To analyze empires, you have to look to the ethnicity of founders and then ruling monarchy(s), also language of the court.
- Ottoman Empire founded by Turks but eastern Roman empire founded by Romans from Italy.
- Ottoman empire always ruled by same monarchy(Osmanoglu family, House of Osman) for 630 years but eastern Roman Empire ruled by many different monarchies like Latins(Romans), Greeks, Armenians, Macedonians etc. The ruling families changed many times in eastern empire.
- The language of the court was always Turkish in Ottoman empire but in eastern Roman empire, it was Latin first for about ~350 years, then Greek for ~500 years, then Latin again for ~100 years when crusaders captured Istanbul and then Greek again for the remaining ~150 years.
So, you decide now if Ottoman empire was Turkish or not and eastern Roman empire was Greek or not. IMO yes, eastern Roman empire was Greek for more than half of it`s lifetime but it`s not possible to claim any continuity from ancient Greeks. Also, to be able to claim continuity, eastern Roman Empire would had been created by Greek speaking people but that wasn't the case. "AFAIK", Romans in Italy was speaking Latin, not Greek. Like i said b4, there was no Greek speaking state around here from 200 BC to 700 AD. Thats 900 years of time. So, your claim of continuity is absurd!!!
So, in that sense, Ottoman empire was Turkish more than eastern Roman empire has ever been Greek!!! On the other hand, Turkish(Turkic) empires got at least 1500 years of uninterrupted continuity like i explained here b4;
Originally posted by Onur
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