COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Australia adverse vaccine events to 31 August

    Australia vaccination adverse event statistics to 31 August 2021:

    Number of reports (cases): 53446
    Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 52662
    Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 501

    Notables: Herpes Zoster 550, Blinded 39, Deaf 68, Oral Herpes 63 .... (around 2500 categories of medical reactions)

    Still early days. But let it be noted that deaths in Australia to this day are 1098 with about 70% including comorbidities. Therefore solely from covid MIGHT be 30% of this figure. (I say "might" because we know we cannot rely on the PCR testing or any definitions presently in use).

    As a consequence it is clearly safe to say the vaccine has a greater chance of killing you than the illness. And, given the inability to identify the illness accurately, the vaccine is something arguably best avoided for the purposes of longevity.

    It should also be noted that most adverse events are not being reported. The numbers we see above are most likely in the vicinity of 10% of real numbers.

    You can search for it yourselves here:
    This section includes links to articles about the general safety of medicines and medical devices, including how the safety of products i
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Rogi
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2343

      At the risk of a flame war, much of what I've read here seems to be just as selective in the presentation of figures to tell a story as the other side of this.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        No need for flames.
        The difference is that this side is being presented here. It isn't in a meaningful way at any other level.
        And people are dying from the jabs.

        But if we're gonna demand something more comprehensive, how about the TGA in Australia demanding the raw data from Pfizer instead of merely believing them? I'm sure you know they have a history of lying.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Given the doubt in MSM and the nature of big tech complicity, my advice is simple .... Wait for the drugs to cease being experimental. That happens in 2023.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Most in Australia will sign this declaration before being jabbed:

            I confirm I have received and understood the information provided to me on COVID-19 vaccination including the risks and benefits of the vaccination and the risk of not being vaccinated. I have been given the opportunity to discuss this and any other specific circumstances with my immunisation provider. I am aware of possible side effects.
            Given there are approximately 2500 listed side effects on the TGA website, I wonder if anyone truly knows the risks associated with the jab.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              The Australian government has developed a vaccine claims scheme. If employers want to mandate their employees to vaccinate, the government has told them they will have their backs! But .....

              Only problem is that they don't know what to do if they claim is over $20K. Death might be in that category I imagine.

              "The evidence requirements for claims $20,000 and over, including death, are still being developed and will be advised as part of additional information on the scheme in the future. Claims relating to a death will not require evidence of hospitalisation."
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                PCR Testing

                PCR Tests:
                The first and most fundamental aspect of this orchestrated mass hysteria creation is the (false) diagnosis of Covid-19 in patients. The following discussions reveal how the PCR Cycle threshold values impact upon false positive detection. This is confirmed by regulating bodies. Additional links confirm Australia is still using tests which are no longer even allowed in USA. (And the USA is WAY away from being best practice in this regard)

                It’s been falsely claimed the WHO said PCR tests are flawed. It said “weak positive” cases with high “cycle thresholds” may need to be retested.

                Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical.

                (Some tests from above are still in use in Australia):

                The inventor of the PCR testing method (Dr Kary Mullis) highlights why results will be misleading:
                What Kary Mullis says about PCR testing. By Dave Oneegs Kary Banks Mullis was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique, or the PCR test, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. Listen to […]

                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028

                  SPARS Pandemic Scenario (created 2017)

                  The Center’s SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future. Its purpose is to prompt users, both individually and in discussion with others, to imagine the dynamic and oftentimes conflicted circumstances in which communication around emergency MCM development, distribution, and uptake takes place. While engaged with a rigorous simulated health emergency, scenario readers have the opportunity to mentally “rehearse” responses while also weighing the implications of their actions. At the same time, readers have a chance to consider what potential measures implemented in today’s environment might avert comparable communication dilemmas or classes of dilemmas in the future.

         is a Video Sharing Platform. Focusing on news of the world. A platform which wouldn’t suppress your opinions. We will not hide the truth!!

                  Download the scenario book here if you want to know what happens next:

                  This is how the fictitious modeled SPARS corona virus pandemic (created 2017) played out after 4 years:

                  President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.

                  ... So in 2017, they modeled a Corona virus, the vaccine rollout and then the inevitable deaths from the vaccine rollout. NICE!

                  They modeled it again in October 2019 in Event 201 (You know, just to iron out any problems.)
                  In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.

                  And then they did it in 2019 two months later.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    1) Wuhan scientists planned to release "skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing novel chimeric spike proteins" of coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China - 18 months before the pandemic:

                    2) Fauci was 'up to his neck' funding coronavirus research in Wuhan:
                    Dr Anthony Fauci was “up to his neck” funding coronavirus research in Wuhan, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is, says Sky News host Sharri Markso...

                    3) Bret Weinstein: Likelihood of Lab Leak is 95% | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips:
                    Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- The Jordan Harbinger ...


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Fauci will go down eventually. If he's allowed to remain alive, it will be interesting to see who he drags down with him.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Karposh
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 863

                        It's been a while since I last shared my thoughts regarding this topic. This is how I feel about this evil now.

                        The rest of the world is literally looking at what's going on in Australia (in particular with the police states of Victoria and NSW) with horror. Protesters being shot with rubber bullets; general police intimidation tactics; old ladies getting shoved to the ground with their heads smashing onto the pavement on impact (while simultaneously being pepper-sprayed like cockroaches by multiple police officers as a final show of contempt); Gestapo-like check points; etc. This is the new normal and, everyone it seems, is fine with it. I saw an impassioned speech on YouTube recently of a young mum pleading with Australians not to tolerate this abuse of power. The "She'll be right" attitude, she continued is the reason we have all just rolled over and accepted this bullshit. If you're not going to stand up and refuse to tolerate this tyranny then piss off with your "we're all in it together" rubbish. She doesn't want to hear it and, frankly, neither do I. When did we all become okay with being forced to accept all of this? It's looking more than likely now that we won't be able to buy food anymore if we don't produce out vaccination papers. This is not okay! And, she won't be right.

                        I just walked down to my local maccas earlier this morning for a quick and nasty breakfast meal and was refused service unless I signed in first. I normally use drive-thru but felt like a nice morning stroll just to get some fresh air into the lungs. I refused to sign in.

                        Remember a time when the whole QR code thing was first introduced and they promised it would be a purely voluntary thing? That's how it all starts unfortunately. It's called testing the waters and seeing how much tolerance there is out there in the community for these gradual policy changes disguised as very innocent-looking ideas but are in fact designed to bring about changes in societal behaviour with the aim of creating a more compliant society. They have successfully conditioned people to accept these draconian rules as being perfectly normal and reasonable as it is all in the name of our our own health and wellbeing.

                        It's now mandatory to sign in if you want to get a bottle of milk from your local supermarket or to simply get some dirty maccas whenever you're feeling peckish. Up until a few months ago I refused to wear a face nappy. Sadly, I can no longer continue the fight. If I want to eat, I need to wear a face nappy. Not sure if we're there yet but it won't be long now, if you want to eat, you will need to produce your vaccination papers.

                        I hate to admit this but I now literally get anxiety every time I have to go to my local shops. I'll wear the nappy on my face if I must but I have drawn the line at providing my personal info just to get a bottle of milk. I refuse to do it. I have now resorted to doing my grocery shopping at an obscure little supermarket near where my mum lives where the mainly Indian staff employed there are not overly rigorous in enforcing the QR codes as a condition of entry.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          The notion of a deadly virus has been a perfect smokescreen for the kind of control governments have dreamed of but feared they would end up looking like China if implemented. They are going forward unabated now.

                          Is this the Australia we remember?

                          (First few minutes is enough, but well worth watching in entirety.)

                          What kind of military was that? Are they part of the foreign armies allowed on Australian soil with full immunity since December of 2020?

                          They don't even need a warrant to get in your phones now and they can edit your social media accounts.

                          All necessary because of a virus that is yet to convincingly prove its devastation. The vaccine has definitely killed people though.

                          The shit that people think is normal and acceptable right now. And we thought the Macedonians rolled over easily. Such compliant lemmings.

                          Wait until that vaccine passport starts showing your tax return status and whether you are up to date with bills and fines. You won't even be allowed out of your suburb. There will be those black uniformed police waiting for you. (When did that colour change from blue to black?)

                          I predict poverty of the kind this generation has never witnessed before. Get ready friends. Make sure you don't have too much debt and think carefully about what you believe might be safe investments (hint - nothing will be safe).

                          I can't write a book this evil. (I'm pretty inspired though)
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Is anyone starting to hear more about climate change right now? That will slot in directly after the spamdemic. The cost of living will be exorbitant to accommodate some seemingly illogical whims.

                            2030 isn't far away .... just remember, "we will have nothing and love it."
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Phoenix
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 4671

                              Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                              It's been a while since I last shared my thoughts regarding this topic. This is how I feel about this evil now.

                              The rest of the world is literally looking at what's going on in Australia (in particular with the police states of Victoria and NSW) with horror. Protesters being shot with rubber bullets; general police intimidation tactics; old ladies getting shoved to the ground with their heads smashing onto the pavement on impact (while simultaneously being pepper-sprayed like cockroaches by multiple police officers as a final show of contempt); Gestapo-like check points; etc. This is the new normal and, everyone it seems, is fine with it. I saw an impassioned speech on YouTube recently of a young mum pleading with Australians not to tolerate this abuse of power. The "She'll be right" attitude, she continued is the reason we have all just rolled over and accepted this bullshit. If you're not going to stand up and refuse to tolerate this tyranny then piss off with your "we're all in it together" rubbish. She doesn't want to hear it and, frankly, neither do I. When did we all become okay with being forced to accept all of this? It's looking more than likely now that we won't be able to buy food anymore if we don't produce out vaccination papers. This is not okay! And, she won't be right.

                              I just walked down to my local maccas earlier this morning for a quick and nasty breakfast meal and was refused service unless I signed in first. I normally use drive-thru but felt like a nice morning stroll just to get some fresh air into the lungs. I refused to sign in.

                              Remember a time when the whole QR code thing was first introduced and they promised it would be a purely voluntary thing? That's how it all starts unfortunately. It's called testing the waters and seeing how much tolerance there is out there in the community for these gradual policy changes disguised as very innocent-looking ideas but are in fact designed to bring about changes in societal behaviour with the aim of creating a more compliant society. They have successfully conditioned people to accept these draconian rules as being perfectly normal and reasonable as it is all in the name of our our own health and wellbeing.

                              It's now mandatory to sign in if you want to get a bottle of milk from your local supermarket or to simply get some dirty maccas whenever you're feeling peckish. Up until a few months ago I refused to wear a face nappy. Sadly, I can no longer continue the fight. If I want to eat, I need to wear a face nappy. Not sure if we're there yet but it won't be long now, if you want to eat, you will need to produce your vaccination papers.

                              I hate to admit this but I now literally get anxiety every time I have to go to my local shops. I'll wear the nappy on my face if I must but I have drawn the line at providing my personal info just to get a bottle of milk. I refuse to do it. I have now resorted to doing my grocery shopping at an obscure little supermarket near where my mum lives where the mainly Indian staff employed there are not overly rigorous in enforcing the QR codes as a condition of entry.
                              Absolute shit-show on so many levels...

                              What sort of society do people really want to live is it ok to exclude the unvaccinated from so many aspects of everyday life...and what sort of government unleashes (vastly disproportional to threat) swarms of uniformed police and engages riot police acting as shock troops as well as elite counter terrorism units firing rubber bullets on mostly peaceful and unarmed civilians.

                              Welcome to the thunderdome.
                              Last edited by Phoenix; 09-26-2021, 09:44 AM.


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                Is anyone starting to hear more about climate change right now? That will slot in directly after the spamdemic. The cost of living will be exorbitant to accommodate some seemingly illogical whims.

                                2030 isn't far away .... just remember, "we will have nothing and love it."
                                I have seen many commentators claim that the lessons learnt from the pandemic will be applied in the war to promote renewables...just ramp up the alarmism, make it front and centre of the 24/7 news cycle, position governments as the only saviours in the face of the apocalypse, throw the great unwashed a few bones from time-to-time in the form of energy subsidies, get Big Tech and the MSM to control the droning narrative and it's job done...

