Ljupcho Georgievski - The Traitor

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  • indigen
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 1558

    Originally posted by daniel the great View Post
    No doubt about that, he is the biggest predavnik in Macedonian history.
    He did not only sell his people out but he sold his ancestors out that fought to free Macedonia and the Macedonians from the Turks.
    LG is not the only one but certainly he achieved the HIGHEST political office in RoM in 1998 whilst he openly and publicly (others knew well before this date, e.g. Dragan Bogdanovski warned us in 1991) declared his anti-Macedonian and BUGAROMAN (not bugarofil, i.e a lover of things Bulgarian) position in 1995. This has to reflect very badly on the moral ethics of DPMNE high officials (INCLUDING GRUEVSKI), party members and the electorate in general. He has been a VILE ANTI-MACEDONIAN BUGAROMAN from way back in the early 1990s yet people only revile him since he split from Gruevski and supposedly or factually took a Bulgarian passport (citizenship), which tens of thousands of other RoM Macedonians have done as well.

    Read the following document for deeper knowledge of the events leading up to the complete Bugaroman takeover (and control) of DPMNE in 1997:
    Izvadoci od "Raskolot vo VMRO-DPMNE" (1998 godina)
    Zbirka na poraki isprateni na MTO Forumi Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda! http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1992 УСТАВ НА РЕПУБЛИКА


    • VMRO
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 1462

      Originally posted by Prolet View Post
      How funny is it when Ljubco gives a definition of what is a Makedonski Bugarofil and how 2/3 of the VMRO party between 1990 and 1998 where harcore bugarofili.

      Why does Ljubco Georgievski act as if he is the father of the VMRO party? He is a predavnik who sold his people out.
      That's hardcore lies about 2/3 of the VMRO party being bulgarogili, however i do believe he put some of his people candidates for election who were bulgarofil, Aleksandar Florovski was one i believe.
      Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

      Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


      • VMRO
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1462

        Since 1990, Ljubco was careful about what he writes or says, when people questioned if he was bulgarofil, he would either not answer the question or simply ignore it, he did that with Vasko Eftov in this interview, he did not say yes to being a Bulgarofil, however he also said nothing at all at the same time.

        Ljubco Georgievski's political career is finished so the only way he can get screen time on tv is to do these kind of interviews.

        How many questions did he answer on vo centar? 50%? he didn't even aknowledge some of the questions thrown at him, he just kept off the topic and blabbed on about shit that was off topic.
        Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

        Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


        • Makedonetz
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2010
          • 1080

          Is he macedonian?
          Makedoncite se borat
          za svoite pravdini!

          "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
          - Goce Delchev


          • Prolet
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2009
            • 5241

            Originally posted by Makedonetz View Post
            Is he macedonian?
            Yeah, he was the Prime Minister of Macedonia from 1998 to 2002

            But he is a traitor
            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


            • VMRO
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1462

              We have to remember, Until Ljubco was lobbying for votes from 1990 all the way till now, he was always playing the majority preference, which was Pro Macedonian, now he can be the insane person he really is.
              Ljubco's political career is over, he became one of the richest people in the Balkans by corruption, he should be investigated and thrown in jail.
              I have faith that one day he will be in jail, what's the chances Bojko Borisov and Bozhidar Dimitrov will stir up an anti Bulgarian campaign just like the spaska mitreva fiasco if Ljubco get's thrown in jail.
              Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

              Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


              • Warrior
                • Jan 2010
                • 173

                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                Warrior, Who are these Bugarofils that we keep hearing about?? Ljubco is a declared Bugarofil what more does he want? Dragi Bogdanovski was one of the founders of VMRO, Ljubco is has only disgraced himself nothing more.

                VMRO is a reformed party, alot of the garbage that was there is gone while the same old people are at SDSM.
                I have no faith in either parties, as they are both totally corrupted and work for self interests and not Macedonian interests. I am pretty sure AM being the foreign minister not too long was recognising some Bulgarian with a medal for a great contribution to the Macedonian state....I am sure there is no need for that....No Bulgarian has contributed to the benefit of the Macedonian Republic....

                Also if LG is saying that his cabinet was 2/3 bugarofili and basically were working on eliminating Macedonia, why didnt Gruevski come out publicly at that stage, for the sake of the nation and tell them what is happening??? He was part of the cabinet and i am not saying he was part of the 2/3's bugarofils, but he definetely knew their plans as he would have been sitting on meetings. Obviously the cushy chair was a more of a priority than standing up to the evil of LG. Why doesnt NG arrest this prick??? Why doesnt he arrest the opposition traitors that publicly advocate change of our name? I'll tell you why, it might mean his chair being rocked with instability. For him secure chair is more important than the secure Macedonian state.....He only takes advise from the international monkeys that roam Macedonia at their own will and he acts as a proxy to them.......I wish the people stand up and get rid of the rubbish that is there in the political parties and put in people that have their heart for Macedonia and not their own interests....


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                  Yeah, he was the Prime Minister of Macedonia from 1998 to 2002

                  But he is a traitor
                  Spolaj Ti Prolet but you did not answer the question.
                  Since LG has been pretty clear and open (published) about his Turko-Mongol (Bulgar) roots, how come he was elected as PM in 1998? Was Grujo not LG's chosen successor?

                  Following the 1997 Bugaroman putsch in DPMNE, 2/3 Bugaroman party hierarchy is about right, IME! LG is stating the obvious!

                  Read the following document for deeper knowledge of the events leading up to the complete Bugaroman takeover (and control) of DPMNE in 1997:
                  Izvadoci od "Raskolot vo VMRO-DPMNE" (1998 godina)
                  Zbirka na poraki isprateni na MTO Forumi Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda! http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1992 УСТАВ НА РЕПУБЛИКА


                  File size: 2.14 MB

                  Antonio Miloshoski complaint written to DPMNE party organs complaining about the process and reasons for his demotion/exclusion from the youth wing by Filip Petrovski (the then president) and UMS EC. As he himself says he was targeted for being presumed to be a Bugaroman and, though he denies it, there is some damning evidence there. Image scan compiled as a pdf file.

                  One of the ASSOCIATES that AM was accused of collaborating with, and AM defends, is the following BUGAROMAN:
                  Виктор Канзуров: Искаме в Македония да не мразят България, българската
                  нация и тези, които се чувстват българи

                  Last edited by indigen; 05-31-2010, 07:52 PM.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13673

                    While some of the things he states are obvious, his understanding of Macedonian history, indeed Balkan history overall, is sharply Bulgaro-centric and severely warped. Furthermore, he is as sly as they come the filthy snake, slithering his way around the difficult questions, but saying more than enough to again show his true colours. I also find it extremely ammusing when he refers to these "descendants of Alexander" in that smug way, does that mean he is the descendant of the Asian Khan Asparuh? I'll stick with the former, thanks. The fool is a liar and a traitor, conjuring falsities about the Macedonian people, manipulating facts and details to suit his disgraceful bulgarophile agenda.

                    If he was so openly bulgarophile, then why not promote it in the constitution, documents, marketing, etc of VMRO-DPMNE during election time?

                    Indigen, what did you mean by Dragan Bogdanovski having warned us?
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      While some of the things he states are obvious, his understanding of Macedonian history, indeed Balkan history overall, is sharply Bulgaro-centric and severely warped. Furthermore, he is as sly as they come the filthy snake, slithering his way around the difficult questions, but saying more than enough to again show his true colours. I also find it extremely ammusing when he refers to these "descendants of Alexander" in that smug way, does that mean he is the descendant of the Asian Khan Asparuh? I'll stick with the former, thanks. The fool is a liar and a traitor, conjuring falsities about the Macedonian people, manipulating facts and details to suit his disgraceful bulgarophile agenda.

                      If he was so openly bulgarophile, then why not promote it in the constitution, documents, marketing, etc of VMRO-DPMNE during election time?

                      Indigen, what did you mean by Dragan Bogdanovski having warned us?
                      Read the following thread and the top post (on which I worked hard to make highlights for better reading) for a deeper understanding of the events leading up to the complete Bugaroman takover and control of DPMNE in 1997:

                      Zbirka na poraki isprateni na MTO Forumi Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda! http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1992 УСТАВ НА РЕПУБЛИКА

                      Some relevant excerpts:

                      ".....Затоа, денес кога го слушаме и го читаме Љубчо Георгиевски како од една страна отворено жали за судбината на Руфи Османи, а од друга страна јавно им забива нож во грб на обесправените браќа Македонци од Пиринска Македонија, прогласувајќи ја нивната организација за сепаратистичка и екстремистичка со што јавно и недвосмислено се декларира како “адвокат” на великобугарската политика, не можеме а да не се запрашаме: на која партија е претседател господинот Георгиевски - на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ или на ВМРО-СМД??? И која е цената на влогот што лидерот Георгиевски отворено ја напушта Програмата и Статутот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и тргна по магливиот пат на отворено национално предавство? Ако за напуштање на програмата е совршено јасно, за одговорот за цената ќе мора да попричекаме. Се надеваме, не за долго.

                      Според педантните аналитичари, првичните јавни и поотворени манифестирања на пробугарските определби на Георгиевски-Димовска датираат уште од самиот почеток на формирањето на Партијата. Меѓутоа, нивното значење јавноста воглавно го примаше и оправдуваше како своевиден хир на “младиот, ексцентричен и недоволно искусен лидер”, но и како своевидна противтежа и пркосење на српската опасност за Македонија, олицетворена преку сеуште присутната ЈНА и тенденциите за останување во Југославија по секоја цена.

                      Клучен настан за проблемот кој го третираме е неговата посета на САД и Канада во 1991 година......За време на посетата Георгиевски ја исфрли тезата за постоење на “Македонци-Срби, Македонци-Бугари, Македонци-Грци” како зародиш на неговата идна антимакедонска платформа, со која де факто го негира постоењето на македонскиот народ и ги потврдува српските тези на Цвииќ и Новаковиќ (оние кои најмногу се критикувани од бугарските врховисти) дека населението во Македонија во однос на националното чувство е “флотантна маса” која “лесно” може да се обликува, нели, по волјата на освојувачите??!!

                      Ваквите негови ставови се директна причина за разијдувањето на Герогиевски со Драган Богдановски (еден од оснивачите и идеолозите на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ) кој во своето писмо во “Нова Македонија”, од 05.12.1991 год. Го пишува и ова: “На оваа средба меѓу Димитар Гоцев од ВМРО-СДМ и Љупчо Георгиевски стана збор за координирана работа на двете ВМРО, а клучки на таа кординација да бидат Стојче Наумов и Красимир Каракачанов, секретар на ВМРО-СДМ. За карактерот на акцијата што треба да се координира, сега за сега не сакам да зборувам, но ако не дај Боже се оствари таа, тоа би значело бугаризирање на македонската Република. . .”
                      За одбележување е што престојот во Канада го организираше Стојче Наумов (еден од главните идеолози на бугарското лоби во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ кој во последните три години во списанијата “Глас” на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и Дело објави десетина текстови со антимакедонска содржина) и Георги Младенов, претстедател на организацијата на МПО во Торонто, Канада, која остана најупорна во застапувањето на великобугарските претензии спрема Македонија и чија улога во овој антимакедонски заговор се чини дека е една од клучните (за тоа подетално во следните страници). Слични обвинувања за пробугарската ориентација на Георгиевски изнесоа и други личности од оние кои ја формираа ВМРО-ДПМНЕ а потоа ја напуштија Партијата (Венко Вчков, Ванчо Механџиски, Климе Митревски, Томислав Стефковски и други), меѓутоа нивните изјави беа “покривани” со останатите крупни настани кои тогаш се одвиваа во државата.

                      Во овој период Георгиевски и Димовска одржуваат постојани тајни контакти со челниците на ВМРО-СМД и бугарските власти за што домашнита јавност, ниту тогаш, ниту подоцна никогаш не е информирана со било какво соопштение или информација за печатот за карактерот и содржините на тие разговори. Според некои искажувања на членови на ВМРО ДПМНЕ и оставката што Георгиевски ја поднесе на функцијата потпретседател на претседателот е директно сугерирана од Иван Татарчев – јавниот обвинител на Бугарија и почесен претседател на ВМРО-СМД!

