Australian Elections 2022

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  • Phoenix
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 4671

    We are quickly reaching a tipping point, the erosion of our standard of living will be quite significant...everything happening at the moment points in this direction...from the abysmal economic management during covid, the world destruction of the supply chain, the potential escalation of the war in Ukraine and its impact on global wheat supplies, the woke agenda on steroids that is pushing high cost renewables at the expense of cheap fossil fuels...we’re fucked on so many levels...we are governed by imbeciles who are mostly totally disconnected from reality.

    The citizens in Western societies have reached the peak of their economic prosperity, future generations will live with increased poverty.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15659

      Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
      The citizens in Western societies have reached the peak of their economic prosperity, future generations will live with increased poverty.
      Difficult to disagree with.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Momce Makedonce
        • Jul 2012
        • 562

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        We are quickly reaching a tipping point, the erosion of our standard of living will be quite significant...everything happening at the moment points in this direction...from the abysmal economic management during covid, the world destruction of the supply chain, the potential escalation of the war in Ukraine and its impact on global wheat supplies, the woke agenda on steroids that is pushing high cost renewables at the expense of cheap fossil fuels...we’re fucked on so many levels...we are governed by imbeciles who are mostly totally disconnected from reality.

        The citizens in Western societies have reached the peak of their economic prosperity, future generations will live with increased poverty.
        A very sad state of affairs indeed.

        Meanwhile not sure if anyone else saw that Labour and Liberal are urging their followers in some electorates to put the freedom friendly minor parties last and preference themselves above these other alternative parties. If anyone needed any more evidence they are both different sides of the same coin there it is!
        "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
          Difficult to disagree with.
          Remember've been told will own nothing and you will be happy...sounds like another pitch for some theoretical revision of the perfect form of if the current form of communism only needed a tiny bit of fine tuning.


          • Momce Makedonce
            • Jul 2012
            • 562

            Some interesting policies released by the UAP, I like most of these. Not sure how viable some will be e.g max 3% interest on home loans, is this something that can actually be done? Overall I like that they are coming up with some new potential ideas.

            United Australia Party National Policy HOME OWNERSHIP A maximum of 3% interest on home loans Liberal and Labor’s trillion dollars of debt ($1,000,000,000,000 – a million million) will increase home loan rates to 4% in two years and to over 6% in three years. At 4%, over 60% of Australians will default on their mortgages and will lose their homes. At 6% or more over 80% of Australians will lose their homes. The real estate market will then collapse and foreign buyers will flood our real estate market as they will have the money to buy up our properties. We...

            United Australia Party National Policy

            A maximum of 3% interest on home loans to save Australian homeownership
            Liberal and Labor’s trillion dollars of debt ($1,000,000,000,000 – a million million) will increase home loan rates to 4% in two years and to over 6% in three years.

            At 4%, over 60% of Australians will default on their mortgages and will lose their homes. At 6% or more over 80% of Australians will lose their homes.

            The real estate market will then collapse and foreign buyers will flood our real estate market as they will have the money to buy up our properties. We have to stop Australians from losing their homes!

            The United Australia Party will introduce a maximum interest rate for all home loans of 3% per annum for the next five years to save Australian homeownership.

            Repaying our National Debt with our resources
            Both Liberal and Labor fail to address the trillion dollars of national debt, but not the United Australia Party.

            We plan to address it head-on and save your family from its impact.

            Australia supplies over 80% of all iron ore to the Asian manufacturing market, where tens of trillions of dollars

            are invested in manufacturing in China, Japan, Korea and the rest of Asia.

            Asia achieves its position in world trade by using Australian iron ore. Asian economies and industry have no alternative. In the 1960s, Australia had an export license on the export of iron ore. The United Australia Party will introduce a 15% export license on the export of all Australian iron ore.

            The export license receipts will be isolated for the sole purpose of repaying our national debt which will relieve every Australian from that burden and set up our future.

            We will do this so Australia can be all it can be without the financial destruction the Labor and Liberal parties have imposed on our country.

            The export license receipts will be isolated for the sole purpose of repaying our national debt which will relieve every Australian from that burden and set up our future.

            We will do this so Australia can be all it can be without the financial destruction the Labor and Liberal parties have imposed on our country.

            Bring Australian super investments home
            Australia has over one trillion dollars of superannuation invested overseas.

            Just like when John Curtin in World War 2 brought the troops back to save Australia, the United Australia Party will bring back a trillion dollars of Australian super back to Australia, to save Australia.

            End Lockdowns
            Lockdowns destroy businesses, jobs and the Australian standard of living. Lockdowns cause untold damage to both physical and mental health, and lockdowns cause more harm to society than any marginal benefits they may bring.

            The UAP policy is to open the economy, open the borders and provide encouragement, confidence and incentives for businesses, especially small business to thrive.

            Free trade between the states and free movement of people must be reinstated. Section 92 of the Australian Constitution provides for the “absolutely free” movement of people across state borders. Australian troops must not be used to assist power-drunk State Premiers in violating our Constitution.

            The Federal Government must ensure that the Constitutional rights of all Australians are protected by exercising their federal jurisdiction.

            No Domestic Vaccine Passports
            The latest international data and science evidences that so-called “fully vaccinated people” can still become infected and still likely to pass the virus on to others.

            Therefore ‘vaccine passports’ are premised on a false assumption; they are misleading and serve no purpose other than to deny people their normal human rights.

            They will be divisive for all Australians, cause social problems (as seen in Europe), and have the potential to worsen an already growing mental health epidemic in our country, which will have tragic consequences for many Australians.

            It is undemocratic and wrong to deny any Australian their constitutional rights and freedoms because they choose not to take part in a vaccination program for personal or medical reasons.

            The United Australia Party will fight to ensure vaccine passports are banned in Australia. Where they are introduced, we will challenge their validity in the High Court on behalf of the Australian people.

            Respect the Sanctity of Doctor-Patient Relationship
            The United Australia Party believes in the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and the privacy of your medical or health information.

            Alternative treatments to COVID-19 (including anti-virals) that have shown extraordinary success where administered in many overseas countries, must be included in the treatment options and available for all Australians.

            Medical treatments should not be mandated from on high by government chief health officers who have not seen or examined the patients for whom they are mandating particular or a narrow range of treatments.

            Abolish National Cabinet
            Since federation, the Australian Federal Government Cabinet has been comprised from Federal Members of Parliament, voted for and elected by the Australian people.

            The current Morrison Government has imposed this unconstitutional so-called ‘National Cabinet’ that has no legal basis.

            The United Australia Party believes this so-called ‘National Cabinet’ should be abolished as soon as possible, with traditional government and freedom restored to the Australian people.

            End Australia’s Energy Crisis
            Australia has the world’s largest deposits of uranium, however while we export uranium to other nations for them to take advantage of, we ban its use in Australia for electricity generation.

            The government should be proactive in establishing research into new nuclear technology to help solve Australia’s energy problems.

            China, Europe and the United States all benefit from nuclear power. Australia should benefit from our own resources and Australian industries should be benefitting from cheap power so they can compete internationally.

            Strengthen Australia’s Defence
            Australia’s defence budget must be used to defend the nation, and not used for political expediency or to achieve politically correct outcomes.

            We called for the submarine contract with France to be abandoned months before the Federal Government decided to act. It is yet another United Australia Party policy that has been adopted at federal level.

            Submarines should be coordinated with and purchased from the United States of America, where highly effective, cheaper nuclear-powered submarines can be acquired and integrated with the forces of our allies during times of conflict or war.

            Australia must ensure our national submarine fleet is competitive with the nuclear submarines of our northern neighbours.

            Protecting Free Speech from Foreign Tech Giants
            Foreign tech giants that operate as platforms (not publishers) such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter should not be able to censor Australian political debate.

            The United Australia Party will seek to implement laws preventing this foreign interference in Australian politics and our elections.

            Protect Australian Values
            The United Australia Party stands to protect the values that have been built and developed in this country since federation.

            We believe in the most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom of association.

            This includes respect for our Constitution and the rule of law, which underpins our democratic society and protects the rights, freedoms and liberties of every Australian citizen.

            Zonal Taxation for Regional Communities
            Our regional communities are the backbone of the nation and the United Australia Party is committed to stimulating economic growth in rural areas.

            Our cities are bursting at the seams. We face a future of heavy congestion, serious housing affordability issues and mounting cost of living pressures.

            By providing a 20% tax concession incentive to people living more than 200kms from a capital city, we can decentralise Australia and encourage people to move to or settle in regional areas.

            Process Australian Minerals at Home
            We can create thousands of jobs and turbo-charge our exports by processing our mineral resources in Australia, leading to enormous revenue injections and better schools and hospitals.

            Australia is failing to maximise revenue from its prized mineral resources by continuing to send unprocessed ores overseas. The United Australia Party’s downstream processing policy will see more stages of the mining process happen on Australian soil rather than offshore, resulting in much higher returns, along with stimulants for both economic growth and job creation.

