Risto Stefov - Articles, Translations & Collaborations

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  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Risto Stefov - Articles, Translations & Collaborations

    Hans Lothar Schteppan winner of “K. P. Misirkov” for his life’s work

    By Goran Momirovski
    Translated and edited by Risto Stefov
    [email protected]
    September 5th, 2008

    А1 Македонија е член на Групацијата А1 Телеком Австрија, водечки провајдер за комуникациски и дигитални решенија во Централна и Источна Европа.

    The former German Ambassador to Macedonia Hans Lothar Schteppan at an interview for A1 says that Macedonia does not need to yield in the dispute with Greece and that it is a victim of the European conspiracies from the start of the 20th century.

    Q. Your Excellency, for your investigative book “Macedonian Knot” this year you received the prestigious award “Krste Petkov Misirkov” from the “Ramkovski” Foundation. How much does this and other previous awards mean to you for all your effort that you have invested in the last fifteen years to investigate Macedonia’s past?

    A. I have become a spiritual warrior of Macedonia. The “Kisela Voda” community granted me a plaque for high achievement. Last year MANU awarded me with the “Blazhe Koneski” award and now the “Krste Misirkov” award. All these are a great honour for me and understandably I am pleased.
    There is an additional element to the “Misirkov” award. I believe it is a good gesture when a country nurtures noble-minded original thinking by creating a foundation such as the “Ramkovski” Foundation to award the deeds of those who work to satisfy the interests of their aims.

    Q. Arguments which you exposed in your book “Macedonian Knot” had helped many people in Macedonia to better understand the history of their country.

    A. I am convinced that all historians will agree that if you want to understand today’s political situation, you have to get into history. As I have discovered, history for example proves that Greece never possessed Macedonian territories before 1912-13. Not in ancient times, not in Roman times, not in Slav times, not even in Ottoman times. Only after breaking International law in 1912-13 during the Balkan Wars, together with Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro it occupied and annexed Macedonia, Thrace and Epirus. On that basis Greece stole Macedonian territories, because this was done against international law.
    This historic connection is completely independent of Macedonia’s right to self-determination. All people in the world have the right to self-determination. Macedonia too has that right and should decide on its own about its identity and name. No one has the right to interfere.

    Q. Frequently you openly speak about Macedonia and your position is definitely made clear in your book “Macedonian Knot” which is different from the official position of German politics.

    A. When I returned home after being away in Macedonia for over three years, I held a few meetings in Germany regarding the Macedonian question and about Balkan, South-European and Yugoslav matters. In all of my understanding about the population in that region I was short on information about its descent. That is why I started searching the dossiers of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first at Bonn for a few months, then afterwards in Berlin for some time. In my search there I found out that the neighbouring countries close to Macedonia are entirely newly-created.

    Q. A while ago you sent letters to high representatives in the EU and NATO, to Mr. Baroso and Mr. Shefer. Can we soon expect a reply? Does it happen often that a German diplomat does not receive a response from the EU and NATO?

    A. They know that Greece is skillful, that it lies and that it lies to Macedonia, they know it should not be like that. Especially from the cradle of Europe, from the cradle of democratic principles. Greece needs to be held responsible for the truth and for justice. The European Commission knows that. If it continues to support Greece with its false solidarity, then there must exist larger interests behind the scenes. I believe that in the background are the Balkan Wars and relations between the Balkan League and the Entente before World War I.

    Macedonian Truth Organisation
  • Pelister
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2742

    Thanks Daskalot.

    Every individual member of the E.U who has any interest in the Macedonian question needs to have this book on their shelf.

    It draws out the current issues regarding the Macedonian question, between the Macedonians and the Greeks, and exposes the lies of the Greek position.

    It really does show how the Greeks have been using their political advantage over the Macedonians, for a few decades now, to rob and steal the Macedonians of their heritage, and lying with their eyes wide open to third parties about it.

    I can't wait for a translation to come out in English.


    • Struja
      • Sep 2008
      • 206

      Risto Stefov's: WHAT IS A GREEK?


