COVID-19 Pandemic

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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    Macedonia reported 101 new infections on Wednesday. This is the highest single day increase in new infections since the very first infection was reported in February.

    Everything they did right for months, ruined in the span of a few weeks. People there are too dumb and too engulfed in conspiracy theories to take anything seriously unless you force them.

    My баџанак actually said to me that he believes the authorities are paying the families of people who have died to say that their loved ones died from Covid when really they died from other causes. Another guy told me that they are purposely overstating the cases and deaths because they want to keep things locked down because "they" make money from it. When I asked who "they" are and how "they" make money from this, obviously he had no idea, but was sure that "they" were getting rich of this.


    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Originally posted by Gocka View Post
      Macedonia reported 101 new infections on Wednesday. This is the highest single day increase in new infections since the very first infection was reported in February.

      Everything they did right for months, ruined in the span of a few weeks. People there are too dumb and too engulfed in conspiracy theories to take anything seriously unless you force them.

      My баџанак actually said to me that he believes the authorities are paying the families of people who have died to say that their loved ones died from Covid when really they died from other causes. Another guy told me that they are purposely overstating the cases and deaths because they want to keep things locked down because "they" make money from it. When I asked who "they" are and how "they" make money from this, obviously he had no idea, but was sure that "they" were getting rich of this.
      Clearly more evidence that this is a pandemic of stupidity.

      If many of the recent spikes of infections are related to lax social distancing practices during Ramadan festivities in Macedonia then confirmation of this suspicion will surely surface in all places around the world where the recent BLM (alleged) protests have been out of may also be the litmus test for the true danger of this bet is that infections will increase inline with the nations ability to conduct adequate (and accurate) testing and with little impact on death rate as a ratio or percentage of total infections.


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        Clearly more evidence that this is a pandemic of stupidity.

        If many of the recent spikes of infections are related to lax social distancing practices during Ramadan festivities in Macedonia then confirmation of this suspicion will surely surface in all places around the world where the recent BLM (alleged) protests have been out of may also be the litmus test for the true danger of this bet is that infections will increase inline with the nations ability to conduct adequate (and accurate) testing and with little impact on death rate as a ratio or percentage of total infections.
        There has to be repercussions for the spread of the virus for both Ramadan and for the blm protests.

        Macedonia reported 119 cases today. Another record, which means that things continue to accelerate. In a week or so you will start seeing the corresponding uptick in deaths.

        2 more days of these kinds of numbers and Macedonia may pass Greece, which has 5 times the population. Per capita Macedonia is already on course for being the worst in the Balkans.


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332


          The alarming number of infected people in the last two days in Tetovo did not seem to affect the citizens who flooded the shops and markets a few hours before the start of the curfew.

          Citizens say they have to buy stuff and complain that many people are without masks and do not respect the distance.


          • Gocka
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2012
            • 2306

            Talk about a pandemic of stupidity. Skopje trying to enforce quarantine measures so in their infinite wisdom half of Skopje heads for Ohrid and Struga. Now they can spread the virus even further to regions that weren't as badly infected guaranteeing that the situation gets worse in the next couple weeks.

            Last edited by Gocka; 06-04-2020, 04:03 PM.


            • Niko777
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1895

              Originally posted by Gocka View Post

              Macedonia reported 119 cases today. Another record, which means that things continue to accelerate. In a week or so you will start seeing the corresponding uptick in deaths.

              2 more days of these kinds of numbers and Macedonia may pass Greece, which has 5 times the population. Per capita Macedonia is already on course for being the worst in the Balkans.
              Obviously the work of George Soros, Bill Gates, and 5G...


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                I'm surprised to see you say that Niko. Normally you're being sarcastic.

                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                  Obviously the work of George Soros, Bill Gates, and 5G...
                  To be fair, the last time I had 5G in my pocket, I did some pretty crazy things.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Gocka
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2306

                    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                    Obviously the work of George Soros, Bill Gates, and 5G...
                    LOL I see you are up on current events.

                    I've heard it all. From its fake and they are paying people to pretend they are sick, to governments are deploying the virus on purpose to kill off older people in order to alleviate the strain on pension system. Its a scheme to make money with a vaccine. Its hard to keep track


                    • Gocka
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 2306

                      Macedonia reported 180 new cases on Friday. These numbers are far beyond what was expected. I think we may have hit the point where enough people have been infected for the virus to spread exponentially.

