M. Valtersson
"Lots of rumours, but few new facts. Among russian Telegram channels, many says that Neskuchne is retaken and Blahodatne cut off. But there are not much sound of fighting in the area so the claims seems dubious, since offensives often are very noisy.
Proukrainians celebrate the conquest of Neskuchne (1), Blahodatne (2) and the western settlement of Levadne. I understand them since it's proof of some success after a week of counteroffensive. But I wouldn't cheer to much since Blahodatne and Neskuchne are outside the First russian defenceline, low in a river valley. With today's frontline neither Russia nor Ukraine can post many soldiers in these two settlements.
Levadne is an even smaller fish to fry. On the map it looks like a village, but it is really a farm, also laying outside and below the Russian defenceline. The RuAF might retake the lost settlements or at least make it very costly for the UkrAF to keep them. Still it's a success, albeit small, for the Ukrainian side."