COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • kompir
    And it begins.

    Live music in Melbourne under fresh threat after COVID horrors

    Melbourne’s famous live music scene is emerging from the COVID doldrums, but some say the industry is under fresh threat from rising business and insurance costs and a looming conflict over performer pay.

    Figures from the yet-to-be-released Live Music Census reveal the extent of the battering the industry sustained after the pandemic struck almost three years ago. In 2019, the live scene was thriving with 141,000 gigs across greater Melbourne, almost double the number identified in the 2017 census when the city was declared the live music capital of the world.

    But in 2020 and 2021 combined (the census does not include the last couple of months of 2021) as Melburnians suffered 18 months of lockdowns just 26,518 gigs were played.

    The census — to be released in full by contemporary music peak body Music Victoria in February — also found that in 2020/2021 spending on live gigs was down 71 per cent on 2019, with a similar collapse in performer income.

    Music Victoria chief executive Simone Schinkel said the impact of COVID on the live music industry would be long-lasting. “It’s going to take long-term strategic planning, commitment and support to get us back.” she told The Age.

    Lockdowns devastated musicians who lost income while being denied JobKeeper by the Morrison government and crucial contact with fellow artists and audiences. Flourishing young groups disbanded and bands that would have formed didn’t. Musicians stopped playing and writing, venues closed or turned themselves into takeaway food outlets.

    Staying at home became the default for Melburnians, many of whom remained wary of crowds after the city’s rolling lockdowns ended.

    But not everyone lost hope. In mid-2020, as Melbourne sunk deep into its first COVID winter, Kas Faase left her Sydney home to head south to form a rock band. COVID aside, said Faase, Melbourne still had more venues and a more creative culture than her hometown. “I feel like there’s more consensus in Melbourne for an appreciation of the arts.”

    Faase and fellow former Sydneysider Sienna Laycock formed Heavy Amber, a three-piece psychedelic band. In November 2020, after months writing and rehearsing, the band played its first gig, a sold-out show at the Tote in Collingwood in between lockdowns.

    COVID had left Melbourne short of bands, providing an opportunity for Heavy Amber which now performs at venues across Melbourne and is soon to release its first single.

    In the 2022 edition of their longitudinal Consumer Insights Survey, Music Victoria and the Victorian Music Development Office found that live music was going through a “post pandemic boom”. However, it found that of those not attending gigs, almost 30 per cent said cost was the biggest deterrent, a higher percentage than those who cited fear of COVID.

    Venue owners say they’re not surprised.

    Liam Matthews’ The Old Bar in Fitzroy is back to hosting live music most nights of the week, but with fewer bands per night than pre-COVID. He said the main challenge to revival was the escalating cost of everything, from beer and food to electricity and staff.

    Especially problematic is the soaring cost of insurance covering legal liability for injury or damage. Public liability costs are escalating worldwide due to climate disasters such as floods and fires, COVID, the war in Eastern Europe, and risk-averse insurance providers.

    Matthews’ public liability bill has risen almost fivefold this year from about $10,000 to $50,000. Other venues are reportedly facing hikes 10 times previous years’ premiums.

    He said that such huge increases threaten the viability of venues and called on the state government to work with the industry to address the insurance headache. “Dan Andrews is fond of saying Melbourne is the live music capital of Australia. Well, I’m saying that if something is not done, it soon won’t be.”

    The aftermath of COVID is proving a time of reckoning for the industry. Young players struggling to pay rent and bills and buy equipment are demanding a better financial deal, warning that poor pay is an obstacle to a life in music.

    Musicians Australia, a branch of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, is pressing for a minimum pay rate per gig of $250 per performer. But some venue owners say the proposal is counterproductive and that without government support would lead to closures and fewer gig opportunities.

    Prominent music industry figure Helen Marcou is among those who back the push. “Life is harder for artists now than it’s ever been,” said Marcou who co-owns the celebrated Bakehouse Studios in Richmond. “It’s time to support them.”

    Schinkel said she remained optimistic for live music despite the many challenges, including ongoing pandemic-related impacts like “hyper localised living” and the increasing cost of living putting pressure on audience wallets.

    “We’re seeing venues open up in the north — but we’ve got to get people back into the city as well.”

    “COVID denied many young people the integral first time moments of going out and being part of gigs,” said Schinkel.

    “Hopefully, we can capture them again, and get them hooked on a lifetime of live music.”
    Bands are forming again and punters looking to rock out in Australia’s live music capital. But venues say they still face existential threats.

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  • Risto the Great
    I rarely drink. But if compelled to have gin, I'll just have some soda water with it.

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  • kompir
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Bit less sugar in my version. But yes lol
    What do you use instead of aspartame sweetened toxin?

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by kompir View Post
    Gin and tonic, atta boy.
    Bit less sugar in my version. But yes lol

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  • kompir
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    I didn't really feel sick enough to warrant taking them. Ended up taking the following fwiw

    Vitamin C and D
    Occasional ibuprofen
    Gin and tonic, atta boy.

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  • Risto the Great
    I didn't really feel sick enough to warrant taking them. Ended up taking the following fwiw

    Vitamin C and D
    Occasional ibuprofen

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  • Karposh
    I actually feel like I've had it too but I never got tested to confirm. I got pretty sick a couple of months ago, which I assumed was just the common cold but, now that I think about it, it could have been covid. I had the same symptoms: a fever on the first day with cold sweats and a runny nose for the next few days with splitting headaches. I'm still alive though, and still a pureblood.

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  • Karposh
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Well, my Christmas present was catching covid (finally). Great timing in all honesty.
    3 days of headaches. (some sweats for the first 2 days.)
    4th day outside walking in the sunshine and playing some guitar.
    And the world will never be the same because some evil pricks needed a mechanism to enmesh us all into an economic tragedy. 2023 will not be a kind year, folks.
    Did you break out the ivermectin or just let it run its course naturally?

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  • Risto the Great
    Well. I did a rat test to confirm. And others had it just before me in my social circle. I think it was. I've had a flu worse than this.

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  • kompir
    You sure it was the spicy cough and not the flu?

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  • Risto the Great
    Well, my Christmas present was catching covid (finally). Great timing in all honesty.
    3 days of headaches. (some sweats for the first 2 days.)
    4th day outside walking in the sunshine and playing some guitar.
    And the world will never be the same because some evil pricks needed a mechanism to enmesh us all into an economic tragedy. 2023 will not be a kind year, folks.

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  • kompir
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Absolutely terrible, Kompir.
    They're dropping like flies here Risto. The deaths are manifesting in unexpected ways. The roads mob in Victoria are messing with freeway speed limits in an effort to mask the significant reduction in traffic volumes; speed limits are arbitrarily dropped to slow what traffic is left on the freeways down to create the illusion of normal traffic levels. Not only that, road crews set up for works on the freeways and don't actually do any work, all to slow traffic down.
    Last edited by kompir; 12-21-2022, 07:13 AM.

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  • Risto the Great
    Absolutely terrible, Kompir.

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  • kompir
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    I don't know.
    But if the calculations of 1 in 1000 suffering from vaccine injury is true, then that is more than enough reason to immediately cease injecting this illegal poison.

    People are slowly coming around. A pity that many others will simply be dead before they understand. It doesn't make me any happier to be proven right. But many pro-vaccine sheeple would have loved it if the unjabbed suffered terrible fates.
    Na nikoj ne mu mislime loso, but these svinje were actively parroting they wanted the dirty unvaxxed to die.

    I bumped into our old family GP from back in the day. The bloke retired 20 years ago and he's still kicking, was doing a bit of shopping when I nearly bowled him over haha. He actually recognised me and we had a bit of a chat and had a coffee.

    It was during the first coffee when I noticed someone sitting a few tables over clutch at their chest. I went over to see what was going on and the doc was in tow. He sprung into action and not 20 seconds later he asked me to call an ambulance as the poor bugger was having a heart attack. Thankfully the ambulance was nearby and picked up the guy. That's when I asked him about the vaccines as I saw a look in his eye that was ominous. He said one in three vaccinated have suffered an adverse reaction or injury with 10% of those people having died.

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by kompir View Post
    some in the medical industry are saying at least a million have died in Australia from the "vaccines".
    I don't know.
    But if the calculations of 1 in 1000 suffering from vaccine injury is true, then that is more than enough reason to immediately cease injecting this illegal poison.

    People are slowly coming around. A pity that many others will simply be dead before they understand. It doesn't make me any happier to be proven right. But many pro-vaccine sheeple would have loved it if the unjabbed suffered terrible fates.

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