Ethnic map showing where Albanian was spoken in the Peloponnese, 1890!

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  • Daskalot
    I have not changed the map, it is like that in its original form
    look for tsakonian on wikipedia and you will find the exact same map.

    So you are Newgreeks then?

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  • Svoliani
    The purple by far outnumbers the Red.
    Clear to see who was the majority in the pelloponese.

    What are Slavic tribes and Slavs and why have you underlined these toponyms in yellow. I dont understand this, why would this make you happy?

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  • Ethnic map showing where Albanian was spoken in the Peloponnese, 1890!

    Source: Ethnographische karte des Peloponnes (ethnographic map of the Peloponnese), by Dr. Alfred Philippson, Petermanns Mitteilungen, 1890.

    The Legend translated into English:

    PURPLE - Newgreek language.
    BLUE - Tzakonian dialect.
    RED - Albanian language (current spreading).
    RED - Greek and Albanian mixed.
    RED - territory of Hellenized Albanians in the last generation.
    Underlined in yellow ELIS, MELINCER, Vatika, Giannitsa - Slavic tribes and by Slavs inhabited regions and places from the 9th to the 12th century.
    Guvaes: Popular region names, Geronthron: Names of ???,
    BLUE ------ Traditional border of the Mani
    RED ------ The approximate border of the Albanian territory by the 15th century
    I-X Enclaves of the Albanian people