Its very clear to me that the whole meeting between this terrorist shiptar dog ahmeti , anti Macedonian Biden and 'No idea' Nimitz is clearly a conpiracy between these demonic bastards to change Macedonias name.
This idiot shiptar ahmeti should not be getting involved in Macedonia's name ,he has nothing to do with it nor does it affect him or his shiptari dogs historically and into the future . Anti Macedonian Biden would have told this dog ahmeti to place pressure on the Macedonian government to change their name to appease the "Greek " settler government. Now do you see traitor Crvenkovki what you and that tool of a politician Gligorov
have done to the Macedonian ethnic race for accepting that Former Bullshit name ? Three months only ! ( You idiots it been over 20 yrs because of your stupidity !!!). The current Macedonian government needs to withdraw from the name talks immediately!!!!!!!!
На маса на работната вечера последниот предлог за името?
Last name proposal will be tabled at working dinner between Ahmeti and mediator in the Greek-Macedonian dispute, Matthew Nimetz, next week in New York, during the visit of DUI, Musa Xhaferi and Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Artan Rough . Apart from the Nimitz first integrativec will meet with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Rosemary Di Karlo. The first official visit to the U.S. Ahmeti, the high level meetings that will generate a president of the party, and the weight of his visit to the country, experts are restrained assessed.
- We hope that the meeting with Nimetz will exchange views on the latest proposal for a possible compromise on the name or for the development of negotiations. We are interested to find a solution with our southern neighbor, which we will pave the way for rapid integration into NATO and start of negotiations with the EU. Besides the already confirmed meetings at the Pentagon and State Department agenda of President Ahmet expand to other meetings as admission Kancelarijata of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, reception at the U.S. Ambassador to the UN and working dinner with Proxy name issue Matthew Nimitz - Harsh says.
The DUI yesterday could not confirm whether government partners Ahmeti and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had meetings before tomorrow's visit to the U.S. Ahmeti, or whether the phone is coordinating. But added that this important issue government partners are absolutely coordinated the priority of the government, and the programs of the two parties is the solution to the name dispute, Macedonia's accession to NATO and the EU, and that the strategy and priorities are the same. The BDI say may have differences in the way and the dynamics of a solution to the name issue, but firmly states that while extremely take care not to harm Macedonia's strategic goals.
The government yesterday failed to get the position if there was a meeting between government partners after returning from South American tour Gruevski and Ahmeti before leaving for the United States.
While, on the one hand, Ahmeti received confirmation of high-level meetings with representatives of the U.S. administration, on the other hand, there is little chance DUI to talk to the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) as President Meto Koloski refused to meet with, as he says, a politician with a dark past. UMD has a note that the invitation received after the first DUI informed media. But the main reason for the refusal of a meeting he did not want to be interpreted that UMD in any way supports the DUI pressure to find a rash decision, which would result in a change of name.
- UMD as an organization that represents the voice of the Macedonian Diaspora believes that it is in favor of the Diaspora and Macedonia to negotiate or to agree with the politician, whose dark past as a leader of the extremist left deep traces and negative effects on the country in which, unfortunately, slowly but surely Macedonian people in the western part of Macedonia are treated as a minority in favor of the Albanians - said in a statement on UMD.
However, despite the strict rejection of meeting between Koloski and Ahmeti, roughly hopes UMD President will change his mind.
- We hope that UMD will reflect and come to the meeting because the intent is how the Albanian and the Macedonian diaspora to discuss the important processes of interest in Macedonia. We see no reason why it denied meeting with Ahmeti when Koloski has already met with Xhaferi - Harsh says.
Former ambassadors Burning Maleski and Nikovski be restrained expectations for the meeting with Nimetz Ahmeti and Biden. Maleski considered the effects of the visit will have to wait for information to be shared with the public for their maintenance.
- Or speaking the language of officials - "what will be the final results of the visit." However, given that a key coalition partner in the government, the public is present serious dilemmas, even openly doubt how she previously agreed and harmonized within the Common Foreign and only public policy. This is especially considering that hosts dialogue will inevitably be touched and najdelikatnoto issue - resolving the dispute with southern neighbor for years in a row is the most serious obstacle to faster our Euro-Atlantic integration - Maleski said.
From there, he and dilemmas whether the effects of the visit will be useful only for promotion and the leader of his party in the Diaspora, the U.S. administration at home or to take account of public interest for which it is responsible as a credible coalition partner.
Nikovski prices that is unusual party leader of a small country to be received by Vice President of the United States.
