COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Meanwhile, Trudeau remains in hiding.
    This might help in finding him:

    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • kompir
      • Jan 2015
      • 537

      From the running recap at "The Age":

      NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said eight of the 27 people who died after contracting COVID-19 had received a booster shot of a coronavirus vaccine, 16 had received two doses and three were not vaccinated. Of the four people aged under 65 who died, none had received a booster and all had “significant underlying health conditions”, Dr Chant said.
      Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Imagine if the murderers working in hospitals administered Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc etc. as part of standard care.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Dove
          • Aug 2018
          • 170

          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
          Imagine if the murderers working in hospitals administered Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc etc. as part of standard care.
          What about a vitamin D infustion? A lady I know had an infusion at a cost of $60 at a dermatologist's practice (not for COVID). Poor outcomes have been shown through several studies to be associated with Vitamin D deficiency.

          I saw a guy saying that Vitamin B injections can help your symptoms. That is $8 at Chemist Warehouse.


          • Dove
            • Aug 2018
            • 170

            A picture tells a thousand words.

            Watch police cross the road and attack and punch protestors that are on their way home having been told by other police to leave the area. The police have demanded that journalist Avi Yemini removes the footage. He will not.

            WATCH: Police THREATEN jail unless Avi Yemini REMOVES this video


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Yes Dove. Low Vitamin D is associated with death in Covid. I read somewhere that nobody has died if they had minimum acceptable levels of vitamin D. Get outside and enjoy the sun!

              Otherwise, supplement vit D with K2 (to improve absorption).

              Good cod liver oil is useful.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Karposh
                • Aug 2015
                • 863

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                Imagine if the murderers working in hospitals administered Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc etc. as part of standard care.
                Not to brag but I managed to get my hands on some Ivermectin late last year from my Indian contact (just in case - as a last resort) . BTW, I take back every "curry munching" comment I ever made about them.

                Zinc & Vitamin D supplements are definitely a very good idea in this day and age, which seems to be the word on the street. These will actually help to lessen the impact of Covid should you contract it. India has actually been able to deal remarkably well with the virus since they were plagued with it and you don't hear much about them on MSM. This is because their approach has been different to the west which rely solely on the poison jab. The doctors in India actually gave people a "Covid Pack" to treat themselves before and during an infection. The pack includes such things as Zinc and Vitamin D supplements as well as Ivermectin. Vitamin D is definitely very beneficial as it was explained to me by my Indian brother especially for the Indians since their dark skin doesn't absorb the sun's goodness as much as a white man's skin does. So, for the rest of us, it's as simple as just getting out in the sun and enjoying what it has to give us.


                • kompir
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 537

                  Lockdowns are useless at preventing deaths:

                  Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                    Inspirational. Meanwhile, Trudeau remains in hiding. This might help in finding him:
                    Trudeau is literally a male bimbo who rode on his father's coattails to get elected. But let's not blame him for being a dimwit or a woke hypocrite when it comes to the trucker situation, because it's clearly this guy's fault.


                    Critics are slamming a government-funded Canadian news outlet for suggesting Russia is behind the popular "Freedom Convoy" protest, where truckers drove across the country in protest of a vaccine mandate. "I do ask that because given Canada's support of Ukraine, in this current crisis with Russia, I don't know if it's far-fetched to ask," CBC host Nil Koksal told Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino Friday. "But there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows. But perhaps even instigating it from, from the outset."
                    Lol. Too funny.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • kompir
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 537

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Trudeau is literally a male bimbo who rode on his father's coattails to get elected. But let's not blame him for being a dimwit or a woke hypocrite when it comes to the trucker situation, because it's clearly this guy's fault.

                      Lol. Too funny.
                      The mainstream media has completely lost its marbles. Time for the sleepy needle me thinks...
                      Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                        Not to brag but I managed to get my hands on some Ivermectin late last year from my Indian contact (just in case - as a last resort) . BTW, I take back every "curry munching" comment I ever made about them.

                        Zinc & Vitamin D supplements are definitely a very good idea in this day and age, which seems to be the word on the street. These will actually help to lessen the impact of Covid should you contract it. India has actually been able to deal remarkably well with the virus since they were plagued with it and you don't hear much about them on MSM. This is because their approach has been different to the west which rely solely on the poison jab. The doctors in India actually gave people a "Covid Pack" to treat themselves before and during an infection. The pack includes such things as Zinc and Vitamin D supplements as well as Ivermectin. Vitamin D is definitely very beneficial as it was explained to me by my Indian brother especially for the Indians since their dark skin doesn't absorb the sun's goodness as much as a white man's skin does. So, for the rest of us, it's as simple as just getting out in the sun and enjoying what it has to give us.
                        Zinc doesn't actually work without Quercetin or Hydroxychloroquine. You are looking for 500mg of Quercetin with about 50mg zinc (buy on Amazon). Every household should have these in addition to Ivermectin. (Buy that elsewhere ....)

                        I finally know someone who contracted covid and is vaccine-free. He had a headache for a couple of days. Really sounded like something the world needed to stop for 2 years for. (I am sure it can be more problematic for others, but I am also sure that managing other comorbidities is FAR more important than using the experimental vaccines which have proven to have done nothing.)
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Speaking of Ivermectin, a friend has the misfortune of stage 4 cancer in brain tumours. While I was researching Ivermectin I came across a whole bunch of incredible results using it for treating such cancers (among other cancers). I gave him some and hopefully they will work. An amazing medicine. (Never mentioned by oncologist btw)

                          And earlier today .... bless the Japanese:

                          Japanese trading and pharmaceutical company Kowa Co Ltd said on Monday anti-parasite drug Ivermectin showed an "antiviral effect" against Omicron and other variants of coronavirus in joint non-clinical research.

                          The company, which has been working with Tokyo's Kitasato University on testing the drug as a potential treatment for COVID-19, did not provide further details.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Phoenix
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4671

                            Originally posted by kompir View Post
                            Lockdowns are useless at preventing deaths:

                            I remember when the so called experts told us that lockdown was for 2 weeks to "flatten the curve", that was to protect the health system from being swamped by huge spikes in critical care cases.

                            Two years since that stroke of genius everything is still on hold, elective surgeries keep getting cancelled, the backlog of low acuity medical procedures keeps getting pushed further and further into the future.

                            Lockdowns have been a fucking disaster on so many lockdown almost 100% of society in order to "protect" 3-4% of the most vulnerable is absolutely nuts...imagine if the protection was targeted at the most vulnerable, instead of this brainless scorched Earth policy of universal lockdowns...and then there's the irrational cult-like lockdown adherents that believe that the lockdowns didn't work because we never went hard enough...people have gone fucking bat-shit crazy.

                            Covid-19 the pandemic of stupidity.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Finland will end all COVID-19 restrictions next month, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said Monday.

                              The UK, Czech Republic, Netherlands and Denmark have now abandoned most, if not all, Covid protocols.

                              Meanwhile .... Western Australia is in 2020 (or Nazi Germany).

                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                              • Dove
                                • Aug 2018
                                • 170

                                AVN Tells the Australian Government: We’ll See You In Court!

                                Judicial review case – AVN v Secretary of Health – Filed in Federal Court

                                For Immediate Release:
                                1 February, 2022

                                Today, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) has filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia, asking the court to order Dr Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to meet his obligation to follow the science and cancel or suspend the provisional approval for all experimental COVID vaccines in Australia.

                                Instructing solicitor, Peter Fam, of Maat’s Method Solicitors, filed pleadings, a substantial affidavit including dozens of peer-reviewed and pre-print studies on the harms caused by COVID vaccines, urgently seeking a hearing date. You can view the video of his filings here, and copies of all court submissions here.

                                The AVN believes that the Australian Government have acted in opposition to the dictates of the Precautionary Principle, failing in their duty of care by not just distributing and recommending, but mandating Australians to take this medical procedure. There can be no informed consent when someone’s livelihood and ability to feed their children is on the line.

                                “Over recent decades, an average of 2.4 people have died and approximately 3,500 injuries were reported every 12 months from all conventional licensed vaccines,” says retired Barrister Julian Gillespie, author of the original opinion and brief. “Yet in less than 12 months since COVID injections began, 755 deaths and 104,236 injuries have been reported.”

                                AVN believe the unprecedented upsurge in deaths and injuries, should have been actioned and stopped by Dr. Murphy over nine months ago. Instead, the rollout continues, even in ages where the risks of the vaccination so grossly outweigh the risks posed by COVID-19.

                                USA Media: Jen Smith | [email protected]a | 714 883 4818
                                AUS Media: Meryl Dorey | [email protected] | 0414 872 032
                                Available for Interview:
                                Julian Gillespie (Former Barrister & AVN Consultant) and/or Meryl Dorey (Founder, AVN)

