2021 Bulgar Elections

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Bulgaria - a beneficiary of billions of dollars for almost 15 years since joining the EU and reaping the rewards with rampant corruption, financial thievery, threats and bribery, election stalemate, widespread poverty, murdered journalists, political gangsterism, etc. A glimpse into Macedonia's future as a member of the EU.

    In 2020, public fury at alleged corruption among Bulgaria's political elite erupted into widespread protests,Since then, the crisis has seen two inconclusive...

    The lesson is simple. Give a man a fish and all that........but who's listening.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    A social media clown with delusions of grandeur hoping to lead the coalition of the unwilling on the one hand, a corrupt bunch of peasants being investigated on the other. These are the morons who want to dictate terms and "European standards" to Macedonia. Whenever Macedonia is at its lowest, people like this come out to cause further damage. Yet, the leaders of Macedonia are incapable of capitalising on the weaknesses of her enemies. Nor do they want to.

    The winners of the recent repeat elections in Bulgaria, There’s Such a Nation, ITN, will enter talks on forming a potential coalition government with all parties except the former ruling GERB party, a mainstay in politics since 2009, it said...........The decision marks a dramatic U-turn in the position of There’s Such a Nation, led by popular TV personality Slavi Trifonov, which came first in the elections by winning 24.08 per cent of the votes. The party previously rejected any possibility of a coalition. On July 12, Trifonov described “coalition” as a dirty word and during a rare video appearance on his social media claimed the party would only rule with a full majority. There’s Such a Nation is now expected to start dialogue with the other major parties that gained prominence in last year’s protest wave – the pro-EU Democratic Bulgaria and “Stand Up! We’re Coming!”, formerly known as “Stand Up! Mobsters Out!”. Also up for talks is the pro-Moscow Bulgarian Socialist Party and the mainly ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms, two parties which Trifonov had formerly ruled out as potential partners because of the controversies around them. Meanwhile, Trifonov who, rarely makes public appearances and strictly avoids giving interviews, has still not apeared in the new parliament. Despite its earlier “all or nothing” attitude, tо muster a majority of 121 MPs and form a government, There’s Such a Nation needs votes from Democratic Bulgaria, “Stand Up! We’re Coming!” and a fourth party. If a government proves impossible to form, Bulgaria will have to go for a third election this year, which will potentially coincide with the presidential polls...........

    On July 22, the High Court Counsel looked into caretaker Interior Minister Boris Rashkov’s proposal for the early discharge of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev – a controversial figure since he took the post in late 2019 as the only candidate. Geshev has been criticised by opposition media, protesters and human rights and law activists for allegedly protecting the political status quo. Under him the prosecution never followed up on photo and audio leaks featuring former longtime PM Boyko Borissov and found no evidence of police violence during the 2020-2021 protest wave, despite widely shared videos and interviews with assaulted protesters and journalists. Geshev denies any wrongdoing. Rashkov has also been active in exposing ther last government’s mass eavesdropping on protest leaders and citizens attending demonstrations during the protests. “There have been gross legal violations,” Rashkov told the media on Wednesday.

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  • Soldier of Macedon

    The July 11 parliamentary elections in Bulgaria highlighted the deep political crisis in the eastern European Union state. Slavi Trifonov’s protest party ITN (“There Is Such a People”), which emerged victorious, is supported by fewer than one in 10 eligible voters. This result exemplifies the political situation in Eastern Europe, where the majority of the population harbors deep mistrust of the entire political elite. Overall voter turnout was only 42 percent. Even in the capital Sofia, not even half of those eligible to vote went to the polls.

    Bulgaria's parliament has met for the first time since an election earlier this month, with President Rumen Radev expected to formally hand the party There Is Such a People (ITN), led by popular television entertainer Slavi Trifonov, a mandate to form a government. In their first order of business on July 21, lawmakers approved Iva Miteva of ITN as speaker by a vote of 137 to 1. In a sign of how fractured the legislature is following the elections, there were 99 abstentions. Trifonov's ITN placed first with 24.08 percent, just ahead of former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov's GERB party with 23.51 percent in the July 11 election, the country's second in three months after the first was inconclusive. ITN, which won 65 seats in parliament, had said before the vote that it would form a coalition with two other groups that were part of last year's massive street protests against Borisov's government. But the final results of the election failed to bring the parties a majority in parliament and Trifonov has said he will form a minority administration in the EU's poorest member, which is also battling perceptions that it is one of the bloc's most corrupt. Five other parties also made it into the 240-seat chamber, including GERB with 63 seats.
    May the fiasco continue. It would be a welcomed respite for downtrodden Macedonia.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Nobody won it outright. Apparently the parties of Borisov and Trifonov are neck and neck, with the latter more likely to be able to form a coalition because the former has been accused of substantial corruption (big surprise for a Bulgar politician). It will make no difference for Macedonia as both hold the same demented views.

    A survey by Gallup International showed ITN, led by popular TV host and singer Slavi Trifonov, on 23.2%, ahead of GERB who were on 23%. Alpha Research put also ITN ahead on 24% and GERB at 23.5%. Even if official results confirm GERB as the largest party, its chances of forging a ruling coalition are slim, political observers say. GERB came in first in an inconclusive election in April, winning 26.2%, but was shunned by other parties. ITN may be better positioned, with the support of its likely partners, two small anti-graft groupings, Democratic Bulgaria and Stand Up! Mafia Out!.........Daniel Smilov, a political analyst with Centre for Liberal Strategies, said a coalition led by ITN may be 5-10 seats short to be able to govern without the support of long-established groupings such as the Socialists or the ethnic Turkish MRF.........The protest parties, which want to foster close ties with Bulgaria's allies in NATO and the European Union, have promised to revamp the judiciary to cement rule of law and ensure proper use of funds due to pour in as part of the EU's coronavirus recovery package. Bulgaria has had a long history of corruption, but a number of recent scandals and the imposition of U.S. sanctions last month against several Bulgarians for alleged graft have dominated the campaign. The current interim government, appointed after the April vote, has accused Borissov's cabinet of spending billions of levs of taxpayer money without transparent procurement procedures, among other shortcomings.

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  • Struja
    Such a small amount of ppl voted on this shit whole of a nation. Still not sure who won the election?

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  • Soldier of Macedon

    Малко под 40 процента е избирателната активност в Благоевградска област, заявиха на брифинг от Районната избирателна комисия, която обяви края на изборния ден в 20.30 часа. От общо 312 000 гласоподаватели, 35 хиляди са македонските граждани, които имат постоянен адрес в областта, но не гласуват. Така реалната избирателната активност, според експертите е около 50 процента. В четири от общо 564 секции устройствата за машинно гласуване дефектираха и изборният процес продължи с хартиени бюлетини. 30 жалби и сигнали бяха подадени в изборния ден, като рекордьори са от партия ГЕРБ. Няколко от тях са препратени към прокуратурата за произнасяне по компетентност. Близо 70 секции от община Благоевград вече са предали протоколите с изборните резултати, които се приемат в сградата на Драматичния театър „Никола Вапцаров“.

    Избирателите, живеещи постоянно в най-близкото до границата със Северна Македония село Логодаж, са 260. В избирателните списъци обаче продължават да фигурират и 4000 македонски граждани с признат български произход, които са посочили постоянен адрес в селото. Дафинка Бойчева - председател на секционната избирателна комисия, обясни: "Около 4000 са записани македонци с българско гражданство, но досега - аз съм била на абсолютно всички избори, нито един македонец не е дошъл да гласува в Логодаж". Активността на гласуването е много по-ниска от месец април: "Особено сега, като се случва, вече трета неделя да са на избори". С каква мотивация и надежда гласуват възрастни и млади: „Защото искам нещо да се промени, а пък ако знам кой ще е този политик да събере българите отвънка да си дойдат в страната и да заработят в България, все за него ще гласувам, ама не го знам кой е“; „Аз съм курсант във Военния университет. Искам най-после промяна в нашата държава. Както и Васил Левски е казал: "Дела трябват, а не думи". споделиха пред БНР избиратели.
    Basically, under 40% voter turnout in Pirin Macedonia. Out of a total of 312,000 voters, 35,000 are Macedonian citizens with Bulgar passports who have a permanent address in the region. The village of Logodaž, which is near the border with the Macedonian republic, has 4,000 Macedonian citizens with a registered address, according to electoral records. Only 260 people came out to vote, none of them Macedonian citizens. It appears to be a similar situation elsewhere in the region.

    According to the link above (not sure if it's the final tally), Borisov's party/coalition received 26.12% (32,305 votes), Trifonov's received 21.56% (26,669 votes) and Karakachanov's received 5.44% (6723 votes) in Pirin Macedonia. So, once again, hats off to these steppe-nostalgic chauvinists promoting a Bulgar nationalist agenda in Macedonia. They received a negligible amount of votes from Macedonians in the Macedonian republic and a miserable turnout from Macedonians in Pirin Macedonia. Tell us less about 2 countries, 1 people. Morons.

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  • VMRO
    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    So, regarding the elections in Bulgaria, some preliminary vote estimates have come through. And of the 100,000 (or whatever the number is) Macedonians with Bulgar passports that are currently in the Macedonian republic, the three-clown Bulgar circus (Borisov, Karakachanov and Trifonov) were able to muster a grand total of 180 votes - collectively. The rest of them must have been sleeping or are in Germany. Millions of dollars spent on anti-Macedonian propaganda. Thousands of people lying about their heritage to get a Bulgar passport so they can skip past Bulgaria and work in the EU. And here is the result. Absolutely staggering progress. Just wow. Great job.

    Наистина, българщината и духът на хан Аспарух в Македония са живи!
    The Bulgaromani from Macedonia and Bugari from Bulgaristan are actually turning on each other.

    Viktor Stojanov in April 2021 formed a foundation called “Fondation Macedonia” where he distributes mostly old and some new “Bulgarian” books in Macedonia, Serbia etc.
    Viktor Kanzurov (long time Bugarash) was turning on that Tatar looking Vitkor Stojanov for claiming that 100,000 self identifying Bulgars are in The Republic of Macedonia to which Kanzurov responded the Macedonian majority do not feel this way and only obtain a passport for economic reasons.

    The Karakachanov inspired Vancho Mihajlov group in Bitola also had a run in with Stojanov, there was an interesting exchange between a certain individual Jane who fell for a scam orchestrated by Viktor Stojanov.

    Viktor Stojanov in front of Goce Delchev’s grave.

    The foundation he uses as a front for his scams

    Scammed some Jane bloke LoL

    Kanzurov's post about Viktor Stojanov.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    started a topic 2021 Bulgar Elections

    2021 Bulgar Elections


    Со обработени 89,14 проценти од гласовите на парламентарните избори во Бугарија, коалицијата ГЕРБ-СДС има добиено 24,01 проценти од гласовите, објави Централната изборна комисија на Бугарија...........Коалицијата Бугарски патриоти, предводена од ВМРО-БНД на Красимир Каракачанов, на вчерашните парламентарни избори во Бугарија освои 3,2 отсто од гласовите и не успеа да го надмине прагот од 4 отсто за влез во собранието. Коалицијата на Каракачанов, кој беше вицепремиер и министер за одбрана во последната влада на Бојко Борисов, не помина нешто подобро ниту на гласањето во дијаспората, освен во Македонија, каде што победи убедливо со 37,21 отсто. Сепак, тоа се само 96 гласа, според првичните неофицијални резултати на бугарската Централна изборна комисија. Второпласирана на гласањето во Македонија е ГЕРБ на Борисов со 24,03 отсто, или 62 гласа. Партијата Има таков народ на Слави Трифонов, која победи убедливо речиси секаде во дијаспората, во Македонија освои само 8,53 отсто, или 22 гласа. И повторените парламентарни избори во Бугарија вчера не успеаја да донесат јасен победник, па повторно ќе оди тешко формирање влада. ГЕРБ на Бојко Борисов и Има таков народ на Слави Трифонов се израмнети на околу 24 отсто, а третопласирана е БСП со околу 13 отсто. На партиите на протестот, како што ги нарекуваат Има таков народ, Демократска Бугарија и Исправи се, мафијата надвор ќе им недостасуваат 5-10 пратенички места за да формираат влада. Од друга страна, речиси е невозможна коалиција на ГЕРБ и БСП.
    So, regarding the elections in Bulgaria, some preliminary vote estimates have come through. And of the 100,000 (or whatever the number is) Macedonians with Bulgar passports that are currently in the Macedonian republic, the three-clown Bulgar circus (Borisov, Karakachanov and Trifonov) were able to muster a grand total of 180 votes - collectively. The rest of them must have been sleeping or are in Germany. Millions of dollars spent on anti-Macedonian propaganda. Thousands of people lying about their heritage to get a Bulgar passport so they can skip past Bulgaria and work in the EU. And here is the result. Absolutely staggering progress. Just wow. Great job.

    Наистина, българщината и духът на хан Аспарух в Македония са живи!