Republican Presidential Candidates

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    Is Romney going to be on the run?

    Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands

    Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven. A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the fund is based.

    Jan. 18, 2012
    Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

    A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

    As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

    "His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system," said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

    On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders.

    "I can tell you we follow the tax laws," he said recently while on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. "And if there's an opportunity to save taxes, we like anybody else in this country will follow that opportunity."

    But tax experts tell ABC News there are other reasons Romney may not want the public viewing his returns. As one of the wealthiest candidates to run for president in recent times, Romney has used a variety of techniques to help minimize the taxes on his estimated $250 million fortune. In addition to paying the lower tax rate on his investment income, Romney has as much as $8 million invested in at least 12 funds listed on a Cayman Islands registry. Another investment, which Romney reports as being worth between $5 million and $25 million, shows up on securities records as having been domiciled in the Caymans.

    Official documents reviewed by ABC News show that Bain Capital, the private equity partnership Romney once ran, has set up some 138 secretive offshore funds in the Caymans.

    Romney campaign officials and those at Bain Capital tell ABC News that the purpose of setting up those accounts in the Cayman Islands is to help attract money from foreign investors, and that the accounts provide no tax advantage to American investors like Romney. Romney, the campaign said, has paid all U.S. taxes on income derived from those investments.

    "The tax consequences to the Romneys are the very same whether the fund is domiciled here or another country," a campaign official said in response to questions. "Gov. and Mrs. Romney have money invested in funds that the trustee has determined to be attractive investment opportunities, and those funds are domiciled wherever the fund sponsors happen to organize the funds."

    Bain officials called the decision to locate some funds offshore routine, and a benefit only to foreign investors who do not want to be subjected to U.S. taxes.

    Tax experts agree that Romney remains subject to American taxes. But they say the offshore accounts have provided him -- and Bain -- with other potential financial benefits, such as higher management fees and greater foreign interest, all at the expense of the U.S. Treasury. Rebecca J. Wilkins, a tax policy expert with Citizens for Tax Justice, said the federal government loses an estimated $100 billion a year because of tax havens.

    Full article in Link.


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      A Pro-Israel lobby group is targeting Ron Paul by directly massively funding add campaigns against him, but here is a nice reality check piece. Makes you wonder why they are targeting Ron Paul and supporting Newt Gingrich?


      • Brian
        • Oct 2011
        • 1130

        You MUST vote Ron Paul 2012.

        Ron Paul is the only statesman fighting against the debt increase and the NDAA by introducing legislation against section 1021.

        Iowa voting fraud.


        • Brian
          • Oct 2011
          • 1130

          Traitorous President Obama not only signed the NDAA bill, but as it came out, specifically demanded the inclusion of the section allowing the arrest, detention, and disappearance of USA citizens without warrant and due process or right of appeal for indefinite periods of time.

          Mitt Romney admitted that, if he were President, he would have signed the NDAA Bill which also makes him a traitor. The choice is clear, vote for the ONLY candidate who voted against the bill - Ron Paul.


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            Voting fraud in South Carolina and Iowa...and other funny (serious) things.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              there is so much voting corruption going on that one wonders if it's actual democracy.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Brian
                • Oct 2011
                • 1130

                Rand Paul illegally detained! and the other lies of the TSA - don't you love 'the land of the free', everything is Ok, just ask Miss USA who was digitally 'inspected'.

                A 'picture says a thousand words'?


                • Ljubanec
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 125

                  Originally posted by Brian View Post
                  Rand Paul illegally detained! and the other lies of the TSA - don't you love 'the land of the free', everything is Ok, just ask Miss USA who was digitally 'inspected'.

                  A 'picture says a thousand words'?
                  Rand Paul may be fraudulent. Ron Paul though has been consistent with his views and I respect them, however if elected he will be just like Obama. Too many interests are involved with being pro Israel; Military, Evangelical Christian and anti Russian interests.


                  • Brian
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1130

                    Originally posted by Ljubanec View Post
                    Rand Paul may be fraudulent.
                    Wow! - which BS have you been listening to, 'Republican' (read NeoCon) or Democrat?

                    The 'globalist' media eg MSNBC came out saying Rand Paul was detained after refusing to be groped ('pat down') at a TSA check-point because he was "irate" and now security video evidence (did you even watch the video? or you don't believe security video?) has come out showing he clearly was calm, despite being held an hour and 45 minutes. Initial reports came out saying he was temporally detained and not for near 2 hours as Rand Paul claimed, accusing him of lying. LOL. It is the media BS that is fraudulent.

                    As a USA senator (or Congressman) his detention was illegal - he can only be detained where reasonable grounds exist that he is in an act of crime or or about to commit one or charged with treason, of which he was neither.

                    Ron Paul though has been consistent with his views and I respect them, however if elected he will be just like Obama. Too many interests are involved with being pro Israel; Military, Evangelical Christian and anti Russian interests.
                    How can you say Ron Paul "has been consistent with his views and you respect them" and in the same breath say he will be another Obama? Paul's "consistent with his views" have been for decades and he is one of a few politicians to vote against the NDAA and argue against PIPA and SOPA. He has recently tried to introduce legislation ammending the NDAA to exclude USA citizens, a piece of the legislation initially Obama said did NOT affect USA citizens which later was show he had specifically demanded be in the legislation ie he lied!

                    Get your facts straight, get real, get registered, spread the word and vote for Ron Paul - he may be Your last chance at freedom.

                    FEMA camps have been shown to be real and now an LAX rendition hub has been exposed as well as other places. Do you even know what the NDAA means and how it ties in with the FEMA camps and rendition hubs??? Ron Paul is one of the few voices fighting against this and the only one trying to stand for Office to stop it.

                    He is Not anti-Israeli but neither is he pro-Israeli to have the USA fight Israel wars and interests. The Israeli lobby group is spending a fortune on anti-Paul adds eg see Post137. Geez louise, have you even been reading past posts?

                    About 70% of the military support Ron Paul because he wants to end the wars and stop starting new senseless wars, so in that way if you mean he is pro-military, then you are right, but I doubt that's what you meant.

                    The Evangelical Christians are not particularly wrong but intentionally misguided by their own corrupt ministers, although Ron Paul has NOT said this. He is for 'Family Values' and in this sense you might say he is pro Christians as a common value system, but unlike other politicians he does not vote for ant-family/anti-individual legislation and still BS about being for 'Family Values'.

                    I have not heard him being particularly anti-Russian, but then does he need to be pro-Russian? What's your point?

                    Tell the other USA Macs to vote Ron Paul.


                    • Brian
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1130

                      A great summary of Obama's lies -where's Rand Paul's and Ron Paul's lies?


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        There has long been questions about Obama's legitimacy to be President. First there was the one line entry in the Hawaii records then the lost records in Kenya and then the electronic form of his full birth certificate which many said looked doctored and not a proper scan of a document.

                        Now a law suit has been filed in Georgia with a judge charged with assessing the eligibility of candidates for the Primaries. The suit alleges that the electronic form is false and that Obama's Social Security Number, issued in Connecticut where Obama has never lived, is also false. A subpoena was issued for Obama to appear at the hearing which he did not. Now Obama can be found contempt of court if he fails to appear again.


                        • Phoenix
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 4671

                          Brian, I think I can understand that in your world of various psychedelic eisodes and a heavy dependence on a variety of hallucinogens creating all those wonderful visual enhancements that there's no room for a black president...


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                            Brian, I think I can understand that in your world of various psychedelic eisodes and a heavy dependence on a variety of hallucinogens creating all those wonderful visual enhancements that there's no room for a black president...
                            How dare you call me racist! Not once have I disparaged Obama for his color. I dare you to find one sentence in any post in any thread where I have done that!

                            If you can't, then shut your mouth scum!

                            I have attacked him for his wrong actions - exactly what I would have done regardless of his color.

                            By the way idiot, even Blacks in the USA are attacking him for exactly the same reasons I am. Are they racist against Blacks also?

                            If you read a newspaper sometime you might have known that.


                            • Phoenix
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4671

                              Originally posted by Brian View Post
                              How dare you call me racist! Not once have I disparaged Obama for his color. I dare you to find one sentence in any post in any thread where I have done that!

                              If you can't, then shut your mouth scum!

                              I have attacked him for his wrong actions - exactly what I would have done regardless of his color.

                              By the way idiot, even Blacks in the USA are attacking him for exactly the same reasons I am. Are they racist against Blacks also?

                              If you read a newspaper sometime you might have known that.
                              Brian, you keep posting rubbish like this that promotes the conspiracy theory questioning Obama's legal status in holding the office of president.

                              What exactly is your point, are you agreeing with the 'birthing' community' or are you denouncing it...?

                              With every passing post of yours I'm more convinced that you're part of the fast growing community of 'nuts with modems'...


                              • Brian
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1130

                                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                                Brian, you keep posting rubbish like this that promotes the conspiracy theory questioning Obama's legal status in holding the office of president.

                                What exactly is your point, are you agreeing with the 'birthing' community' or are you denouncing it...?

                                With every passing post of yours I'm more convinced that you're part of the fast growing community of 'nuts with modems'...
                                Do you really have a problem understanding stuff.

                                I am against Obama. He is a scumbag for what he has done and NOT for being Black.

                                You said...
                                ...all those wonderful visual enhancements that there's no room for a black president...
                                I am with those challenging his 'right' to Office, but NOT because he is Black, but because he is corrupt and because the NWO played the 'Black Card' to win support for him and the Presidency for 4 more years while the government and banks quickly screw the people before everyone wises up to what a scumbag of a person he is.

                                I have no idea if any of the people against him are doing it because he is Black. It would not surprise me to learn if there were some, but that's beside the point, Obama is scum as a man, NOT a Black man, and needs to be shown for it. I took objection to your comment because you are equating being against a Black President with being against a Black man, which is not the case.

                                If you still think I am against him for being Black then show me one sentence where I have said anything like that.

