Well done and a solid performance by Paul Momirovski for the Roosters last night against against Souths on the big stage, also Great to see his family crying on National Television after the game, very emotional scenes.
Looking forward to having Paul at the Wests Tigers next season.
Roosters centre Paul Momirovski experienced an emotional Roosters farewell on Saturday night, scoring a try in a preliminary final win to help his team to a grand final while also knowing the game would be his last in red, white and blue.
Ps I know this a Football thread, but I couldn’t find any other sporting threads hence I decided to post it here..
Well done and a solid performance by Paul Momirovski for the Roosters last night against against Souths on the big stage, also Great to see his family crying on National Television after the game, very emotional scenes.
Looking forward to having Paul at the Wests Tigers next season.
Roosters centre Paul Momirovski experienced an emotional Roosters farewell on Saturday night, scoring a try in a preliminary final win to help his team to a grand final while also knowing the game would be his last in red, white and blue.
Ps I know this a Football thread, but I couldn’t find any other sporting threads hence I decided to post it here..
Well done to him! Has there ever been a Macedonian in the NRL before?
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev
To be honest not sure, I will have to look it up. Paul is also the last person to score a try at Alliance stadium aka SFS which is being knocked down and rebuilt.
Well done and a solid performance by Paul Momirovski for the Roosters last night against against Souths on the big stage, also Great to see his family crying on National Television after the game, very emotional scenes.
Looking forward to having Paul at the Wests Tigers next season.
Roosters centre Paul Momirovski experienced an emotional Roosters farewell on Saturday night, scoring a try in a preliminary final win to help his team to a grand final while also knowing the game would be his last in red, white and blue.
Ps I know this a Football thread, but I couldn’t find any other sporting threads hence I decided to post it here..
I was going to mention Momirovski on this thread too Pelagonia but changed my mind for whatever reason. I'm glad you posted this though cause it definitely deserves a mention. Much better news than what's coming out of North Macedonia at the moment.
West Tigers you say? That's news to me. Why would the Roosters let him go? That's nuts. I'm actually spewing the Wests Tigers got him. Considering the following St.George has among Macedonians in Sydney, I'd love to see him play for St.George one day.
Well done to him! Has there ever been a Macedonian in the NRL before?
Don't think so. There's been a few in the AFL (Peter Daicos – Collingwood, Nick Malceski – Sydney Swans, to name a couple) but I don't think there's ever been a Macedonian NRL player before Momirovski.
Roosters have one of the best backline in the NRL, he got an opportunity with the Tigers hence they let him go as he was playing in the reserves. Pauli will get some good game time at Tigers, as a life long Tigers supporter I’m over the moon. He’s a good level headed kid who tackles hard and runs a straight line.
Just FYI he’s actually a South Sydney Junior, played his Junior footy for Alexandria Rovers which suggests he grew up in the inner city suburbs
Don't think so. There's been a few in the AFL (Peter Daicos – Collingwood, Nick Malceski – Sydney Swans, to name a couple) but I don't think there's ever been a Macedonian NRL player before Momirovski.[/QUOTE]
I thought my friends said there was a Macedonian who used to play back in the days, they probably just assumed by the sound of his last name that the player was Macedonian when they were in fact not.
I did find that a guy called James Stosic is apparently of Macedonian background on his Dad`s side and his mother is Maori. Apparently he played for Cronulla Sharks and Gold Coast Titans between 2005-2008.
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"Stosic's father is from Macedonia and his mother is Maori. The couple met in Melbourne then settled in Taranaki, where he took to the collision of ball-carrying in league ahead of the scrums, rucks and mauls of rugby"
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev
Капитенот на загрепски Динамо, Аријан Адеми веќе е незаменлив дел од македонската репрезентација и годината која што изминува ќе ја памети по континуираниот настан за „црвено-жолтите“.
Во интервју за хрватските медиуми, Адеми се осврна на својата одлука да игра за Македонија, а не за Хрватска.
„Моjaта врска со Македонија е силна. Кога ја одбрав македонската репрезентација бев свесен дека повеќе нема назад. Сега може да кажам дека воопшто не жалам. Секогаш со радост и среќа одам на собирите на репрезентацијата во Скопје“, рече Адеми.
Капитенот на загрепски Динамо, Аријан Адеми веќе е незаменлив дел од македонската репрезентација и годината која што изминува ќе ја памети по континуираниот настан за „црвено-жолтите“.
Во интервју за хрватските медиуми, Адеми се осврна на својата одлука да игра за Македонија, а не за Хрватска.
„Моjaта врска со Македонија е силна. Кога ја одбрав македонската репрезентација бев свесен дека повеќе нема назад. Сега може да кажам дека воопшто не жалам. Секогаш со радост и среќа одам на собирите на репрезентацијата во Скопје“, рече Адеми.
Well that is interesting
I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.
Watch Latest Football Highlights and Goals from Premier League, Champions League, and more top competitions. Hoofoot and Highlightsfootball.
Two goals by 19-year-old Elif Elmas. He dedicated his goals to Goran Pandev.
Elmas was born in Macedonia to a family of Turkish descent. The coach of the Turkey national football team, Fatih Terim, tried to call him up, but Elmas decided to represent his birth country.
Во емисијата ''Куќа на фудбалот'' разговор со Вујадин Станојковиќ, селектор на Македонија до 19 години и Елиф Елмас, нашиот фудбалски бисер и фудбалер на Фенербахче. This interview is from 2017: