Kosovo: News, Politics & Issues

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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    It looks like in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croats are pushing further for their own entity within that country.

    Bosnia’s Party of Democratic Action, SDA, the country’s main Bosniak party, has rejected calls for the establishment of a third entity, made at a meeting on Saturday of the Croatian National Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Such calls were “unacceptable”, the SDA said, referring to a statement issued by the Congress following its seventh session in Mostar.

    If Bosnia and Herzegovina wants to become self-sustaining, then it is necessary to have an administrative-territorial reorganization, which would include a federal unit with a Croatian majority. It remains the permanent aspiration of the Croatian people of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” the HNS said on Saturday.

    On its party website, the SDA – which is headed by the Bosniak member of Bosnia's presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic – said the party would “never accept any constitutional reform that would lead the country into further divisions”.

    Calls by the HNS for a third entity for Bosnian Croats were “unrealistic maximalist demands”, it said, pointing out that Croats make up a smaller proportion of the population than either Bosniaks and Bosnian Serbs.

    Such calls undermine the country’s constitution, according to the SDA, and follow offers by Bosniak parties to help resolve issues of Croat representation in the country’s institutions.

    “The [main Croat-led party] HDZ obviously does not want anything other than division, and thus we are moving away from institutional solutions that would benefit the Croatian people. A third entity and ‘administrative-territorial’ reorganization as advocated by the HNS will not be,” said the SDA.
    The mainly Bosniak Party for Democratic Action, SDA, has condemned the latest call for the creation of third entity in Bosnia, mostly comprising the country's Croats.


    • vicsinad
      Senior Member
      • May 2011
      • 2337

      More predictions and/or rhetoric from our neighbors to the north:

      Kosovo Albanians plan to attack north - Seselj
      Kosovo Albanians plan to storm the four Serb-majority municipalities in northern Kosovo with arms, opposition SRS party leader Vojislav Seselj said on Thursday.

      Beta is reporting that Seselj told a news conference these incidents would happen "during or after the visit of NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg to Kosovo."

      According to announcements, Stoltenberg should visit Kosovo on Friday.

      Seselj said he was making this information public "in order to prevent incidents," adding that this was "not a threat to Albanians, but a call on the state to react and protect the Serb population."

      "Our goal is to avoid armed incidents, but if they do happen, the state must react," he said.

      According to Seselj, Serbs have weakened themselves by making big concessions to Albanians - "but in this case Serbs from northern Kosovo must be prepared for a sudden armed attack," while Serbia "must do all it can to protect them."

      The SRS leader also said that Kosovo Albanians "categorically rejected everything" during Wednesday's negotiations in Brussels, "and made it clear that what is useful for Serbs, particularly the Community of Serb Municipalities, will not be implemented, stating that independence is for them the only option."

      "The last round of negotiations in Brussels fell through, but we're not sorry about that. We expected that, because the two packages of Brussels agreements brought nothing good to Serbs, only to Albanians, while what was useful for Serbs and what was the Albanian side's obligation has simply not been realized, and they made it clear it never will be," Seselj told reporters.

      Dramatic situation in Kosovo, Nikolic helds urgent meeting with ambassadors

      BELGRADE – During the afternoon in the Presidency of Serbia an urgent meeting was held of the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic with the ambassadors of Russia, China and the United States, writes Serbian daily “Blic”.

      The reason for the meeting, which was attended also by the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, is the situation in Kosovo after last night’s round of negotiations in Brussels, writes “Blic”.

      At the same time, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has called for an urgent meeting with the Minister of Defense Zoran Djordjevic, it was confirmed for Serbian daily “Vecernje Novosti” in the Cabinet of the Government of Serbia.

      As the daily writes, after the meeting with Djordjevic, Vucic will meet in Raska at 5 p.m. with political representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija.

      Prime Minister Vucic confirmed that he will meet today in Raska with political representatives of the Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but he did not want to comment on media reports that there is a danger of attacks by armed Albanians in municipalities with Serbian majority.

