Macedonia Passes Albanian Language Law

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  • Phoenix
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 4671

    Originally posted by Tomche Makedonche View Post
    Looking at the photo of the protesters outside parliament in the above article, I can't help but notice that the majority of participants are over 50 years of age. It would indeed seem that the Macedonian state is currently on its death bed.
    I noticed something similar in the pictures from the recent protests in Skopje regarding the name negotiations (from a couple of weeks ago)...the crowd was largely of older participants, from the photos that I saw I couldn't make out a single teenager or younger person there...the country has become soulless and devoid of future regeneration from a nationalist's a fuckin wasteland.


    • Albo
      • May 2014
      • 304

      Some very interesting scenes in the parliament (as always)

      Ivanov has no power when it comes to the adoption on the law on the third reading..

      The President has no power in ruling if the law is constitutional on not.. it's up to the court.. Ivanov only has an opinion on it.. be it a destructive one..

      Here is what Prof Spasov has to say:

      “Иванов тргнува во војна

      Уставот го обврзува Иванов да го потпише указот за донесување закон кој е по втор пат изгласан од Собранието. Во таа фаза тој веќе не се прашува дали е законот добар или не е. Тој има церемонијална задача да стави потпис на Указот. И тука завршува сета негова надлежност. Тоа можат да му го соопштат сите експерти со кои тој наводно се консултира.
      Но, Иванов е веќе одамна во филмот дека тој има мисија и некаво право да ја одбранел земјата од “тиранијата” на парламентарното мнозинство од политичката пристрасност на судството и од “предавствата” на премиерот Заев. Затоа потпишуваше амнестии, па не го даваше мандатот за состав на влада а сега нема да го потпишел и Законот кој по втор пат го изгласа Собранието.

      Со тоа Иванов не само што го крши Уставот, туку станува актер во спроведување на некаква револуционерна правда, поттикнува немири и конфликти во земјата, го загрозува мирот и ја дестабилизира Македонија.
      За вакво однесување тој мора кривично да одговара ако не веднаш тогаш по завршувањето на мандатот кога нема да биде потребно двотретинско мнозинство да му се суди за непочитување на уставот,за злоупитреба на неговата функција,за поттикнување на немири и политичко насилство во земјата.

      Ваков претседател на држава со задоволство би го ставиле на својот платен список сите непријатели на Македонија.”


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15659

        Macedonians around the entire world would not regard Ivanov's actions as destructive.

        Further, please find me a country in the world where laws are passed for the benefit of a minority who refuses to even submit to a census. War is the only option given that all reason has been abandoned.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Pelagonija
          • Mar 2017
          • 533

          I prefer they burn them all

          What's funny is that this law is a result of greed, sds had no way of gaining power without selling their souls and giving in to Albanian demands. The FYROMIANS are just retarded, I think it's time they partition the place between Albania and either Serbia/Bulgaria. There are no Macedonians in FYROM, only Albanians and a people who are culturally void and have no understanding of loyalty, honour, self respect, family and community values.


          • Albo
            • May 2014
            • 304

            War isn't an option.. what will you call victory?
            VMRO was in power and had the power to hold a census.. need to ask them as to why they refused to.. and it wasn't to help dui..


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15659

              A minority has disproportionate power Albo. How long do you believe that can remain tenable?

              DPmNE was partly to blame for not having a census, but that is what happens when you form a coalition with your own enemy.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Pelagonija
                • Mar 2017
                • 533

                Originally posted by Albo View Post
                War isn't an option.. what will you call victory?
                VMRO was in power and had the power to hold a census.. need to ask them as to why they refused to.. and it wasn't to help dui..
                I have to agree war is definitely not an option, even for the traditionally violent Albanians.. looking at Albanian youth with their smart phones and their funky hair styles I'd say they would rather be clubbing or emigrate to the west just like the others.

                Btw Your probably aware that 700 000 Albanians have left Albania in the last ten years. A proper census in FYROM is definitely a must.


                • Albo
                  • May 2014
                  • 304

                  I have been to Macedonia many times in the last few years.. what i can say is that an appetite for "a war" in the Albanian side at least is virtually zero..

                  The youth among both ethnic groups simply want to "leave" (and they have been)
                  Its seen as the only perspective and hope.. as sadly Macedonia offers minimal opportunities (as do most Balkan countries)

                  So the real reason i believe the census wasn't fully held by vmro was due to the fact that the overall population figure was drastically lower than the 2002 census among all ethic groups..
                  But I guess we will never know the real number until a proper count is held... but maybe we really dont wanna know the real figure?


                  • Stojacanec
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 809

                    Not sure what your talking about Albo.
                    Many European countries have substantial proportions of people living in poverty.
                    But no-one can wrought the system of having a census like the Albanians of Macedonia.

                    They are too reliant on fictitious numbers to legitimise their overzealous rights.


                    • Rogi
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2343

                      I didn't think it were true, but now hearing it more widely, Albanian clerks in Macedonia have started to refuse to serve Macedonians for any administrative items (issuing documents, etc) unless those Macedonians bring a translator with them who speaks Albanian.
                      This of course, before it has even become Law.

                      I can see a few punch ups starting, initially with older folk who refuse to accept that and have little left to lose, just small things across numerous pockets, until their children and grandchildren are riled up by it as it becomes personal not political, then the groundswell begins.
                      There's a civil war to come.
                      Last edited by Rogi; 03-15-2018, 07:53 AM.


                      • Albo
                        • May 2014
                        • 304

                        Vmro ruled with total controll of instututions and would never let a junior coalition partner like dui say boo without approval..

                        We may never know the real reason why the census was stopped before all information was gathered.. large sections of the country were in fact counted (but fugures were never released)

                        I guess that the data that was being collected didn't work in the favor for vmro or even dui for whatever reason..
                        But to say that Albanians are way less than 25% as they were in the last census isn't based on any statistical fact..

                        Yes many leave.. they come and go.. many dont come back often.. the same applies with the Macedonian community who traditionally migrated much less than Albanians..(also a census has never been held in summer when most Albanians are present)

                        What we can go by until there is fresh count it offical statistics..

                        Here is one regarding births along ethnic lines from 2002 - 20016 (sure if I've posted it in the past)

                        Sorry only have an Alb version.. but its understandable:


                        • Albo
                          • May 2014
                          • 304

                          Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                          I didn't think it were true, but now hearing it more widely, Albanian clerks in Macedonia have started to refuse to serve Macedonians for any administrative items (issuing documents, etc) unless those Macedonians bring a translator with them who speaks Albanian.
                          This of course, before it has even become Law.

                          I can see a few punch ups starting, initially with older folk who refuse to accept that and have little left to lose, just small things across numerous pockets, until their children and grandchildren are riled up by it as it becomes personal not political, then the groundswell begins.
                          There's a civil war to come.
                          Pls provide a source.. sounds like fake news..


                          • Rogi
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2343

                            People in Macedonia. I'm sure news outlets will report it soon, that is, whatever news outlets remain in Macedonia.


                            • Rogi
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2343

                              Here's Zaev talking about how stupid the idea of Albanian as the official 2nd language in Macedonia is, this is in 2016 when he was promising the opposite of what he's now doing...

                              Дојде животот. Двојазичност, глупости невидени.


                              • vicsinad
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 2337

                                Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                                I didn't think it were true, but now hearing it more widely, Albanian clerks in Macedonia have started to refuse to serve Macedonians for any administrative items (issuing documents, etc) unless those Macedonians bring a translator with them who speaks Albanian.
                                This of course, before it has even become Law.

                                I can see a few punch ups starting, initially with older folk who refuse to accept that and have little left to lose, just small things across numerous pockets, until their children and grandchildren are riled up by it as it becomes personal not political, then the groundswell begins.
                                There's a civil war to come.
                                Violence is likely to come. I read that last night some politician's car was set on fire.

                                If it comes down to a war, I am very suspicious of Bulgaria swooping in as our savior and Macedonia being split. The "Friendship Treaty" set them up for such.

                                What the Macedonians need to do -- quickly -- is organize in taking down the government. This is what should have happened by now. But even some of the most "patriotic" of people have been afraid or unwilling to get their hands dirty.