      Deconstructing the so called “Greek Nation”

      By Risto Stefov

      [email protected]

      September 12, 2008

      Ordinarily I couldn’t care less what the Greeks call themselves, it’s their right and who am I to interfere? But these are not ordinary times when self proclaimed Greeks take it upon themselves to dictate to others what they can and can’t call themselves.

      Greeks say “Ethnic Macedonians” don’t exist! I say “Ethnic Greeks” don’t exist and I can prove it!

      What makes a Macedonian an ethnic Macedonian?

      According to Webster’s dictionary belonging to an ethnic group is belonging to a division of mankind as distinguished by customs, characteristics, language, common history, etc.

      There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that a large majority of people living in geographical Macedonia share common customs, traditions, songs, dances, and have a common language, a common history and a common religion that stretch back to at least one thousand years. So if we establish that such a group exists or existed in geographical Macedonia up until at least the time of Macedonia’s partition and annexation in 1912, 1913 by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria then what should we call this group of people?

      If a people lived on Macedonian lands for over a millennium, which I am sure we can establish, then a rational thinker would have no problem calling these people ‘Ethnic Macedonians” if that’s what they want to be called.

      As I was browsing through the www.maknews.com forum I read an article Turkey: Macedonia's best friend posted by VMRO which can also be found at this link; http://www.mfa.gov.tr/denial-of-ethnic-identity.en.mfa in a Turkish official website.

      Now who better than the Turks would know if Macedonians exist or not? Better still let’s see what the Turks have to say about the Greeks. After all both Macedonia and Greece belonged to Turkey for many centuries; Greece for four centuries and Macedonia for five. So I would say the Turks know something about both nations; wouldn’t you agree?

      According to the information on the website;
      The Greek Nation is based on the principle of belonging to the Greek race and the Greek Orthodox Church. On this subject, it is enough to glance at the speeches of the Greek statesmen about the ‘homogeneity of the Greek nation with the exception of the Muslim minority.’

      If the Greek Nation is really homogeneous, one can not help but wonder about the destiny of the Albanians, the Muslim Albanians, Vlachs, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Jews as well as the Turks.
      In this respect it becomes necessary to answer the question of how homogeneity has been achieved in Greek Macedonia while ethnic variety still survives in the Republic of Macedonia.”

      But wait a minute what are the Turks talking about, what Albanians, Vlachs, Macedonians, Turks, etc. existing in Greece? Greece has always maintained it’s a pure and homogeneous nation with roots extending back to the so called Ancient Greeks. If their lineage does not stretch back to the ancient Greeks and ancient Macedonians of at least two-and-a-half millennium ago then how can they claim both the so called ancient Greek and Macedonian heritage as their own and at the same time exclude the ethnic Macedonians from claiming theirs?

      Surely the Turks must know what they are talking about? They were the masters of Greece for four hundred years! They were the masters of Greece even before a Greek state existed or the Greeks (Romanoi) called themselves “Greeks”.

      With regards to Greek claims that “no ethnic Macedonians exist in Greece” I would like to point you to the crucial question asked by the Turkish website: “In this respect, it becomes necessary to answer the question of how homogeneity has been achieved in Greek Macedonia while ethnic variety still survives in the Republic of Macedonia?” How indeed!

      Before Greece became a country for the first time in 1829, the following ethnic groups lived in what today is called Greece: Arvanites (Albanians), Vlahi (Vlachs), Tourki (Turks), Slavi (Macedonians), Voulgari (Macedonians), Slavo-Makedones (Macedonians), Endopii (indigenous Macedonians), Gifti (Roma), Evreii (Jews) and others. There was absolutely no group of people called “Greeks”. These people were made into Greeks after the Greek state was created for the first time in 1829.

      Before Greece was created by the Great European Powers, the Arvanites spoke the Albanian language and had their own unique customs and traditions. The Vlachs spoke the Vlach language similar to Latin and had their own unique customs and traditions. The Turks spoke the Turkish language and had their own customs and traditions. The many names the modern Greeks use, such as Slavs, Bulgars, Slavo-Macedonians, indigenous, etc., to identify the Macedonians also all spoke the Macedonian language which existed and still exists throughout all of geographic Macedonia. The Macedonians too have their own unique customs and traditions which are different from the other groups.

