Originally posted by Bratot
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Second..what is the "anti-macedonian solution" ??
As far as i have read your prev. posts ,i believe that at least you and 2-3 other members can read and understand an argumentation.
I said that for me there shouldn't be any such a problem and Macedonia,clear and only should be the name.....
Is this pro-greek,anti-macedonian,pro-bulgarian,pro-traitor....?
On the other hand you must understand you live in a real world.
In this world exist UN, USA, EU, NATO ...politicians,politics, economy ,war... usw.
I don't have another proposition or whatever...my personal view is krystalclear -I just wonder about the views of the others ,that's why mostly i entered here (and of course to find matterial,link and so for my area of interest ,which i didnt so far)
I am really interested in the opinion of the others and that is all.
Some people here are really immature -they could be children i think..
Some go further more being rude and insulting.
Some are extreme nationalists and racists.
Do you believe that this is a good advertisement for the Macedonian people?
Is this an image you like ?
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