COVID-19 Pandemic
Originally posted by kompir View Post
Omicron deaths peak as fatalities fall below pre-pandemic levels
Deaths nationally have peaked from the omicron wave, with Australia recording almost 13,000 fewer deaths across the two years of the pandemic than would typically have occurred.
This makes Australia, with 4201 deaths from COVID-19, one of a handful of countries to record negative excess deaths during the pandemic.
Excess COVID-19 deaths is the difference between the total reported number of deaths since January 1, 2020 and the projected number of deaths for the same period based on previous years. It is seen as the primary measure of the effectiveness of a country’s pandemic response.
Based on projected COVID-19 fatalities by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at Washington University in Seattle, and Australian Bureau of Statistics fatality data from October last year, Australia is sitting on a negative excess death rate from the pandemic of about minus 496 deaths per million people.
This means there have been an estimated 12,881 fewer deaths than would ordinarily have occurred.
This is significantly better than other low-COVID-19 Asian countries. Japan had an excess death rate of minus 125 deaths per million, while Taiwan had minus 143 deaths per million based on their latest fatality data. South Korea recorded 57 deaths per million people for the pandemic.
Assuming the same trends IHME is projecting, this negative excess rate will reduce to minus 455 deaths per million, or 11,816 fewer fatalities than would ordinarily have occurred by June 1, according to calculations by Monash University physics professor Michael Fuhrer.
Australia has been slow to report its death data and the most recent ABS data as charted by Oxford University’s Our World in Data group revealed that Australia had an excess death rate across the pandemic of minus 594 deaths per million on October 31 last year.
Professor Fuhrer said that as a result of the delta and omicron wave IHME is projecting COVID-19 deaths in Australia of 210 people per million by June 1.
Professor Fuhrer said that assuming there was no other changes to mortality besides COVID-19 deaths, “we could expect on June 1, 2022 that excess mortality of minus 455 per million” based on the IHME data.
“This assumes that whatever has been making excess deaths negative during the pandemic (for example, the suppression of other respiratory diseases such as influenza and RSV) doesn’t continue. If it did, then excess deaths might be even more negative,” Professor Fuhrer said.
He said, based on observed data and the IHME projections, Australia is at or has passed its peak fatality for the omicron wave, with the most recent projection suggesting about 120 deaths per million from the omicron wave.
Cases in Australia have been falling since mid to late January and fatalities typically lag infections by about three weeks.
Australia recorded 22,859 cases on Saturday, compared with a peak of 151,816 cases on January 13. Case numbers in that period were affected by poor reporting of rapid antigen tests.
Hospital admissions are also dramatically down, with 4139 people admitted to wards and 288 in intensive care. This compares with a peak of 5390 on the day before the Australia Day holiday.
The improving daily fatality and acute sickness rate comes as NSW launched a new TV, radio, newspaper and social media campaign to encourage boosters.
The campaign came after new data showed boosters were reducing acute illness and death by about 30 per cent compared with people with two shots and almost 90 per cent for people with one shot or unvaccinated.
Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш
I had to quote the following separately:
Deaths nationally have peaked from the omicron wave, with Australia recording almost 13,000 fewer deaths across the two years of the pandemic than would typically have occurred.Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш
Australia has the highest death rate in the Asia Pacific. The above is a way to hide that. If Australia used proper early treatment protocols, we wouldn't even have this small number of deaths.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Governor-General call to Dismiss Federal Politicians who broke Oath of Office
The Convoy to Canberra made history today, as hundreds of thousands gather to demand an end to Mandates, the return of our Human Rights and Our Original Constitution. We stand with Graham Hood and call on Gov-General David Hurley to take action and Dismiss this unlawful Government.
Please help us reach our goal of the 100,000 signatures required to take this petition further.
Please consider signing, and if you have signed, please share and share again.Thank you all.
Previous Breaches of Oath of Office
It was a historically sad day in Federal Parliament when all but two elected officials voted AGAINST upholding Section 92 of The Australian Constitution, destroying the Australian People’s right to absolute freedom of movement and trade voting out Craig Kelly’s No Mandatory Domestic Vaccine Passports Bill 2021.
Today, we witnessed the second, in less than 6 months. Pauline Hanson put forward The Covid Vaccination Status Prevention of Discrimination Bill 2021. Once again, MPs dishonoured and betrayed their oath and the Australian People. They rejected this Bill and refused to apply the Human Rights Treaties for which Australia agreed and turned their backs on Millions of Australian’s that are demanding their rights returned. This is the single greatest level of broad-scale discrimination and segregation this country has faced.
Members of Parliament take an Oath to uphold and protect the Australian Constitution and the Treaties entrusted to the Commonwealth to honour. Today they collectively breached this cornerstone of their Oath of Office.
We the people have NO CONFIDENCE in these Federal Members continuing to govern when they refuse to protect the Australian Constitution and Human Rights as outlined in our treaties.
We call upon Governor-General David Hurley to act on the sworn duties of the office of Governor-General. Remove all Members Of Parliament that did not support this Anti-discrimination Bill. This is an indisputable willing breach of their oath of office and as a consequence, unfit to serve in our Australian Parliament.
79,497 have signed. Let’s get to 150,000!
At 150,000 signatures, this petition becomes one of the top signed on!
Everyone starting to see the new ways you can get a heart attack nowadays?
It seems everything except getting vaccinated will give you a heart attack.
They love it when we are stupid.
Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Justin Trudeau's Dumbest Moments 2
I knew little of Trudeau before the Freedom Convoy but now people are sharing special moments on social media like the above.
I could not have imagined that Trudeau was a feminist but he certainly claims to be one. Poor Canadians.
Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш
Originally posted by kompir View Post
Nothing to worry about.
MSM pushing discussions about HIV lately. Rare strains etc. C'mon, you are better than that guys. It's only AIDS!
It's not as if our politicians and doctors have been telling us to worry about how our Auto Immune system is becoming Deficient in any way from the jabS.
You all sound like a bunch a crazy conspiracy theorists.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: