Macedonian Elections - 2020

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  • Phoenix
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 4671

    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    In normal circumstances, I would welcome such honest commentary by ethnic Albanian personalities with respect to treacherous Macedonian politicians. However, while his self-hatred benefited them, they kept their mouths shut. Now they act surprised that the thing with a rabbit's namesake is actually a snake, as if a person who doesn't respect himself could ever respect somebody else. The fact is, the self-hatred that Zaev has demonstrated towards his own ethnic group mirrors the self-hatred that many ethnic Albanians have demonstrated towards their status as Macedonian citizens. A little late to cry foul now. They deserve him.
    Perfectly put SoM...

    We will soon see how all of these theatrics play out post July 15...
    Zaev has no shame and certainly no boundaries when it comes to the protection and respect of Macedonian national interests, he has a unique capability to backflip on anything that he has said or promised.

    After the elections when neither main party has the numbers to form a majority government, I'm sure Zaev will be rolling out the red carpet to anyone willing to form government with him and every shiptar demand will be considered - including the possibility of a shiptar PM, it may eventuate in some sort of power sharing capacity or in their own right but Zaev will do whatever he can and by any means possible just to hold onto power.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      SDS and DPNE are ramping up accusations of corruption against each other, with another leaked audio from Zaev.

      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Liberator of Makedonija
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2014
        • 1597

        I believe Apasiev said in an interview recently that there was a lot of audio dirt on Zaev that would likely be leaked in the lead-up to the election.
        I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675


          North Macedonia heads to the polls Wednesday to elect a government in the midst of a resurgence of coronavirus cases, which has fuelled a bitter blame-game between rival camps. The pandemic has heightened divides in a Balkan state whose acrimonious political scene has lurched from crisis to crisis in recent years. On one side are the Social Democrats led by former prime minister Zoran Zaev, who is touting his success in ushering the country into NATO and getting a green light to start EU membership talks. His right-wing rivals in VMRO-DPMNE, however, argue that the price of a name change was too high -- Skopje added "North" to the country's name last year in order to end a decades-old row with Greece, which claims exclusive rights to the name Macedonia for its own province. While such identity debates may have been at the forefront of politics several months ago, the pandemic has changed the game, with the two sides trading accusations for the latest rise in virus cases. For the past six months the country has been run by a shared caretaker cabinet with members from both parties who have struggled to unite in the face of the crisis.

          The interim government -- which lacks a parliament -- was only supposed to last until April, when a snap poll was originally scheduled. The postponed vote is now being held amid a much larger wave of infections, which could dampen turnout. "I'm not going to vote," said 38-year-old Slobodan Katusevski from Skopje, reflecting health fears in the capital. "They say it is as safe as going into the supermarket, but I need to go to the supermarket, I do not have to vote," he added. After an initial outbreak was contained by mid-May, infections have sky-rocketed from the single digits to more than 150 daily, reaching nearly 8,000. More than 375 people have died in the country of around two million, the second highest death toll in the Western Balkans behind much larger Serbia. Health authorities have issued special protocols for the election, including two days of early voting for infected patients and the infirm.

          Opinion polls put the two main camps in a close contest with less than a quarter of the vote share each. In previous years, the main party representing ethnic Albanians, the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), has played a kingmaker role, giving it a seat in power for 16 out of the past 18 years. This time they have a new demand: naming their candidate as prime minister in exchange for an alliance. The campaign slogan is "Why Not?". Composing around a quarter of the population, the Albanian minority has long complained of social and economic discrimination. Yet some critics have accused DUI of playing the ethnic identity card to draw attention away from its own lacklustre policy platform and allegations of graft. Both Zaev -- who has allied with another smaller ethnic Albanian party -- and his opposition rival Hristijan Mickoski have dismissed the PM demand as "blackmail".

