific islands of New Caledonia vote to stay part of France, but by a tighter margin than expected.

                    Voters in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia have rejected a bid for independence, partial results say.

                    With almost all votes counted, 56.8% chose to remain part of France.

                    Turnout was about 80%. The vote was promised by a 1988 deal that put an end to a violent campaign for independence.

                    President Emmanuel Macron said it showed "confidence in the French republic". New Caledonia has large deposits of nickel, a vital component in manufacturing electronics.

                    It is seen by France as a strategic political and economic asset in the region.

                    About 175,000 people were eligible to vote in the territory, east of Australia, where indigenous Kanaks make up 39.1% of the population.

                    French nationalism is strong among the territory's ethnic Europeans - constituting 27.1% of the population - and observers say even some Kanaks back staying part of France.

                    The remaining third of the population of New Caledonia's 268,000 inhabitants are also largely said to oppose independence.

                    The remote islands receive about €1.3bn (£1.1bn; $1.5bn) from the French government every year.

                    During a visit to the capital, Nouméa, in May, he said that France would be "less beautiful without New Caledonia".

                    France first claimed the islands in 1853 and once used them as a penal colony.

                    In the 1980s there were deadly clashes between French forces and Kanaks.

                    The climax of that conflict came when Kanak separatists killed four French gendarmes and took another 23 hostage in a cave. The subsequent French assault cost the lives of 19 Kanaks and two soldiers.

                    In 1988 representatives from the both pro- and anti-independence camps agreed to end the violence and eventually hold a self-determination referendum.

                    A No vote may not spell the end of the independence drive. Two further referendums on independence can still be held before 2022.

                    A Yes vote would have made New Caledonia the first French territory to break away since Djibouti (1977) and Vanuatu (1980).

                    New Caledonia is represented in the French parliament by two deputies and two senators.

                    It has a congress which elects an executive with powers over some policy areas - notably policing, education and local laws.

                    The referendum has exposed social and economic fault lines in New Caledonia, and a clear ethnic divide was on display this morning in the capital, Noumea:
                    Early results indicate more than 60 per cent of voters in the territory have cast their ballot in favour of staying with France.

                    French President Emmanuel Macron's next stop on his Pacific sojourn is the French territory of New Caledonia, where the countdown to a vote on independence is fast approaching.
                    Last edited by Carlin; 11-04-2018, 07:54 AM.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      (ВИДЕО) 1ТВ ОТКРИВА: Проруски милитанти учествуваат во нео – пагански обреди на Водно


                      Екипата на 1ТВ дојде до сознанија за славјански нео – пагански обреди на Водно, кои се случуваат околу дрвени тотеми. Истражувањата не однесоа до руски здруженија, чии претставници при посетата на Скопје учествувале во ритуалите на планината.

                      Она што загрижува е поврзаноста на симболите со проруски милитанти од воените области во Украина. На потег се институциите, кои треба да одговори за сериозноста на овие случувања особено во време кога се погласно се зборува за руското влијание, против евроатлантските интеграции. Во продолжение, погледнете ја истражувачката сторија на Христијан Баневски.

                      Тема на Студио 1 со со проф. д-р отец Милан Ѓорѓевиќ: Пристигна ли Богот Перун во Македонија?


                      колку треба ли да се биде претпазлив и самокритичен барајќи го сопствениот идентитет. Постои ли опасност од некои само наречени „движења“ за МПЦ-ОА. Религиска и политичка компонетна како програмска застапеност на проруските „движења“. Зошто се појавуваат вакви религиозни движења? Дали коренот е во општествено – политичките деформации?

                      На овие и слични теми домаќинот на денот Сашо Орданоски разговараше со проф. д-р отец Милан Ѓорѓевиќ.

                      Целиот разговор погледнете го во видеото.
                      Last edited by Carlin; 11-05-2018, 11:04 PM.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Macedonian court issues arrest warrant for ex-PM Gruevski

                        SKOPJE (AFP) - A Macedonian court on Monday (Nov 12) issued an arrest warrant for the country's former prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, after he failed to turn himself in following a corruption conviction. Read more at

                        SKOPJE (AFP) - A Macedonian court on Monday (Nov 12) issued an arrest warrant for the country's former prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, after he failed to turn himself in following a corruption conviction.

                        The warrant, announced by the interior ministry, came after a court in Skopje upheld a two-year sentence against him for abuse of power on Oct 5.

                        Authorities will issue an international arrest warrant if they fail to locate Gruevski by Tuesday (Nov 13), an interior ministry spokesman said.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          Breaking news: Gruevski appears to have fled to Hungary.


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                            Breaking news: Gruevski appears to have fled to Hungary.
                            Or maybe he fled to Sofia, or Rome


                            • Pelagonija
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 533

                              No way he’s donned the fatigues and is currently hiding out in vodno mountain preparing an rebellion to save the name.


                              • Pelagonija
                                • Mar 2017
                                • 533

                                Btw The dumb masses of NMKD are still waiting for grujos hidden treasure. This was all planned from the top..

