Naumče Mojsovski - The Traitor

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13673

    Naumče Mojsovski - The Traitor

    Иако само седум месеци е директор на Агенцијата за млади и спорт, легендарниот ракометен репрезентативец на Македонија, Наумче Мојсовски, успеа да реализира голем дел од зацртаниот план, да покаже дека е тука за спортистите, но и да стави крај на, според него, незаконското работење на дел од федерациите. Убедливо најголема главоболка има поради Фудбалската федерација на Македонија, која доколку продолжи со игнорирање на законот за спорт, ќе остане без парите кои потоа завршуваат кај фудбалските клубови..........

    Со ФФМ имате проблем и околу името?

    Не беше во право министерот за надворешни работи, Бујар Османи, кога изјави дека ФФМ нема обврска да го менува името. ФФМ има добиено пари од АМС, од државата, околу 1,4 милиони денари за младински категории во февруари. Ние мора да го испочитуваме Преспанскиот договор и има две опции. Едната е да биде Фудбалска федерација на Северна Македонија, а втората е да биде Фудбалска национална федерација. Нема федерација во Македонија која не примила средства од АМС, освен тие кои се блокирани. Има проблем и со пливачката и скијачката федерација и ќе мора да се организира вонредно собрание за да претседателот добие легитимитет. Има уште неколку федерации во кои постои самоволие, мислат дека тоа е нивна фирма, дека е нивна сопственост, а 99% од помалите федерации се спонзорираат од нас.
    Basically, do as we say and change the name of the Football Federation of Macedonia, or stop getting paid. That was the message conveyed by Naumče Mojsovski, a former player for the national handball team of Macedonia and current director of the Agency for Youth and Sports. Greece is now in autopilot as their submissive janissaries in Macedonia do their bidding.

    Naumče Mojsovski. A northadonian. A traitor.

    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
  • Chicho Makedonski
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2019
    • 47

    What a disgrace. Doesn’t deserve to be Macedonian. How about for being a traitor and supporting the illegal name change, he doesn’t get paid once SDSM are no longer ruling the country. How would he and all others that support his style of thinking like that?


    • Momce Makedonce
      • Jul 2012
      • 562

      The saddest part is that I am pretty sure he is the one doing the United Macedonia sign at the end of this video during the national anthem at Euro 2012 in Handball. How times seem to have changed!

      borete se za Makedonija na online igra na linkot se na 10 000 Makedonci koi se borat protiv sosedna G...

      What the hell is wrong with some of these people?! How can you be patriotic and self respecting one minute and then a sell out the next, makes no sense to me. Seems to happen to way too many Macedonians sadly.
      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13673

        Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
        The saddest part is that I am pretty sure he is the one doing the United Macedonia sign at the end of this video during the national anthem at Euro 2012 in Handball.
        Looks like it's him, the maggot.

        What the hell is wrong with some of these people?! How can you be patriotic and self respecting one minute and then a sell out the next, makes no sense to me. Seems to happen to way too many Macedonians sadly.
        Ljupco Georgievski referred to Alexander and the ancient Macedonians during his speeches in the early days of DPNE, before he took the thirty pieces and morphed into a rabid traitor. Shit like this happens when a country led by maggots is surrounded by hyenas. At least we have the benefit of separating the lions from the maggots. Let them keep coming out. Better the devil you know.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • Rogi
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2343

          Remove him.
          Return the money (1.4M MKD, or $30-40K)
          Ask the diaspora for the $30-$40K instead

          Given Macedonia's success this year and the opportunity to give the Severjani the finger, I'd be suprised if the diaspora doesn't cough up a measly $30-40K.

          And if they did it via official merchandise sales (like a simple online Shopify store) of signed soccer tops, signed soccer balls, scarves, etc with heavily jacked up prices, I'm pretty sure they'd never need the Severjani ever again.

          I'd happily pay a $1K or more for a signed top from Macedonia's first ever Euro team. It cant ever be repeated (as in, being the "first ever") in the future. Hell, even if it were signed just by Stole Dimitrievski, just watching him passionately singing the anthem alone was enough to get the blood pumping.
          Last edited by Rogi; 07-12-2021, 08:42 AM.

