DPmNE's track record

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Here is Mickoski's doublespeak opposition to the treacherous Prespa agreement. He begins by stating that so long as DPNE exist the agreement cannot be a done deal, then goes on to state that it cannot be a done deal because Macedonia is not yet in the EU. Nothing about terminating the agreement and reinstating the dignity of Macedonians and their country. There's your "patriot" party in Macedonia.....

    „Сè додека сум јас ВМРО, Договорот од Преспа не може да биде завршена работа и сè додека постои ВМРО не може да биде завршена работа. Затоа што таа скапо платена кампања пред референдумот кога практично имаше обид да се направи еден инженеринг, ни ветуваа квалитетно образование, квалитетни вакции, европско здравство, ние за жал денеска имаме најлоши бројки во делот на починати, повторно нè излажаа. Не може да е завршен Преспанскиот договор, а ние да сме најкорумпирана држава во Европа. Не може да е завршен бидејќи не сме земја – членка на Унијата. Не може вие да имате двојни стандарди, ако е некој пропреспа тогаш да му дадете дозвола за убивање, да прави што сака, да краде, да пљачка, да нема реформи, да лаже. Не може. Тоа не го прифаќам…Можеби е реалност, не велам да ја игнорираме таа реалност, но дека е завршен – далеку од тоа“.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Remember Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova? Known for her association with elements that have been destructive towards Macedonia, such as Crvenkovski, Frckoski, Zaev, the "colour revolution" and Soros' organisation. Seconded to DPNE, ran as Mickoski's preference for presidential candidate, then half-heartedly claimed to be against the treacherous Prespa agreement.

      The deal emerged as the main campaign issue of the presidential contest. Siljanovska vowed to challenge the agreement in the international court of justice in the Hague. She said that as a constitutional law professor, she would “respect” the deal but also “will do my best to show that some of the solutions are against Macedonia’s constitution and against ... the norms of the United Nations.”

      (Translation) The holder of the list in the first constituency of VMRO-DPMNE prof. Dr. Gordana Siljanovska Davkova was in the settlement of Novo Lisice yesterday. She told the residents that she will always use the name Macedonia. "Let me tell you something about the name of our country. I personally will never use that imposed name and I will always call it Macedonia. Restoration of our constitutional name is possible through the Constitutional Court. The referendum failed and no one can change that fact. That is why I will ask for respect for international law, which eminent world professors have said was violated through the Prespa Agreement.
      Now she has come up with another idea, this time in relation to the name-change being imposed upon the Football Federation of Macedonia.

      FFM or MFF?

      I suggest the acronym FFM to become MFF, because the Prespa agreement does not prohibit the adjective "Macedonian". If there is MKD, there may be MFF or "Macedonian Football Federation", as well as Macedonian national football team. The connection of the abbreviation with the state, due to some payment from the Agency, is a praise of stupidity and madness, because sport is not a state, but a folk and civic phenomenon, But this does not apply in a FOOL country, as "ours". Instead of sports and football belonging to football players and fans, politicians are nesting in it! What does the foreign minister ask of the first man in football? Maybe he treats him like an ambassador of football!?! But, WHOSE?
      A shady figure who joined the DPNE party of plastic patriots, supposedly rejected a treacherous agreement and now seeks ways to navigate through it, thereby accepting and legitimising it. What happened to the constitutional court, international law and soliciting the support of eminent world professors, mori Gordanko?
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Rogi
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2343

        I might have read or understood it incorrectly, but I read it as a sarcastic piece as opposed to some way navigating through the treasonous and illegal agreement that was also rejected at a referendum.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Originally posted by Rogi View Post
          I might have read or understood it incorrectly, but I read it as a sarcastic piece......
          I would have read it like that too, if I thought she was genuine about Macedonia's integrity. Instead, I read any hint of sarcasm in that statement as just a thin veil.
          ......as opposed to some way navigating through the treasonous and illegal agreement that was also rejected at a referendum.
          You mean like how some other characters from DPNE aren't dancing around the agreement also? Tell me more.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Rogi
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2343

            I'm fairly sure Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova is completely opposed to the treasonous agreement, at least from a legal point of view, if not a patriotic one.

            On your other point, yes, I agree. On this topic it needs to be clear, not in any way ambiguous and it should be completely unwavering and hardline that this is a treasonous, illegal document signed by traitors and supported by traitors to the Macedonian identity, language, culture, history and name.

            Apasiev probably has the most hardline and outspoken view on this among those currently in the Macedonian Parliament, and I dont think he goes hard enough on this either.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by Rogi View Post
              I'm fairly sure Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova is completely opposed to the treasonous agreement, at least from a legal point of view, if not a patriotic one.
              When was the last time you heard her publicly announce any type of action towards terminating the agreement she supposedly opposes, completely no less?

              Her opposition to the agreement is not resolute. It is of secondary importance and takes a back seat to the distant prospect of EU membership. For all intents and purposes, she has accepted the status quo. Ditto for the rest of the stooges from DPNE. They may continue to virtue signal whilst in opposition, but once they eventually return to power, they will fall into line. It is merely time that defers their transition from plastic patriots to traitors. For the interim, they will slither around the subject, like she did with the FFM, or like Mickoski did with his supposed red lines.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

