COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Dove
    There's nothing new under the sun

    Covid-19 is the new Mediaeval Leprosy: a Historical Comparison of Isolation, Religious Fervor and Medical Tyranny

    An excerpt from the article about FAKE leprosy


    Some healthy people had no fear of lepers and even provided shelter for some of them in their homes. This manifestation of compassion was then interpreted by the authorities as recklessness and treason.

    “The danger of leprosy is obviously not recognized by all the citizens, for although Edward III complains that lepers spread their malady “to the great injury” and “manifest peril” of others, he must decree also that those harboring lepers do so “on pain of forfeiture of their said houses and buildings, and more grievous punishment on them by us to be inflicted.”

    So, those who have empathy and understood then what we now know (either by empirical evidence or by instinct) that there is no simple contagion of leprosy, they were punished by society as well.

    Bible Leviticus 13:44-46„Now whosoever shall be defiled with the leprosy, and is separated by the judgement of the priest, shall have his clothes handing loose, his head bare, his mouth covered wit…

    Another article about FAKE leprosy

    Queensland’s last leper colony reveals its secrets

    Quotes from the article:

    Without ever receiving a clear diagnosis of leprosy, she was forced to spend 12 years on Peel Island — a leper colony off the south-east Queensland coast

    In 1940, when her girls Verree and Desley were aged two and three, Phyllis had been ill for months. She was languid and tired, and noticed brown marks appearing on her body...she visited the Townsville doctor, who ran tests and diagnosed leprosy (Hansen’s disease)...she would be forcibly quarantined.

    The family was reunited for good in 1951, more than a decade after Phyllis was first dispatched to Peel Island from her north Queensland home.

    Since the quarantine station closed down in 1959, the squalid huts patients were forced to live in have been restored by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

    A young mother's harrowing 12-year stay on Peel Island is revealed after the chance discovery of an old cassette tape in a cabinet.

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  • Dove
    Originally posted by Carlin View Post
    "Director of the WHO (Tedros) had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a lab in Wuhan."

    This was US funded research to make the Covid virus transmissible to humans. Documented evidence from a US Senate hearing.
    Lies, lies, never ending lies.

    Nika'e, Nikogash, Nikoipat, Nikoi ne naide COVID.

    Fake labs, Fake documents about fake biolabs, real destruction of fake labs, fake confessions, fake admissions, fake, fake fake - but enough of my opinion.

    Hear from Christine Massey

    As of August 6, 2024: 224 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in 40 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the alleged "SARS-COV-2" having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to sequence and characterize "it" and study "it" with controlled experiments. In other words, none ... [Read more...]

    189 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever


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  • Carlin
    "Director of the WHO (Tedros) had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a lab in Wuhan."

    This was US funded research to make the Covid virus transmissible to humans. Documented evidence from a US Senate hearing.

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  • kompir
    BREAKING: Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION
    Company cites "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments" in explanation of losses from group life insurance business: Stock falling, replaces CEO

    Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

    This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.

    The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.

    The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.

    From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020.

    Here are the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln National’s annual statements for the three years:

    2019: $500,888,808

    2020: $547,940,260

    2021: $1,445,350,949

    Here are the key numbers for 2021, below, shown on the company’s annual statement that was filed with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. These are national numbers, not state-specific:

    Lincoln National is the fifth-largest life insurance company in the United States, according to BankRate, after New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential.

    The company was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1905, getting the OK from Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln, to use his father’s name and likeness in its advertising.

    It’s now based in Radnor, Pennsylvania.

    The annual statements filed with the states do not show the number of claims — only the total dollar amount of claims paid.

    Group life insurance policies, in most cases, cover working-age adults ages 18-64 whose employer includes life insurance as an employee benefit.

    How many deaths are represented by the 163% increase? It is not possible to determine by the dollar figures on the statements.

    But the average death benefit for employer-provided group life insurance, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, is one year’s salary.

    If the average annual salary of people covered by group life insurance policies in the United States is $70,000, this may represent 20,647 deaths of working adults, covered by just this one insurance company. This would represent at least 10,000 more deaths than in a normal year for just this one company.

    The statements for the three years also show a sizable increase in ordinary death benefits — those not paid out under group policies, but under individual life insurance policies.

    In 2019, the baseline year, that number was $3.7 billion. In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, it went up to $4 billion, but in 2021, the year in which the vaccine was administered to almost 260 million Americans, it went up to $5.3 billion.

    The statements show that the total amount that Lincoln National paid out for all direct claims and benefits in 2021 was more than $28 billion, $6 billion more than in 2020, when it paid out a total of $22 billion, which was less than the $23 billion it paid out in 2019, the baseline year.

    A $6 billion increase in expenses is something few companies could absorb, but Lincoln National has been working to do just that — by increasing sales of new insurance polices.

    In the press release accompanying its annual report, and in its press release announcing the first quarter 2022 results — in which the company announces a $41 million loss in its Group Protection business — it trumpets an increase in sales. For first quarter 2022 that increase was 42 percent. The company also mentions that premiums have gone up 4 percent.

    Interestingly, in the press release accompanying the first-quarter 2022 results, Lincoln National attributes the $41 operating million loss to “non-pandemic-related morbidity” and “unusual claims adjustments.”

    “This change was driven by non-pandemic-related morbidity [emphasis added], including unusual claims adjustments [emphasis added], and less favorable returns within the company’s alternative investment portfolio.”

    Morbidity, of course, means disease. A lot of people are sick.

    This matches what I was told by OneAmerica in January in emails following the publication of my story in The Center Square — that it was not only deaths of working-age people that shot up to unheard-of levels in 2021, but also short- and long-term disability claims.

    Annual statements for other insurance companies are still being compiled and reviewed. So far, Lincoln National shows the sharpest increases in death benefits paid out in 2021, though Prudential and Northwestern Mutual also show significant increases — increases much larger in 2021 than in 2020, indicating that the cure was worse than the disease — much worse.

    Lincoln National’s stock price fell from about $70 a share on January 3 to $50 a share this week, and last month, a new CEO was installed. It doesn’t appear to be a sudden change, but could have been timed to assuage major shareholders who have no idea what’s really happening and may think that a fresh face and fresh ideas can turn this around. Could I suggest instead an honest and thorough assessment of what’s really driving these stunning numbers?

    Company cites "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments" in explanation of losses from group life insurance business: Stock falling, replaces CEO

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Let's pray for Fauci. He just got covid. 4 times jabbed. Let's hope this one finishes him.
    I take it back. Easier to lie in a video hook-up. I don't believe he has it. I do believe he's a liar.

    Despite testing positive, Fauci today testified remotely during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, where he was grilled about the federal response to the pandemic.

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  • kompir
    Кyр да го опашит

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  • Risto the Great
    Let's pray for Fauci. He just got covid. 4 times jabbed. Let's hope this one finishes him.

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  • kompir
    ^ The fallout from the MIC/TPTB ops in Ukraine is only just beginning.

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  • Carlin
    "Pentagon has now admitted it ran 46 biolabs in #Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens.
    NATO Preparing for multiple genocides through bio lab created world pandemics"

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  • Dove

    CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks (2015)

    Quote from the study:


    Advances in nanotechnology enable the development of tiny machines from nanoscale components, namely nanomachines. Composed of a power supply, a memory, an antenna and a CPU module, nanomachines are entirely autonomous nodes which are able to perform simple operations and communicate in short distances... Such networks are expected to be widely deployed in a variety of fields, such as biomedicine, industry, environment and the military.

    The above is a reference from Dr Robert O Young's blog Proof Rothchild's & Other 'Bad Actors' Planned the Plandemic

    The word games and symbolism in this game are puerile.
    Last edited by Dove; 06-09-2022, 06:06 PM. Reason: typo

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  • kompir
    Australian doctors are setting up a new national register to try and understand unexpected deaths from the mysterious Sudden Adult Deaths Syndrome (SADS).

    SADS (sudden adult death syndrome)... you can't make this shit up.

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  • kompir
    They're desperate, really desperate to contain the news about the vaccine "problems":

    Almost 1000 Victorians attended St Vincent’s Hospital over three months last year incorrectly fearing they were experiencing rare life-threatening reactions to coronavirus vaccines.

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  • kompir
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    By the time everyone figures it out, they will be starving us. It's relentless.
    Don't need everyone to know, just a critical mass.

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  • Risto the Great
    By the time everyone figures it out, they will be starving us. It's relentless.

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  • kompir
    I'm not so sure about that Risto, ми се кажа сношти дека има од овије Жабариве (мафиаши) што му починала роднина од инекциве отровни. To say they are out for blood is the understatement of the century. Justice is coming, but from unexpected arenas.

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