Petar Bogojeski - misunderstood or just another traitor?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Petar Bogojeski - misunderstood or just another traitor?

    Who knows what to make of this character. He used to be part of the DPNE scene and then formed his own party called Macedonian Concept. He seems to enjoy calling out the Bulgars these days, but he has often been accused of being a bulgarophile in the past, which he considers to be a smear from his political opponents in Macedonia. He isn't a big factor in Macedonian politics and didn't receive much votes in the previous election but is quite active on social media, where he recently tried to convince disgruntled members of Ljupco Georgievski's party to join his party. For the sake of clarity and in case anybody was intending to support him, I have summarised a few of his interviews with Vasko Eftov, where he outlines his positions and perspectives on Macedonian issues.

    Во Центар со Васко Ефтов:Петар Богојески - Груевски ни ја нудеше партијата во замена за азил!?Петар Богојески беше еден од лидерите на т.н. Реформатори во ВМ...

    This interview (26 June 20) starts in a funny way. Within the first couple of minutes, Eftov states that Bogojeski is the first traitor to attend his show for over a year, lol. Eftov points out his association with Jess Baily, the U.S. diplomat who promoted a name change. Bogojeski claims he was against the name change, but not necessarily against the treacherous Prespa Agreement (later on, he says he won’t change his party’s name to North Macedonian Concept because it is not required by the Prespa Agreement). Whatever. From around 48 mins onward, he talks about his support for the introduction of Bulgarian as a language of official communication in Macedonia. He tries to rationalise that by saying he supports the same for the languages of all minorities in Macedonia. Somewhat similar to Zaev introducing every ethnicity under the sun in the constitution. Stupidly, he goes on to say that the “Macedonian Bulgars” have the right to use their mother-tongue when communicating with the republic – ignoring the fact that the actual mother-tongue of those deluded clowns is Macedonian and not Bulgarian, which is based on the eastern dialects of Bulgaria and is far removed from the dialects in the Macedonian republic. When challenged by Eftov, Bogojeski denies being a “Macedonian Bulgar” and instead claims that he is a Macedonian (Ljupco Georgievski, an ardent bulgarophile traitor, also says the same). Eftov also criticises his relationship to Parthenius, a supposed abbot at the Bigorski Monastery who stupidly claims that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, as the successor of the Exarchate (which was created after a royal decree from the Ottoman Muslim Sultan), is the mother-church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Eftov suggests that it is only natural for traitors to defend traitors. Bogojeski says he would be happy for Parthenius to be the leader of the MOC and tells Eftov that he has a different understanding of bulgarophilism to himself. Eftov calls them both neovrhovisti. Bogojeski suggest that the real bugarashi in Macedonia are actually UDBAshi. At one stage he also claims that the Macedonian identity came about through natural development without outside influences and he rejects those who follow Todor Zhivkov’s theories about Macedonians.

    Кој е олигархот кој им платил 14 милиони евра на бугарските политичари да предизвикаат политичка криза во Македонија!? Еден македонски олигарх им платил 14 м...

    In this interview (19 October 20) Bogejski claims (8 mins) that for the Bulgars he’s a serbophile and for the Serbs he’s a bulgarophile, because they can’t stand that he’s an authentic Macedonian. He talks about his great-grandfather fighting for the liberty of Macedonia as a volunteer in the Bulgar army on the Adrianople front. Yeah, ok….that makes sense. After he makes reference to a Serb phrase (53 mins), Eftov, with a straight face, says he speaks good Serbian for a bulgarophile, lol. Bogojeski spends quite a bit of time speaking out against Bulgaria, Bulgar politics, Karakachanov, etc. He claims that Mickoski is scared of Borisov and friends with Karakachanov. He talks about how there are 2.5-3 million Macedonians, many of whom hold high positions within Bulgar society. He says (1.17 mins) he became more active as a patriot when he saw that Bulgaria’s politics were dangerous for Macedonia.

    ВО ЦЕНТАР Дали преку снимки за црнци и белци Заев ја контролира ВМРО ДПМНЕ?

    In the last interview (22 January 21), Bogojeski says he has been referred to as a bulgarophile for years (24 mins). Eftov responds by telling him that this is how he is stored in his phone, lol. Bogojeski also talks about how the Exarchate belonged to both Macedonians and Bulgarians. And he is rabidly pro-EU, calling himself a euro-fundamentalist. There is also the below, where he speaks against some of the idiotic Bulgar lies about the Macedonian language and states that Macedonians destroyed the actual Bulgar language and imposed Old Church Slavonic and Christianity in Bulgaria.

    1.11.20 - Нашиот си е јазик на нашиот народен говор од Македонија, Вашиот си е на Вашиот народен говор од Бугарија! Дополнително, Св. Наум на Вас ви создаде Преславска книжевна школа, на нас Св. Климент ни создаде Охридска книжевна школа! И тоа по задача од Ромеја, а не од Борис Први! Уште од тогаш Ромеите правеле разлика помеѓу нас! Затоа сме имале и две различни Цркви – Охридска наша и Трновска Ваша! Да сме на чисто! Секој со своето! Вистината е дека денес не постои оригиналниот бугарски јазик! Бугарите во седмиот век си имале држава и свој бугарски јазик со свое писмо! Ние македонистите културолошки сме Ве надвладеале, со помош на Константинопол, сме Ви наметнале старословенски јазик, на тој јазик сме Ве христијанизирале, а Вашиот бугарски јазик сме Ви го уништиле некаде кон 11-от век преку Охридската Архиепископија! Ако нешто Ви значи, еве јавно Ви се извинувам за овој културолошки геноцид, кој моето племе го извршил врз Вашето племе! Извинете бескрајно! “, додава Богојески.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Based on the above, just another traitor.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      A reformed patriot, a former bulgarophile, a simple traitor, or an opportunistic moron who is just hedging his bets from all angles. Just when he starts to make a little sense with some of the things he says, he makes the below statement.

