MKD, Macedonia: Whom does Bulgarian Kirilov lie to – even literary blind person knows Vaptsarov was Macedonian!
15 November 2012 | 17:20 | FOCUS News Agency
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Skopje. “Poet Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov remained Macedonian until his death. Bulgarian fascists shot him dead in July 1942, declaring him a state enemy and a terrorist. Even a literary blind person would see that Vaptsarov was a Macedonian,” comments the Macedonian news website MKD.
“In his song Land Vaptsarov glorifies Macedonia as his native soil and Bulgaria as a country he lived in and he wrote ‘this land I am treading on now, this land awakened by a spring wind, this land – it is not my land, this land, forgive me, is somebody else’s’ [editor’s note: not official translation of the poem].”
Today in Brussels Bulgarian MEP Evgeni Kirilov organized poetic reading dedicated to Vaptsarov, who was presented to the European parliamentarians as a Bulgarian poet. How would Kirilov explain to the MEPs the lines in the poem Land, which were written in Sofia in 1939 – every word in the poem is full of love for the native land Macedonia, comments MKD and publishes lines from Vaptsarov’s poem.