Macedonia has officially become a Pawn in European nation-Fascism!‏

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    Macedonia has officially become a Pawn in European nation-Fascism!‏

    World Macedonian Congress

    Macedonia has officially become a Pawn in European nation-Fascism!

    December 12, 2012, Berlin, Germany - Greece has succeeded in its intentions to prevent the Republic of Macedonia from getting a date for the start of negotiations for membership in the European Union. Members of the European Union have confirmed that Macedonia has officially become a pawn of Greek Nazi-fascism and they (Members of the European Union) have become accomplices to the genocide against the Macedonian people and to Macedonia’s illegal invasion, occupation and partition that took place during the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913! But no matter what happens, we the Macedonians living in Macedonia and around world will not waive our right to self-determination and to self-identification - our country is called Macedonia, we are Macedonians and our language is Macedonian!

    The World Macedonian Congress (WMC) calls on all Macedonian people around the world to resign their memberships in these last world bastions of Nazi-Fascism called European Union and NATO!

    The European Union and NATO are not worthy of us having to change the name of our country! Proven for what they truly are, Macedonia has no further need to join these Nazi-fascist, neo-colonial organizations bent on destabilizing the world and exporting Crisis!

    The WMC demands that the Macedonian government unconditionally put an immediate end to the talks about changing our country’s name.

    The WMC demands that the Macedonian government immediately extend our country’s membership in the United Nations and all International Organizations under the name “Republic of Macedonia” in the English language and remove the Latin transcription “Republika Makedonija”. The international codes for the Republic of Macedonia should be MK or MKD and the notification of our language should read “Macedonian” of the Macedonian people “Macedonian” regardless of where they live, be it in the occupied parts of Macedonia (occupied during the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 and still occupied to this day) or anywhere in the world.

    The world neither starts nor ends in Brussels and Strasbourg! Macedonia is out of the Yugoslav Federation and there is no need for us to venture back into a “New Yugoslavia” now named the European Union and NATO!



    12 декември 2012 година, Берлин, Германија - Грција успеа во намерата да спречи Република Македонија да добие датум за почеток на преговорите за членство во Европската Унија. Членките на Европската Унија го потврдија заложништвото на грчкиот наци-фашизам и станаа соучесници во геноцидот врз македонскиот народ и окупацијата на Македонија од Балканските војни 1912-1913 година! Поради тоа, Македонците во целиот свет не се откажуваат од правото на самоопределување и самоидентификација - нашата држава се вика Македонија, ние сме Македонци, нашиот јазик е македонскиот!

    Светскиот Македонски Конгрес (СМК) ги повикува Македонците во целиот свет да се откажат од членството во последниот бастион на наци-фашизмот во светот именувани како Европска Унија и НАТО!

    Европската Унија и НАТО не се достојни за промена на државното име Македонија и државата Македонија повеќе нема потреба од овие наци-фашистички организации кои како нео-колонијални сили го дестабилизираат светот и извезуваат кризи!

    СМК од македонската влада бара итен и безусловен прекин на разговорите за промена на државното име Македонија и продолжување на членството во Обединетите Нации и во сите меѓународни организации под државното име Македонија, без латинична транскрипција на македонскиот јазик (Република Македонија) туку на англиски јазик “Republika Makedonija” со меѓународниот код МК односно МКД и нотификација на македонскиот народ и јазик, независно од окупацијата на македонските земји во Балканските војни (1912-1913) и геноцидот врз македонскиот народ кој се’ уште трае.

    Светот ниту започнува ниту завршува во Брисел и Стразбур! Македонија излезе од Југословенската федерација и нема потреба од авантура во Нова Југославија именувана како Европска Унија или НАТО!
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    Response to article: “Macedonia has officially become a Pawn in European nation-Fascism!”

    Zdravo Risto, Greetings from Macedonia,

    I hope all is well and everything is as it should be.

    I am writing to you in regards to the article you sent to your readers entitled “Macedonia has officially become a Pawn in European nation-Fascism!”

    What is happening to us Macedonians is not by accident. And it’s not just Greece that is involved. No one wants to say it but Bulgaria is also involved and is now applying the brakes. WHY? Well, it seems like our enemies are multiplying with the passage of time. Up until now Greece was opposing us openly, now it seems that now Bulgaria too has joined Greece. But behind both Greece and Bulgaria stand even bigger countries including France, Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain. So it looks like there will be no prosperity for us in this regard, at least not in the near future. All that is happening to us in the EU is synchronized with what is happening inside Macedonia with one goal in mind; to get rid of us as a nation and as a country! Everything that has happened in our recent past is pointing in that direction! No one, it seems, in this bunch wants us to be Macedonians! I don’t have any other explanation that fits the pattern here! Do you?

    There are many traitors among us who are helping our enemies in this struggle; some unwittingly! You remember the conversations we had with your friends (I can’t remember their names) when they were filled with hope that Greece is losing the war with the name and that the truth is with us and as a result we will prevail? It is naïve to believe in this corrupt world that the truth has anything to do with this! Do you think these countries don’t know the truth? Most of them are signatories to the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest. They allowed our enemies to tear our country apart and send us to oblivion. Don’t you think they knew Macedonians existed in Macedonia when they signed that Treaty? I think the Diaspora has the wrong idea of ​​how our fate is being stitched; especially around our name. My friend, Greece is not our “only” problem; Greece is only about 25% of the problem Macedonia is experiencing! A second problem is Bulgaria! Also, let us not forget the internal Albanian problem (Neo-Ottoman-ism) which is expanding and gaining momentum day by day! We have no friends or serious allies! And as long as we are NOT UNITED (i.e. DIVIDED) this is going to be our legacy and our destiny! All of our problems are tied together! Our enemies have one aim; to get rid of us! To make us disappear! We need to get our act together and fast! We need to learn to work together for our mutual interest; to stabilize Macedonia and give it a peaceful and prosperous future! Spinning our wheels and shouting slogans do nothing except waste our time and energy and give our enemies more ammunition to fight against us. The Diaspora and the World Macedonian Congress need to focus on the “REAL” problems that are facing us today: our little Macedonia. Not on the “fake” problems invented by our enemies to keep us divided and to keep our wheels spinning! Empty statements do nothing and worse, they have a tendency to cause more damage than solve problems. This is what I think!

    I am sure you have been told this many times before: “You need to live here, inside Macedonia, before you can speak about Macedonia; about the stench of injustice, the poverty, the crisis, the discord and the disunity!” These are “Ilinden” times my friend and our enemies are closing in from every direction! Everyone here is a Patriot or a traitor and no one, it seems, is in between concerned about what happens to the MACEDONIAN People and to MACEDONIA! So the thesis that you and your WMC friends are pushing is like pouring gasoline on the fire. Again, this is only what I think! I am looking at things from the inside out!

    If you want to help you must find practical solutions that will take us out of this mess. Start by unifying the Macedonian people under one strategy, under one plan, under one direction, under a common goal; stabilization, peace and prosperity for a start. Let us ALL focus on creating a stable, peaceful and prosperous future for our children! We need to find allies and fast. I know this is asking a lot but it needs to be done. The name issue will be resolved, it has to because we allowed ourselves to be placed in this precarious position; this is why it is VERY IMPOTANT to think before we act or be pushed into things by outsiders! Unfortunately the name solution will come at a price; one way or another. It is a lose-lose situation that we allowed ourselves to be put in. If we change our name we will definitely lose our identity and disappear as Macedonians and we will have NO ONE to blame but ourselves. If we continue in this direction we will not only remain in limbo but it will be 1913 all over again! Let me put it another way; the way the old folks use it put it: “The day will come when they will peacefully sit us in the corner and kindly say, accept what we offer you or we will sick the dogs on you!” And believe me there are many, many dogs just waiting for that moment!

    Dear Risto what is our destiny? Whatever it is we need to adapt to it and fast. It is distressing for me to tell you this but more than 200,000 young Macedonians have emigrated out of the country in the last 5 years. This is terrible any way you look at it. If this continues there will be no one left in our little country to bury us when we die, nor anyone left to defend our little country and our people.

    I apologize if ​​I wrote something offensive or something that is not in accordance with your thinking, but this is my truth.

    Best Regards, you loyal friend, Z.
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • momce
      • Oct 2012
      • 426

      interesting what the conditions would be for full Macedonia independance of all its territory