      The Greek state, once created by the Great Powers, used force and coercion to artificially create the Greek nation by deconstructing the real ethnic identities of the Albanians, Vlachs, Turks, Macedonians, Roma and others it trapped in its borders. By stripping them of their natural mother languages the Greek state forced upon them the artificial Koine language which today is paraded as Greek.

      The Koine language by the way, which many Greeks today boast connects them to the Ancients, is nothing more than an artificially imposed language which the Greek state stole from the Byzantine Church and taught to its people in school. One who learns this language in school is no more Greek, related to the ancient Greeks, than one who learns the hieroglyphs in school and claims to be related to the ancient Egyptians. But can modern Greeks see the absurdity of such claims? Judging from the thousands of e-mails I have received, apparently not!

      If I may add, Greece has demonstrated its artificiality not only by imposing a dead language on its people but also by changing every place name and people’s names in all the territories since its creation. It renamed everything to make them “Greek sounding” and to demonstrate to the world how Greek Greece is! But in reality what does this really tell you? This tells me that as a Greek from Macedonia my history began in 1926 when my grandfather’s name and my village name were changed. There is no Stefou or Trigono before 1926! If I believe I was a Greek I would ask myself what was I before 1926?

      So then, what makes a Greek an ethnic Greek?

      Let’s see what the dictionary has to say?
      According to Webster’s dictionary Greek (Graecus) is a native or modern inhabitant of Greece.

      The name Greek is derived from the word Graioi originally the Latin name of a Boeotian tribe that settled in Italy in the 8th century BC.

      So anyone from any ethnic origin can be a Greek as long as they inhabit the lands of modern Greece which very well defines what a real Greek is. But what makes a Greek an “ethnic Greek”? It can’t be culture, tradition or customs because the under layer of people (Albanians, Vlachs, Macedonians, Turks, Roma, etc.) that make up the Greek nation do not share similar characteristics. It can’t be language since the Koine language was adopted by the Greek state and imposed on the various diverse groups of people. Koine is not the mother language of any of these people.

      So the people that make up modern Greece today shared none of the characteristics that make a group an “ethnic group” before Greece became a country for the first time in 1829.

      Thus I have to conclude that “ethnic Greeks” do not exist.

      So how can Greeks who themselves are NOT even Greeks and DO NOT qualify to call themselves “ethnic Greeks” are not only allowed to usurp the Ancient Greek heritage but also rob the Ancient Macedonian heritage? Furthermore how do they qualify to tell Macedonians what to do?

      Obviously these people are frauds and pirates, what are we doing negotiating OUR NAME with them?


      • Pelister
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2742

        I like this article.

        I think that there is enough evidence, to support it. There is certainly enough empirically based evidence to support the fact that Greece was an incredibly diverse landscape, brimming with various ethnic groups. When N.G.L Hammond said "Albanians above all one the war of independance (Greek)" we really need to know what he is talking about. He is talking about ethnic Albanians as Greeks.

        The Greeks appropriated the Albanian dress, fustanella, for themselves. It was never "Greek".

        You may also notice, that much of the folk music of mainland Greece, are Albanian, Vlach and more recently, Macedonian tunes. In many cases, traditional ethnic Macedonian songs have the lyrics, which are in Macedonian, replaced by Greek, while the tunes remain identical. This is a curious thing. It some ways it helps some Hellenized Macedonians hold onto their heritage, but at the same time, it can be used by some Greek sociologists to point to the Greek "character" of these Macedonians.


        • Pelister
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2742

          He writes that Greece never possessed Macedonia before 1913.

          Something none of us should ever forget.


          • toothpaste
            • Sep 2008
            • 149

            Originally posted by Struja View Post
            It can’t be language since the Koine language was adopted by the Greek state and imposed on the various diverse groups of people. Koine is not the mother language of any of these people.


            • VMRO
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1464

              I'm glad i inspired Risto Stefov to write this article, well done Risto
              Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

              Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


              • I of Macedon
                • Sep 2008
                • 222

                Its true that Greece got its flag from the English East India company - not suprising though given that England created Greece

                And it should also be mentioned that the current Duke of Edinburgh husband to Queen Elizabeth II Prince philip (born Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark), carry's the arms of Greece on his family's coat of arms.

                No need to sit in the shade, because we stand under our own sun


                • Pelister
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2742

                  Does it make anyone else wonder what lies waiting in other archives around Europe ?


                  • Dimko-piperkata
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1876

                    our FACTS are only the tip of the iceberg.

                    the highly strong fact are hidden in istanbul, vatican, russia and certainly also all involved countries from the time we were occupied by the roman empire 168 bc till nowadays.
                    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                    • Dimko-piperkata
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1876

                      our FACTS are only the tip of the iceberg.

                      the highly strong fact are hidden in istanbul, vatican, russia and certainly also all involved countries from the time we were occupied by the roman empire 168 bc till nowadays.
                      1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                      2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                      • Dimko-piperkata
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1876

                        here´s another great video from Hans Lothar Steppan

                        Hans Lothar Steppan - Macedonia and their enemies
                        YouTube - Hans Lothar Steppan - Macedonia and their enemies
                        1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                        2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                        • Dimko-piperkata
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1876

                          Modern Greeks believe Macedonia belongs....

                          Many Modern Greeks believe Macedonia belongs only to Greece

                          Risto Stefov
                          October 13, 2008
                          Before 1913 there was one Macedonia, the one and only 100% Macedonia. Now according to the Greeks there is a smaller Macedonia. This Macedonia is 51% of the original Macedonia and is now known as "Makedonia". Again, according to the Greeks, this "Makedonia" belongs to Greece and there is no other Macedonia.

                          If Macedonia was 100% in 1913 and 51% of Macedonia was occupied and annexed by the Greeks then what happened to the other 49% of Macedonia? Did it vanish?

                          If you cut Macedonia into three pieces, the three pieces are still Macedonia, just as if you cut an apple into three pieces it is still an apple, three pieces of the same apple! In other words, three pieces of Macedonia is still Macedonia! Now if you wish to identify each piece individually then you can call them A, B and C. If A is called Macedonia what should B and C be called? According to the Greeks however, if A is called Macedonia then B and C are not Macedonia´s and therefore cannot be called Macedonia!

                          If "Macedonia is Greek" then 100% of all of the original Macedonia must also be Greek. So why aren´t the Greeks making claims to all of Macedonia. Why did the Greeks sign the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest agreeing to divide Macedonia giving Serbia and Bulgaria 49% of it if all of Macedonia was Greek? Why indeed! Is it because Macedonia is NOT and NEVER was Greek?

                          Clearly if Macedonia is divided into three parts then all three parts would still be called Macedonia. Right? If the Greeks choose to call their part Makedonia, to identify it as "a part of Macedonia that belongs to Greece", then shouldn´t the other partners of the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest also have the right to call their part of Macedonia whatever they want? Isn´t the Republic of Macedonia part of the original Macedonia? Why do the Greeks make it sound as if it isn´t?

                          Just for the record, all Macedonians call their homeland Macedonia and distinguish each part by calling it "Aegean Macedonia" when referring to the Greek occupied part of Macedonia, "Vardar Macedonia" when referring to the former Serbian occupied part of Macedonia now independent and referred to as the Republic of Macedonia and "Pirin Macedonia" when referring to the Bulgarian part of occupied Macedonia.

                          The Greeks claim the name Macedonia is historically Greek but in reality look what the Greeks have done with it over the years:

                          When Macedonia was first divided between Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria in 1913 and Greece annexed 51% of it, the Greeks called it the "New Territories". NOT Makedonia!!

                          The Serbians called their part "Vardarska Binovina". "Vardarska Binovina" is the name the Serbs gave to their part of Macedonia when they made it a province of Serbia! So if there are any Greeks out there who are still confused about where the name "Vardarska Binovina" comes from, it is the name the Serbians (one of Macedonia´s occupiers), gave to their part of occupied Macedonia!

                          In 1935 the Greeks renamed their 51% of Macedonia to "Northern Greece". NOT Makedonia!!