      15.07.2021 - (Translation) - The strategy of the Bulgarian policy in the relations with Macedonia to play the card of the Bulgarian minority has failed. This shows even more illustratively the turnout of those in Macedonia who have the right to vote in the elections in Bulgaria. There is no such minority in Macedonia as imagined in the Bulgarian elite political structures. To the best of my knowledge, there are about 10,000 Macedonian Bulgarians in Macedonia who feel as Macedonian as ethnic Macedonians. They themselves refuse to register as a minority and have the ambition to identify as a majority, ie they want Macedonians to identify as Macedonian Bulgarians. Bulgarian official policy has completely failed against them as well. Macedonian Bulgarians have been integrated into Macedonian society, especially in the last 30 years. Many of them are part of the big parties in Macedonia (both in government and in opposition), employed in high positions in state institutions, with realized political careers… They feel equally Macedonian as ethnic Macedonians. Official Sofia cannot understand that and that is the reason for the current catastrophic policy towards Macedonia. I believe that such an attitude will be changed for the better with the parliament in Bulgaria that will be constituted after the last elections. According to my estimates, in that parliamentary composition, 50 percent of the MPs are friends of Macedonia and will vote to abandon the veto on Macedonia's European integration - says Petar Bogojevski.
      And there's this gem, which seems to be straight out of the Tupurkovski playbook, cited in a website that seems to serve as his media mouthpiece.

      30 July 21 - (Translation) - The leader of the Macedonian Concept, Petar Bogojevski, is the only one with the position that the adopted Resolution in the Parliament is an anti-Macedonian act, that Zaev handed over the European path to Macedonia, followed in the footsteps of Gruevski. According to him, the EU has no alternative and offers a solution how to enter the EU in 5 years from today.

      Bogojevski states:

      The resolution on the protection of Macedonian identity does not protect anything, and implements Russia's policy in the Balkans. As soon as something from that policy is realized, it means that the Macedonian state will disappear. It has been so for centuries, it is so today. The Macedonian Parliament passed an anti-Macedonian Resolution and shattered the foundations of the country's European future. We have now entered the mouths of the Bulgarian Bolsheviks, who are working to bring down the Macedonian Republic. The Prespa Agreement is dead. It cannot be implemented without negotiations with the EU. The provisions of the agreement themselves require implementation, after the opening of the chapters in the negotiations, within five years, and not immediately. Thus, the Agreement is unenforceable for its own sake. There are two solutions, either to leave the agreement unilaterally or to upgrade it. The first is risky after the strategic partnership with the United States, the second has a better solution than that of the blind Zaev and Dimitrov.

      Namely, the Prespa Agreement is based on a successive solution with Greece on the common heritage within Macedonianism, as a superior historical-cultural heritage in the Balkans. We can now, conversely, work together to care for that heritage. Macedonianism should connect us, not divide us. Thus, the symbol of Kutles will become a symbol that unites us, and instead of fighting for its legacy, it will be recognized by all who want to invoke it. For those like me, who understand the essence of Macedonianism and have a different attitude towards that symbol, will have the full right to nurture the traditions of Slavo-Macedonianism, as we find it acceptable, in accordance with international and EU standards. With the help of the United States, to renew friendly talks with Greece, to upgrade the Prespa Agreement on the basis of Macedonianism, to enter the EU through a confederation with Greece, and for the name of the country to disappear "northern". This way we will be the safest and our statehood is guaranteed.

      That confederation with Greece in the EU, provides us with a solution for MOC - OA, our centuries-old pain. The Ecumenical Patriarchate will be encouraged and will issue a volume of the autocephalous Ohrid Archbishopric, we will restore the foundation of Slavo-Macedonianism and we will reconcile it with Helleno-Macedonianism.
      Russia will not have the strength to stop us here, finally after four centuries we will fulfill the dream and wish of our ancestors. The Republic of Macedonia will be rearranged as a civil one, in accordance with the traditions and heritage of Ilinden, following the pattern of the Krushevo Republic. This is how we will live a peaceful and rich life in the EU. Friendship with Serbia and Albania will continue, and the problem with Bulgaria will quickly disappear. This is one of the ways we, from the Macedonian Concept, will bring Macedonia into the EU in a maximum of 5 years from today. There are several more opportunities, we will save them for the next opportunity, says Bogojevski.
      The nerve of this fruitcake, invoking the heritage of the Ilinden Uprising whilst proposing a confederation with Greece. And he's actually from Kruševo.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Rogi
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2343

        Total fuckwit and traitor in every imaginable way. Bugarophile who pretends not to be one by mostly avoiding 100+ years ago and talks about our identity in the last 100 years only.

        Despite being a total moron, he maintains his delusions of grandeur.
        Don't give him any more air in this thread.

        Копиле невидено.
        Last edited by Rogi; 08-03-2021, 04:42 AM.

