Originally posted by Razer
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Just ask Macedonians. There are about 80.000 Turks in there, what harm they did to Macedonia despite the fact that Tito expelled 150.000 of them in 1950s?
Or ask Greeks. There are 150.000 Turks in there. What harm Turkish people caused to the Greek state? They took care of 10.000s Greeks during WW-2, protected them against Germans and your Bulgarian nazi soldiers
Or in Bulgaria? There was always around one million Turks in Bulgaria. You changed their names with slavic ones, you destroyed their graves and erased the Turkish names on their gravestones, you killed 100s of them in 1980s and then you expelled out ~350.000 of them in 1989 and confiscated their properties.
Can you tell me even one thing, what harm these people did to Bulgaria? They did agriculture in rural areas and provided your country`s food supply for a century. They worked in your shitty factories during communism era. You leeched them, used them as cheapest labors.
Just tell me, what Bulgaria gave to these people? basically nothing. You just persecuted them for no reason, just because they were Turks. There are Kurdish people everywhere in Turkey as ministers, judges and everywhere. Same for the Albanians in Macedonia. What Bulgaria gave to the Turks? Nothing!!!