Macedonian Gov't Slams University for using Kutlesh symbol on diplomas

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3812

    Macedonian Gov't Slams University for using Kutlesh symbol on diplomas

    Владата не била информирана за Вергина на дипломите
    Весна Коваческа - Трпчевска Коментари (0)
    27.03.2011 18:43

    Ставањето на симболот од Вергина во универзитетски дипломи, било одлука на штипскиот државен Универзитет - премиерот Груевски и министерот за образование Тодоров, се оградуваат од потегот кој ги поткопува македонските позиции, во време кога се очекува разврската на процесот против Грција во Хаг.

    По излегувањето на 350-те дипломи со симболот што ги проблематизира македонско-грчките односи, денешната изјава на премиерот не навестува дека владата ќе побара од Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ корекција.

    „Јас не сум ги видел тие и денеска прв пат слушнав за таква работа, така што тоа во секој случај не е барање или одлука на Владата, тоа веројатно, доколку е така, станува збор за одлука на Универзитетот“, изјави премиерот Груевски.

    Министерот за образование се согласува дека е потребна рационалност, но и денеска како вчера, само најави дека ќе се информира за одлуката, за која и тој тврди дека не знаел.

    „Мислам дека во овие моменти треба рационално да размислиме за овие постапки. Во секој случај јас ќе разговарам со надлежните во Универзитетот и ќе донесеме заедничка одлука. Јас во теков на вчерашниот ден воопшто не бев запознаен ниту јас, ниту Владата“, вели Никола Тодоров, министер за образование.

    Ректорот од Штип денеска не беше достапен за коментар.

    Вчера од универзитетот рекоа дека мотивот бил земен од икона на Богородица во црквата, во чие дворно место ќе се смести ректоратот. Сонцето од Вергина кое и Македонците и Грците го сметаат за свое национално обележје, периодов повторно ги бранува македонско грчките односи, по појавувањето на министерот за надворешни работи Милошоски на натпревар, со малолетното дете кое вееше знаме со ѕвездата.

    Во Хаг, каде Македонија го тужи соседот за кршење на времената спогодба, Грците токму употребата на симболот ја користеа меѓу контра аргументите против земјава. Експертската јавност стравува дека одлуката сонцето да влезе во дипломи од државен Универзитет, може сериозно да и наштети на земјава.

    The use of the star of Vergina on the University Diplomas was a decision made by the Stip Government University. Prime Minister Gruevski and minister of education Todorov are distancing themselves from the action which is a setback for the Macedonian side, at a time when a decision is expected in the case against Greece in the Hague.

    After the publishing of the 350 diplomas with the symbol that is at the root of the Macedonia-greece dispute, today’s comments made by the prime minister suggest that the government will ask for a correction of the “Goce Delcev” university.

    “I haven’t seen them and today is the first I have heard of such a thing, so at any rate this was not requested or decided by the government. Most likely, if it’s true, it is something that was decided by the University” said primer minister Gruevski.

    The minister of Education agrees that a rational approach is required, but today, as yesterday, there are only comments that further information is being gathered: “I think that in these moments we have to think rationally about these decisions. I will absolutely speak with the officials at the University and we will come together on a decision. Yesterday neither myself or the government were informed about this” said Nikola Todorov.

    The Dean from Stip was not available for comment today.
    Yesterday from the University they said that the symbol was chosen from an icon of the Virgin Mary at the church, in whose yard the Dean’s office will be. The star of Vergina which is considered the national symbol of Macedonia and Greece, has once again caused turbulence in the relations between the two countries since the son of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Antonio Miloshoski) was seen with his young son, who was carrying the flag with the star of Vergina.

    In the Hague, where Macedonia is suing its neighbour for breaking the temporary accord, the Greeks use this symbol as an argument against our country. Experts are worried that the decision to use the star on diplomas at a Government university can seriously harm our positions.

    Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15658

    The Macedonian government have been distancing Macedonia from Macedonians for a long time now.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13670

      Since when has the ancient sun been a national symbol of both Macedonia and Greece? A silly statement from the author of this article.

      I commend the university in Shtip for having some integrity in them, and hope that they don't buckle under the pressure from Gruevski and Todorov.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Mactruth
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 91

        Didn't the Greeks start using the symbol only after seeing Macedonians using it in the 1980s? This is pathetic, a University is private and should be allowed to do what it wants, the Macedonian government is alienating it's own people simply to show the EU that it is an "obedient" boy. This is not worth the destruction of the Macedonian culture and identity.

