Shiptar Swine Ahmeti : DUI must be part of ruling govt or well destabilise Macedonia

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  • iceman
    • Sep 2008
    • 132

    Shiptar Swine Ahmeti : DUI must be part of ruling govt or well destabilise Macedonia

    iceman: and there we have it one of the biggest swines of the terrorist shiptar party threatening to destabilise Macedonia if he is not in the coalition ruling government.

    29/04/2014 , 19:27
    Ahmet " promising" instability if DUI E government

    In an interview with Kosovo daily " New Age " Ahmeti announced that as the largest political force in the Albanian bloc to negotiate with VMRO - DPMNE to form government

    Tatjana Popovska

    DUI leader Ali Ahmeti threatens to destabilize the country if his party did not enter the next government, the party that won the last election over 153 thousand votes in the Albanian political block . In an interview with Kosovo daily " New Age " Ahmeti announced that as the largest political force in the Albanian bloc to negotiate with VMRO - DPMNE to form a government . But in terms of the information that DPA leader Thaci already negotiated participation in government , Ahmeti warns that " such a government can not pass , because then there will be instability in Macedonia ."

    Management of DUI yesterday afternoon , according to the announcements , the meeting of the Central presidency was to analyze the election results , the ratio of their biggest political opponent DPA , and the success or failure of the boycott of the second round of presidential elections . Party sources say that they are not acceptable in any future government the opportunity to enter two major Albanian parties , the opportunity that is increasingly mentioned last period after Thaci said that the leader of VMRO - DPMNE already negotiated coalition government cooperation , regardless of number of MPs who will win .

    The VMRO - DPMNE immediately after election briefing that will negotiate with DUI on the composition and program of the next government , but announced that if both parties are pragmatic and not show interest in cooperation and compromise accountability if no agreement is reached will be only them . In that case the game comes DPA which won 66 thousand votes for VMRO - DPMNE is very important . It is expected to be much clearer in the next two weeks before the inaugural session of parliament , to have an idea which party will form the majority.

    Are VMRO - DPMNE and DUI will reach a coalition agreement depends on the objectives and topics you will ask the party leadership . If both parties do not deviate from extremely conflicting positions regarding the need to change the Constitution regarding the election of the President , then the use of the Albanian language requirement DUI their staff to head the presidential seat in Parliament , but many other issues regarding the economy and the country's EU integration process , then the chances that both parties agree are very small .

    Both parties yesterday refused to reveal their initial positions that will begin negotiations .

    The DPA and yesterday were not available for comment on the political processes that are expected to occur after the parliamentary elections . Although their leader Thaci repeatedly claimed that surely will be part of the new government , recently DPA can not get any information about when they expect to begin negotiations with VMRO - DPMNE and that will be their positions .

    Villages demanded resignation of Thaci

    Struga Mayor Zijadin Villages Branch DPA Struga yesterday urged Thaci to resign as party leader . The reason for this, according to them, the poor election results .

    " We ask Congress DPA urgently convened meeting at which to discuss the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections and to discuss the possible entry of DPA mode with VMRO - DPMNE . DPA will never win the election until Thaci 's party chairman , " said Sela .

    He asked why DPA runoff vote for president , when the party's decision was that the DPA will vote only for a candidate Albanian.

    " I already said Thaci should resign . It is not my desire , but it is the direction that the people suggesting not only in this election , but in past election cycles . Hope that things will change , you will win, gone , gone such hope, because this shows that people only vote against Thaci , " Sela said , adding that if Thaci wants to let them enter the Gruevski government but only if the first 100 days to fulfill the promise that the citizens give Albanians - the bicameral Parliament and bilingual representation of the Albanian language on the whole territory of Macedonia . ( VM ) .


    29.04.2014, 19:27

    Во интервју за косовскиот весник „Нова ера“ Ахмети најавува дека како најголема политичка сила во албанскиот блок ќе преговараат со ВМРО-ДПМНЕ за формирање влада

    Татjана Поповска

    Лидерот на ДУИ Али Ахмети се закани со дестабилизација на земјата доколку неговата партија не влезе во идната влада, како партија која на последните избори освои над 153 илјади гласови во албанскиот политички блок. Во интервју за косовскиот весник „Нова ера“ Ахмети најавува дека како најголема политичка сила во албанскиот блок ќе преговараат со ВМРО-ДПМНЕ за формирање влада. Но, во однос на информациите дека лидерот на ДПА Мендух Тачи веќе преговара за учество во владата, Ахмети предупредува дека „таква влада не може да помине, бидејќи тогаш ќе има нестабилност во Македонија“.

    Раководството на ДУИ вчера попладнето, според најавите, на седница на Централното претседателство требаше да ги анализира изборните резултати, соодносот со нивниот најголем политички противник ДПА, но и успехот односно неуспехот на бојкотот на вториот круг на претседателските избори. Партиски извори тврдат дека за нив не е прифатлива ниту можноста во идната влада да влезат двете најголеми партии на Албанците, можност што се' повеќе се споменуваше изминатиов период откако Тачи рече дека со лидерот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ веќе преговара за владина коалициска соработка, независно од бројот на пратениците што ќе ги освои.

