The strikes last night may have been the knockout blow to the Ukrainian grid. Ukrainian telegram channels are reporting total outages or emergency shutdowns in 11 Oblasts, claiming that the repairs may take weeks. Kharkov Oblast is wrecked right now - total blackouts and virtually no internet connectivity.
More and more sources are suggesting that the Ukrainian’s are throwing everything that they have at Bakhmut, this seems to contradict their earlier messaging that Bakhmut is of little strategic importance.
Some independent commentators are claiming that Ukraine is losing up to 8 fighters per one Russian loss in the Bakhmut meat-grinder.
It appears that the Russian strategy is to position their forces close enough to Bakhmut to illicit an Ukrainian response to defend territory whilst Russia controls the battle space with relentless and withering artillery fire thus keeping it’s own forces at a safe distance from return fire.
This will probably go down as the last stand for Ukraine as a common belief is that Ukrainian losses are so great now that they are down to their last 200K troops and many of them are just raw recruits.
I wonder how they're gonna feel about USA's agenda when all this is put to an end. I note Zeleno is going to use Blackrock for the rebuilding of the nation. It's getting real sad now.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
I wonder how they're gonna feel about USA's agenda when all this is put to an end. I note Zeleno is going to use Blackrock for the rebuilding of the nation. It's getting real sad now.
I saw a comment somewhere recently that said Ukraine is starting to look like every other country that the USA has ‘supported’…
The USA doesn’t mind all the virtue signaling about democracy, human rights and anti-corruption in foreign lands but seems to destroy states in the process to the point of total dysfunction and economic ruin only to send in their US corporations to do the ‘rebuilding’ - make a shitload of money by pilfering natural resources and then sailing off into the sunset to leave the natives to an even more diabolical future.
The USA doesn’t mind all the virtue signaling about democracy, human rights and anti-corruption in foreign lands but seems to destroy states in the process to the point of total dysfunction and economic ruin only to send in their US corporations to do the ‘rebuilding’ - make a shitload of money by pilfering natural resources and then sailing off into the sunset to leave the natives to an even more diabolical future.
Under the assumption of zero conscience, it is a brilliant plan to be honest. Why stop at your own country? Just mess up other nations and then profit from picking up the pieces.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
There are reports coming in, both Ukrainian and Russian, that Russian forces have broken through the Ukrainian defences in Soledar and Ukrainian troops are retreating north from the city center. Waiting for visual confirmation/ more information.
Wagner PMC fighters inspecting bombed out trenches in Soledar & Bakhmut report finding a number of letters from Kiev stating "Good news guys, we're winning the battle on Twitter."
This is a wake up call CNN interview with a Bakhmut Ukrainian defender:
"The number of dead is so high that no one is counting them. We don't even have time to remember each other's call signs when new personnel arrive. Why die, if we are going to leave it anyway today or tomorrow?"
This is a wake up call CNN interview with a Bakhmut Ukrainian defender:
"The number of dead is so high that no one is counting them. We don't even have time to remember each other's call signs when new personnel arrive. Why die, if we are going to leave it anyway today or tomorrow?"
More and more sources are now (finally) admitting to the high death toll on the Ukrainian side and the difficulty of replacing the dead and wounded on the battlefield with new and well trained recruits.
Ukraine is on the ropes with no sign that anything will change the current course. The Russians are dismantling Ukraine patiently and systematically and short of direct Western (US/NATO/EU) involvement with boots on the ground there doesn’t seem to be anything at the moment that Ukraine or it’s US/NATO masters can do about it.
The Russians have just reorganized their military command structure and they continue to pour men and equipment into Belarus to be possibly used in opening up new fronts, leaving Ukrainian forces stretched to breaking point if they aren’t already.
Something big is in the making and all the signs are very ominous.
The Russians have given Ukraine and the West many off-ramps up till now, those opportunities have now been taken off the table by the Russians.
I believe Ukraine will be brutally dismembered, probably cut in half with the industrial base, agriculture, mining and port facilities predominantly in Russian hands and the only thing that can stop this is by the West waging a nuclear war against Russia…