Originally posted by VMRO
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Vanco Mihailov
Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View PostNo the article was only referenced in a footnote of a book I was reading, excerpts from the article weren't actually provided.Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Originally posted by VMRO View PostI think it was Viktor Kanzurov who unveiled the Mihajlov bust in Veles at the front of Dragi Karovs House in 2010. I wouldn't doubt that Petar Kolev was involved in this too though.
Видео запис от гостуването на Виктор Канзуров в лектория "Македония" на Македонския научен институт в София на 29.01.2020 г.Виктор Канзуров е българин от Реп...
Originally posted by Carlin15 View PostSpeaking of Viktor Kanzurov, he has held the following talk in Sofia in January of this year:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7RH...ature=youtu.beVerata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
A fact against the lie of the Mihajlovists that their leader "punished" the Serbs and the communists
This was only the beginning of the Mihajlovist terror, which escalated and caused bloody infighting in the ranks of the VMRO. The consequences which followed was the bleeding of the Organization, public outrage and a disorder in the Organisation.Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Originally posted by VMRO View Post
A fact against the lie of the Mihajlovists that their leader "punished" the Serbs and the communists
This was only the beginning of the Mihajlovist terror, which escalated and caused bloody infighting in the ranks of the VMRO. The consequences which followed was the bleeding of the Organization, public outrage and a disorder in the Organisation.I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.
Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View PostWhere did you source this from VMRO?Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Vancho Mihajlov playing dressups (Cosplay circa 1920's)
He never dared step foot in any of the occupied regions of Macedonia nor did he see any combat.
Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Source: MACEDONIA: Its place in Balkan power politics - Elizabeth BarkerVerata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Originally posted by VMROVancho Mihajlov playing dressups (Cosplay circa 1920's) He never dared step foot in any of the occupied regions of Macedonia nor did he see any combat.
As for Mihailov, he was little more than a remorseless coward and remained so until the last grunt of his utterly pathetic life. He relied on the deeds of others, often naive followers who believed they were acting in the service of the Macedonian cause, to claim glory (and infamy) for himself. He was largely unknown by the local population in the parts of Macedonia that were occupied by Serbia and Greece and was hated by large segments of the Macedonian population in Pirin, upon whom he exacted a miserable existence. He lacked grassroots support and paraded around as an advocate of Macedonian independence whilst maintaining his grip on power through the assistance of his benefactors in the government and army of Bulgaria. He too, has a place in the abovementioned pantheon - under the boot of Delcev.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostTodor Aleksandrov had many flaws. He was implicated in the murders of both Jane Sandanski and Gjorce Petrov. At times, he was power-hungry and his ideological perspectives on certain issues pertaining to Macedonia were tainted. He did try to make amends towards the end of his life, but he failed to shake off his inconsistencies and become the true leader that the Macedonians needed. Although he did have some redeemable qualities and was generally a better person than Ivan Mihailov (not a difficult feat), he also bears some responsibility for creating the monster that succeeded him and, ironically, arranged for his murder. Some may disagree, but I still think Aleksandrov has a place in the pantheon of Macedonian revolutionaries, albeit not on the same level as Sandanski and Petrov, let alone Goce Delcev.
As for Mihailov, he was little more than a remorseless coward and remained so until the last grunt of his utterly pathetic life. He relied on the deeds of others, often naive followers who believed they were acting in the service of the Macedonian cause, to claim glory (and infamy) for himself. He was largely unknown by the local population in the parts of Macedonia that were occupied by Serbia and Greece and was hated by large segments of the Macedonian population in Pirin, upon whom he exacted a miserable existence. He lacked grassroots support and paraded around as an advocate of Macedonian independence whilst maintaining his grip on power through the assistance of his benefactors in the government and army of Bulgaria. He too, has a place in the abovementioned pantheon - under the boot of Delcev.
There are letters from Aleksandrov to Mihajlov holding him to blame for laziness, spending the organisations money, opening his mail and other breaches of trust.
Aleksandrov in my opinion if he lived a little longer was prepared to exclude Mihajlov from VMRO.
Here is a letter from Aleksandrov to Mihajlov mentioning some of the above criticisms:
Letter from M. Hristov (Todor Aleksandrov) to Brezov (Ivan Mihailov) dated November 26, 1923.
Dear Brezov,
Your distraction in the past has often been the reason why organizational work is not done on time. I remember that for some things I had to write 2-3 times. No one else opened and handed over or asked open letters about me or my letters to others, and you did this very often and 2-3 times I was forced to make a note to you.
Until June 9, there was an excuse for you: a) that you are overworked and b) the persecution of friends.
But even after a few bursts, I caught your attention:
1. To put order in the walks and to save the people's money.
2. Do not walk often with cars and carriages and do not measure yourself often in Alcazar and others. Similar establishments (People close to the organization said about you: "The one who doesn't get on his feet", or: "The one who doesn't get out of a car or a carriage.")
3. To order the monetary issue with Pandov and Petyofi and to make savings, etc., etc.
Considering your great distraction, the fact that you live in an apartment where there is a woman - a thief, who suffered from blue eyes and scurvy, rumours from our relatives that you caught a bad stalemate, I'm afraid you will cut yourself and you will expose the organization, it is necessary:
1. To find time - after returning from the upcoming tour - to turn your bills in order and hand them over to the accountant.
2. You should not handle the distribution of money, but receive money from the host.
3. Be careful not to leave the most important things unfinished, as is the case with the Berkman letter.
4. To pay more attention to public opinion and to adjust your life to the situation you occupy in IMRO - Secretary of the Temporary Foreign Representation.
All this is necessary) for the interests of your IMRO martial Macedonia and b) for you personally to keep the good name you said after the great merits you brought to the Macedonian organization in very difficult days, which you continue to bring now.
Писмо од М.Христов (Тодор Александров) до Брезов (Иван Михаилов) од 26 ноември 1923 година. Критички белешки против Иван Михаилов
Почитуван Брезов,
Вашето одвраќање во минатото често беше причина поради која организациската работа не се извршува навреме. Се сеќавам дека за некои работи морав да пишувам 2-3 пати. Никој друг не отвораше и предаваше или прашуваше отворени писма за мене или моите писма до други, а ти го правеше тоа многу често и 2-3 пати бев принуден да ти забележам.
До 9 јуни имаше оправдување за тебе: а) дека си преморен и б) прогон на пријатели.
Но, и по неколку рафали, ви го привлеков вниманието:
1. Да се стави ред во прошетките и да се штедат народните пари.
2. Не шетајте често со коли и кочии и не се мерите често во Алказар и други. Слични претпријатија (Луѓето блиски до организацијата рекоа за вас: „Оној што не се крева на нозе“, или: „Оној што не излегува од автомобил или од кочија.“)
3. Да се нарача паричната емисија кај Пандов и Петјофи и да се заштеди итн итн.
Со оглед на твојата голема расеаност, тоа што живееш во стан во кој има жена - крадец, која боледувала од сини очи и скорбут, гласини од нашите роднини дека си фатил лош ќор-сокак, се плашам дека ќе се исечеш и ќе ја изложите организацијата, потребно е:
1. Да најдете време - по враќањето од претстојната тура - да ги превртите сметките и да му ги предадете на сметководителот.
2. Не треба да се занимавате со распределбата на парите, туку да добивате пари од домаќинот.
3. Внимавајте да не ги оставите најважните работи недовршени, како што е случајот со писмото Беркман.
4. Да посветиш повеќе внимание на јавното мислење и да си го прилагодиш животот на ситуацијата што ја заземаш во ВМРО - секретар на привременото претставништво за странство.
Сето тоа е потребно) за интересите на вашата ВМОРО воена Македонија и б) за вие лично да го задржите доброто име што го кажавте по големите заслуги што ги донесовте во македонската организација во многу тешки денови, кои продолжувате да ги носите сега.
Со многу срдечни поздрави: (н) М. ХристовVerata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.
Originally posted by VMRO View PostI don't believe Aleksandrov can be held responsible for creating the monster that people came to know as Vancho Mihajlov.
There are letters from Aleksandrov to Mihajlov holding him to blame for laziness, spending the organisations money, opening his mail and other breaches of trust. Aleksandrov in my opinion if he lived a little longer was prepared to exclude Mihajlov from VMRO.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostI do not think he was entirely responsible. Some of the blame rests with those who blindly followed Mihailov. Much of the blame rests with Volkov and the other enablers, along with Mihailov's own demented and bloodthirsty character. Clearly, Aleksandrov did not intend to create the monster, but to absolve him of any responsibility would be unreasonable. After all, it was Aleksandrov who hired Mihailov to become his secretary, thus providing him with a platform from which he could impose his influence on others and eventually usurp the leadership. When it came to dealing with Macedonians who opposed him on ideological grounds, Aleksandrov was not always a model example to be followed. Yet, Mihailov not only observed and followed, he took it to a disturbing new level. The lapse in character judgement and failure to grasp the evolution of Mihailov not only cost Aleksandrov his life, but also the lives of many other Macedonians.
Perhaps, but from the time that letter was sent, it would be another 9 months before Aleksandrov was murdered. If he was so upset with him in November ’23, why did he not get rid of him before August ’24? Are there more letters subsequent to the one you have already posted so a pattern can be established in the lead up to Aleksandrov's demise?
At this stage this is the only letter I have, the source is from Kiril Prlichev was found himself opposing Mihajlov after witnessing first hand what he was doing to VMRO.
Below is from Hristo Uzunov's brother Angel Uzunov's memoirs confirming parts of the Aleksandrov letter.
He claims that Aleksandrov called Mihajlov "Zaboravenko" and accused him of spending the organisations money which probably was the reason why Mihajlov became angry at Aleksandrov which is why he had a hand in his demise.
"After learning about Alexandrov's murder, I assumed it was Mihajlov's work. Because, probably, he allied with the government which, fearing negotiations with the Bolsheviks, was looking for allies who would eliminate and remove VMRO from that path '. Perhaps Mihajlov, as a junior, saw himself as the most suitable, and also participated in the persecution of farmers. It is very likely that Tsankov knew that Alexandrov did not have a very good opinion of Mihajlov and that he called him "forgotten one", accused him of spending money on the Organization and so on. All this, I suppose, probably made Mihajlov angry against him and that is why ..."
Memories - Angel Uzunov - p.. 276-277
Откако дознав за убивството на Александров, јас препоставив дека тоа беше дело на Михајлов. Зашто, веројатно, тој се здружил со владата која, плашејќи се од преговорите со болшевиците, бараше сојузници што ќе ја елиминираат и ќе ја остранат ВМРО од тој пат'. Можеби Михајлов, како помлад, им се видел како најсоодветен, а и учестувал во прогонот на земјоделците. Многу е веројатно дека Цанков знаеше дека Александров нема многу добро мислење за Михајлов и чето го нарекуваше "заборавенко", го обинуваше за трошење пари на Органазицијата и така натамy. Цето тоа, претпоставувам, веројатно го беше озлобило Михајлов против него и затоа...
Спомени - Ангел Узунов - ст 276-277Last edited by VMRO; 11-11-2022, 06:21 AM.Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.
Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.