                          Then as Yugoslavia started to disintegrate in the late 1980´s and the REAL Macedonians were about to declare their independence from Yugoslavia, Greece again in 1988 renamed their 51% of Macedonia to "Makedonia", claiming it to be the ONLY Macedonia in existence and historically belonging to Greece! Didn´t Greece just annex 51% of Macedonia in 1913 for the first time ever? What "historically" are they talking about?

                          Greece had its chance to call its northern province "Makedonia" from 1913 to 1989 but chose not to. They chose not to because they were all too busy trying to erase the name and eradicate its existence!

                          Why did Greece choose to call it "Makedonia" only after the REAL Macedonians started calling their own state Republic of Macedonia? Only the Greek "godfathers" can truly answer this question but if you ask me I would say they were attempting to lay claim to the Macedonian lands and heritage before the real Macedonians had a chance!

                          Worse yet, why is Greece objecting to the real Macedonians calling their state, Republic of Macedonia? Because if the name Macedonia surfaces and is not Greek, people may question. Who are these Macedonians all of a sudden? And why were the Greeks saying all along that Macedonians don´t exist?

                          How can the Greeks have a Macedonia and the Macedonians cannot have a Macedonia? Is this some sort of Greek logic that only the Greeks can understand?

                          Since the Republic of Macedonia was part of the original Macedonia why are the Greeks objecting to it being called Republic of Macedonia?

                          How can Macedonia be historically Greek and not Macedonian? Could it be because they are illegally holding lands and people that don´t belong to them? Didn´t the Greeks invade, occupy, partition and annex Macedonia? Didn´t they take 51% of it by force from the Macedonians in 1913?

                          When will the Greeks come to their senses and stop making such ridiculous claims?

                          The truth is Macedonia was never historically Greek. Macedonia was forcefully invaded, occupied and partitioned by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria during the 1912, 1913 Balkan Wars. After signing the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest, 51% of Macedonia was given to Greece, 39% was given to Serbia and 10% was given to Bulgaria. This was done against the wishes of the Macedonian people who, since Macedonia´s occupation and partition, have fought for their rights. Macedonians fought for their rights during World War II and during the Greek Civil War. While the part of Macedonia under Serbian/Yugoslav control won its freedom and was declared a People´s Republic of Macedonia in 1945 under the Yugoslav federation, the parts under Greek and Bulgarian control remained occupied and the Macedonian people in those countries are without even the most basic human rights.

                          Greece is refusing to recognize the existence of a Macedonia beyond its own borders to hide the fact that;

                          Macedonia was partitioned by force in 1913 i.e. its armies fought to gain control of Macedonian territories.

                          Greece has occupied and is holding 51% of Macedonian lands that don´t belong to it.

                          Greece has exiled hundreds of thousands of ethnic Macedonians, including 28,000 refugee children and will not allow them to return. Reasons not given.

                          Greece has illegally expropriated properties belonging to Macedonians for which no compensation was made.

                          Greece has committed atrocities against the Macedonian civilian population during the 1912, 1913 Balkans Wars and during the 1946 to 1949 Greek Civil War and does not want the world to know about them.

                          Greece is refusing to recognize the indigenous ethnic Macedonian population living inside or outside of its borders.

                          Here is a history lesson for the Greeks:

                          The Ancient Macedonians defeated the Ancient so-called Greeks at Chaeronea in 338 BC and subjugated them from which they never recovered. The largest so-called Greek City States, including Athens, were occupied by Macedonian garrisons until 197 BC when they were freed and again re-occupied by the Romans. The so-called Ancient Greeks never set foot on Macedonian soil!

                          Since their defeat in 338 BC the so-called Ancient Greek City States, including Sparta, were politically subordinate to the Macedonians and for over 140 years were under Macedonian control.

                          So historically speaking which is more correct, "Macedonia is Greek" or Greece is Macedonian?

                          The truth unfortunately matters not for the Greeks when it doesn´t serve their interests!

                          You can contact the author at [email protected]
                          1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                          2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Macedonia has more of a claim on Greece than the other way around.
                            This is why the Greeks keep trying to claim it.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com