                      Кон средината на 1993 година Димовска заедно со Димитар Галев и бугарскиот амбасадор во РМ Ангел Димитров го организираат формирањето на т.н. “Движење за пријателство меѓу Република Македонија и Република Бугарија”. На основачкото собрание кое се одржа во просториите на Собранието на град Скопје на кое во присуство на осведочените бугаромани во Македонија, во ниеден говор или документ воопшто не беше споменато постоењето на македонскиот народ. Паѓа во очи дека во серијата вакви друштва за пријателство меѓу македонскиот народ и другите народи (македонско-хрватското, македонско-еврејското, македонско-американското, македонско-српското и т.н.) единствено ова е “Движење...” и тоа за пријателство, но не меѓу народите, туку меѓу државите! Според замислата на Димитар Галев кој беше избран за претседател на “Движењето...” истото имало за цел активно да работи за бришење и релативизирање на сите културни, јазични, етнички, историски и друг вид разлики меѓу македонскиот и бугарскиот народ и нивно стопување во единствена бугарска нација.

                      Сепак, вистинската офанзива на великобугарската политика во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ започнува кон крајот на 1994 година за да кулминацијата ја достигне токму сега на веќе историската седница на 30 август 1997. Претходно формираната ВМРО-Татковинска во која се вгнездија најекспонираните борци за великобугарската кауза во Македонија, според проценките на стратезите во Софија, не ги даде очекуваните резултати, па затоа се менува тактиката и е одлучено бајракот на бугарштината да го понесе ВМРО-ДПМНЕ. Притоа, дадена е директива, малубројното членство на “татковинците” да премине во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, да се обиде да се инфилтрира во структурите на Партијата и да направи преврат со преземање на раководните функции и елиминација на клучните личности од ортодоксната македонска опција во неа. Главен реализатор на ваквото сценарио е потпретседателот Доста Димовска која во овој период е постојан контакт со бугарскиот амбасадор Ангел Димитров, со претставници на ВМРО-СМД.....со раководството на ВМРО-Татковинска (Црномаров), со пробугарски определените лица во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ....."

                      Zbirka na poraki isprateni na MTO Forumi Pasko Kuzman promoting "Macedonian-Hellenistic period" - anti-Macedonian propaganda! http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1992 УСТАВ НА РЕПУБЛИКА


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13673

                        The more bulgarophile tendencies that he showed, the less popular he became with Macedonians. The man is an elusive traitor, he should have called himself a bulgarophile on a national TV statement while he was PM, he would've been discounted much sooner.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Prolet
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 5241

                          Viktor Konzunov from Skopje and Dragi Karov a proven bugarofili, the only difference is they both hate Bozidar Dimitrov.

                          SOM, You would have heard about that high profile split between Dragi Boganovski and Ljubco Georgievski, then Vasko Eftov comes up with this how Bogdanovski was working with the UDBA, there is no doubt that UDBA had their hands on him however in my opinion they couldnt control him they just wanted to watch over him and see what he does. He was considered to be high risk because he lived outside of the country and had influence there, afterall Bogdanovski was the founder of DOOM and the UDBA sources knew that.

                          If he was so openly bulgarophile, then why not promote it in the constitution, documents, marketing, etc of VMRO-DPMNE during election time?
                          Exactly SOM, he is doing it now so people become suspicious and start asking questions, afterall Ljubco is putting this on himself and he just shoots himself in the foot because nobody will ever trust him again. Isnt Ljubco himself a self declared Bugarofil?

                          Indigen, The Bugarofili tried to push through Radko their movement and the resistance started at the Holiday Inn in Skopje where their delegation from Bulgaria thought they could teach our people about being Bulgarian and three of our people threw smoke bombs and disrupted the meeting, while heavily outnumbered they put up alot of resistance and even had guns put on their heads, then came the Mara Buneva parades and after they saw they couldnt get away with it they moved on to Ohrid.