          Zaev's coalition has promised to focus on fixing an economy where salaries average 420 euros ($475) a month, sending huge numbers of young people abroad. "We are part of NATO and are starting the negotiations with the EU... now we will work at home on the economy," he said in a recent television appearance. The former PM has warned that a victory for VMRO-DPMNE would be a return to the dark days of former strongman Nikola Gruevski, who ruled the country for a decade until 2016. He has since fled to Hungary to escape a corruption sentence. But Zaev's camp is also facing its own graft accusations.
          Mysterious audio and video wiretaps purporting to show alleged wrongdoing have emerged on social media to discredit both main parties. Analysts say it is difficult to know how these smear campaigns will sway undecided voters, some of whom may choose to stay home. "I think that the final outcome of this elections will be uncertain until the very end", said political analyst Ljupco Petkovski. For the past six months the country has been run by a shared caretaker cabinet with members from both parties who have struggled to unite in the face of the crisis Zoran Zaev, leader of the ruling SDSM party is touting his success in ushering the country into NATO and getting a green light to start EU membership talks.
          In a recent interview, Zaev also claimed that if DPNE were to win, Gruevski would make his return to Macedonia:
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Another interesting Eftov clip on the following link:

            It includes two separate interviews with Ljupco Ristovski from Integra and Solza Grceva from Glas Za Makedonija. Topics discussed include the stances of their parties, connections between Mickoski and Zaev, Levica's pro-DPNE leanings, calls for an Albanian prime minister and the impact of smaller parties in this election.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675


              На овие избори за разлика од минатите во 2016 година има девет нови партии и коалиции на листата. Но, според упатените, согласно сегашниот изборен модел, тие немаат шанси за освојување на некое пратеничко место, посебно во услови на поинаква изборна кампања поради пандемијата на коронавирусот. Петнаесет партии и коалиции се во трката за предвремените парламентарни избори закажани за 15 јули. Листата за разлика од минатите избори е збогатена за дури девет партии и коалиции кои не биле дел од гласањето во 2016 година. Во трката по гласови сега се вклучија Твоја партија, Интегра, Македонски концепт која на листата ќе настапува со Социјалдемократската унија, потоа Демократи, Глас за Македонија, Граѓанско демократска унија, Народна партија на Ромите, како и партиите кои не се новоформирани, но не биле дел од изборите, работничката партија МОРО и коалицијата на Единствена Македонија и Фродем заедно со здружението Тврдокорни под името „Никогаш Северна само Македонија“. Поранешниот претседател на Собранието и лидер на помала партија, Тито Петковски вели дека Донтовиот метод е проблем за некаков успех на малите партии и тоа се покажало во неколку изборни циклуси. „Доколку се постигнеше некој консензус помалите политички партии заедно да настапат на изборите тогаш шансите се зголемуваат. Но, вака големите политички партии и кај македонскиот и кај албанскиот електорат се апсолутно во ситуација да го диктираат политичкиот пазар. Така што со години тие не сакаат со никого да го делат политичкиот профит и малите партии или се упатуваат да прават некои коалиции или едноставно однапред да се помират со пораз на изборите. Начинот на распределба на мандатите сериозно ги намалува шансите на малите партии, кои и финансиски не се во можност да водат голема кампања“, смета Петковски. Минатата година имаше иницијатива за промена на изборниот модел, од шест избирачки единици да се сведе на една изборна единица. И покрај тоа што владејачката партија СДСМ ја поддржуваше иницијативата, таа не беше усвоена. Имаше случаи во минатото кога некои партии освојуваа и по 30 илјади гласови, но не добија ниту еден пратеник, бидејќи гласовите беа сконцентирани во повеќе изборни единици, вели политичкиот аналитичар Џељал Незири. И според него, проблем е Донтовиот метод со кој во секоја изборна единица се распределуваат по 20 пратенички места. „Со овие математики често се губи тој глас, бидејќи таа Донтова формула ги фаворизира поголемите партии. Но, ако се концентрирани во една изборна единица. Ако нивното јадро е токму во една изборна единица тогаш имаат големи шанси да освојат најмалку еден пратеник“, вели Незири. Петковски смета дека дополнителен ограничувачки фактор е што фокусот на изборната кампања сега треба да бидат електронските медиуми поради пандемијата со коронавирусот. „Во овие услови на пандемија и тешки економски прилики во државата, сериозно заострени односи на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и СДСМ кои условно кажано им дојдоа преку глава на граѓаните, можеби нивната жестока реторика еден дел од граѓаните ќе ги упати на друга адреса да се ориентираат кон другите политички партии. Но и новите политички партии не се со некоја граѓанска содржина, туку имаат набиена етничка агенда и еднонационална реторика, така што можеби во една таква ситуација и да добијат некој мандат, но не верувам дека сериозно може да ја променат политичката слика“, додава тој. На изборите пред четири години учествуваа 11 политички субјекти. Од малите партии кои настапуваат самостојно единствено Левица има искуство од изборите во 2016 година, кога освои нешто над 12 илјади гласови, но не освои пратеничко место. За прв пат на овие избори има коалиција од две албански партии Алијанса за Албанците и Алтернатива, како и коалиција на македонска со албанска партија, односно СДСМ со БЕСА. На листата се плус ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и коалицијата, како и ДУИ и ДПА. До изборите пак, дојде по инсистирањето на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ откако државава не доби датум за преговори со Европската унија на ланскиот есенски самит и покрај сменетото име во Република Северна Македонија. Првично требаше да бидат одржани на 12 април но беа одложени поради почетокот на пандемијата од Ковид – 19.
              Basically, there are 15 parties and coalitions in these elections. The many new smaller parties will find it difficult to win seats because of a lack of finances to fund large campaigns and the impact of COVID-19. Another factor is the current electoral model, which has 6 constituencies, 20 seats per constituency, with a total of 120 seats. Last year, there was an initiative to change the electoral model from six constituencies to one constituency. Although supported by SDS, it was not adopted. There have been cases in the past when some parties won as many as 30,000 votes, but did not get a single MP, because the votes were concentrated in several constituencies. If there was to be only one constituency, the smaller parties would have a greater chance of winning a seat. That’s the gist of the article.

              Here are the election rules:

              Far be it for me to defend Gruevski after all of the damage he has done, but at least there was a semblance of patriotism about him, however ingenuine it may have been. Mickoski, on the other hand, seems like a straight up opportunist. He doesn't give the impression that he will work in the interests of Macedonia, unless pressured to do so. There are a number of smaller parties and coalitions that claim to be against the treacherous agreements with Greece, Bulgaria and ethnic Albanian politicians. They claim that those agreements should be discarded. These parties and coalitions include Integra (Ljupco Ristovski), Levica (Dimitar Apasiev), Glas Za Makedonija (Solza Grceva) and Edinstvena Makedonija (Janko Bachev). If they believe their ideals are more important than their parties and coalitions, then they should unite to increase their collective bargaining power in each of the constituencies where they find success. They can then try to bend DPNE to their will and block their initiatives when they don't comply. I hate what DPNE has become. It has been so for many years. However, Zaev’s quest for Macedonia's cultural suicide must be stopped. In the absence of preferred outcomes, such as an outright victory by a party that actually has integrity or a revolution (keep holding your breath, RTG), this is perhaps the least damaging result that can occur. Whatever it may be, for once, can we have Macedonians be the kingmakers in Macedonian politics?
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Karposh
                • Aug 2015
                • 863

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                Another interesting Eftov clip on the following link:

                It includes two separate interviews with Ljupco Ristovski from Integra and Solza Grceva from Glas Za Makedonija. Topics discussed includes the stances of their parties, connections between Mickoski and Zaev, Levica's pro-DPNE leanings, calls for an Albanian prime minister and the impact of smaller parties in this election.
                I'm really starting to warm to Ristovski. He is saying all the right things and his passion is unmatched so far, from what I've seen. Good luck to him. He seems like he has the goods to put Macedonia and Macedonians on the right path. As for Eftov, he came across as a complete tool with his unnecessarily rude and belligerent attitude towards him. His condescending attitude towards the man's faith was particularly hard to watch. It's one thing to ask the hard journalistic questions but quite the other to be a total cunt. Ristovski and his party are quite new on the Macedonian political scene and that line of questioning should really be reserved for the likes of Mickoski and Zaev, not this bloke. Once in power, sure, rip into him if he deserves it but, until then, cut the guy some slack.
                As for Grceva, she lost me the moment she started bragging about how incredibly smart she is. Apparently, not only is she a qualified scientist but so is her husband, her dad, her grandfather, and God knows who else in her family. Really couldn't give a stuff how smart she is. The only thing that matters to me is how much she loves her country and people. As an impartial observer, I believed Ristovski more than I believed Grceva when it came to convincing me of their passion and love for Macedonia and undoing the injustices of the past 30 years since independence.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                  As for Eftov, he came across as a complete tool with his unnecessarily rude and belligerent attitude towards him. His condescending attitude towards the man's faith was particularly hard to watch. It's one thing to ask the hard journalistic questions but quite the other to be a total cunt.
                  Yep, he got carried away at one point in the beginning. The question on his religion was also irrelevant, as if being of the same denomination as Trajkovski has any bearing on the actions of Ristovski. He apologised for his attitude at the end. I think even he realised he overstepped.
                  As an impartial observer, I believed Ristovski more than I believed Grceva when it came to convincing me of their passion and love for Macedonia and undoing the injustices of the past 30 years since independence.
                  I agree, Ristovski's sentiments have been largely on point. What bothers me is his earlier interview with Eftov and the thoughts about the dual-name formula.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Momce Makedonce
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 562

                    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                    I'm really starting to warm to Ristovski. He is saying all the right things and his passion is unmatched so far, from what I've seen. Good luck to him. He seems like he has the goods to put Macedonia and Macedonians on the right path. As for Eftov, he came across as a complete tool with his unnecessarily rude and belligerent attitude towards him. His condescending attitude towards the man's faith was particularly hard to watch. It's one thing to ask the hard journalistic questions but quite the other to be a total cunt. Ristovski and his party are quite new on the Macedonian political scene and that line of questioning should really be reserved for the likes of Mickoski and Zaev, not this bloke. Once in power, sure, rip into him if he deserves it but, until then, cut the guy some slack.
                    As for Grceva, she lost me the moment she started bragging about how incredibly smart she is. Apparently, not only is she a qualified scientist but so is her husband, her dad, her grandfather, and God knows who else in her family. Really couldn't give a stuff how smart she is. The only thing that matters to me is how much she loves her country and people. As an impartial observer, I believed Ristovski more than I believed Grceva when it came to convincing me of their passion and love for Macedonia and undoing the injustices of the past 30 years since independence.
                    I have been keeping an eye on Integra and Ljupco Ristovski from when they first came on the scene, even went to hear what they had to say when they came to Sydney.

                    I agree with you Karposh, Ristovski seems to say all the right things, has passion and an intellectual background. It's also refreshing that most of the people that make up the Integra party seem to be educated people who are professors e.t.c. I'm not an expert in Macedonian politics but the other parties seem to be more career politicians.

                    If the power were in my hands, from the current political options available I would give Integra a chance. They can't be worse than Dpmne or Sdsm. Similar to you I believe Ristovski more than I believe any other politician in Macedonia at the moment and believe that the party has potential if it's genuine.

                    Not sure how they will go in the elections but they seem to have had a decent campaign and are getting a bit of attention.
                    Last edited by Momce Makedonce; 07-13-2020, 11:43 AM.
                    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Here are Zaev's pals, the traitors Ljupco Georgievski, Ljube Boskoski and Stojance Angelov smiling as they sign on the dotted line.

                      And while the Macedonian parties bicker amongst each other and seem unwilling to be in a coalition together, we have an assorted collection of gypsies in the "Mozheme" coalition, including Macedonians, Albanians, Roma, Serbs, Turks, Vlachs and Bosniaks. Once again, all of the sizeable minorities in the country have representatives doing their bidding for the destruction of Macedonia. This will not be forgotten. I hope at least some of the minorities still have love for Macedonia.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Well, it's crunch time. All of the foreign media is for Zaev and his consortium of traitors, lackeys and others of the anti-Macedonian type. Apparently it is all about an (elusively) new and prosperous future. The only catch - lose your self-respect by dishonouring your past. I found this article telling, particularly regarding DPNE:

                        Early parliamentary elections in the Republic of North Macedonia will be held on 15 July 2020. Initially the elections were scheduled to take place on

                        Will Macedonians end up on the right side of the history again?

                        Early parliamentary elections in the Republic of North Macedonia will be held on 15 July 2020. Initially the elections were scheduled to take place on 12 April 2020, but were postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. On 30 June 2020, the IFIMES international institute published a pre-election analysis titled “Parliamentary elections in North Macedonia: Membership in NATO is a historic success.”/Парламентарни избори во Северна Македонија 2020: Членството во НАТО како историски успех“ (link: ). Based on the system of proportionality, a little less than 1.8 million voters will have the right to vote for the Macedonian parliament (Sobranie), which has 120 seats. These elections as well will be a duel of two leading political parties, the Social-Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM – the ruling social-democratic party) and VMRO-DPMNE (opposition conservative right-wing party). There are also smaller political parties such as the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI – a ruling party of ethnic Albanians), Alliance for Albanians (ASH – an opposition party of ethnic Albanians), as well as political parties of minorities such as the Turks, Roma, Bosniaks, Serbs and others, which traditionally have representatives in the Macedonian parliament.

                        Citizens again faced with an election between Zaev and Gruevski?

                        Parliamentary elections are an opportunity for continuation of changes in the Republic of North Macedonia, which were commenced following the establishment of the new coalition government of the Republic of North Macedonia on 31 May 2017, headed by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev (SDSM). The parliamentary elections in the Republic of North Macedonia are not just ordinary periodic elections for both sides of the political spectrum (SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE), because of the ongoing political struggle between democracy and authoritarianism, that is between civic and/or ethnic character of North Macedonia. However, once again it boils down to election between “Antiquity and Future”. The parliamentary elections are an opportunity to deliver a final blow to the duo of Nikola Gruevski (VMRO- DMPNE) and Sašo Mijalkov (VMRO-DPMNE), who are directly responsible for the unlawful surveillance of more than 26,000 citizens and syphoning out of the country more than 5 billion Euros. The list could be expanded with unresolved murders and physical liquidations from the period of their rule and numerous inter-ethnic incidents. It is worth reminding that in the last three years no new inter-ethnic incidents have been recorded in this multiethnic West Balkan country. That is why, according to assessments by analysts, the parliamentary elections are a another contest between Zoran Zaev (SDSM) and Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE), who is managing his election campaign from Budapest with the logistics and support of at least four states, which had put their security-intelligence apparatuses and unlimited funds at his disposal in order to assist him in his attempt to topple the current government in North Macedonia gathered around the SDSM and Zoran Zaev. De-Gruevization of the Republic of North Macedonia is about facing the past, as well as the causes and consequences of the regime of Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE. It entails a lengthy process of dismantling of the regime, which is still capillary present in all segments of the Macedonian state and society. Gruevski still cultivates serious intentions to return from Hungary to North Macedonia “on a white horse” and become the prime minister of the country. However, Gruevski is the only and true candidate of VRMRO-DPMNE for the position of the prime minister of the Republic of North Macedonia and Zaev’s rival. Although the VMRO-DPMNE should be a nationalist party, its current political program does not contain any concrete promises. The party did not clearly announce compliance with the Prespa Agreement or the Ohrid Framework Agreement. It also did not announce unilateral change of the name of the country as it had frequently rhetorically promised, or a change of name for internal and/or external purposes. Such a policy is not distinguishable and does not reflect the practice or policy that would truly remind of the VMRO-DPMNE from 20 or 30 years ago. That is why the long-time members of VMRO-DPMNE have dubbed the party „the other SDSM“, because with such a shaky and flabby rhetoric it is not able to consolidate and attract its own electorate, let alone other voters. As a result, the current VMRO-DPMNE offers no sound alternative to VMRO supporters, as the long-time VMRO members worryingly believe. Namely, the long-time VMRO members are once again afraid that they could provoke major western powers such as the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, which had unambiguously said “NO” to such a destabilizing policy of the VMRO-DPMNE, particularly now when the dialogue between the official Belgrade and Priština has entered its final phase and when the time has come to resolve the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nobody wants to see destabilization of the situation in North Macedonia and the region.

                        Prespa Agreement was a final blow to adversaries of Macedonia

                        With the signing of the Prespa Agreement Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras defeated the doctrine of Slobodan Milošević and Constantin Mitsotakis. The doctrine was assisted by specific Macedonian political parties and did not plan for existence of Macedonia as a state and Macedonians as a people. Full-fledged membership in NATO provided for fulfillment of a century long dream of Macedonians and other citizens of the country to have their own state whose territorial integrity and sovereignty are guaranteed by the biggest and strongest military alliance in the world – NATO. The membership in NATO also defeated the expansionist state projects, which involved or included aspirations towards North Macedonia.

                        Ali Ahmeti and DUI are a Macedonian version of Dragan Čović and HDZBiH

                        For the first time since it gained sovereignty and independence, there is a pre-election multiethnic coalition, including ethnic Macedonians and Albanians, as well as other citizens of the country on the political stage in the country. The coalition of the SDSM and the BESA Albanian political party is a sign of progress and political maturing of the Macedonian society. In fact, the current Government of the Republic of North Macedonia is a “distracting” factor for the above described political forces, because it bases its activities on association through the “One society for all” and “Government for citizens” paradigm. Establishment of the coalition of the SDSM and BESA is a result of such a policy and vision of the civic concept of the state. This is why the DUI President Ali Ahmeti has intensified his contacts and concerted his activities with Nikola Gruevski, with whom he shares an 11-years long political as well as criminal history, with the aim of having the VMRO-DPMNE and DUI once again establish a coalition Macedonian government. This means that at the upcoming elections, a vote in favor of the DUI will actually be a vote in favor of the VMRO-DPMNE and Gruevski. Analysts believe that the political actions of Ali Ahmeti and DUI are similar to political actions of Dragan Čović[2] and the Croat Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZBiH), which was established as a satellite party of the HDZ Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two parties always put forward maximalist requests and refer to defense of “their“ respective ethnic community, that is Albanians and BiH Croats, while concealing their completely different interests, primarily criminal ones. One of the consequences of such a policy is that the number of Albanians and BiH Croats has halved. Ahmeti and Čović present themselves in public as the proponents of the European path and European values, while they actually promote criminal and the darkest European values, which are connected with the defeated ideologies of World War II, such as fascism and similar ideologies. The upcoming parliamentary elections in the Republic of North Macedonia are important for both sides of the political spectrum (SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE), because they are a matter of the political fight between the concept of the past and the future. Therefore, it is important that at the upcoming parliamentary elections Macedonians choose the right side of the history and stay commitment to their future and the future of their country. The upcoming elections are of key importance for North Macedonia, and even the region, in the context of its path to Euro-Atlantic integration, because the current Macedonian government has proven itself as a leader and proponent of reform processes in the region. Analysts warn of the fatal consequences of the nationalist concept and nationalist policies in a multiethnic country, such as North Macedonia, as was proven during the VMRO-DPMNE and DUI rule in the period from 2006 to 2017. That is why, once again, the parliamentary elections boil down to the choice between “the West and the East” and different systems of values. These parliamentary elections are not just ordinary elections, but a continuation of parliamentary elections and the political changes and processes commenced on 11 December 2016, that is with the holding of early parliamentary elections that led to the overthrow of the regime of Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE) and establishment of the new ruling coalition, headed by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM).

                        “Mini Schengen” is an additional opportunity for development of North Macedonia

                        On 9 October 2019, in Novi Sad (Serbia), North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev (SDSM), Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić (SNS) and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama (PS) signed the Declaration of intent to establish a “mini Schengen” including the three countries. The joint declaration envisaged elimination of border controls and other barriers by end-2021, which should facilitate movement in the region, enable citizens to use only national identification cards for crossing the borders (of the three countries) and find employment (in one of the three countries) if they have a certificate of their qualifications. The Declaration also provided for recognition of diplomas, as well as better cooperation in the area of fight against organized crime and assistance in case of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, pandemics, etc.). The signed declaration should assist the entire West Balkan region to start functioning in line with the four key freedoms promoted by the European Union- freedom of movement of capital, goods, services and people. The initiative is also open for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo. It was emphasized that the initiative does not constitute a substitute for or alternative to membership of countries from the region in the European Union. Analysts believe that the initiative aimed at improvement of cooperation among the six West Balkan countries (Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo), dubbed „mini Schengen“, is the most important initiative since the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and does not imply abandonment of integration or an alternative to membership in the EU. The initiative is a kind of Beneluxization of the region following the model of three Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg), which signed the Agreement on establishment of a customs union in 1944 in London. The agreement was implemented in 1947. In 1960 the agreement was replaced by treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union. Establishment of this Union significantly instigated the establishment of the European Union.

                        North Macedonia to benefit the most from “mini Schengen”

                        Studies and calculations have shown that initially North Macedonia would benefit the most from this initiative. It would be followed by Albania and Serbia. According to the analysts, had the „mini Schengen“ initiative been implemented countries in the region would be by far more successful in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, as it has transpired that absence of connectedness and regional cooperation can be fatal for citizens and protection of their lives. Ljubljana/Skopje, 14 July 2020
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15659

                          Yep, the "other SDSM" is more of the same.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • maco2envy
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 288

                            Live turnout:


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              Thanks maco2envy, I have been following the same link for updates.

                              The voting seems largely distinguished by three 'groups'. The disunited Macedonian parties, the disloyal SDS-led coalition (incl. reps from all minorities), and the two remaining Albanian parties (DUI and the Alliance/Alternative coalition) who are duking it out for the position of kingmaker. Interestingly though, it's about 4pm in Macedonia right now and the voter turnout is lowest in the north-west voting constituency (6). Perhaps ethnic Albanians are also sick of voting for the same crooks. Or perhaps there aren't as much voters in those areas as the authorities had assessed prior to the elections.

                              Stay tuned for the latest updates as North Macedonia holds its early general election amid the coronavirus outbreak – with no clear winner in sight, as none of the contenders looks set to win a majority of votes.

                              By 1pm, voter turnout in North Macedonia’s tenth parliamentary elections was 24.61 per cent, the State Electoral Commission, DIK, said. It also noted that by the same time, it had not received any complaints or saw any signs of irregularities. Unlike the higher than expected turnout in the morning hours, the turnout by the afternoon is smaller compared to parliamentary elections in 2016, when 34.83 per cent of the voters cast their ballots in by the same time.
                              A wasted opportunity below.
                              Voting in today’s election will only be conducted inside the country, as the diaspora community will not vote in embassies abroad due to the fact that not enough people registered to vote. As a result, the country will elect 120 MPs and will not have the additional three MP’s from the diaspora – which similarly happened in the 2016 elections.
                              Some issues with voting.
                              - Local election monitors from the NGO CIVIL at this morning’s press conference in North Macedonia announced that they found 18 cases of irregularities during today’s voting, which began at 7am. The inconsistencies range from improper check-ins to see if voters had already cast their ballots at a polling station in Skopje’s Butel municipality, to a lack of disinfection materials at a polling station in the Gjorce Petrov municipality. On one polling station in the Gazi Baba municipality in Skopje, CIVIL monitor had spotted a political party monitor sitting directly next to the head a local polling committee. The two reportedly refused to explain why.

                              - Since the start of election day, North Macedonia’s Public Prosecution, through its election day-specific email, received complaints about political agitation and threats, uttered in person or through social networks, offers for vouchers for fuel or money in exchange for an endorsement of certain political parties, as well as an attempt for voting without a valid ID. The prosecution said that these events have been reported in the towns of Strumica, Kocani as well as in the capital Skopje.

                              - At several polling stations, people with brand new IDs were unable to vote because they were not listed in the electoral rolls.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Although it may be too early to "call it" the low turnout in IE6 may be in fact due to mass emigration from that region - which seems to be higher than other areas of the country. The state, statistical and/or electoral commissions may not be working with accurate numbers.

                                This is the overall update as of 5pm local time.

                                IE6 appears to be an "outlier", and stands out from the other electoral units / overall averages. Here is the further breakdown of IE6. The lowest number is in Zhelino which stands at 23.13% at 5pm.
                                Last edited by Carlin; 07-15-2020, 12:33 PM.