    Од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ веднаш после изборите брифираа дека ќе преговараат со ДУИ околу составот и програмата на идната влада, но најавија дека ако двете партии не бидат прагматични и не покажат интерес за соработка и за компромис, одговорноста ако не се постигне договор нема да биде само нивна. Во тој случај во игра влегува ДПА чии освоени 66 илјади гласови за ВМРО-ДПМНЕ се многу важни. Се очекува многу работи да бидат појасни во наредните две недели, пред одржувањето на конститутивната седница на парламентот, за да се има претстава кои партии ќе го формираат мнозинството.

    Дали ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и ДУИ ќе постигнат коалициски договор зависи од темите и целите што ќе си ги постават партиските раководства. Доколку и во двете партии не отстапат од крајно спротивставените позиции во однос на потребата за промена на Уставот во делот на изборот на претседател, потоа употребата на албанскиот јазик, барањето на ДУИ нивен кадар да застане на чело на претседателското место во Собранието, но и многу други прашања во делот на економијата и евроинтеграцискиот процес на земјата, тогаш шансите двете партии да се договорат се многу мали.

    И во двете партии вчера не сакаа да ги откријат нивните почетни позиции со кои ќе ги почнат преговорите.

    Во ДПА и вчера не беа достапни за коментар околу политичките процеси што очекуваат да се случуваат после парламентарните избори. Иако нивниот лидер Тачи во неколку наврати тврдеше дека сигурно ќе биде дел од новата влада, деновиве од ДПА не може да се добие никаква информација околу тоа кога очекуваат да почнат преговорите со ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и кои ќе бидат нивните позиции.

    Села побара оставка од Тачи

    Струшкиот градоначалник Зијадин Села и огранокот на ДПА од Струга вчера побараа од Мендух Тачи да си поднесе оставка од функцијата претседател на партијата. Причина за тоа, според нив, се слабите изборни резултати.

    „Бараме конгресот на ДПА под итно да свика собрание на кое би се разговарало за резултатите од претседателските и парламентарните избори и да се разговара за евентуалниот влез на ДПА во владата со ВМРО – ДПМНЕ. ДПА никогаш нема на победи на избори се' додека Тачи е претседател на партијата“, изјави Села.

    Тој праша зошто ДПА во вториот круг гласаше за претседател, кога партиската одлука беше дека ДПА ќе гласа само за кандидат Албанец.

    „Јас веќе реков Тачи треба да поднесе оставка. Тоа не е моја желба, туку тоа е правецот кој народот го укажува не само на овие избори, туку и во изминативе изборни циклуси. Надежта дека ќе се сменат работите, дека ќе победиме, исчезна, нема веќе таква надеж, бидејќи се гледа дека овој народ гласа само против Тачи“, изјави Села и додаде дека ако Тачи сака нека влезе во владата на Груевски но само под услов во првите 100 дена го исполни ветувањето кое што пред граѓаните Албанци го даде - за дводомен парламент и двојазична застапеност на албанскиот јазик на цела територија на Македонија. (В.М).

  • MKPrilep
    • Mar 2009
    • 284

    I really cannot understand why Gruevski did this?
    So it was all a game between him and Ahmeti?
    I am so disappointed. This will be the last victory for him.
    But unfortunately Macedonia has no other Party who can
    fight for the rights of the macedonians.

    According to sources within the VMRO-DPMNE, MPs are flooded with phone calls and emails of angry Macedonians dismayed that the ruling party is discussing forming a new Government with DUI.

    "We told and promised our membership we needed more votes for majority in Parliament in order to avoid blackmails from DUI. We got the votes, so yes we are not looking particularly well that we are quietly talking to DUI about forming Government" says a source within the VMRO-DPMNE.

    VMRO-DPMNE's membership is shocked that their party is talking to Ahmeti, the man who gives all his statements to "Albanian TV" and not Macedonian TV and who proclaims his party as 'the winner' even though VMRO-DPMNE won the elections and SDSM placed second.

    "I'd rather see VMRO-DPMNE form a new government with the traitors SDSM than DUI who publicly make statements they would destabilize Macedonia. Gruevski can choose who enters Government and not Ahmeti, Gruevski won the elections and it seems like he doesn't understand that" - says a Skopje resident who admitted he called the office of his recently elected MP and blasted him over the phone.

    Poweful businessman who is a VMRO-DPMNE supporter says he is stunned that the winning party is negotiating with DUI. "I don't think VMRO-DPMNE learned its lesson. All the blackmails, backstabbing from DUI, I just don't understand. Ahmeti is treating Macedonia as protectorate, speaks against it and is not sanctioned by the Authorities. In fact, VMRO-DPMNE has made DUI much stronger because of its weakness and tolerance towards DUI. Their (VMRO) behavior will cost them at least 100,000 votes in the next elections, mark my words".

    Is it high time for VMRO-DPMNE to set their foot down and act like a party that has won elections?

    VMRO-DPMNE and DUI announced that they have reached an agreement to set up new parliamentary majority.

    "The parties in the process of negotiating this coalition, first and foremost had taken into account the citizens' interest in these issues, including the context of time and moment currently experienced by Macedonia, the region and beyond. In compliance with their programs and election pledges, they had decided Euro-Atlantic integration, economic development of the country heightened by reforms and projects aimed at improving the economic and social state, new jobs and investments to be the main priorities of the upcoming governmental activities," reads a joint press release sent by the two parties.

    For this purpose, it adds, the parties will establish a joint mixed working group focused on assisting, supporting and evaluating the work of the government and relevant ministries involved in the Euro-Atlantic integration process.

    "The government's economic departments, the council and advisory government institutions will be making utmost efforts to meet the defined economic objectives. In the upcoming period, especially prior to the NATO summit and the EU ministerial council, officials of this working group in line with its program goals will brief the parties on regular basis on the achieved results and taken measures and reforms. They will serve as a basis for them to make decisions on future steps and actions of the parties included in the government," the press release states.

    DUI and VMRO-DPMNE say that their negotiation teams "will resume working to harmonize the principles on whose basis the government coalition partners will function and the ministries will be distributed."

    This coalition will surely disappoint many Macedonians who insisted they did not want to see DUI in Government.


    • Redsun
      • Jul 2013
      • 409

      Nikola Gruevski, is no long interested in the position of prime minister

      He intends to be public enemy number one.


      • Volokin
        • Apr 2014
        • 278

        "I don't think VMRO-DPMNE learned its lesson. All the blackmails, backstabbing from DUI, I just don't understand. Ahmeti is treating Macedonia as protectorate, speaks against it and is not sanctioned by the Authorities. In fact, VMRO-DPMNE has made DUI much stronger because of its weakness and tolerance towards DUI. Their (VMRO) behavior will cost them at least 100,000 votes in the next elections, mark my words".
        Last edited by Volokin; 05-12-2014, 10:26 PM.


        • Redsun
          • Jul 2013
          • 409

          In any country governed by law... when someone has then intent to cause violence, death and damage to property they will be detained straight away.

          Just to have "criminal intent" is enough to put someone behind bars.

          Why didn't the authorities respond?...

          Ahmeti made an open threat to Macedonia.

          He should be detained immediately. Stop his career now. He has done enough to have an arrest made against him. For the authorities to stand idle as such... is there any authority?


          • Volokin
            • Apr 2014
            • 278

            It is because we fear them. The Macedonian authorities fear the Albanians.

            They know, if ever Ahmeti or anyone of note from an Albanian organisation was detained (for good reason) there would be national uproar. Tens of thousands of Albanians would flood the streets in protest and there would be violence, they would play the victim card as they usually do, they would get the US involved and after international pressure, said person would be released and all is well again. They might even take the weapons out of their basements and start a insurgency again!....and that's only slightly sarcastic...

            It's just about appeasing them, for they know the consequences if they don't. Gruevski and VMRO are fucking massive bitches. They longer they stay in power, the more Macedonia will suffer.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              thanks to gruevski we got now terrorists in parliament.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Redsun
                • Jul 2013
                • 409


                It is unusual for a political party that placed third with 10% of the total MPs to set their own demands that the winning party is quietly fulfilling. It is not known whether VMRO-DPMNE has counter-demands and if so what are they?

                What is VMRO doing?


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  maybe gruevski should do a stint behind the bars like boskovski what a joke.Do people know this man is still negotiating our name with greece.He seems to love cavorting with the enemy.DO people know that Ahmeti is solely responsible for starting the 2001 war.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    if gruevski wanted he could've changed the constitution but no the albanians look like they coBlackmailing seems to be a bad term but its true.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Stojacanec
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 809

                      Originally posted by Volokin View Post
                      It is because we fear them. The Macedonian authorities fear the Albanians.

                      They know, if ever Ahmeti or anyone of note from an Albanian organisation was detained (for good reason) there would be national uproar. Tens of thousands of Albanians would flood the streets in protest and there would be violence, they would play the victim card as they usually do, they would get the US involved and after international pressure, said person would be released and all is well again. They might even take the weapons out of their basements and start a insurgency again!....and that's only slightly sarcastic...

                      It's just about appeasing them, for they know the consequences if they don't. Gruevski and VMRO are fucking massive bitches. They longer they stay in power, the more Macedonia will suffer.
                      Maybe this is what is needed Volokin. There has to be a line in the sand drawn to know who acts for the interests of the state and who doesn't.


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        they should be tried for treason & shot by firing squad.We don't need pretenders like gruevski.I'm sick to death of him lying to all of us as if were little children.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV

