The Macedonian Minority in Bulgaria

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Chicho Makedonski View Post
    Personally none of my family are from the Pirin part of Macedonia. But I’m interested in what Macedonians born there say when asked about their “country of birth”. Is it Macedonia, the Pirin part of Macedonia wrongly in Bulgaria since 1913, or wrongly Bulgaria (the Pirin part of Macedonia wrongly in Bulgaria). Also interested to know what Macedonians say about the small amount of ethnic Bulgarians born in Pirin Macedonia and what their country of birth is, considering they are also born in Macedonia (the region) and wrongly Bulgaria but their homeland is Bulgaria as they are ethnically Bulgarian. Never really thought about it like this.
    Very much going to vary from individual to individual. You need to narrow down your question.

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  • Chicho Makedonski
    Personally none of my family are from the Pirin part of Macedonia. But I’m interested in what Macedonians born there say when asked about their “country of birth”. Is it Macedonia, the Pirin part of Macedonia wrongly in Bulgaria since 1913, or wrongly Bulgaria (the Pirin part of Macedonia wrongly in Bulgaria). Also interested to know what Macedonians say about the small amount of ethnic Bulgarians born in Pirin Macedonia and what their country of birth is, considering they are also born in Macedonia (the region) and wrongly Bulgaria but their homeland is Bulgaria as they are ethnically Bulgarian. Never really thought about it like this.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    MHRMI helps fund the opening of a new Macedonian cultural centre in Gorna Džumaja:

    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is proud to announce that we have funded the opening of the Nikola Vaptsarov Macedonian Cultural Centre in Gorna Djumaja (renamed 'Blagoevgrad' by Bulgaria), Pirin Macedonia. An official ceremony will take place on October 30, 2022. The cultural centre will be operated by the Macedonian Society for the Protection of Basic Human Rights, an organization which advocates for the oppressed Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, and will continue to be financed by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    The Ancient Macedonian Club in Nevrokop has been vandalised:

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    "...given that as many as one in eight Bulgarians can claim some Macedonian descent..."

    Who owns history? In the romantic, primordialist tradition of most national histories there is an assumption that historical events, institutions and individuals “belong” to a nation as part of its history. Modernity-based theories of nationalism on the other hand stress a modern “invention” of national identity based on interpretations and representations of the past: nations define themselves by what they claim for their national history. Both traditions intersect at

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Anyone know about a Macedonian cultural centre supposedly opened in Sofia in 2005?

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    The Foundation "Macedonia" is a Bulgarian organisation.

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  • Solun
    Sorry about this, I didn't correctly read the complete content of the article

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  • Karposh
    Don't worry about it Risto. Your original gut feeling was exactly the same as mine. I just had to find out more about it because of the disgust I was feeling after I read the post. No one can really blame us for feeling that way when you consider the very long and less than distinguished list of betrayals coming from that place.
    Last edited by Karposh; 05-07-2022, 08:58 AM.

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  • Risto the Great
    I'll just stop believing random posts from now on.

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  • Karposh
    Hey guys, I think this Viktor Stojanov bloke is a Bulgar activist. The Macedonian authorities were justified in telling him to fuck off.

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  • Risto the Great
    Further evidence that Macedonians only exist outside of Macedonia. What a shit country.

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  • Solun
    Ethnic Macedonian activist from Bulgaria denied entry to Severdonia on the basis of being 'a risk to national security'

    На првиот човек на бугарската фондација „Македонија“, Виктор Стојанов, му забраниле влез во Македонија, бил „опасност за националната безбедност“

    На Виктор Стојанов, претседател на фондацијата „Македонија“, утринава не му бил дозволен влез на територијата на Република С.Македонија, соопшти Факти.бг.

    Како причина за забрана за влез во државата било посочено дека претставувал „опасност за националната безбедност“.

    Стојанов е бугарски активист за правата на македонските Бугари. Тој се обидел да влезе во Македонија за да учествува на чествувањето на 119-годишнината од погибијата на Гоце Делчев, што го организирала фондацијата „Македонија“.

    –Се наоѓам на Ѓуешево на границата со Република С.Македонија. Од македонските граничари бев задржан повеќе од пет часа и на крајот ми врачија забрана за влегување во давата. Како причина за забраната во документот е наведено опасност за нивната национална безбедност, вели Стојанов за Факти.

    Тој додава дека утринава повторно ќе се обиде да влезе во Македонија, зашто имал настан на гробот на Гоце Делчев, по повод 119-годишнината од неговата погибија и оти за настанот го информирал бугарското Министерство за надворешни работи.

    I don't know what more can be said about this

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Seeing some great photos form the 'All Macedonian Congress' held in Melnik in honour of Jane Sandanski. Looks like the biggest turn out for an OMO Ilinden - Pirin event in years.

    As far as I could tell, the only representative from the Macedonian political scene was Dimitar Apasiev. I could be wrong about this however.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija

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