      Vucic said that he will notify the representatives of the Serbs about what was discussed at the meeting in Brussels and how Belgrade looks upon the outcome of the continuation of the Brussels dialogue.

      “We will give our best to lower tensions and keep peace. And that is the reason why I am going to Raska, where I will meet with mayors who are worried”, said Vucic.

      When asked to comment on certain media reports that there is danger of armed Albanians storming the north of Kosovo, Vucic said that he does not want to comment on media reports.

      “Am I worried? Of course I am! Is the situation tense? Yes, but not everything depends on us”, said Vucic and added that Serbia will do everything to preserve peace.

      Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama arrived in unannounced visit to Pristina, which, according to analysts, could complicate the situation the day after the negotiations in Brussels.

      According to Kosovo media, Prime Minister Edi Rama will visit the headquarters of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, and will also meet with the mayor of Pristina Ahmeti Sendo.

      Asked about today’s visit of the Albanian Prime Minister to Pristina, where he talked with members of the party of Ramus Haradinaj, Vucic said that he does not want to comment on it, but that he can imagine what the reaction would be if he went to visit some extreme Serbian parties in the region.

      A Brussels meeting of the Belgrade and the Pristina delegations as part of the top-level dialogue between the two sides ended shortly after 11 p.m. Wednesday.

      The delegations left the EEAS building without making any statements, Tanjug’s correspondent reported.

      After the talks, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said she was “encouraged by the constructive engagement shown by both sides.”

      The participants “reconfirmed their full commitment” to continue dialogue, a statement said.

      There were no comments from the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia.

      German radio Deutsche Welle in a show in Albanian language reported this morning, citing unnamed sources, that the meeting of the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina last night in Brussels, “completely failed”.

      On the Serbian side, according to Tanjug, fears are growing that Pristina is not giving up on the idea to attack Serbs in northern Kosovo.


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Can someone who knows please explain why, when they went through all the trouble to annex Kosovo form Serbia, why they left a Serbian minority in Kosovo, especially since it boarders Serbia, why couldn't that small portion just remain part of Serbia. What use is that tiny minority area to Kosovo and the Albanians?


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          73 percent of citizens opposed to war over Kosovo - survey


          A large majority of citizens of Serbia thinks it would not be justified to go into an armed conflict so that Kosovo and Metohija remains a part of Serbia. This is according to the Belgrade Center for Security Policy. The organization said that 73 percent of respondents said "no," 10 percent said "yes" while 17 percent "did not know." The survey, that will be presented on Monday, also shows that most voters from right-wing parties such as the SRS and Dveri would not be ready to take up arms for the sake of Serbia's southern province, writes the Belgrade-based paper Blic.

          Respondents aged 18 to 29 are the most belligerent as 15 percent would go to war over Kosovo, continued the article. At the same time 70.6 percent of SNS voters said they were against the idea of going to war in order to keep Kosovo within Serbia, while the number was 86.5 percent when it comes to DS voters, and 70.2 percent with SPS-PUPS-JS voters. The highest percentage of negative answers came from the supporters of the Enough is Enough Movement - 96 percent. The poll was conducted with the support of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry from December 26 until January 14 and included 1,403 adult citizens of Serbia.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Serbians displeased with Albania's president's visit to southern Serbia; Albanian national anthem played but the Serbian national anthem was not.

            Albanian president visits Serbia's south; Vucic reacts
            Albanian President Bujar Nishani arrived in Bujanovac shortly after noon on Tuesday, marking the start of his one-day visit to Bujanovac and Presevo.

            Nishani was greeted in front of the municipal building by Mayor of Bujanovac Saip Kamberi and Mayor of Bujanova Jonuz Musliu, who is also president of the National Council of Albanians in Serbia.

            The Albanian anthem was sounded on that occasion.

            A ceremonial welcome was organized for Nishani in front of the municipal building, with members of a local folklore ensemble wearing Albanian national costumes.

            According to estimates, more than 1,000 citizens were in front of the municipal building today, greeting Nishani by waving Albanian flags.

