You have the usuals like Greece and France who harp on about the Macedonian name issue and how it is a criteria to gaining entry to the EU and NATO, then you have the so-called well-inentioned like Hungary, and Slovenia, and more recently the Czech Republic, who are claiming that they have changed their name without their identity so Macedonia should to.
Czechoslovakia was established in 1918 as a state that included Slovak and Czech lands together, and stayed as such until 1993 when the two constituent peoples formed their own states.
How exactly have the Czech's changed their name as Alexandr Vonda claims? What were the four names? This is the second leader of a Slavic state (first being Slovenia) that has advocated a name change because it doesn't 'damage' the identity, is it just me or are some of these Slavic politicians in the EU merely slaves in $1000 suits?
Czechoslovakia was established in 1918 as a state that included Slovak and Czech lands together, and stayed as such until 1993 when the two constituent peoples formed their own states.
How exactly have the Czech's changed their name as Alexandr Vonda claims? What were the four names? This is the second leader of a Slavic state (first being Slovenia) that has advocated a name change because it doesn't 'damage' the identity, is it just me or are some of these Slavic politicians in the EU merely slaves in $1000 suits?