Why such a virulent hate towards anything Macedonian?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
    What's the matter TerraNova, are you a little confused where it concerns the difference of a Greek and a Hellene? Its ok, the rest of you are too.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15659

      Originally posted by Giorikas View Post
      Watch the language or I'll ban you too, Risto the Great.
      When I visit a Greek forum (never) you might have the ability to ban me.
      I have never done so, nor have I had a desire to do so..
      So feel free to gently kiss my arse in relation to banning me, you are in my house.
      In the meanwhile, this particular little rant of yours is splendid. There are numerous examples of the Greek claims for ethnic purity. But, in any case, if you are correct, why are there no other ethnicities acknowledged in Greece?
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


      • Giorikas
        • Sep 2008
        • 316

        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
        When I visit a Greek forum (never) you might have the ability to ban me.
        I have never done so, nor have I had a desire to do so..
        So feel free to gently kiss my arse in relation to banning me, you are in my house.
        In the meanwhile, this particular little rant of yours is splendid. There are numerous examples of the Greek claims for ethnic purity. But, in any case, if you are correct, why are there no other ethnicities acknowledged in Greece?
        If you prefer me to use the word 'excommunicated' in stead of 'banned', fine. Whore seems a popular word here. I thought we agreed in the beginning not to fall in that trap af using bad language even if we obviously don't agree on many matters. You even told me that you feel generous enough to write Greek with a capital letter. That was a touching gesture on your part.

        Now please point some of these Greek claims for ethnic purity. And please be specific, we are are talking on state level, not on individual level (even if myself I have never met someone who claims to be pure Greek with a direct bloodline to ancient Greeks). We can from both sides, not hold our respective states responsible for whatever any idiot claims about our respective states and peoples. Waiting for some clear examples of this abundant proof ....

        Now what the relation is between the alledged Greek (State) claims for ethnic purity, and the (non) existance of other ethnicities are is beyond me.

        In other words, Greece not having other minorities but the Muslim (=Turkish) minority in Greece, does not imply being ethnically pure. No state can claim this. My nephews have Spanish blood. They do not feel Spanish, they feel Greek. Their father was Roman Catholic for example.

        Strictly speaking, they are not (as if it matters) 'ethnic pure', even if it was several generations ago that their forefathers settled in the Cyclades. They are not recognised as a minority, they do not seek it either. Going back to the questions that no one seems to be able to answer: How substantial is this Macedonian minority in Greece. From how many onwards should a minority be recognised? Which minorities are recognised by which countries in the relevant area that Greece is in? (the EU). I know that the Italians recognise the South Tirolian minority for example. Any more ? I would like to see this in the proper context.


        • osiris
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1969

          sho si go gubime vremeto so ovie tsrvye, samo gluposti znaat da kazhaat.


          • slovenec zrinski
            • Sep 2008
            • 385

            It´s basic knowledge if you are the least interested in minority-issues. The situation is the same here in Sweden with regards to our sami,meänkieli,finnish etc minorities. The situation is the same for the hungarian and italian minorities in Slovenia. The situation is the same for the slovenian minority in Hungary. I could go on forever...

            Didn´t you know that literally millions of Germans have moved from Russia to Germany during the 90´s and the 00´s, Germans that have Russian names and can´t speak german, just because they are considered germans by blood by Germany?

            But.. I think you do know about this and that you are just playing games just like the average greeks on this and maknews forum...


            • slovenec zrinski
              • Sep 2008
              • 385

              The slovenians in Hungary are a mere 4000 and they are recogniced as a minority that even have speciall right in a so called "self management area". I can´t understand why you in Greece have to make it so complicated. I suppose you do it because you ultimate plan is the eradication of the Macedonians.


              • osiris
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1969

                zrinski you waste your time greeks live in their own universe one of ignornace and fantasy.


                • Giorikas
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 316

                  Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
                  The slovenians in Hungary are a mere 4000 and they are recogniced as a minority that even have speciall right in a so called "self management area". I can´t understand why you in Greece have to make it so complicated. I suppose you do it because you ultimate plan is the eradication of the Macedonians.
                  Well, that's a ligitimate example I suppose. Myself, I wouldn't mind if Macedonians are recognised in Greece. Actually, I would actively encourage them on an individual basis to be registered as a minority so that we can settle this matter once and for all.
                  How can they be eradicated if the same time we hear reports on this forum that there is very substantial Macedonian minority in Greece. If the plan was to eradicate them, then Greece obviously did a lousy job. Not recognising a minority in any ase does not equal eradicating them.


