Kosovo: News, Politics & Issues

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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Mabe some Macedonians can learn something from Kosovo's Prime Minister

    Thaci said cooperation with Kosovo's Western backers was important, but the country's laws and sovereignty "go beyond any loyalty."
    And he Thaci him self should spread and accept his own words if it comes to Macedonia protecting its own Laws and Sovereignty against his people south of his border.


    • makedonche
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2008
      • 3242

      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
      Mabe some Macedonians can learn something from Kosovo's Prime Minister

      And he Thaci him self should spread and accept his own words if it comes to Macedonia protecting its own Laws and Sovereignty against his people south of his border.
      Spot on! I noticed that too, this prick wants one set of rules for Kosovo and another set of rules for albanians in Macedonia! You can't have it both ways, i agree with "
      the country's laws and sovereignty "go beyond any loyalty."
      " this, I await the great Macedoinan awakening within the ROM to start acting the same way - starting from the top!
      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Looking at this objectively, Kosovo never should have been torn away from Serbia. It is a dangerous precedent created by the West and will have negative implications in the Balkan region for years to come. The thugs running Kosovo now have no right to 'assert' their authority in the north. Unfortunately, Serbia can't keep living in denial thinking that Kosovo is still a part of its own state. There are only two options from here, either there will be another conflict which may draw in Serbia, Albania and possibly even Macedonia, or the north and south will need to be split, after which they can join their respective 'motherlands'. Neither is a desirable option. It is yet another mess made by the West which the Balkan peoples will need to clean up.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • Coolski
          • Sep 2008
          • 747

          I really would have thought that with the age of information, such idiotic actions would cease to occur. Who are they kidding when they talk of protecting their sovereignty, when it was Serbia's sovereignty they undermined to break away in the first place?? It's as clear as day and the information is out there, yet the general populations around the world still accept this type of politics??

          I can understand that once upon a time we were only controlled by the media companies that relayed massaged information to us, but these days there is no excuse. I wish populations around the world would smarten up and reject all of these bullshit politicians. This is also a general statement about politicians in the 21st century, not just the Balkans. The game is (or should be) up, it's near impossible to lie and get away without anyone calling your bluff.
          - Секој чоек и нација има можност да успеат колку шо си дозволуваат. Нема изговор.
          - Every human and nation has the ability to be as great or as weak as they allow themselves to be. No excuses.


          • Zarni
            • May 2011
            • 672

            When Serbia called for a public hearing this week in the UN Western Governments that have recognised Kosovo were not keen and preferred closed doors especially the embarrassed American hypocrites

            Remember all, Kosovo is neither a State or a part of Serbia but in between it has its own elements of a Country but it a nanny state

            The fact remains all the countries that don’t recognise Kosovo acknowledge the fact the Serbs are not a minority but citizens of Serbia protesting border blockades in their own country whilst the Western whores argue Kosovo is exercising it right of a State


            • Dimko-piperkata
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1876

              it´s time to kill boris tadich...his face is brown of crawling the EU asses.
              1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
              2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                All the governments and their respective politicians in the Balkans are lackeys for the EU. Boris Tadic is no more a tool that our own president and prime minister. I wouldn't condone the murder of any of them, but if you want to vent your anger, then direct it to those that have it coming to them from Macedonians.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  UN Council rejects Serbia calls for Kosovo meet
                  (AFP) – 2 days ago

                  UNITED NATIONS — The UN Security Council rebuffed calls by Serbia for a special meeting on heightened tensions between Kosovo and Serbia.

                  Serbia's Foreign Minister Vuc Jeremic on Thursday protested after he was not allowed to address Security Council consultations on Kosovo.

                  The 15-member council held closed consultations on Kosovo as NATO peacekeepers moved to stabilize the crisis by seizing two border crossings with Serbia at the centre of the tensions.

                  Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in February 2008 but the Belgrade government has never accepted the move.

                  Russia took up Serbia's calls for an open meeting on Friday where Jeremic, who flew specially to New York, could speak, but this was turned down.

