Football Thread!

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Match from today: Slovenia vs. Macedonia 1-1

    You can see the goal here:
    Македонската фудбалска репрезентација освои голем бод на „Стожице“ во Љубљана против Словенија (1-1) за да остане во врвот на табелата во нашата евроквалификациска група и со четири бода по два меча, колку што има и Израел да ги дочека двата фаворити Полска и Австрија во јунскиот термин во Скопје.


    • Gocka
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 2306

      Originally posted by nushevski77
      I really believe there gonna qualify for euro 2020 whether its from the nations league or these qualifiers, I think they will get it done.
      This the easiest group they have ever had. They have a shot but who cares, I akways wanted Macedonia to make it not fyrom or nmk


      • Dejan
        • Sep 2008
        • 591

        My money is on North Macedonia will qualify. How else can corrupt orgs repay us after all the capitulation? They will at least be put on the easy path to qualify. This cesspool of a nation will be given something to be proud of after confirming its non-existence. The people will be distracted by the fact that they qualified. Watch this space lol.
        You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

        A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Originally posted by Dejan View Post
          My money is on North Macedonia will qualify. How else can corrupt orgs repay us after all the capitulation? They will at least be put on the easy path to qualify. This cesspool of a nation will be given something to be proud of after confirming its non-existence. The people will be distracted by the fact that they qualified. Watch this space lol.
          Imagine the cheering in Severedonia. How proud they will be of their new name thereafter. If anyone doubts it, look at how they love their Greek imposed flag nowadays.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Big Bad Sven
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 1528

            Originally posted by Dejan View Post
            My money is on North Macedonia will qualify. How else can corrupt orgs repay us after all the capitulation? They will at least be put on the easy path to qualify. This cesspool of a nation will be given something to be proud of after confirming its non-existence. The people will be distracted by the fact that they qualified. Watch this space lol.
            That’s actually a good conspiracy theory, and I agree with you Northern Macedonia should get it.

            Would be funny seeing Macedonia getting into the tournament, being paraded around as Northern Macedonia, and maybe if we are lucky by that stage their language (and maybe people?) will be called ‘Modern Macedonian’, waving the ventilator everywhere.

            I hope in the diaspora the ventilator will not be used at all when people go to watch the games but from my experience they still do. Oh well that’s life

            PS Im sure the name issue will not be resolved by then and there will be little fights between Macedonians and greeks


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
              PS Im sure the name issue will not be resolved by then and there will be little fights between Macedonians and greeks
              Orthodox brothers behhhhhhhhh
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • sydney
                • Sep 2008
                • 390

                Originally posted by Dejan View Post
                My money is on North Macedonia will qualify. How else can corrupt orgs repay us after all the capitulation? They will at least be put on the easy path to qualify. This cesspool of a nation will be given something to be proud of after confirming its non-existence. The people will be distracted by the fact that they qualified. Watch this space lol.
                I know you’re not suggesting it but what you claim amounts to the Nations League as a whole being set up just to give NMK a path to the Euro Championship. The fact is their chances are better than ever. They’ll need to win two more games as part of the Nations League tournament and they qualify. I don’t believe they can qualify via the actual Euro qualifying group cited above by Carlin.

                I hope they qualify.


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  1) URL:

                  Some 15.000 football fans who cheered the Macedonian team in its victory against Slovenia yesterday were often heard chanting “Never North – Only Macedonia”. The slogan became an unavoidable part of all sport competitions, especially when the organizers insist on using the imposed name “North Macedonia”.

                  2) URL:

                  Елиф Елмас несомнено беше најдобар играч во вчерашниот триумф над Словенија со двата постигнати гола. „Дијамантот“ беше фантастичен, и ја покажа својата класа.

                  Не само стадионот, туку тој го „запали“ интернетот. Оваа фотографија која ја имаше и „Спортмедиа“, беше објавена и на профилот на Фејсбук на Елмас. Таа за кратко време, за неполн еден ден по мечот собра преку 7.100 лајкови, а беше споделена и преку 1500 пати. Имаше и преку 300 коментари.

                  3) URL:

                  „Дијамантот“ блесна најсилно досега, два гола на Елмас за голема победа на Македонија. Со два гола на Елиф Елмас, Македонија ја победи Словенија со 2-1, голем триумф на нашата репрезентација кој не остава во игра за пласман на Европското првенство.
                  Last edited by Carlin; 10-11-2019, 08:24 PM.


                  • Karposh
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 863

                    The upcoming European Qualifiers semi final play-off between Kosovo and Macedonia which is scheduled for late March next year is proving to be a bit of a logistical nightmare for the Macedonian hosts. The game is set to be played at Phillip II…oops sorry, make that Todor Proeski Arena for a spot in next year’s Euro 2020 but it seems the organizers are at a loss as to how to separate Albanians living in Macedonia, who are clearly going to come out to support Kosovo rather than Macedonia, from the Macedonian supporters.

                    This comes in the wake of UEFA’s recent stern warning to all concerned that it will come down heavily on any crowd disturbances or incidents on the night. Naturally, the obvious solution has been to separate the travelling Kosovars from the Macedonians but the problem of segregating the Albanians currently living in Macedonia remains and it’s proving to be a headache for the organizers in Skopje.


                    • Liberator of Makedonija
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 1597

                      There are Albanians on the national team but some of these people would still rather support a country they probably have never visited or have nothing to do with....
                      I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                      • Liberator of Makedonija
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 1597

                        Former Bulgarian national player, Blagoy Georgiev looking to purchase the currently ownerless FK Vardar
                        I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          ГОТОВО Е, ВАРДАР СЕ РАСПАЃА, фудбалерите си заминуваат од клубот: Ова е нивната порака!

                          18 Jul 2020

                          Најтрофејниот македонски фудбалски колектив е во распад. Актуелното раководство е немоќно да ги подмири долговите, спонзорот Сергеј Самсоненко се откажа, а фудбалерите испратија соопштение до јавноста во кое наведуваат дека веќе не можат да ги трпат лагите кои им беа „сервирани“ можеби и цели две сезони. Тие најавуваат комплетно заминување од ФК Вардар затоа што мора да мислат и на семејствата. Во соопштението на фудбалерите на Вардар се вели:

                          „Почитувана македонска и спортска јавност,

                          Ова е соопштение од сите фудбалери на ФК Вардар. За жал вчера ја дознавме нашата судбина и судбината на клубот која е разочарувачка и после толку трпение, чекање, непочитувањето кон фудбалерите, тренерите, целата администрација и вработени во клубот не заслуживме ваков крај. Благодарни сме на нашиот газда што вложуваше толку во клубот, а на крај не разочара сите и не остави на цедило.

                          Голема срамота до управата на клубот која има шампионска екипа и наместо да игра во Лигата на шампионите и да продава фудбалери, тие дозволија клубот да го допре дното. Ние фудбалерите секогаш го остававме срцето на терен, се боревме со срце за боите на светиот дрес , имавме прекрасна атмосфера, имавме феноменални навивачи (Комити) и многу е жално што треба на таков неславен начин да се разделиме.

                          Сите фудбалери бевме спремни да останеме во Вардар, но со тие лаги не можеме повеќе да издржиме. Сите ние имаме семејства и нормално треба да гледаме за во иднина . Уште еднаш сакаме да се заблагодариме на сите кои верувавте во нас и не поддржувавте до самиот крај . Вардар е голем тим, Вардар е најголем бренд во Македонија, нема подобро чувство кога ќе го облечеш тој дрес, затоа тој клуб не смее да згасне и спасете што побрзо за доброто на цела Македонија.“
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Momce Makedonce
                            • Jul 2012
                            • 562

                            Rockdale Ilinden have won the NPL NSW minor premiership for the first time in their history and have also made the grand final against Sydney United coming up on Sunday 3pm. In with a chance to win the NSW top tier competition for the first time since 1984. Clinched the premiership against North Shore Mariners and they beat Sydney Olympic last night 3-0 in a dominating performance!
                            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                            • Liberator of Makedonija
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 1597

                              Рокдејл Илинден утрово со убедливи 3:0 го победи „грчкиот“ Сиднеј Олимпик. Од добро познати причини во Австралија ова беше посебен меч. Рокдејл Илинден на задоволство на македонската зедница домин…
                              I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                              • Karposh
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 863

                                Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
                                Rockdale Ilinden have won the NPL NSW minor premiership for the first time in their history and have also made the grand final against Sydney United coming up on Sunday 3pm. In with a chance to win the NSW top tier competition for the first time since 1984. Clinched the premiership against North Shore Mariners and they beat Sydney Olympic last night 3-0 in a dominating performance!
                                That's awesome. The grand final is being hosted by Club Marconi next Sunday and it's just a shame this stupid pandemic will prevent a full house of Macedonian supporters turning up. Tickets will be limited and strict rules will be in place to maintain social distancing, etc...blah, blah, blah. Anyway, as most are aware, Rockdale's jersey includes the club's logo - the Macedonian sun with a soccer ball transposed in place of the sun's disc. However, I really like the jersey seen here:

                                The soccer ball is removed altogether and what is left is just the Macedonian sun. I can only imagine this must be an away strip. In any case, I'll be definitely on the lookout for this jersey the next time I am in Rockdale for my Burek fix.