                          This is why Lubco is openly stating that Todor Aleksndrov and Vanco Mihailov are Bulgarians, then he says if those two are Bulgarians then what are Goce Delcev and Dame Gruev? Za sramota
                          МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13673

                            Originally posted by Prolet
                            Viktor Konzunov from Skopje and Dragi Karov a proven bugarofili, the only difference is they both hate Bozidar Dimitrov
                            Prolet, why do they hate him?
                            This is why Lubco is openly stating that Todor Aleksndrov and Vanco Mihailov are Bulgarians, then he says if those two are Bulgarians then what are Goce Delcev and Dame Gruev? Za sramota
                            Like I said before, his understanding of history is warped, all of the above were Macedonians, the second a traitor, just like himself. His beliefs (lies) can be easily exposed.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13673

                              Was Bogdanovski an UDBA spy or Macedonian patriot, or did he turn at some point?
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • indigen
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 1558

                                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                                Viktor Konzunov from Skopje and Dragi Karov a proven bugarofili, the only difference is they both hate Bozidar Dimitrov.

                                SOM, You would have heard about that high profile split between Dragi Boganovski and Ljubco Georgievski, then Vasko Eftov comes up with this how Bogdanovski was working with the UDBA, there is no doubt that UDBA had their hands on him however in my opinion they couldnt control him they just wanted to watch over him and see what he does. He was considered to be high risk because he lived outside of the country and had influence there, afterall Bogdanovski was the founder of DOOM and the UDBA sources knew that.

                                Exactly SOM, he is doing it now so people become suspicious and start asking questions, afterall Ljubco is putting this on himself and he just shoots himself in the foot because nobody will ever trust him again. Isnt Ljubco himself a self declared Bugarofil?

                                Indigen, The Bugarofili tried to push through Radko their movement and the resistance started at the Holiday Inn in Skopje where their delegation from Bulgaria thought they could teach our people about being Bulgarian and three of our people threw smoke bombs and disrupted the meeting, while heavily outnumbered they put up alot of resistance and even had guns put on their heads, then came the Mara Buneva parades and after they saw they couldnt get away with it they moved on to Ohrid.

                                This is why Lubco is openly stating that Todor Aleksndrov and Vanco Mihailov are Bulgarians, then he says if those two are Bulgarians then what are Goce Delcev and Dame Gruev? Za sramota
                                There is a world of difference between a BUGAROMAN (a fanatical Bulagrian nationalist of non-Bulgar origin, and more so than real Bulgars) and a Bugarofil (a lover of things Bulgarian, e.g. music, culture, people, food, etc). Please don't play like a worn-out LP record and keep repeating the same BS!

                                In 1995 LjuBcho Georgievski published two articles in the weekly political journal "PULS" clearly outlining his BULGAROMAN views on Macedonian history and ethnogenesis and openly challenged anyone to contest his views. The Bulgar and Bugaroman sites have since then widely republished those interviews on the internet and with English translations. There is no need for ignorance.

                                Anyone wanting politicians engaged in the deconstruction of the Macedonian identity project to write BULGAR on their forehead (though LG comes as close as you can get to that, even in 1995, and earlier), is ABSURDLY NAIVE!

                                Стојче Наумов (еден од главните идеолози на бугарското лоби во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ кој во последните три години во списанијата “Глас” на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и Дело објави десетина текстови со антимакедонска содржина)
                                What does it mean to you when an OFFICIAL ORGAN of VMRO (supposedly a revolutionary and nationalist Macedonian party) - GLAS publishes regular pro-Bulgar and anti_Macedonian articles over a period of many years? To me it spells that "ribata smrdi od glavata"! For a few years it was covered up as the sole doing of Dosta Dimovska and her appointees but the PULS 1995 articles by LG and his putsch of 1997, which originated as full backing for DD against those moving for her expulsion, clearly identified the main power source for Bugaromanstvo in DPMNE at the time. Furthermore, much of the DPMNE ideologist today are the same crew as at the time of LG's reign (food for thought)!

