Smart Phones and Other Technology

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    Smart Phones and Other Technology

    Hackers could enslave iPad and iPhone

    Tuesday, 03 August 2010

    A newly discovered vulnerability in the software that runs Apple Inc's iPad and iPhone could allow hackers to remotely enslave the popular mobile devices, a security firm warned on Tuesday.

    The flaw, which affects Apple's iOS that also runs the iPod touch, could allow hackers "to take complete control of a vulnerable device," French security firm Vupen reported on its website.

    Company spokeswoman Natalie Harrison said the company was aware of the report.

    "We're investigating," she said.

    The vulnerability in iOS is the latest in a series of security bugs identified in mobile devices over the past week. Security experts at a hacking conference last week pointed out several vulnerabilities in Google Inc's operating system for mobile phones and tablet PCs.

    Vupen said attackers would need to trick a user into visiting a malicious website planted with a tainted PDF document before infecting an iPad tablet of iPhone smartphone.

    Too smart by half.
  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    I have to agree that sooner or later technology would end up so complex that people can hack through.It was only a matter of time.I'm sure that in time companies will put more security.Did you know you can program your iphone or ipad with the right app to control your electrical appliances with the push of a button.its amazing.
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • Onur
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 2389

      I believe that these companies deliberately leaves these security holes into the softwares to be able to hack into them whenever they want. All these individual hackers does to discover these holes.

      Did you hear the news that the Saudi Arabia banned a smartphone called Blackberry after they discovered that the software on this device sends all the text messages and e-mails to a centralized server in Canada which can only be accessed by Canada and USA authorities?

      Saudi Arabia is latest country to halt BlackBerry services

      Word of the ban comes just days after the neighboring United Arab Emirates announced it was planning to shut down e-mail, messaging and Web browsing on BlackBerrys starting in October.

      India is also in talks with RIM over how information is managed on the devices. Like the UAE, it has cited security concerns in pushing for greater access to encrypted information sent by the phones that gets routed through the Canadian company's computers overseas.

      It`s shocking to hear that the Americans are reading everyone's messages in the world who uses this device. After Saudi Arabia, Germans also told their politicians to stop using iPhones and Blackbarries because of this and they are considering banning these devices as well. I heard that Turkish authorities considering same as well.
      Last edited by Onur; 08-07-2010, 03:07 AM.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        onur it is shocking to hear that.Ithink people are still using them but they probably don't know they are being hacked.You would think that privacy laws would be respected but big brother is watching & hearing all the time.Personally i don't like the blackberry as it's hard to use the texting buttons,i end up pressing 3 buttons at once because of my large hand.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Frank
          • Mar 2010
          • 687

          It goes beyond mere control of a device

          There are commercial apps the somehow side step privacy laws

          you purchase the app, you the make a call to a mobile number your caller id and history is hidden (even from the POV of the carrier level) other person answers, call ends on hook up

          that single one call a IDhock is made that is all that is needed then you are set, call that mobile anytime (no evidence of incoming call so the victim is unaware you listen to a crisp conversation of the other persons private chit chat)

          How do you know when to call and spy

          You get a invitation by the app you pushed over in that initial call

          Brilliant stuff

          Used commercially out there

          Hard for general public to grab unless you know people in the Industry – what Industry you ask???

          Look before the iPhone (mass consumer devices for the dumb) being a Geek required thought not point and click and u are away

          I love exploiting technology, modding and hacking its fun and empowering


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            Thanks for mentioning that Frank,it made me think that a lot of personal data is accessed
            off shore like in india etc so we are in their hands they can sell that info for a fee & would not care less.The privacy laws are different.How about banks that have moved out of oz they could resell your id's pins'accounts etc.The mind just boggles.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • fyrOM
              • Feb 2010
              • 2180

              Apple reveals problems of competition?

              Apple continues to prove very aggressively that other smart phones makers have similar problems with receiving the signal and iPhone 4th

              That company opened a special page that shows the problems with receiving the signal from the different manufacturers, if the device is held in a certain way. First, show problems with the admission of its own iPhone 4, then similar problems are demonstrated on devices from other manufacturers. Video clippings are available on YouTube.

              In the latest extract such video is shown as falling signal strength of the new Motorola Droid X, which many have declared a major competitor to the iPhone 4th


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Enzyme found in soy will produce gas from the air?

                Ензим откриен во коренот на сојата би можел да биде клучен за развој на автомобилите кои се движат на воздух.

                Enzyme detected in the roots of soybean could be crucial for the development of cars which run on air. Enzyme vanadium nitrogenase, which otherwise produce ammonia from nitrogen gas, can also turn carbon monoxide in industrial bioproizvod propane gas that burns with a blue flame.

                Scientists warn that research is still in initial stage, but it could lead to new ways of creating environmentally friendly fuel or even gasoline for air publishes ABC News.

                Azotobacter vinelandii is a bacterium that is found in the soybean enzyme.

                Farmers appreciate this plant containing these bacteria because it uses enzymes that turn beskorisniot nitrogen into ammonia and other chemicals that encourage the growth of other plants.

                Marcus rib scientist at the University of Kalifonija in collaboration with colleagues isolated enzyme and was able to convert nitrogen into ammonia. Then removes nitrogen and oxygen in the enzyme and the space filled with carbon monoxide.

                Without oxygen and nitrogen, the enzyme starts to convert carbon monoxide into small chains of carbon, consisting of two or three atoms. Triple ring carbon is actually a propane used for cooking in the kitchen.