            According to the protocol, the president of Albania will speak with local ethnic Albanian political leaders in the cabinet of the mayor of Bujanovac, and then visit the Muharem Kadriu elementary in Veliki Trnovac.

            He will then travel to Presevo, where he is expected to address citizens in this town in the local House of Culture.

            Increased police security was not visible in the streets of Bujanovac today ,said Tanjug, "but it is assumed that security measures have been increased by deploying plainclothes officers."

            Asked to comment on Bujar Nishani's visit, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that "nobody will be allowed to dream any dreams at the expense of our territory and our nation's vital interests."

            "We're not scared by anything, we're an open country, everyone is welcome, but those who think they can or dare undermine the country's integrity - my answer is, don't do it, and don't even try it," he said, adding:

            "I think we've acted in a wise and rational way. The Albanian president has been greeted like any guest."

            Vucic said that head of the Coordinating Body for Southern Serbia Zoran Stankovic was also "there" today, but remarked that it was "not nice" that the Serbian anthem was not sounded during the welcoming ceremony.

            He said that Stankovic "knows the protocols of the state of Serbia," and then told "all those who dream some other dreams, rather than new factories - which are our dreams" to "forget about them."

            "Don't even try that - and I wish they have a good time," said Vucic


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              NATO Chief Rebukes Thaci Over Kosovo Army Plan
              Kosovo President's move to transform the current Security Force into a regular army received a blow on Wednesday after NATO and the US embassy - as well as Serbia - criticised it.

              Kosovo President's move to transform the current Security Force into a regular army received a blow on Wednesday after NATO and the US embassy - as well as Serbia - criticised it.

              NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he had spoken by phone on Wednesday with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to convey the “serious concerns of NATO allies” about recent proposals by the Kosovo authorities to transform the Kosovo Security Force, KSF, into an army without prior constitutional changes and consent across all communities.

              “I made clear that unilateral steps such as these are unhelpful, and I urged the Kosovo authorities to remain in close contact with Belgrade,” Stoltenberg added.
              The US embassy in Kosovo also expressed concern over the announced intention to change and broaden the mandate of the KSF without a constitutional amendment.

              “We support the gradual, transparent transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a multiethnic force in line with NATO standards. However, this transformation should be done in accordance with the Kosovo Constitution and through an inclusive and representative political process that reflects Kosovo’s multiethnic democracy,” the US embassy said.

              The hostile reactions came a day after President Thaci handed Speaker of Parliament Kadri Veseli the proposed changes in a bill which would see the force strengthened in terms of its responsibilities and capacities.

              On Wednesday, the presidency of parliament convened to review the proposal and send it to government for further elaboration.
              Speaker Veseli, who started the day with a visit to KSF cadets, told them Kosovo was starting an “important process of transformation of the Force into an Army”.

              “The President's decision is in our country’s interest and has an entirely peaceful aim ... but also with the sacred goal to defend our country,” Veseli said.
              Later on Wednesday, he suggested that Kosovo had been compelled to take this initiative as a result of the blockade by Serbian MPs in parliament.

              “During the last three years, we have tried to reach a consensus on the KSF's transformation but we could not find understanding,” Veseli added.
              Currently, the Kosovo Security Force has only limited competencies while national security remains in the hands of a NATO peacekeeping mission of around 5,000 soldiers from 30 member and partner states.

              Constitutional amendments for the KSF's transformation require a “double majority” in Kosovo's parliament, meaning that two-thirds of the 100 Kosovo Albanian MPs and two-thirds of the 20 ethnic non-Albanian MPs need to vote in favour of them.

              Kosovo Serbs hold 10 of the 20 seats reserved for minorities, effectively making them “kingmakers” in this process.

              As Serbian MPs strongly oppose a Kosovo army, Thaci intended to bypass this blockade by proposing changes that would broaden the responsibilities of the existing Security Force without the need for constitutional amendments.

              The initiative has angered the Serbian government, which also bitterly opposes any moves designed to reinforce Kosovo's statehood - which Belgrade contests.

              Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said in Belgrade on Wednesday that Serbia would do “everything it can” to prevent the creation of a Kosovo army.

