Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Mikail
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1338

    The pendulum swings. They get into EU and now what?? Did they forget there are no borders within an EU framework?

    Does Bulgaria and Greece expect there to be a new set of EU values in the Balkans.?

    European Union = No Borders! Common Goals!
    From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


    • Bratot
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2855

      The point of Bulgarian bastards is exactly that.. to provoke a reaction and to get in a turmoil with them so they could pick up another accusation and to make something from nothing

      Screw the konjoljupci, the best way is to ignore this idiots.
      The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


      • indigen
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 1558

        Новинарска терористичка валканица

        Во случајов се работи за вистински бисер на таканареченото терористичко новинарство. „Утрински“, во име на Грција, снајперски нишани во Македонија. Весникот бара македонската влада да донесе политичка одлука спротивна на Уставот и волјата на мнозинскиот македонски народ, а да го прифати притисокот на Вашингтон и на Брисел за исполнување на националната агенда на Грција. Бара од неа активно да учествува во етногеноцид на сопственото население

        На 7 април на насловницата на „Утрински весник“ излезе текст со наслов „Грција притиска, Македонија во дефанзива“. Во него пак се изнесени неколку оцени, коментари и ставови: Грција во спорот со името ја има притиснато Македонија до ѕид. Нашата влада се однесува како ној зашто не сака да сфати оти проблемот не се решава кај Нимиц, туку на друго ниво.

        Изјавата на Друцас дека е подготвена да го прифати името Северна Македонија за севкупна употреба е голем чекор напред пред македонската дипломатија зашто Грција со овој став била јасна, конструктивна и прави компромис. Додека Македонија никако да каже што сака. А молчењето во случајов не било злато оти пасивноста во однос на предлагањето решенија ја става во позиција да се согласува или не со она што го нуди Грција, наместо самата да ја води играта. „Утрински“ заклучува дека токму Друцас го прави она што странците и го советувале на Македонија – таа да излезе со решенија и да го води главниот збор.,,Утрински“, брифиран од тајни дипломатски извори дознал дека „од Владата се барало јавно и условено да го прифати името Северна Македонија што го предложил Нимиц на грчка сугестија за да им ги врзе рацете на Грците потоа околу спорењето на јазикот и идентитетот на нацијата“.


        Утрински весник - број 21954 | петок 9.4.2010
        Автор: Мирка Велиновска

        A rough Google Translate:

        Journalistic terrorist dirty tricks

        In this case it is a true pearl of the terrorist so-called journalism. "Utrinski" on behalf of Greece, complete one sniper in Macedonia. The newspaper requested the Macedonian government to make political decision contrary to the Constitution and the will of the majority Macedonian people, and to accept the pressure of Washington and Brussels to meet the national agenda of Greece. Requires her to actively participate in etnogenocid of their own population

        On April 7 the front page of the "Utrinski vesnik" published the article entitled "Greece pushes, Macedonia on the defensive. It again referred several evaluate comments and views: Greece on name issue of Macedonia has pressed against the wall. Our government behaves like ostrich because he does not want to realize that the problem does not solve the Nimitz, but on another level.

        Drucas statement that it is ready to accept the name Northern Macedonia for general use is a major step forward for the Macedonian diplomacy Greece this position was clear, constructive and compromise. While Macedonia did not say what he wants. The silence in this case was not gold that passivity in relation to proposing solutions put in a position to agree or disagree with what Greece offers instead to lead the game. "Utrinski" concludes Drucas just do what I advised foreigners and Macedonia - that come up with solutions to lead the word. 'Utrinski" briefed the secret diplomatic sources learned that" the government has asked public and conditional to accept the name North Macedonia Nimetz proposed the Greek suggestion to tie the hands of the Greeks then sporenjeto about the language and the identity of the nation.



        • Babazuba
          • Apr 2010
          • 18

          Bulgarians and Greeks should stop calling Macedonians,
          Slavs. They should appologise to Macedonians and ammend their ways.
          Macedonians build St. Sofia catedral before the invasion of
          Mongols. 400 AD.Now Macedonians do not exist?
          Historians are at fault for not openly refusing new weiten
          history which has infiltrated the newly printed Biblias.
          Macedonians should not be the one to chaing.
          We are what we have always been.
          Its the new inviding nations who should respect the
          antiquity, history and Macedonian heritage.
          In Greek and Bulgar coments there is no clarity and validity. So why should we do the chainging.
          Did you know that Macedonians are long lost cousans to
          Tibetans? Their ancestors were Kalesh Gospods/"Gods"
          Himalayan dwelers.