                      Watch this unfold into the worst outbreak in Europe.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Додека Ковид 19 прави „помор“ во заразеноста кај Албанците, ДУИ наметнува етнички теми, за Заев да глуми патриот

                        Додека Ковид 19 прави „помор“ во заразеноста кај Албанците, ДУИ наметнува етнички теми

                        Додека меѓу Албанците се случува вистински „помор“ кога ево прашање заразеноста со Ковид 19, што се докажува со бројките од Липково, Сарај, Шаир, Бутел итн. ДУИ се интересира за нешто сосема друго. Албанците не се рамноправни на институционално ниво и треба да се стави крај на етничкиот монопол на премиерската функција, тврди евроинтегративецот Бујар Османи. Додава дека не се работи за предизборно додворување на гласачите.

                        – Ние денеска ги повикавме сите албански партии, особено на Албанците, да се обединиме за оваа идеја, бидејќи ова е натпартиско прашање со кое се руши последната бариера на неправда во оваа држава каде што се уште постои етнички монопол и предрасуда за функцијата премиер.

                        Османи вели дека досега сите амбициозни цели како партија ги оствариле, а меѓу нив ги вбројува министерските позиции, изборот на Талат Џафери за собраниски спикер и законот за јазици како последен приоритет за нив од Охридскиот рамковен договор.

                        – Сметаме дека сега е време да се избере првиот премиер Албанец, со што ќе има континуитет во успесите за рамноправност која се уште не е целосна во оваа држава, но имајќи ги предвид чекорите од претходно вклучувајќи ги прв министер за одбрана, прв министер за внатрешни работи, претседател на Врховен суд, народен правобранител, претседател на Собрание, сега е логичен след.

                        Идејата прв ја пласираше Али Ахмети, на што веднаш „истрча„ загрижениот патриот Заев кој порача дека ако СДСМ победи, тој ќе биде премиер. Всушност, станува збор за пресметка на СДСМ и ДУИ во поглед на гласачкото тело од албанска националност, бидејќи анкетите покажуваат дека СДСМ и ДУИ водат „мртва трка“ меѓу Албанците. Истовремено, ДУИ ја користи оваа ситуација за да ја крене „цената“. Тие пак, уживаат во „слободата“ која се нарекува непочитување на државата и слободно го шират Ковид 19 меѓу себе.

                        Нови 111 случаи, коронавирусот концентриран во Скопје, Куманово, Штип и Тетово

                        Растот на бројот на заразените од коронавирусот продолжува со малку намалено темпо. Концентрацијата на активните случаи во најголем дел е во четирите града каде изминативе денови ескалираше заразата.

                        Last edited by Carlin; 06-07-2020, 03:20 PM.


                        • Niko777
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 1895

                          From the end of May


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            301 new cases in N. Macedonia today


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332


                              The entire Renova football club ordered into quarantine

                              The entire Renova football team from Tetovo, including the staff, were ordered into self-isolation after six team members and employees tested positive for the coronavirus.

                              All players and Renova employees will go into two weeks of home quarantine. Tetovo is one of the new hotbeds of the epidemic, that is getting worse following the month of Ramadan which included daily evening family feasts that are massively attended. Two players also tested positive in Shkendija, and two other majority Albanian teams, Shkupi and Struga Trim Ljum refused to even get tested. The Sistina clinic in Skopje even had to threaten a libel suit against Shkupi, after the team refused the testing declaring it “unreliable”.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Eleven dead in one day – worst toll of the epidemic



                                Macedonia suffered its worst daily death toll of the coronavirus epidemic as eleven patients died in the past 24 hours. The Healthcare Ministry reported that 185 patients were newly diagnosed, and the two hospitals on the front line remain full with 234 patients.

                                Eight of the deceased patients are from Skopje. The capital remains hardest hit by the Second Wave of the epidemic, that began due to mass violations of the social distancing rules during the Muslim month of Ramadan. The remaining three deaths were patients from Kumanovo, Tetovo and Stip. The youngest patient was aged 53 and the oldest – 78. The total death toll of the epidemic now stands at 233.

                                Skopje’s 8th of September hospital admitted 20 new patients whose condition required hospitalization. The hospital now treats 133 patients – five of them on mechanical ventilation. There are additional 101 patients in the Infectious Diseases Clinic. Hospitals in Bitola and Stip also treat several dozen patients each, and there are a total of 79 Covid-19 patients treated in the hospitals in Tetovo, Ohrid, Veles, Kumanovo and Prilep.

                                The 185 newly diagnosed cases were diagnosed out of 1.364 tests. It’s estimated that there are 2.868 active cases across the country, more than half of them in the capital Skopje. Other badly affected cities are Kumanovo (229 active cases), Stip (207) and Tetovo (316).

                                In Skopje, 363 active cases are reported in Cair, part of the city with mass violations of social distancing rules during Ramadan. Butel and Gazi Baba have 133 and 148 active cases, also believed to be linked to the iftar dinners during Ramadan, while Aerodrom, a densely populated area of high rises, has 129 active cases. Centar and Karpos also have over 100 cases.