              “The establishment of Kosovo Army would violate [UN Security Council] Resolution 1244. Furthermore, although we don’t recognize it, this initiative even violates Kosovo's own constitution,” Vucic told reporters.

              He said he had raised this issue on Tuesday in a phone conversation with President Thaçi.

              “I hope that someone will understand what Serbia is doing to safeguard peace and stability, and how much pressure is coming from the other sides,” Vucic added.

              The Serbian Prime Minister said NATO was also obliged to prevent “Kosovo Forces from accessing the north of Kosovo”, meaning the Serbian strongholds in the far north of Kosovo


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                “We support the gradual, transparent transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a multiethnic force in line with NATO standards.
                Standards...interesting. Does the U.S military have a "standard" which requires proportional representation of major ethnic minorities? Is the U.S military 14% German, 12% African-American, 11% Mexican and 5% Italian?
                Constitutional amendments for the KSF's transformation require a “double majority” in Kosovo's parliament, meaning that two-thirds of the 100 Kosovo Albanian MPs and two-thirds of the 20 ethnic non-Albanian MPs need to vote in favour of them. Kosovo Serbs hold 10 of the 20 seats reserved for minorities, effectively making them “kingmakers” in this process. As Serbian MPs strongly oppose a Kosovo army, Thaci intended to bypass this blockade by proposing changes that would broaden the responsibilities of the existing Security Force without the need for constitutional amendments.
                The form on these clowns. They exploit the same "double majority" system imposed on Macedonia yet whinge when somebody does it to them in Kosovo. I wonder why the U.S doesn't use this stupid system? Imagine an African-American/Mexican block being kingmakers there? But in the U.S, a "double majority" seems to have a different meaning:

                Double majority is used in the United States for some initiative or referendum votes on issues such as a tax levy or bond. Essentially, a double majority standard applies a two-part test to a vote outcome before a measure is passed:

                - Did a majority of registered voters turn out for the election?
                - Did votes in favor outnumber votes against, by the required margin?
                - If the answer to either of these questions is No, the measure fails.

                This mechanism is used to prevent a small group from passing spending measures that affect the entire population in order to support their pet causes, especially at an election expected to have low voter turnout.
                So in the U.S, at least according to the above, a double majority is meant to prevent the majority of the population being subjected to the will of the minority. Perhaps one of our members from the U.S can confirm this.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • vicsinad
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2011
                  • 2337

                  Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post

                  The form on these clowns. They exploit the same "double majority" system imposed on Macedonia yet whinge when somebody does it to them in Kosovo. I wonder why the U.S doesn't use this stupid system? Imagine an African-American/Mexican block being kingmakers there? But in the U.S, a "double majority" seems to have a different meaning:

                  So in the U.S, at least according to the above, a double majority is meant to prevent the majority of the population being subjected to the will of the minority. Perhaps one of our members from the U.S can confirm this.
                  I do know that certain local or state ballot initiatives have this type of double-majority. Although it can be a hindrance to initiatives that may have the majority support because on years where there is no presidential election, voter turnout is significantly lower, so getting that majority to show up can be difficult. I don't know how prevalent it is, because many municipalities require you to get "x" amount of signatures to get your issue on the ballot as a means of protecting against unsupported pet-causes, and then they simply tally the majority of votes cast.

                  But clearly, as you said, it is different than the ethnic-based double majority in Macedonia and Kosovo, which was intended to protect a minority.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                    ......the ethnic-based double majority in Macedonia and Kosovo, which was intended to protect a minority.
                    I doubt its intentions. The protection of minorities should be enshrined in a constitution. The double majority (as it's interpreted in Macedonia) merely places a minority on equal footing with a majority on all issues of national importance, which is ridiculous and undemocratic.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Gocka
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 2306

                      Of course its bullshit. The reason that Trump was elected was white people in America are under the impression that their dominance is fading in what they see as their country. As you said, can you imagine an ethnic block making up 20% of the population holding the other 80% hostage? There would be anarchy.