          • Daskalot
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 4345

            Originally posted by Babazuba View Post
            Bulgarians and Greeks should stop calling Macedonians,
            Slavs. They should appologise to Macedonians and ammend their ways.
            Macedonians build St. Sofia catedral before the invasion of
            Mongols. 400 AD.Now Macedonians do not exist?
            Historians are at fault for not openly refusing new weiten
            history which has infiltrated the newly printed Biblias.
            Macedonians should not be the one to chaing.
            We are what we have always been.
            Its the new inviding nations who should respect the
            antiquity, history and Macedonian heritage.
            In Greek and Bulgar coments there is no clarity and validity. So why should we do the chainging.
            Did you know that Macedonians are long lost cousans to
            Tibetans? Their ancestors were Kalesh Gospods/"Gods"
            Himalayan dwelers.
            Are you humoring us Babazuba, you do sound a bit sarcastic.
            Macedonian Truth Organisation


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              Babazuba , there were Macedonian soldiers from the time of Alexander the Great Macedonian Empire that settled all over , I am sure our cousins would be very distant
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • Onur
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 2389

                Originally posted by julie View Post

                Both the President and the VMRO-NIE party have expressed their position against the rise of any radical nationalist movements in Bulgaria.

                Racist movements are on the rise in Bulgaria nowadays.

                Few months ago, a leader of far-rightist political party named "ATAKA" set himself on fire to protest 10min. Turkish news broadcast per week in a Bulgarian Tv. Then he also tried to do "Seppuku/Harakiri", suicide attempt with a giant sword before the building of the Bulgarian Parliament. Then he also asked for ban over Turkish soap opera series on Bulgarian tv channel and said that this series are new plot vs Bulgars and "New type of slavery propaganda" by the Turks. LOL

                Sad thing is, these racists with possible psychological disorders gets %13 of Bulgarians vote at elections.

                Check out these pages;

                Rosen Markov, the eccentric leader of the "Party of Bulgarian Men" set himself on fire Tuesday night in front of the Bulgarian National TV in protest against the broadcasting of news in the Turkish language. Markov, who is a native of Varna and is known for his weird and unconventional public initiatives, set a table on the San Stefanov street earlier on Tuesday with a banner saying, "No to the news in Turkish on the BNT.

                Rosen Markov, the eccentric head of the marginal Party of Bulgarian Men, attempted a seppuku Thursday before the building of the Bulgarian Parliament. Markov tried a harakiri in protest against the broadcasting of Turkish-language news emissions on the Bulgarian National Television channel BNT 1.

                P. S : Close to 1 million Turk lives in Bulgaria today(About %10 of population), even though they expelled 400.000 people to Turkey at 1989, communist regime.
                Last edited by Onur; 04-10-2010, 09:10 AM.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
                  Are you humoring us Babazuba, you do sound a bit sarcastic.
                  Yes, it does sound a little odd, doesn't it.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Mikail
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1338

                    Originally posted by Babazuba View Post
                    Did you know that Macedonians are long lost cousans to
                    Tibetans? Their ancestors were Kalesh Gospods/"Gods"
                    Himalayan dwelers.
                    No, can you please explain?
                    From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Милошоски: Придавката „македонски“ е идентитетскиот код на Република Македонија

                      Придавката „македонски“ е идентитетскиот код на Република Македонија, на нашата култура, традиција, дел од наследството и нашата современост, изјави денеска шефот на дипломатијата Антонио Милошоски, коментирајќи ги грчките забелешки за одлуката Македонија да претседава со Советот на Европа под името „Македонско претседателство 2010“.

                      - За жал, Грција со противењето на самиот наслов кој ние сметаме дека е прагматичен за претседавање на Република Македонија во Советот на Европа покажува дека нивните притисоци не завршуваат само по однос на уставното име, туку одат и чекор понатаму и навлегуваат веќе во една забранета зона на индивидуални и национални права на самоопределување и јазичен идентитет, рече Милошоски одговарајќи на новинарски прашања по означувањето на стартот на изградбата на новиот објект на Министерството за надворешни работи.

                      На реакцијата на портпаролот на грчкото МНР дека ќе направат се членот 95 од резолуциите на СЕ да се почитувана и земјава да биде ословувана како „ФИРОМ“, Милошоски истакна дека Македонија никаде не е заведена под тој акроним туку има привремена референца којашто се користи. Тој при тоа посочи дека во Советот на Европа, како паневропската институција на слободата, човековите права и достоинството на сите држави и на сите граѓани, Македонија како рамноправна земја-членка има амбиција да претседава на начин достоинствен за државата и прагматичен бидејќи, вели, тоа не значи какво било загрозување на некоја друга земја-членка и е во согласност со веќе оспоставената пракса за употреба на терминот „македонски“ во повеќе тела и институции во СЕ, вклучително и во Судот за човекови права.