            We can use Australia’s mineral resources to kick-start our economy by setting up downstream processing in the states such as South Australia and Victoria that aren’t resource-rich.
            Last edited by Momce Makedonce; 05-05-2022, 08:56 AM.
            "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


            • kompir
              • Jan 2015
              • 537

              The UAP's ideas go nowhere near far enough to right the wrongs in this country.

              - Abolish the RBA, revert money creation to the Treasury and ensure it is backed and not a fiat currency.
              - Do away with the constitutional monarchy and any and all ties to the royal parasites.
              - Have one chamber of government, with all elected members a part of the government, not just the party with a majority.
              - Re-write the constitution to limit government powers; if it's not in the constitution, you can't do it.
              - Repeal all Acts of Parliament, all rules and regulations that stemmed from said Acts and re-do from scratch only the bare minimum of laws.
              - Abolish all government departments and put in place only the absolute essentials and nothing more.
              - Ban any and all investment by foreigners from buying residential or farm properties
              Last edited by kompir; 05-05-2022, 11:55 PM.
              Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


              • Karposh
                • Aug 2015
                • 863

                Originally posted by kompir View Post
                The UAP's ideas go nowhere near far enough to right the wrongs in this country.
                At this point in time, I consider the UAP a gift that could really shake things up in the Australian political scene and, hopefully, even end the endless duopoly of Labor & the Liberals which, as everyone has realised by now, are really two sides of the same coin. Sure, much more can be proposed to right the wrongs of the last couple of years such as holding to account all those responsible for the untethered tyranny of the last couple of years but, for now, I think what the UAP are running with is a good start. If it was up to me, everyone from politicians, to Health officials, to the police would need be prosecuted with some jail time for some quiet reflection. I have a real bee in my bonnet over what was allowed to happen to this country over the last couple of years and it bothers me to no end how we went from a carefree society to a full blown authoritarian state at the drop of a hat where everyone seemed to turn on each other and dobbing on your neighbours was encouraged by the state, if, God forbid, they had visitors over - all in the name of "stopping the spread". They managed to turn everyone, not just into compliant zombies, but into pathetic and paranoid hypochondriacs who were afraid to even breath. And all of this based on, what we now know to be, flawed science at best and something more sinister at worst. Like I said, I think the UAP is a gift at the moment and we shouldn't look at a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying goes.


                • Liberator of Makedonija
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 1597

                  Originally posted by kompir View Post
                  The UAP's ideas go nowhere near far enough to right the wrongs in this country.

                  - Abolish the RBA, revert money creation to the Treasury and ensure it is backed and not a fiat currency.
                  - Do away with the constitutional monarchy and any and all ties to the royal parasites.
                  - Have one chamber of government, with all elected members a part of the government, not just the party with a majority.
                  - Re-write the constitution to limit government powers; if it's not in the constitution, you can't do it.
                  - Repeal all Acts of Parliament, all rules and regulations that stemmed from said Acts and re-do from scratch only the bare minimum of laws.
                  - Abolish all government departments and put in place only the absolute essentials and nothing more.
                  - Ban any and all investment by foreigners from buying residential or farm properties
                  Some good points here. Definitely resonate with some.
                  I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                  • Phoenix
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4671

                    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                    At this point in time, I consider the UAP a gift that could really shake things up in the Australian political scene and, hopefully, even end the endless duopoly of Labor & the Liberals which, as everyone has realised by now, are really two sides of the same coin...
                    You're right, there's very little difference between Labor and the Libs, I think both are drifting further to the left and neither party seems to resemble the party they were 10 or 20 years ago...this in turn is creating a fragmented political landscape, the majors are losing support and the vacuum is being filled by an assortment of fringe players including greater relevance to the lunatic Greens, that ultimately forces the two main players into unworkable coalition arrangements.