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      I doubt its intentions. The protection of minorities should be enshrined in a constitution. The double majority (as it's interpreted in Macedonia) merely places a minority on equal footing with a majority on all issues of national importance, which is ridiculous and undemocratic.


                      • vicsinad
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 2337

                        Albanians are going for all or nothing - Serbian FM
                        What is happening in Macedonia is not just a local problem, but one for the whole region, says Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

                        "Now it's the most obvious how right we have been when we pointed out that Serbia has an important lever in its hands, and that is political stability," Dacic told RTS.

                        He added that there is no hope for a political agreement in Macedonia, that there is political instability in Croatia, and that it is "of vital importance to determine whether there is an authority that keeps things under control."

                        "The international community did not intervene with a demand to come to a compromise, but to accept an option. It is obvious that there are great disagreements within Macedonian society regardless of whether it's about Macedonians or Albanians," said Dacic.

                        He said that PM and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic "had several conversations yesterday" and that "Serbia will help as much as it can - but we can only appeal to peace."

                        According to Dacic, if Serbia had "some other government" - today the situation in our country would be like that in Macedonia.

                        Serbia, he added, is reacting to provocations coming from southern municipalities where Albanians live "with restraint."

                        These provocations include statements about Albania's prime minister, rather than Vucic being their "president," and about "a Greater Albania" not being complete without the Serbian city of Nis.

                        Dacic admitted it was "not easy to hold back faced with the daily statements about the creation of a Greater Albania," but that he "respects the red line drawn by Vucic."

                        "It's just like if we talked about uniting the Serbs from the region. The first to respond to their statement was Johannes Hahn," said Dacic.

                        According to him, the Greater Albania rhetoric is not happening by accident - "Albanians are not so brave to speak about it by themselves."

                        "That is why it's important to preserve political stability. Would we want scenes like in Macedonia to happen here?," Dacic asked.

                        Speaking about the decision of a French court not to extradite Ramush Haradinaj to Serbia, Dacic said it was "political and had nothing to do with the law."

                        "Serbia signed a strategic partnership agreement with France. What kind of strategic partners are we? This will certainly have significant consequences on our diplomatic relations," he said.

                        "You heard Haradinaj's message, that one should do as Croats did. What does that mean? Killing Serbs during the 1990s was not enough for him, he wants to continue all that," said Dacic.

                        He stressed that Serbia "responds to all that with restraint" but that "no one should play with the people of Serbia and the Serbian state."

                        "We are a small but proud country. We act with restraint because we are aware that the situation should not be additionally heated and that the way out is in agreement, not in escalation and war," said the minister.

                        According to him, Albanians have taken an "all or nothing" position - "but those who were their protectors have disappeared from the global political scene."

                        "They still think that some new merciful angel will protect them," Dacic concluded.


                        • vicsinad
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 2337

                          Rumors, propaganda or bad reporting?

                          Serbian tanks, armored vehicles and special forces are heading towards Kosovo and Skopje after Belgrade allegedly received some information that the Liberation Army of Preševo, Medveđa and Bujanovac (UCPMB), an Albanian terrorist group, might begin its separatist activities.

                          For now, the units were deployed to Preševo, Llojan, Dobroš, Končul and Skopje.

                          It is possible that within several hours we might witness a violent confrontation between UCPMB’s UCK branch and Serbian forces in the area of Preševo Valley.

                          It shall be noted that recently hundreds of members of the UCK branch allegedly resumed their activities. Not long ago the UCK warlord Ramush Haradinaj arrived in Prishtina and said the source of all evil is Serbia.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675

                            Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                            Rumors, propaganda or bad reporting?
                            Looks like one of the above or fake news. Something like this would've surely caught the attention of mainstream media by now, but at this point the "story" can only be found on some dodgy websites. But then again, it's the Balkans, so who knows.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Yeah, I was trying to find a legitimate site but all have been conspiracy web sites. I don't know much about fort-russ.com.


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                When I tried to search for it I found a snippet in google from another website which wrote "paramilitary forces of the notorious Serb "Arkan" entered Skopje". So most likely a load of rubbish.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