                The new function of vanadium nitrogenase enzyme is important in the future discovery that will enable the production of cars whose engines will use "air-battery" operation, say scientists.

                very strange.
                but it still isnt carbon free.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Macedonians have known that Graf/Bop can help you run on air for eons.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • fyrOM
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2180

                    Your always good for a laugh RTG. You spot the quirky side of humour just like me.
                    With all the variety we have in Australia funny enough graf is still one of favourite meals.
                    Guess you can take the boy out of Maco but you cant take the Maco out of the boy.


                    • fyrOM
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 2180

                      Bundshen Pete Lima and most dangerous ideas on the internet!

                      The company that produces antivirus software , McAfree Inc, warns consumers to be careful when searching the names of their favorite stars on the internet, because behind that page with such a name is often hidden virus.

                      If you browse the internet Cameron Diaz , Julia Roberts or Jessica Bell, beware .

                      The company warned that the said movie stars are most dangerous search through the internet , because their names are associated with many contaminated sites .

                      - While the opening of unverified Internet pages by itself is uncertain , many people do , so their computers are infected with viruses. When you infect your computer hackers to steal internet banking codes , e-mail codes and other private data, the statement said McAfree.

                      According McAfree, the most dangerous search for stars like Gisele Bundshen , Brad Pitt, Adriana Lima, Jennifer Love Hewitt , Nicole Kidman , Tom Cruise, Heidi Klum , Penelope Cruz and Anna Pagin , transferred U.S. media.


                      • fyrOM
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 2180

                        Vehicles drive whiskey

                        Научниците од Универзитетот во Единбург тврдат дека

                        Scientists from the University of Edinburgh say that after two years of research have developed a new type of biofuel for cars based on Scottish whiskey.

                        The new fuel under the name " butanol is obtained by a combination of sludge from copper Kazani distillation of whiskey and the remains of grains used in the production of the famous Scottish drink.

                        Scientists claim that " butanolot " can use all types of cars and that conversion of the engine is not neolphodna .

                        - A new biofuel is produced by the remnants of biological material and therefore need new crops , said project director Martin Tangnej , adding that he plans to establish a company that would distribute " butanolot of petrol stations across Britain.

                        Absolutely fantastic. Any excuse to drink more scotch…im saving the environment.


                        • fyrOM
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 2180

                          Hangman's hardest word discovered

                          What’s the hardest word to solve in Hangman?

                          If you guessed some freak of linguistics like “onomatopoeia,” “dybbuk,” or “benzodiazepine,” you’re barking up entirely the wrong arboriform growth.

                          Take it from Jon McLoone, director of business development for Wolfram Research, the company behind popular mathematical modeling tool Mathematica. McLoone was inspired to investigate the English language’s hardest-to-guess word after his six-year-old daughter asked him how she could beat her Hangman computer game.

                          To find out, McLoone wrote a program that would play Hangman with all 90,000 words in the dictionary, attempting to guess each one in a semi-random way similar to a method a good human player might use. In total, he simulated some 15 million Hangman games, tying up several office PCs for a weekend in the process.

                          “Difficult,” for example, isn’t very difficult to guess at all, taking on average 3.3 wrong guesses per game -- not even close to losing. Contrary to his expectations, McLoone found that shorter words were harder to guess than longer words, and the fewer pieces you use in your Hangman drawing, the truer that gets.

                          And the hardest of all? “Jazz,” which topped the rankings in all the variations of the basic game he tried.

                          McLoone also lists the top 25 hardest Hangman words, according to his program. Words with double Zs or Fs, like “buzzer” or “faff” rank high, but he suggests players pick longer words to fool their opponents.

                          “You can’t beat “powwowing,” “bowwowing,” and “huzzahing” for entertainment,” he suggests.


                          • fyrOM
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 2180

                            Macedonian student wins bronze at IOI

                            Thursday, 19 August 2010

                            Predrag Gruevski from Bitola has won the third place at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), which took place in the Canadian University Waterloo August 14-18.

                            Taking into consideration the minimum financial support we got from the the business community, this result is more than great, the leader of the Macedonian team Mile Jovanov said.

                            The best high-schoolers from around the world took participation in this year's IOI. They were all chosen through the national competition in programing.

                            Each year, around 250.000 young people from around 100 countries worldwide, compete to represent their country at the IOI, which is the most famous world competition in programing for high-schoolers.

                            The applicants have to demonstrate their skills in analyzing problems, designing algorithms , programing and testing.

                            Macedonian team has been formed following an entire cycle of competitions, which encompassed e-competitions, Regional and State competitions, State Olympiad and two additional competitions for the best applicants, the statement said.


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              Man killed by 'exploding' mobile phone

                              17:00 AEST Fri Aug 20 2010
                              An Indian man has been killed after his mobile phone exploded as he held it to his ear, a report claims.

                              Gopal Gujjar, 23, suffered fatal injuries to the right side of his head during the incident at his family’s farm in Kota, Rajasthan, the Times of India reports.

                              The farmer was reportedly transporting cattle when the accident happened, on Monday.

                              His body was not found until Tuesday morning.

                              It is not the first time faulty mobile phones have been responsible for deaths, the newspaper said.

                              A 27-year-old woman was killed in India earlier this year in a similar incident, while there have been other deaths in China, Korea and Nepal.

                              A bit of concern. Are they ie India ect using old and maybe damaged phones.