                  "There will be a regular council meeting on Kosovo next month, it was decided that would be the appropriate place for public debate," said one western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.

                  "It is very very difficult for us to understand why there was so much resistance to making a contribution to the debate by a UN member state that is obviously a highly interested stake-holder," Jeremic told reporters after being told of the rebuff.

                  "You may or may not agree with what Serbia has to say but it's at least fair to hear us out -- we were not allowed to be heard," the minister added.

                  Jeremic said Serbia would send its remarks to the council and he would return for the August meeting.

                  "I hope there is not going to be any need for emergency sessions," Jeremic said of the tensions.

                  "It is of critical importance that peace and stability is preserved despite everything inside the territory. It is important that all sides remain calm."

                  Jeremic did meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who expressed concern over events in northern Kosovo and called for dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia to settle their disputes, said a UN spokesman.

                  One Kosovar police officer has been killed and four others injured in clashes with ethnic Serbs after the Kosovo government sent police to take control of the two crossings and implement a ban on imports from Serbia.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Daniel the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 1084

                    Could this be the start of a war? maybe so. I think Macedonia should not of recognized Kosovo's Independence. Regardless of the differences we Macedonians and Serbs have, we should of still stuck together as common Christian Europeans and not followed the US like little sheep in recognizing Kosovo.


                    • Onur
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2389

                      It`s so interesting that while EU and US keeps every country under pressure to not recognize Turkish state in Cyprus even tough there is a democratic state in there with all the institutions for 30+ years but they were in such a hurry to create Kosovar state and encouraging everyone to recognize it asap. They take every measures to unify Cyprus but at the same time, they do everything necessary to divide Kosovo and Serbia.

                      I wonder if Turkey would allow US to create a giant CIA base in northern Cyprus like the one in Kosovo, what would happen then?


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        You make some interesting points there, no doubt the West have their own 'master plan' for the Balkans and are happy to grant the Albanians a 'greater state' so long as the latter are happy to remain their lackeys. But everybody in the Balkans will suffer, like usual.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Voltron
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 1362

                          Originally posted by Onur View Post
                          It`s so interesting that while EU and US keeps every country under pressure to not recognize Turkish state in Cyprus even tough there is a democratic state in there with all the institutions for 30+ years but they were in such a hurry to create Kosovar state and encouraging everyone to recognize it asap. They take every measures to unify Cyprus but at the same time, they do everything necessary to divide Kosovo and Serbia.

                          I wonder if Turkey would allow US to create a giant CIA base in northern Cyprus like the one in Kosovo, what would happen then?
                          Do you even read what you write sometimes ? Whats with the EU & US ? You guys were the first to drop bombs in Serbia. Didnt have the guts to man up to the Serbs on the ground. They would of handed your asses on a plate but thats a different subject altogether.

                          Regarding Cyprus, Consistency is not a strong point of yours is it ?

                          Here is another double standard when it comes to condemning war criminals; I bet you guys never heard what happened in Azerbaijan in 1991-1992 because this never got public attention and everything carefully concealed from the international media and this hypocrisy still continues after 20 years. After ~80 year long communist


                          • Pelister
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2742

                            Originally posted by Coolski View Post
                            I really would have thought that with the age of information, such idiotic actions would cease to occur. Who are they kidding when they talk of protecting their sovereignty, when it was Serbia's sovereignty they undermined to break away in the first place?? It's as clear as day and the information is out there, yet the general populations around the world still accept this type of politics??

                            I can understand that once upon a time we were only controlled by the media companies that relayed massaged information to us, but these days there is no excuse. I wish populations around the world would smarten up and reject all of these bullshit politicians. This is also a general statement about politicians in the 21st century, not just the Balkans. The game is (or should be) up, it's near impossible to lie and get away without anyone calling your bluff.
                            Kosovo breaking away was illegal.

                            But it also goes to show how an international law the makes it unlawful for this kind of thing to happen, means absolutely nothing in reality.

                            The rule of law in international relations since the beginning of time has been "Might is Right".