                      - Ние очекуваме дека ваквите можни и слични манипулации и реакции ќе продолжат, но како и да е, нашата порка до официјална Атина е дека би требало заеднички да настапиме, да се координираме како земји-членки од регионот и да видиме што по содржина во однос на претседавањето, владеењето на правото, малцинските права, по однос на Судот за човекови права, реформите во буџетот на самата институција, да го дадеме нашиот придонес за развојот на СЕ, порача Милошоски.

                      Запрашан како тоа ќе се постигне, со оглед дека генералниот секретар Торнбјорн Јагланд вчера воопшто не се обрати со уставното име, шефот на дипломатијата се повика на угледот кој овој политчар го ужива и во Европа и сега како прв функционер во СЕ.

                      - Имавме многу срдечна комуникација, денеска продолжуваат неговите средби со премиерот и претседателот, ќе бидеме во директна комуникација, понекогаш можеби и секојдневна, и очекуваме со тој еден добронамерен пристап наш и негов да имаме добро и успешно претседавање, рече Милошоски.

                      Тој изјави дека се уште нема информации дали медијаторот Нимиц закажал нова рунда разгооври за името и оти информацијата за тоа ќе биде соопштена јавно од неговата Канцеларијата штом биде договорена. Очекува разговори, дијалози, размена на аргументи се со цел, како што вели, да се создаде поволна атмосфера и да се оди чекор напред во билатералниот процес со Република Грција, повторувајќи ја заложбата за решавање на спорот на заемно прифатлив начин.

                      - Македонија сака овој спор којшто е прилично ирационален и долго време се провлекува да го решиме на еден заеднички начин во којшто двете страни ќе ги препознаат своите позиции или барем дел од своите стојалишта за да можеме на таков начин да го затвориме ова прашање и да можеме да отвориме нови патишта, полиња и можности за комуникација и развој на билатерланите односи меѓу Македонија и Грција, посочи Милошоски.

                      За тоа дали ќе има претставник од македонскиот државен врв на Економскиот форум во Атина, тој рече дека ќе биде познато откако ќе ги согледаат сите процедури за пријавување.

                      Во однос на тоа дали до македонската Влада доаѓаат критиките за Законот за антидискриминација, шефот на дипломатијата со став дека различни се позициите на чинителите во европската политика зависно од нивната политичка определба. Во Европскиот парламент, вели, на некои парламентарци кои имаат полеви или полиберални согледувања им изгледа дека законот не е согласно критериумите или нормите во ЕУ, други европарламентарци пак, имаат поконзервативни и потрадиционални ставови сметаат дека секоја земја треба да добие можност да ги создава европските закони, но да не ги губи сопствените специфики и традиција.

                      - Ние очекуваме во принцип, применливоста на таквиот закон да значи недискриминација за никого, за кои било социјални, полови, верски, етнички или други групи. Мислам дека Македонија има добро досие во поглед на ова прашање и очекуваме и со создавањето на дополнителните институции и алатки согласно овој закон борбата против дискриминацијата на секое поле да биде зајакната. Најмногу ќе зајакне со подигнувањето на свеста во јавноста, кај одговорните функционери, но секако и кај сите други чинители во нашето општество да се знае дека маргинални и ранливи групи секогаш и секаде може да се појават и дека е прашање на зрелост на едно општество да знае да ги интегрира и да ги почитува на еден достоинствен начин, рече министерот за надворешни работи Антонио Милошоски.


                      Rough Google translate:

                      Milososki: the adjective "Macedonian" identity code is the Republic of Macedonia

                      Adjective "Macedonian" identity is the source of the Republic of our culture, tradition, part of our heritage and contemporary, said today FM Antonio Milososki, commenting on the Greek objections to Macedonia's decision to chair the Council of Europe under the name "Macedonian presidency 2010.

                      - Unfortunately, Greece's opposition to the title which we believe is pragmatic for the presidency of the Republic of Macedonia to the Council of Europe indicates that their pressures do not end only in respect of the constitutional name, but go a step forward and enter now into a forbidden area individual and national rights of self-identity and language, Milososki said responding to reporters after marking the start of construction of a new facility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

                      The reaction of the Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman that he would make the article 95 of the resolutions to be respected and the country to refer to as "FYROM", Milososki said that Macedonia is not registered anywhere under that acronym but a reference that temporary use. He thereby suggested that the Council of Europe pan-European institution of freedom, human rights and dignity of all nations and all citizens of Macedonia as a full Member State shall have the ambition to preside in a manner worthy of the state and pragmatic because, she says, it does not imply any violation of another Member State and is in line with the already ospostavenata practice for use of the term "Macedonian" in many agencies and institutions in the CoE, including the Court of Human Rights.