                  • osiris
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1969

                    simple, the plan failed.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      So if Bakoyannis says that 97% adheres to the Greek Orthodox Church she means something else you say.
                      The confusion you are displaying is merely a smoke-screen behind your understanding of the facts and obvious denial of the truth. Vlakoyanni says nothing about who 'adheres to the GOC', she says that the only minority in Greece is the Muslims - Recorded in statistics as constituting 2-3% of the population. Meaning, if there is only one minority of 2-3%, the rest must be 'Greeks'! Or what, Martians? Monkeys? Where are the "ethnic" Greeks in the 97-8% left overs?
                      I disagree with your view, that's all. We're talking on different wavelengths and on top you seem to have difficulties to back up your words.
                      My words are clearly backed up as all readers of this and other threads can see. What isn't backed up is your constant statement that Greece does not claim to be a state pure in the same people. And no, you are not just disagreeing with my views, that I can easily accept, what I cannot accept is your blatant denial of the truth even when it is slapped across your face from every direction. It is not my problem if your state decides to stupidly equate religion on the same par as ethnicity, but that is exactly what they do, and none of your rants here can abolish that crystal fact.
                      Now you have this wonderful democratic tool: a political party for which you can vote at each election. Easy, no names, just a vote in a ballot box and you leave. Now why for the love of God would this considerable Macedonian minority not use this powerful democratic tool available to them use this, redardless whether you agree with each person in that party, or with each agenda point, you will have to go through this party. Would you in their place even contemplate not voting for rainbow when living in 'Mordor'
                      Remind me again, what was your answer in respect to the question of whether or not the Greek state will allow the Vinozito Party to call itself the 'Macedonian Party'? Now, do I need to remind you of my repeated answers to these repeated questions you (again) pose? Read the thread and my responses and cease the mindless jibberish in your replies.
                      What is the size of the Macedonian community in Greece ?
                      How would I know this when your state perpetuates their bizzare interpretations of the truth which deny their own citizens the right to freely declare their native linguistic origins on an official census? The people of Macedonian origin in Greece could range from anywhere between a 500,000 to a 1,000,000, that is my estimate, and that includes the little Grkomani that sat on the Greek colonel's lap while watching his neighbour being murdered. Such a glorious history you've had, have you read my article about the creation of the modern Greek? I encourage you to do so, and if you are to comment in relation to that topic then do so there.

                      Humble beginnings lacking 'ethnic' validity Due to the assistance rendered by the Slavic and Latin speaking people to the Austrian and Russian powers against the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans during the 17th and 18th centuries, the interests of Greek-speakers and their Turkish rulers grew closer as the former was able to

                      Educate yourself and stop testing our leniency for your inadequate comprehension.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • slovenec zrinski
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 385

                        You are of course right osiris...

                        Its an ongoing plan that involves not only the Macedonians in Egejska but also the so called name issue..

                        Here you can read how a law and treatment of minorities ideally should be (I don´t claim that the picture is as rosy in real life but if the laws are in place that at least gives a minority tools to survive and thrive)


                        • Giorikas
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 316

                          Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
                          It´s basic knowledge if you are the least interested in minority-issues. The situation is the same here in Sweden with regards to our sami,meänkieli,finnish etc minorities. The situation is the same for the hungarian and italian minorities in Slovenia. The situation is the same for the slovenian minority in Hungary. I could go on forever...

                          Didn´t you know that literally millions of Germans have moved from Russia to Germany during the 90´s and the 00´s, Germans that have Russian names and can´t speak german, just because they are considered germans by blood by Germany?

                          But.. I think you do know about this and that you are just playing games just like the average greeks on this and maknews forum...
                          I believe that there are not many examples in the EU, but please go on forever. Let's see it in the proper context.

                          These Germans (if we are talking about the same) were moved in the second worldwar to the USSR, with the idea to colonize certain parts of the USSR. They considered themselves German, the Russians did and the Germans did, and eventually they were moved back. I checked with my Ukranian colleage and she described it as a painful topic. They were treated badly in (west) Ukrania, their communities torn apart to seperate them after Germany collapsed, and their language was forbidden. What is the relevance of this? Are they now recognised as Ukranian German ?


                          • slovenec zrinski
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 385

                            Ignorance..these germans have lived in Russia since, I believe, the 18th century. They were invited by Catherine the great.


                            • slovenec zrinski
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 385

                              What do you mean by not common in the EU..ever heard of the Katalans in Spain, the Tyroleans of Italy,the Croatians of Austria, the Kasjubians of Poland,the germans in Denmark...I think I could go on almost forever.....


                              • Giorikas
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 316

                                Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
                                Ignorance..these germans have lived in Russia since, I believe, the 18th century. They were invited by Catherine the great.
                                Ok, didn't know that. I'll read a bit about that. Are you saying that these Germans were recognised as a minority in Russia/USSR ?

                                There are a few valid examples of some EU countries who recognised some minorities but I still don't think that that is common practise in the EU. Tell me some more about these Frisian etc monorities in Germany.

                                Let's not get side-tracked though. Point is: if the goal is to recognise these people in Greece, we need to know how many there are. Even if I agree that the number of votes for the 'Rainbow party' does not equal the actual number of those who self identify themselves as Macedonians, it cerainly gives us a good indication. So what are we talking about here ... ?