                            What frustrates me is that the Macedonian governments are literally 'handing over' Macedonian territory to the Albanians. Gruevski has not invested a single cent in building up the few remaining Macedonan regions near the border. The Albanians continue to invest billions of dollars in Western Macedonia - they are building houses, they are colonising it, and building up their demographic presence, which is now showing in local and national elections. On the other hand, the Macedonian government isn't investing a cent in holding onto Macedonian pockets of resistance in this region. Instead all I see them doing is handing it over.

                            If this continues the Albanisn will not need a war to take it, they will simply put it to a vote and if the Western world looks at the demographic and sees only Albanians, and sees that Albanian governmental structures are already in place - the Western world won't kick up too much of a fuss about the Albanians breaking away. The arguement will be that a semi-autonomou province called Ilirida already exists in Western Macedonia.


                            • Pelister
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2742

                              The U.S are behind every Albanian gun.


                              • fatso
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 301

                                Turkey lobbying for Kosovo independence

                                sorry..here it is

                                Turkey is strongly lobbying for increasing the number of countries that recognize Kosovo, according to Albaninan President Bamir Topi.

                                “I had the opportunity to raise [the issue of recognition of Kosovo] with Turkish President Abdullah Gül, who also informed me that he had a discussion with the President of Brazil Dilma Roussef on the issue of Kosovo’s recognition,” Topi said in an interview with the Hürriyet Daily News after participating in a Turkey-Albania Business Council meeting at Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) in Istanbul.

                                Brazil is not among the 85 states that have recognized Kosovo since it declared independence in 2007. The Gulf state of Kuwait announced yesterday that it has recognized Kosovo as an independent country and has decided to establish diplomatic ties at the ambassadorial level, according to an AFP report.

                                Turkey’s authorities have a solid resolve to support new recognitions of Kosovo, and are lobbying other countries continue recognizing the new state, Topi said. “The perspective is optimistic and we expect more countries to recognize Kosovo in the future.”

                                The position of the Albanian state regarding Kosovo is the same. The situation in Kosovo is irrevocable regarding its independence and functioning as a sovereign state, the Albanian president said. “This has been demonstrated even by the planet’s strongest states, including the United States, a majority of European Union member states and Turkey.”

                                Regarding efforts by the EU to bring Kosovo and Serbia back to the negotiating table after tension in northern Kosovo, Topi said: “I am confident that the EU will not fail in the orientation of these discussions.”

                                Kosovo’s government ruled out talks with Serbia over the flashpoint on Oct. 10, as the EU facilitator for the Belgrade-Prishtina dialogue, Robert Cooper, began a two-day visit in a bid to revive talks between the two sides, according to an AFP report. “Kosovo has a clear platform (for the talks) with red lines. The independence, territorial integrity and internal structure and system of Kosovo,” Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said in a statement.

                                “Talks also have their own complications. They do not always progress as required. But this is a process and within a process. We encourage fluidity and continuity of negotiations,” Albania’s President Topi said. The talks, as already stated by Kosovo’s institutions, will be realized for all issues of reciprocal interests of technical character, but starting from positions of sovereignty, which means Kosovo and Serbia can negotiate as two independent sovereign countries, he added.

                                The dialogue was interrupted in late September following a new wave of violence in northern Kosovo where the Serb population, which remains loyal to Belgrade, is concentrated. The situation there remains tense.

                                Asked whether there are formal or informal talks between Albania and Kosovo on a possible unification of the two countries, Topi said: “Albania and Kosovo are two states that have a single aspiration, to be members of the EU, and in a symbolic sense, unification of the two states will occur in Brussels, as it will happen for other countries.”

                                Topi also called for Turkish companies to invest more in Albania, especially in the tourism sector, during his speech at the business council. “Economic relations do not yet respond to the excellent relations between the two countries at the political level. We have taken notes of all suggestions [by Turkish business representatives] and will work to attract more Turkish investments to Albania, particularly in the fields of tourism, energy and mining,” he said.
                                Last edited by Soldier of Macedon; 10-16-2011, 10:07 AM. Reason: Posted article. Fatso, that is a forum rule.