                      - We expect that such potential and similar manipulations and reactions will continue, but however, our official porka to Athens is that should we put together, to coordinate as Member States of the region and see what content compared presidency, the rule of law, minority rights, the Court in respect for human rights reforms in the budget of the institution itself, to give our contribution to the development of ALL, said Milososki.

                      Asked how this will be achieved, given that UN Secretary Tornbjorn Jagland yesterday did not address the constitutional name, FM invoke the reputation that this politchar enjoy both in Europe and now the first official instead.

                      - We had a very cordial communication, today continued his meetings with Prime Minister and President will be in direct communication, sometimes maybe everyday, and we expect this one to approach our faith and its good to have a successful presidency, said Milososki.

                      He said that there is no information whether Nimetz scheduled a new round razgoovri name and that information will be publicly announced by his office once agreed. Pending negotiations, dialogues, exchange of arguments in order, as he says, to create favorable atmosphere and to move a step forward in the bilateral process with Greece, Reiterating the commitment to resolve the dispute on mutually acceptable manner.

                      - Macedonia wants this dispute which is irrational and quite a long time making their way to solve a common way in which both sides recognize their positions or at least part of their stops in order thus to conclude this issue and we to open new roads, fields and opportunities for communication and development of bilateral relations between Macedonia and Greece, said Milososki.

                      Whether a representative of the Macedonian top officials of the Economic Forum in Athens, he said he would be known once they have seen all the procedures for reporting.

                      In terms of whether they come to the Macedonian government criticism of antidiscrimination law, the head of diplomacy with the view that the different positions of stakeholders in European policies depends on their political beliefs. In the European Parliament, says some lawmakers who have more liberal views or polevi seem that the law is not the criteria or standards in the EU, MEPs other hand, are more conservative and more traditional views consider that each country should be given the opportunity to create European law but not to lose their specificity and tradition.

                      - We expect the principle applicability of that law to mean discrimination for anyone, of any social, sexual, religious, ethnic or other groups. I think that Macedonia has a good profile look at this issue and expect the creation of additional institutions and instruments under this law the fight against discrimination in every field to be strengthened. Most will enhance the awareness raising in public, the responsible officials, but of course with all other stakeholders in our society to know that marginal and vulnerable groups everywhere can always occur and that is a question of maturity of a society to know to integrate and to observe a dignified way, said Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki.



                      Google Translate plus my edits for pertinent points follows:

                      Тој изјави дека се уште нема информации дали медијаторот Нимиц закажал нова рунда разгооври за името и оти информацијата за тоа ќе биде соопштена јавно од неговата Канцеларијата штом биде договорена. Очекува разговори, дијалози, размена на аргументи се со цел, како што вели, да се создаде поволна атмосфера и да се оди чекор напред во билатералниот процес со Република Грција, повторувајќи ја заложбата за решавање на спорот на заемно прифатлив начин.

                      He stated that there is no information yet whether Nimetz scheduled a new round of name talks/negotiations and that information will be publicly announced by his office once agreed upon. Expects negotiations, dialogues, exchange of arguments in order, as he says, to create a favorable atmosphere and to move a step forward in the bilateral process with Republic of Greece, reiterating the commitment to resolve the dispute on mutually acceptable manner.

                      - Macedonia wants this seemingly irrational and long-standing dispute to be solved in a mutual way whereby both parties recognize their positions or at least part of their standpoints in order thus to conclude this issue and to allow us to open new roads, fields and opportunities for communication and development of bilateral relations between Macedonia and Greece, stated Miloshoski .

                      - Македонија сака овој спор којшто е прилично ирационален и долго време се провлекува да го решиме на еден заеднички начин во којшто двете страни ќе ги препознаат своите позиции или барем дел од своите стојалишта за да можеме на таков начин да го затвориме ова прашање и да можеме да отвориме нови патишта, полиња и можности за комуникација и развој на билатерланите односи меѓу Македонија и Грција, посочи Милошоски.

                      For fair use only.

                      IME, Miloshoski is CLEARLY SIGNALING a NAME CHANGE as ACCEPTABLE AND DESIRABLE for Macedonia!


