To provide some balance, here is something from Siljanovska-Davkova from the last 7 days. She may have created a new FB page recently but she already has over 4,000 friends on her profile in just a few days. She obviously has support from some influential people that have helped promote her. One of her first posts was a picture of the ventilator (unfortunately not uncommon for all politicians in Macedonia).
First announcement on running for president. Talks about giving voice to rights and justice and “European values”:
Here she talks about how every nation has the right to self-determination:
Here she seems to be denying her links to Soros. Apparently in the 90’s she used the Soros email account because there was no internet network at her university. Apparently Soros helped provide internet there which is why she and others used it. She has another email address now:
About her involvement in the so-called “Colour Revolution”:
She’s been doing the rounds in various towns and at various DPNE committees. She is claiming to be an independent presidential candidate who is seeking the support of the DPNE convention only, and not their parliamentary group. She also appears to be against the name change, but also stated the below in relation to Macedonia’s accession into NATO:
English translation:
Is this statement a red flag alert or am I misinterpreting it?
First announcement on running for president. Talks about giving voice to rights and justice and “European values”:
Here she talks about how every nation has the right to self-determination:
Here she seems to be denying her links to Soros. Apparently in the 90’s she used the Soros email account because there was no internet network at her university. Apparently Soros helped provide internet there which is why she and others used it. She has another email address now:
About her involvement in the so-called “Colour Revolution”:
She’s been doing the rounds in various towns and at various DPNE committees. She is claiming to be an independent presidential candidate who is seeking the support of the DPNE convention only, and not their parliamentary group. She also appears to be against the name change, but also stated the below in relation to Macedonia’s accession into NATO:
Цената која ја плативме и ќе ја плаќаме во иднина е висока. Една неправда е заменета со друга, а наградата ќе има смисла само доколку претставува чекор кон целосна европска интеграција, т.е. зачленување во ЕУ преку целосно исполнување на сите критериуми. Пред нас е долг пат на реформи, кои мораат да започнат дома и да се имплементираат заради нас самите!
The price we paid and will pay in the future is high. One injustice is replaced by another, and the prize will only make sense if it is a step towards full European integration, i.e. joining the EU through the full fulfillment of all criteria. In front of us is a long way to reform, which must start at home and be implemented for ourselves!