        This is a sad day for Macedonia, while nothing is asked of Greece, Macedonians are expected to be stripped of their identity even beneath the skin. We can only blame ourselves, the Macedonian people should have ousted the government and anneal the Accord immediately after it was signed.


        • julie
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 3869

          The games they play . I have not seen the kutlesh sonce adopted by Greece on anything . Gruevski continues to acquiesce and enforce that damned accord and I dont understand the logic unless its to use the ventilator on university degrees and diplomas . Are we going to have any thing left'
          "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


          • Ljubanec
            • Nov 2010
            • 125

            Originally posted by julie View Post
            The games they play . I have not seen the kutlesh sonce adopted by Greece on anything . Gruevski continues to acquiesce and enforce that damned accord and I dont understand the logic unless its to use the ventilator on university degrees and diplomas . Are we going to have any thing left'
            I maybe wrong but I think the Greeks have trademarked the symbol.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13670

              That shouldn't bear any relevance to us. Personally, I couldn't care what 'trademarking' Greece has done with some 'organisation', nobody can stop us from using our national and historic symbols - except ourselves.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Ljubanec
                • Nov 2010
                • 125

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                That shouldn't bear any relevance to us. Personally, I couldn't care what 'trademarking' Greece has done with some 'organisation', nobody can stop us from using our national and historic symbols - except ourselves.
                You are absolutely right, and that is the shameful part! What do we expect Greece to do? Sue us? Keep us from joining Nato? The E.U.?

                The ICJ's non-binding ruling will come soon and Greece's disregard for the ruling will follow right after and it will be added to the pile of other things that Greece has disregarded.


                • DirtyCodingHabitz
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 835

                  A1 are the biggest traitors. They made this public so the greeks can use this against us.

                  Couldn't they wait couple of days?


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    Gruevski is a snake. He has an agenda for the Macedonians, but hasn't told them what it is yet. They'll only find out when its too late. The current 'crisis' has been created in part by Gruevski himself, so that he can present himself as a 'saviour'. Gruevski is meddling with our identity and spreading the popular myth that 'we have no choice'. The fact is the ICJ case is a sham - why take Greece to court for not calling us FYROM, secondly, we have not in fact been blocked from the U.N contrary to popular belief. He is a snake who is lying to the Macedonian people. He is someone who has recklessly and single handedly driven the Macedonian Republic to the brink of political extinction, just so he can maintain his illusory 'saviour' status with the people, who are being taken for a ride every step of his way.


                    • Stojacanec
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 809

                      I don't think the ICJ judges would give this any consideration even if the Greek lawyers were to use as evidence for their cause.


                      • Pelister
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2742

                        Taking Greece to the ICJ court because they won't call us FYROM? Gruevski is a moron.


                        • Phoenix
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 4671

                          Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                          A1 are the biggest traitors. They made this public so the greeks can use this against us.

                          Couldn't they wait couple of days?
                          who fuckin' cares...

                          The greek argument at the ICJ was based on presenting these so called 'violations' by Macedonia in its use of the Kutlesh Sonce...I'm sure they have numerous, equally trivial examples even prior to this event...

                          The interesting thing will be Gruevski's response and will he step in to force the university to remove the symbol. That then leads to another point, how will the university and students could be a good opportunity for Macedonia's next generation of 'thinkers' to put their mark on Gruevski's policies and the course that Macedonia wants to take for its future.


                          • makedonche
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 3242

                            Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                            who fuckin' cares...

                            The greek argument at the ICJ was based on presenting these so called 'violations' by Macedonia in its use of the Kutlesh Sonce...I'm sure they have numerous, equally trivial examples even prior to this event...

                            The interesting thing will be Gruevski's response and will he step in to force the university to remove the symbol. That then leads to another point, how will the university and students could be a good opportunity for Macedonia's next generation of 'thinkers' to put their mark on Gruevski's policies and the course that Macedonia wants to take for its future.
                            Very good point!........and very good opportunity to awaken the sleeping future intellects!
                            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13670

                              Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                              The interesting thing will be Gruevski's response and will he step in to force the university to remove the symbol. That then leads to another point, how will the university and students could be a good opportunity for Macedonia's next generation of 'thinkers' to put their mark on Gruevski's policies and the course that Macedonia wants to take for its future.
                              That is a good point.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