                      • julie
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 3869

                        Miloshoski is a traitor
                        "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                        • Jankovska
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1774

                          In my eyes all those who are included in these stupid talks and negotiations are traitors. I have no respect for any of them and I never will. No one has the right to change my name, my grandfather's name and no one ever will. Greece should understand this, our government should understand this, UMD should understand this and every person on the planet should understand this. We are not changing our name i tocka. Everyone who thinks there is room for discusion is a traitor and a looser.


                          • julie
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 3869

                            Amen. Jankovska i could not have said it better.
                            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              - Macedonia wants this seemingly irrational and long-standing dispute to be solved in a mutual way whereby both parties recognize their positions or at least part of their standpoints in order thus to conclude this issue and to allow us to open new roads, fields and opportunities for communication and development of bilateral relations between Macedonia and Greece, stated Miloshoski .
                              Macedonia needs all of its standpoints recognised as they're the only legitimate standpoints in this whole debacle. All of Greece's standpoints are unreasonable, racist, and anti-Macedonian in character. I wonder how many (or few) 'parts' are acceptable to Antonio? To me, as a Macedonian, after exploring the positives and negatives of the options, I have come to one logical conclusion; there is only one part, the Macedonian argument, and the whole package must be recognised.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • julie
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 3869

                                Naming and blaming - and more from the Economist


                                Naming and blaming
                                A last word on the Greece-Macedonia name dispute
                                Apr 15th 2010 | From The Economist online

                                A USEFUL test for an outsider trying to analyse an argument is to assume that one side is right and then to work out the consequences. If an analysis of eggshells conclusively proves that an egg is better opened at the big end rather than the small one, what follows? And if the assumption is reversed, how bad would it be to have got it wrong? Eggshells, as Jonathan Swift so bitingly observed in “Gulliver’s Travels”, are not worth getting cross about. The cost of a lifetime spent opening eggs incompetently is a small amount of wasted time and some spilled yolk. At the other extreme, take the question of whether Iran has nuclear weapons: get that wrong and you may either see Israel wiped off the map, or, alternatively, a catastrophic and unnecessary pre-emptive strike on Iran.

                                Walking on eggshellsThis column’s recent attempt to look at the name dispute between Greece and its northern neighbour (FYROM to the Greeks, Macedonia to the locals) became the most-commented article ever to appear on the Economist website. A second column, which highlighted some similar issues in the post-communist world (and suggested that they might be overblown), was a runner-up.

                                At the risk of provoking ruptured spleens all round, here is a third attempt, using the principle outlined in the first paragraph. What if the Greeks are right? What if the other camp is right? In each case, does it matter?

                                The Greek case (crudely stated) is that Macedonia is a title properly belonging a) to ancient Macedonia and b) to the northern Greek province that bears that name. Communist Yugoslavia applied the label to its southern province (which in fact speaks a dialect of Bulgarian) as a provocation, in the aftermath of the Greek civil war. If it were to accept “Macedonia” as a name for the former Yugoslav republic, Greece would legitimise that communist name-grab and lay itself open to territorial claims, or even terrorism. It stubbornly refuses to allow its northern neighbour’s application for European Union and NATO membership to proceed until it budges on the name issue.

                                Assume Greece’s argument is right. Would it matter? The globe is studded with ancient, buried hatchets involving names and places (which came first: Bretagne or Grande-Bretagne? Who cares?) Logically preposterous toponyms are the rule, not intolerable exceptions. So set aside that argument, unless you are trying to drum up business for map publishers.

                                Nor does the argument about dangerous irredentism stand up. As a relatively big country, and a member of the EU and NATO, Greece can scarcely plead persecution from its small northern neighbour. The last 20 years show that expanding the EU and NATO is the best way of making troubled neighbourhoods safer. But even if there is a danger of terrorism from Skopjean extremists, how should it be contained? By including Macedonia in western clubs, prosperous and, with luck, well governed? Or by keeping it weak, divided and isolated?

                                So even if the Greeks are right, the course of action looks wrong. What of the Macedonian/FYROM side? Assume its most hardline protagonists are right: that they are the heirs to an ancient civilisation, whereas Greece is an ethno-nationalist bully with fascist undertones that oppresses a Slavic minority in the north. If that’s true, then the EU and others ought to be more worried than they are. But it has little bearing on the name of the northern neighbour.

                                On that basis, the verdict is clear. If the Skopje authorities are right, then withholding recognition of their name is an outrage. If they are wrong, even if they are silly and provocative, it is not worth breaking eggshells to set them right. Giving them their favoured name costs less than Greece claims, and has big benefits, for everyone, in increased stability.
                                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev

