New Macedonian Cabinet

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  • Toska
    and to add insult to injury that coat of arms states we are a still a communist yugoslav republic

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  • George S.
    they been draping buildings in Albanian flags why not people..Look at us and our flag what a joke we can't use the sun flag coz it might offend Greece.Our govt uses old communist symbols of servitude.
    Last edited by George S.; 06-28-2014, 08:01 PM.

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  • Volokin
    Surprised he isn't flanked by an Albanian flag to be honest.

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  • Niko777
    wow, it didn't take long to make the new backdrop for press conferences...

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  • George S.
    Can we say its mere coincidence or ignorance or an apathetic attitude.I would say if the masses should awaken to what's really going on there would be a real awakaneining.People are not questioning what gruevski is up to or think he is just doing his job a good job.But he is bargaining with our name so that they could enter the eu and nato.It seems to be no ifs or buts but a formality.We do know that gruevski is smitten with the bug to enter both eu & nato.Think about it a right thinking person would not entertain the idea of capitulating their name.let alone bargain anything to do about the name.Do people really think gruevski will consult with the people i don't think so,he will act to whatever he pleases to do.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Some powerful positions there.
    Macedonians voted for this coalition. They knew this is what they would get. They would have to be beyond retarded to think this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
    I don't know if they think that far ahead. By the time they snap out of their dream and awaken into a nightmare, it may be too late, if it isn't already. Macedonia looks more and more like a federation each day. And that is surely just the first step before eventually breakdown.

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  • Volokin
    Updated first post, a few were out of date. Seems to be correct now. Basically besides Defence Minister and Environment Minister, all stays the same as the previous cabinet.
    Last edited by Volokin; 06-22-2014, 10:55 PM.

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  • Volokin
    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    Volokin, your information is slightly inaccurate. They also gave the Ministry of Education and Science to an Albanian. The website is already updated:

    I guess we'll be seeing more schools being renamed after "Adem Jashari"...

    Thanks for the correction, knew I saw that somewhere. Just adds to my point really, probably will see a lot more of Albanian studies introduced into the system.

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  • Risto the Great
    Some powerful positions there.
    Macedonians voted for this coalition. They knew this is what they would get. They would have to be beyond retarded to think this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

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  • Niko777
    Volokin, your information is slightly inaccurate. They also gave the Ministry of Education and Science to an Albanian. The website is already updated:

    I guess we'll be seeing more schools being renamed after "Adem Jashari"...

    Last edited by Niko777; 06-22-2014, 09:29 PM.

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  • Volokin
    The power which is now in their hands can easily be exploited, and it's all legal under the Framework Agreement. Disgusting.

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  • Volokin
    Yeah, he continues to appease them whilst having no backbone himself, and that is the sad situation.

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  • George S.
    volokin gruevski is doing this to stay in power.He's handing out portfolios with dubious names and its mostly Albanians it doesn't even matter if the shiptars could do the job.Its only to look good.Its like jobs for the boys.Its keeping the Albanians in check.I wonder how much they are getting on the Macedonian govts payroll.How ridiculous these appointments must be like previously the minister of defence was a terrorist and still on the American black list.What a joke.Gruevski is simply buying time by having an entourage of people hoping that the Macedonian citizens who put himt here won't notice anything amiss.What a joke a priminister doing sweet heart deals with the shiptars just how insulting & a slap in the face for not keeping in check.The shiptars can do anything they want now they hold seats in parliament.We are being dictated to by minorities even though the majority is macedonian.I suppose it doesn't matter and the Macedonians don't seem to care enough.To simply to stay in power he situation is obvious how low the gruevski & co circus will sink to get his way no matter how insulting etc they will
    do it to stay in power.
    Last edited by George S.; 06-22-2014, 02:08 PM.

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  • Volokin
    started a topic New Macedonian Cabinet

    New Macedonian Cabinet

    So, the new Macedonian cabinet has been decided....

    Member Portfolio
    Nikola Gruevski Prime Minister
    Zoran Stavreski Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Finance
    Musa Xhaferi Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Framework Agreement Implementation
    Vladimir Peševski Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs
    Dr. Fatmir Besimi Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Integration
    Nikola Poposki Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Zoran Jolevski Minister of Defense
    Gordana Jankuloska Minister of Internal Affairs
    Adnan Jashari Minister of Justice
    Mile Janakieski Minister of Transport and Communication
    Valon Saracini Minister of Economy
    Mihail Cvetkov Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Watersupply
    Nikola Todorov Minister of Health
    Abdilaqim Ademi Minister of Education and Science
    Ivo Ivanovski Minister of Information Society
    Nevzat Bejta Minister of Local Self-Government
    Elizabeta Kančeska Milevska Minister of Culture
    Dime Spasov Minister of Labor and Social Policy
    Nurhan Izairi Minister of Environment and Physical Planning
    Bill Pavleski Minister for Attracting foreign investment
    Hadi Neziri Minister without Portfolio (no information on him in article) -
    Nedžet Mustafa Minister without Portfolio
    Vele Samak Minister without Portfolio
    Jerry Naumoff Minister without Portfolio
    Visar Fida Minister without Portfolio
    Goran Mickovski Minister without Portfolio
    Dimitar Bogov Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
    Ljupco Shvrgovski Attorney General
    Gen. Miroslav Stojanovski Chief of General staff of the Arm Forces
    Zoran Jolevski Special Envoy and Chief Negotiator of the Macedonia name dispute
    Most ministers in the last government look set to remain in their posts as Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski proposed a new cabinet after his party's April election victory.

    Look at the bolded, essentially every Albanian as a fact and then look at the positions they hold.

    Justice, Economy, Framework Agreement Implemention (WHY THE FUCK IS THAT A EVEN A MINISTERIAL POSITION), Local Self-Government, Education, Environment and Physical Planning and European Integration. Simply, zašto? It is no coincidence that they hold these key positions in government. Wake up Macedonia, for fucks sake. We are treating the minority, like a majority. Fucking Pički.

    The only "positive" to come out of this new cabinet is that the Defence Minister is back in Macedonian hands. Not like the deserter and traitor that was Xhaferi, which personally, was one of the most embarrassing things to happen to the long list of moments in 21st century Macedonia. But as always, there's a catch, he is also the chief negotiator in the name talks with Greece, and we all know how well they are progressing.
    Last edited by Volokin; 06-22-2014, 10:52 PM. Reason: Updated and fixed.