                    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                    ...Sure, much more can be proposed to right the wrongs of the last couple of years such as holding to account all those responsible for the untethered tyranny of the last couple of years but, for now, I think what the UAP are running with is a good start. If it was up to me, everyone from politicians, to Health officials, to the police would need be prosecuted with some jail time for some quiet reflection. I have a real bee in my bonnet over what was allowed to happen to this country over the last couple of years and it bothers me to no end how we went from a carefree society to a full blown authoritarian state at the drop of a hat where everyone seemed to turn on each other and dobbing on your neighbours was encouraged by the state, if, God forbid, they had visitors over - all in the name of "stopping the spread". They managed to turn everyone, not just into compliant zombies, but into pathetic and paranoid hypochondriacs who were afraid to even breath. And all of this based on, what we now know to be, flawed science at best and something more sinister at worst. Like I said, I think the UAP is a gift at the moment and we shouldn't look at a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying goes.
                    This my friend is the ever more authoritarian state, this is the future that the World Economic Forum is advocating for and we've already seen a glimpse of this nightmare...remember when the Klaus Schwab acolyte, the Canadian man-child Trudeau was freezing the bank accounts of the Freedom Convoy protesters...that's all part of how their social credit system will will determine whether you are allowed to 'participate' in society based on your compliance to diktat.
                    Last edited by Phoenix; 05-07-2022, 05:37 PM.


                    • kompir
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 537

                      Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                      At this point in time, I consider the UAP a gift that could really shake things up in the Australian political scene and, hopefully, even end the endless duopoly of Labor & the Liberals which, as everyone has realised by now, are really two sides of the same coin. Sure, much more can be proposed to right the wrongs of the last couple of years such as holding to account all those responsible for the untethered tyranny of the last couple of years but, for now, I think what the UAP are running with is a good start. If it was up to me, everyone from politicians, to Health officials, to the police would need be prosecuted with some jail time for some quiet reflection. I have a real bee in my bonnet over what was allowed to happen to this country over the last couple of years and it bothers me to no end how we went from a carefree society to a full blown authoritarian state at the drop of a hat where everyone seemed to turn on each other and dobbing on your neighbours was encouraged by the state, if, God forbid, they had visitors over - all in the name of "stopping the spread". They managed to turn everyone, not just into compliant zombies, but into pathetic and paranoid hypochondriacs who were afraid to even breath. And all of this based on, what we now know to be, flawed science at best and something more sinister at worst. Like I said, I think the UAP is a gift at the moment and we shouldn't look at a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying goes.
                      In a somewhat sane world, your post has a ton of merit. However, seeing as we've been living in clown world for the better part of two years (some would argue even longer), the UAP to me are controlled opposition. If they were a genuine threat to the status quo, they would have been eliminated years ago. The status quo prevails regardless of which colour the majority wave in Parliament as they answer to a body higher than themselves in the political food chain. This has been the case for pretty much the entirety of Federation but has become especially obvious in the past decade or so.

                      Having said that, the status quo is facing a serious threat away from the UAP and other entities that have a voice on the mainstream media. There are indicators that the Establishment have taken body blows that may prove fatal.
                      Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                      • Momce Makedonce
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 562

                        With little attention from mainstream media, Rebel news decided to hold a panel/debate with the alternative parties and two independents in this upcoming election.

                        Way more insightful than the so called 'Great Debate' between Scomo and Albo!

                        Like the debate? Support our work! http://AusDecides.comTonight, the UAP, One Nation, LibDems, IMOP, Australian Values, and two independents (Morgan Jonas ...
                        Last edited by Momce Makedonce; 05-12-2022, 08:33 AM.
                        "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                        • Dove
                          • Aug 2018
                          • 170

                          Originally posted by kompir View Post
                          Anyone that participates in the scam known as "elections" is validating the criminals and giving them legitimacy.

                          Non-compliance, there hasn't been a better time for it.
                          I took your advice after careful consideration and did not vote.

                          I see this morning we have a new predavnik in charge. On the bright side Frydenberg appears to have lost his seat in Kooyong -that is really something. However, he says he will be back. No doubt.

                          Now SM will take his place on the trash heap of history.


                          • kompir
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 537

                            What would be interesting is if the AEC publish voter turnout; something tells me that the 92.4% turnout at the 2019 election might be a lot lower this time around. Based on what I was seeing last night, the turnout might have been close to 80%. It's still a lot, but losing 3.6 million voters doesn't bode well for the system.
                            Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                            • Dove
                              • Aug 2018
                              • 170

                              Originally posted by kompir View Post
                              What would be interesting is if the AEC publish voter turnout; something tells me that the 92.4% turnout at the 2019 election might be a lot lower this time around. Based on what I was seeing last night, the turnout might have been close to 80%. It's still a lot, but losing 3.6 million voters doesn't bode well for the system.
                              Оur own electorate is down 25% on voter turnout numbers since last election. I do not know if there were boundary changes or a people exodus.


                              • Liberator of Makedonija
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 1597

                                On the lower turnout, I believe Albanese received the least first preference votes of any Prime Minister in the last 70-odd years.
                                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.