- I think that visit Ahmeti and the DUI was U.S. demonstration of a new U.S. policy towards Macedonia and the region. However, this visit can bring some benefit to the state, if Ahmeti and his colleagues try to do something in this area. Recent events in the country in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Albanian state to local elections, through various statements that we have seen, unfortunately, is not very promising - says Nikovski
This idiot shiptar ahmeti should not be getting involved in Macedonia's name ,he has nothing to do with it nor does it affect him or his shiptari dogs historically and into the future . Anti Macedonian Biden would have told this dog ahmeti to place pressure on the Macedonian government to change their name to appease the "Greek " settler government. Now do you see traitor Crvenkovki what you and that tool of a politician Gligorov
have done to the Macedonian ethnic race for accepting that Former Bullshit name ? Three months only ! ( You idiots it been over 20 yrs because of your stupidity !!!). The current Macedonian government needs to withdraw from the name talks immediately!!!!!!!!
На маса на работната вечера последниот предлог за името?
Last name proposal will be tabled at working dinner between Ahmeti and mediator in the Greek-Macedonian dispute, Matthew Nimetz, next week in New York, during the visit of DUI, Musa Xhaferi and Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Artan Rough . Apart from the Nimitz first integrativec will meet with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Rosemary Di Karlo. The first official visit to the U.S. Ahmeti, the high level meetings that will generate a president of the party, and the weight of his visit to the country, experts are restrained assessed.
- We hope that the meeting with Nimetz will exchange views on the latest proposal for a possible compromise on the name or for the development of negotiations. We are interested to find a solution with our southern neighbor, which we will pave the way for rapid integration into NATO and start of negotiations with the EU. Besides the already confirmed meetings at the Pentagon and State Department agenda of President Ahmet expand to other meetings as admission Kancelarijata of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, reception at the U.S. Ambassador to the UN and working dinner with Proxy name issue Matthew Nimitz - Harsh says.
The DUI yesterday could not confirm whether government partners Ahmeti and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had meetings before tomorrow's visit to the U.S. Ahmeti, or whether the phone is coordinating. But added that this important issue government partners are absolutely coordinated the priority of the government, and the programs of the two parties is the solution to the name dispute, Macedonia's accession to NATO and the EU, and that the strategy and priorities are the same. The BDI say may have differences in the way and the dynamics of a solution to the name issue, but firmly states that while extremely take care not to harm Macedonia's strategic goals.
The government yesterday failed to get the position if there was a meeting between government partners after returning from South American tour Gruevski and Ahmeti before leaving for the United States.
While, on the one hand, Ahmeti received confirmation of high-level meetings with representatives of the U.S. administration, on the other hand, there is little chance DUI to talk to the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) as President Meto Koloski refused to meet with, as he says, a politician with a dark past. UMD has a note that the invitation received after the first DUI informed media. But the main reason for the refusal of a meeting he did not want to be interpreted that UMD in any way supports the DUI pressure to find a rash decision, which would result in a change of name.
- UMD as an organization that represents the voice of the Macedonian Diaspora believes that it is in favor of the Diaspora and Macedonia to negotiate or to agree with the politician, whose dark past as a leader of the extremist left deep traces and negative effects on the country in which, unfortunately, slowly but surely Macedonian people in the western part of Macedonia are treated as a minority in favor of the Albanians - said in a statement on UMD.
However, despite the strict rejection of meeting between Koloski and Ahmeti, roughly hopes UMD President will change his mind.
- We hope that UMD will reflect and come to the meeting because the intent is how the Albanian and the Macedonian diaspora to discuss the important processes of interest in Macedonia. We see no reason why it denied meeting with Ahmeti when Koloski has already met with Xhaferi - Harsh says.
Former ambassadors Burning Maleski and Nikovski be restrained expectations for the meeting with Nimetz Ahmeti and Biden. Maleski considered the effects of the visit will have to wait for information to be shared with the public for their maintenance.
- Or speaking the language of officials - "what will be the final results of the visit." However, given that a key coalition partner in the government, the public is present serious dilemmas, even openly doubt how she previously agreed and harmonized within the Common Foreign and only public policy. This is especially considering that hosts dialogue will inevitably be touched and najdelikatnoto issue - resolving the dispute with southern neighbor for years in a row is the most serious obstacle to faster our Euro-Atlantic integration - Maleski said.
From there, he and dilemmas whether the effects of the visit will be useful only for promotion and the leader of his party in the Diaspora, the U.S. administration at home or to take account of public interest for which it is responsible as a credible coalition partner.
Nikovski prices that is unusual party leader of a small country to be received by Vice President of the United States.
- I think that visit Ahmeti and the DUI was U.S. demonstration of a new U.S. policy towards Macedonia and the region. However, this visit can bring some benefit to the state, if Ahmeti and his colleagues try to do something in this area. Recent events in the country in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Albanian state to local elections, through various statements that we have seen, unfortunately, is not very promising - says Nikovski