The Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria

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  • iceman
    • Sep 2008
    • 132

    Tartar Bulgarian Scum Fascist Govt:Macedonian Govt must ignore rights of Macedonians

    google translate used

    Sofia wants a guarantee that Macedonia will not protect the rights of Macedonians in Bulgaria

    Posted in : Macedonia Author : Phalanx Date : December 14, 2013 2
    Vigenin said that both sides have some views as you can out of the situation .

    Three contentious issues in the text of the Treaty on good neighborly relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria , said Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs , Christian Vigenin after the meeting with his Macedonian counterpart, Minister Nikola Poposki , transmitted Bulgarian media . Official Sofia seeking assurances from Macedonia that Article 49 of the Constitution is the foundation of the Republic of Macedonia interference in the internal affairs of Bulgaria. According to Article 11 of the Declaration on Good Neighbourly 1999 signed by the then Prime Minister of the two countries , Minister Georgievski and Ivan Kostov , Bulgarians now looking to become a Neighbourhood Agreement , Macedonia , in fact , taking a series of commitments without them they can be downloaded from other side . East Macedonia neighbor requires that signature country waives the right to protect the rights and status of Macedonians living in Bulgaria , which is a direct harm to national interests . Skopje and Sofia can not agree on which language to sign the document . According Vigenin , it is a technical issue and could use formulation that has been used before , that contracts are signed in the Macedonian language , the Constitution of Macedonia and Bulgaria , according to the Constitution of Bulgaria. The third contentious issue is most sensitive - is linked with the history . Vigenin said that both sides have some views as you can out of the situation and achieve history to be the cause of division, but to unite . Vigenin emphasized that the outstanding issues with Bulgaria , Greece , Macedonia at the upcoming EU summit will again get a date to start accession negotiations with the EU .
    - Continuation of talks between Bulgaria and Macedonia agreements on good neighborly relations and cooperation . Create the political climate necessary for them to be successful, but we have not yet come to the stage of signing. Continue efforts to harmonize , most importantly . There is a desire on both sides to make the necessary compromises , said Vigenin .

    Bulgarian media have criticized the Macedonian foreign minister who has given a statement after the meeting . But not transmit nor its presentation at the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry , again critic - spoke English and did not provide translation . Domestic media have criticized the guest of honors outstanding .
    - Satisfactory knowledge of English demonstrated the Foreign Minister of Macedonia , Nikola Poposki , who gave a lecture on Shakespeare's language in the building of the Foreign Ministry in Sofia . The speech was focused on the challenges before the European future of Macedonia and threats to political stability in the Balkans . Macedonian delegation a real compliment to domestic journalists , since they provide a translation of the speech nor Bulgarian, nor Macedonian, writes
    MoFA said Poposki and Vigenin meeting put emphasis on the European perspective of the region , which can be a reality only through open dialogue and collaboration , mutual respect and mutual interest of focus


    Софија бара гаранција дека Македонија нема да ги штити правата на Македонците во Бугарија
    Објавено во: Македонија Автор: Фаланга Датум: 14 Декември, 2013 2
    Вигенин изјавил дека и двете страни имаат одредени погледи како може да се излезе од ситуацијата.

    Спорни се три прашања од текстот на Договорот за добрососедство помеѓу Македонија и Бугарија, изјавил бугарскиот министер за надворешни работи, Кристијан Вигенин по средбата во Софија со неговиот македонски колега, министерот Никола Попоски, пренесуваат бугарските медиуми. Официјална Софија бара гаранции од Македонија дека членот 49 од Уставот не претставува основа за мешање на Република Македонија во внатрешните работи на Бугарија. Според членот 11 од Декларацијата за добрососедство од 1999 година потпишана од тогашните премиери на двете земји, Љубчо Георгиевски и Иван Костов, која сега Бугарите бараат да прерасне во Договор за добрососедство, Македонија, всушност, презема низа обврски без истите тие да бидат преземени и од другата страна. Источниот сосед бара македонски потпис дека земјава се откажува од правото да ги штити правата и статусот на Македонците кои живеат во Бугарија, што е директна штета на македонските национални интереси. Скопје и Софија не можат да се договорат и на кој јазик да го потпишат документот. Според Вигенин, тоа е техничко прашање и би можела да се искористи формулацијата што и досега е употребена, односно договорите се потпишуваат на македонски јазик, според Уставот на Македонија, и на бугарски, според Уставот на Бугарија. Третото спорно прашање е и најчувствително - поврзано е со историјата. Вигенин изјавил дека и двете страни имаат одредени погледи како може да се излезе од ситуацијата и да се постигне историјата да не биде причина за поделби, туку за обединување. Вигенин потенцира и дека со отворените прашања со Бугарија и Грција, Македонија на претстојниот Самит на ЕУ повторно нема да добие датум за почеток на преговорите со Унијата.
    - Продолжуваат разговорите меѓу Бугарија и Македонија за склучување договор за добрососедство и соработка. Создаваме неопходна политичка клима за тие да завршат успешно, но се уште не сме дојдени до фазата на потпишување. Продолжуваат обидите да се усогласиме, што е најважно. Има желба од двете страни да се направат неопходните компромиси, изјавил Вигенин.

    Бугарските медиуми го критикуваат македонскиот шеф на дипломатијата што не дал изјава по средбата. Но, не го пренесуваат ниту неговото излагање во бугарското МНР, повторно со критика - зборувал на англиски и не обезбедил превод. Домашните медиуми го искритикуваа гостинот за незавршените обврски на домаќинот.
    - Завидно познавање на англискиот демонстрираше министерот за надворешни работи на Македонија, Никола Попоски, кој одржа предавање на Шекспировиот јазик во зградата на Министерството за надворешни работи во Софија. Говорот му беше насочен кон предизвиците пред европската иднина на Македонија и заканите за политичката стабилност на Балканот. Македонската делегација даде вистински комплимент на домашните новинари, откако не обезбеди превод на говорот ниту на бугарски, ниту на македонски, пишува Нењс.бг.
    Македонското МНР соопшти дека Попоски и Вигенин на средбата ставиле акцент врз европската перспектива на регионот, која може да биде реалност само преку отворен дијалог и соработка, меѓусебно почитување и фокус на заемниот интерес.


    • iceman
      • Sep 2008
      • 132

      Delusional Tartar Bulgarian MEP: There an "no" Macedonians in Tartar Bulgaria

      Delusional Tartar Bulgarian MEP: There an "no" Macedonians in Tartar Bulgaria

      Delusional Wanker : 8th century Tartar Bulgarian water Rat from the river Vulgar is claiming that there a "no" Macedonian s in the occupied territories of Macedonia that Tartar Bulgaria have been occupying.

      Read below what this 8th Century Tartar Bulgarian Water Rat from the river Vulgar has been saying,


      Bulgarian MEP : Njama Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Njama . Njama !
      [caption id = "attachment_49637" align = "aligncenter" width = " 580 " caption = " Andrew Kovacev "] [/ caption]

      Is there a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria?
      " No, no, no , no, of course not , how often you want it to say . In Bulgaria there is no such minority. In Bulgaria no minorities " Andrew fit Kovacev , Bulgarian MEP issue of TV Kanal 5 .

      Asked whether Bulgaria with Greece is trying to undermine the Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia , MEP Kovacev publicly promised poor country report . Bulgarian MEP from angry , he said, diksriminatorskata policy lead Macedonia to those who declare themselves as Bulgarians . In his last series of such provocations from the Macedonian side is the case with Bulgarian Cultural Club in Skopje Lazar Mladenov .

      " I do not want Macedonia to a negative report from the European Parliament , but when there is discrimination against Macedonians are ethnic Bulgarians reported as it can not be silent . I told him several times to overcome the wounds of the past , the need for European integration . But the European Union is based on rules , and one of those is nediskirminacija to people who express their identity , " says Andrew Kovacev , MEP .

      We have testimonials of people who publicly say they are Macedonians and not allowed to express themselves as Macedonians in their country Bulgaria?

      " In Bulgaria there are all sorts of people who talk like that . Bulgaria has fulfilled all the obligations necessary for membership in the European Union , " says Kovacev Speaking to Channel 5.

      He says his country wants to see Macedonia in the EU , but must pre- clear istorskite differences that have these two countries . Bulgarian MEP no objection dolkolu Macedonia joins the EU under its constitutional name.


      Бугарски европратеник: Њама македонско малцинство во Бугарија. Њама. Њама!
      [caption id="attachment_49637" align="aligncenter" width="580" caption="Андреј Ковачев"][/caption]

      Има ли македонско малцинство во Бугарија?
      „Не, не, не, не, се разбира дека нема, колку пати сакате тоа да ви го кажам. Во Бугарија нема такво малцинство. Во Бугарија нема малцинства“, одговара Андреј Ковачев, бугарски европратеник на прашањето на телевизијата Канал5.

      На прашањето дали и Бугарија заедно со Грција ќе се труди да ја минира евроатланската интеграција на Македонија, европратеникот Ковачев јавно вети лош извештај за земјава. Бугарскиот европратеник е лут од, како што вели, диксриминаторската политика што Македонија ја води кон оние кои се декларираат како Бугари. За него последен од низата вакви провокации од македонска страна е случајот со претседателот на бугарскиот културен клуб во Скопје Лазар Младенов.

      „Јас не сакам Македонија да има негативен извештај од Европскиот парламент, но кога има дискриминација кон Македонците кои се искажуваат како етнички Бугари тоа не можеме да го замолчиме. Јас неколку пати кажав за да ги надминеме раните од минатото, дека е потребна европската интеграција. Но, европскиот сојуз се темели на правила, а едно од тие е недискирминација кон луѓето кои го искажуваат својот идентитет“, вели Андреј Ковачев, европратеник.

      Имаме сведоштва на луѓе кои јавно велат дека се Македонци и дека не им е дозволено да се искажат како Македонци во нивната држава Бугарија?

      „Во Бугарија има секакви луѓе кои зборуваат што сакаат. Бугарија ги исполнува сите обврски што се неопходни за членството во Европската Унија“, вели Ковачев во изјавата за Канал 5.

      Тој вели дека неговата земја сака да ја види Македонија во ЕУ, но претходно мора да ги расчистат исторските разлики што ги имаат овие две земји. Бугарскиот европратеник нема забелешки долколу Македонија влезе во ЕУ под уставното име.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        they can't deny their tartar existence.Bulgarian disappeared early in the piece.Macedonia has existed & will allways will but Bulgaria has allways ad irrendist claims on Macedonian territory.With so many denials etc the Bulgarians are ignoring the obvious questions of Macedonian existence.It is all on the delusional where Bulgaria is concerned.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Macedonian_Nationalist
          • Jul 2012
          • 407

          Who let those muppets in ? Good on the Macedonian guy for standing up to them


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            that man should represent Macedonia he knows his stuff.I'm impressed.He had them speechless.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Peshoshnitsa Lerin
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 85

              that's the best thing i have seen in a while, we need a lot more of it! good work brother


              • DedoAleko
                • Jun 2009
                • 969

                Makedoncite vo Pirinska Makedonija



                • VMRO
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1464

                  Bulgaria: Passports Issued to Macedonians to Be Checked First

                  Bulgaria: Passports Issued to Macedonians to Be Checked First According to estimates, about 50,000 Macedonian citizens have obtained Bulgarian passport so far. Photo:
                  The resignation of the second person of the State Agency of Bulgarians Abroad, Iva Yordanova, is directly related to the manipulations that were made in the issuance of Bulgarian passports, many of which were for Macedonian citizens, reports.

                  People involved in the "passports business" revealed that the alarm was turned on regarding the facilitated procedure for issuance of Bulgarian passports exactly because of people from Macedonia. Unofficially, about 1,000 passports issued in year and a half are disputed, and Sofia authorities still do not know what will be their fate i.e. whether they will be canceled.

                  “The people who obtained Bulgarian passports through me or the people whose passport procedures are underway are calling to ask me if their passport will also be checked. I do not know what to answer. The partner from Sofia I collaborate with warned me not to receive new requests until this new situation clears,” says one of the intermediaries who work exclusively with Bulgarian passports in the last ten years.

                  According to estimates, about 50,000 Macedonian citizens have obtained Bulgarian passport so far. The procedure costs about EUR 1,000 out of which EUR 500 go for the intermediary and the rest of the money are for preparation of all necessary documents for application.

                  One of the most common manipulations that are done is that the interested “clients” did not submitted any document to prove that they or any of their ancestors are of Bulgarian origin. Moreover, many of the applicants did not speak Bulgarian language at the checks they had, which is one of the conditions.

                  The turbulences in the State Agency of Bulgarians Abroad is nowadays a hot topic in the Bulgarian media. BTV News writes that the caretaker Prime Minister of Bulgaria Georgi Bliznashki ordered for all applications from 201 to 2013 with suspected violation in procedures to be checked.

                  "Bulgarian prosecutors announced in February they would thoroughly check the Agency’s work. Audit is necessary of the functions at the Agency that does not fulfill effective enough the Bulgarian state policy for the Bulgarians abroad. The report will be prepared and handed over to the Prime Minister and the competent Deputy Prime Minister by October 30. The review will also include the work of the Agency in 2014,” BTV News writes.

         contacted Wednesday the State Agency of Bulgarians Abroad but they did not want to comment whether there are Macedonian citizens between the suspicious passport applicants.

                  “The procedure of checking upon the request from the Citizenship Council is ongoing, and we do not want to further comment until it is finished,” the Agency responded.

                  Although the demand is reduced compared to previous years, Bulgarian passport is still attractive because of the possibility to work in the Schengen zone countries. Since the beginning of the year, Bulgarian passport owners are allowed to work in the UK and Ireland, which was not possible previously.
                  Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                  Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    Mscedonians who take on bulgarian citizenship.SRe they really macedonians or bulgarofiles deep down.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Брсјак
                      Junior Member
                      • Nov 2014
                      • 24

                      Democratic movement for human and minority rights in Bulgaria. Party for integration, development and economic advancement.

                      Претседателот на ОМО Илинден Пирин, Стојко Стојков, кој 24 години бара бугарските власти да ја регистрира неговата политичка партија, вели дека последната одлука на Совет на министри на ЕУ е оптимистичка за Македонците во Пиринска Македонија.


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        We hear all sorts of reports that the bulgarian govt is not honoring a lot of their promises.The omo ilinden members are subjected to terror tactics and beatings regularly.The bulgarian govt was in the past preventing freedom by association.So we have heard many things but in the end will the govt honor any of them.The people aren't given their basic human rights.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • Volokin
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 278

                          OMO Ilinden-Pirin against neighbourly agreement with Bulgaria

                          Skopje. OMO Ilinden-Pirin will send a letter to the Foreign Ministry of Macedonia asking the government not to accept the neighbourly agreement with Bulgaria, Macedonian online news edition Telegraf reported.
                          According to OMO Ilinden-Pirin, the agreement is not good and affects their rights.
                          “The Bulgarian authorities want to make Macedonia give up on taking care of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and we want to open their eyes with this initiative,” OMO Ilinden-Pirin says.
                          “We find the agreement unacceptable. By signing it Macedonia will confirm that there is no Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. This will ruin our fight, which has been underway for decades,” the official position of OMO Ilinden-Pirin writes further.
                          The highest criticism goes for the idea for joint marking of the Ilinden Uprising, Saints Cyril and Methodius and Saint Clement.

                          Vecer: Text of agreement on good neighbourly relations between Bulgaria, Macedonia coordinated at 95%

                          28 January 2015 | 09:35 | FOCUS News Agency
                          Vecer: Text of agreement on good neighbourly relations between Bulgaria, Macedonia coordinated at 95%Source: Focus Information AgencySkopje. Text of the agreement on good neighbourly relations Bulgaria and Macedonia are expected to ink has coordinated at 95%, Macedonian Vecer daily writes, citing unnamed diplomatic sources.
                          According to the edition, after long tension and complications the Bulgarian representatives requested the declaration signed in 1999, which rules out any hostile deeds or intentions, serves as a basis for the agreement. This proposal was approved by the Macedonian side and discussed by the working groups. The groups are to meet in February over the rest of open issues, after which there will be meetings at a political level.
                          The Munich Security Conference, due to be held from February 6 to February 8, offers the first such opportunity and it is to be attended by the Presidents of both countries – Bulgaria’s Rosen Plevneliev and Macedonia’s Gjorge Ivanov. Mr Ivanov’s office said a meeting between the two Heads of State was not ruled out and the agreement on good neighbourly relations would be one of the topics of talks.

                          A copy of the 1999 Declaration can be found here:

                          The Republic of Macedonia hereby declares that nothing in
                          its Constitution can or should be interpreted as constituting, now or
                          whenever in the future, a basis for interference in the internal affairs
                          of the Republic of Bulgaria for the purpose of defending the status
                          and the rights of persons who are not citizens of the Republic of

                          The two countries shall undertake effective measures for
                          preventing ill-intentioned propaganda by institutions and agencies
                          and shall not allow activities by private individuals aimed at instigating
                          violence, hatred or other such actions which might harm relations
                          between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia.
                          Signed by none other than Ljubčo Georgievski.


                          The question beckons. Why is Macedonian dealing with a country that negates the existence of the Macedonia people and language, let-alone the Macedonians without basic rights as a minority in the Pirin.

                          How do these high ranking politicians sleep at night knowing that are destroying the Macedonian cause bit by bit?

                          It baffles me how supposed "Macedonian Nationalists" are so oblivious to the clear ulterior motives of countries such as Bulgaria and Greece.


                          • Momce Makedonce
                            • Jul 2012
                            • 562

                            Originally posted by Volokin View Post

                            A copy of the 1999 Declaration can be found here:

                            Signed by none other than Ljubčo Georgievski.


                            The question beckons. Why is Macedonian dealing with a country that negates the existence of the Macedonia people and language, let-alone the Macedonians without basic rights as a minority in the Pirin.

                            How do these high ranking politicians sleep at night knowing that are destroying the Macedonian cause bit by bit?

                            It baffles me how supposed "Macedonian Nationalists" are so oblivious to the clear ulterior motives of countries such as Bulgaria and Greece.
                            Some Macedonians are the most stupid, ignorant and gullible people I have ever seen.

                            Joint celebration of Illinden and our Saints ? Lele what a joke...

                            When will Macedonia and Macedonians stop bowing down and obeying countries/people that have bitterly oppressed us in the past and present?
                            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Signed by none other than Ljubčo Georgievski.
                              Why is he still around?

