thank u realy a lot @Karamanlis

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  • Dimko-piperkata
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1876

    thank u realy a lot @Karamanlis

    Karamanlis: Macedonia's road to EU, NATO sealed

    Athens /16/01/ 13:43

    In a strong-worded message to Macedonia, Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis made it clear that the country's road to EU and NATO is sealed if no deal on the name row is reached.

    Kathimerini daily says Karamanlis toned up his rhetoric in a speech before Greek parliament.

    In a reply to rightist Laos party leader Yorgos Karadjaferis, Karajan's stressed that Skopje's Euro-Atlantic ambitions won't come true if the authorities care about political gain of upcoming elections instead of caring about the country's future.

    Greek prime minister reiterated Athens' position that only a name with a geographic qualifier could pave the way to an ultimate deal.

    ideed unmeant but anyhow, the best for our future to protect our macedonian heritage !
    1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
    2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...
  • Venom
    • Sep 2008
    • 445

    I'd like to see your stance Mr Karamanlis if you did not have the backing of the unelected EU emperors.

    If this financial crisis gets any worse, like they say it is, many of those nations would do best to serve their own people and it would seem they would have to forget about you.

    What a shame that will be when it happens. For you sir. If you're not in jail by then.
    S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


    • The LION will ROAR
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 3231


      The Macedonians from the "Republic of Macedonia" and the Macedonians throughout the world will not give up their identity as a pre-condition to join NATO (to appease the citizens of the artificially created "Southern Balkan (Mediterranean) Republic")!!!
      "TO HELL WITH NATO" if they can't and don't accept us simply as the "Republic of Macedonia"!!!
      The Prime Minister of the artificially created "Southern Balkan (Mediterranean) Republic", like a small sulking child, continuously persists with his veto threat rhetoric!
      No wonder Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski replied: "It is not good that the (artificially Ellinized, non-) 'Greek' Prime Minister pressures us constantly with the veto. It would be good to know whether the stability of his parliamentary majority is more important than the stability in the region"! My Reply: "Hahahahahaha!!!"

      By Atanas
      greece is arguably the most fanatical nation on earth
      It’s funny how all Greeks here want to be Macedonian and yet only a few brainwashed Grkomani want to be Greek.
      In this forum not one Macedonian expresses any desire to be a Hellene or an Arvanovalch living in tzatztikiland, yet every neo Greek and his pet frappe coffee all want to bask in the glorious name of Macedonia.
      I accuse you all of mental insecurities deep emotional scars propensities to thievery and most of all a Goebellian notion of truth and propaganda.
      On a personal level I have experienced many acts of kindness from a few Greeks in my childhood and to those wonderful humans all left wing communists I offer my heartfelt thanks.
      But to the rest of you wankers I hope you all wake in a cold sweat every day of your petty guilt ridden nights of wet dreams and slow piss leaks.
      If ever there was a nation that does not deserve any respect or admiration it’s your fabricated modern Hellas. I am so over being understanding and moderate with you pathetic excuses for humanity.
      How dare you all twist and recast your non Hellenic ethnicities cultures languages and histories into a continuum of Hellas, Rome and Macedonia. How dare you occupy and denationalize a whole nation of people, how dare you claim Macedonia, Thrace and Turkey as belonging to the descendents of the Albanian Bouboulinas, Koudouriotis, Kolokotronis the Valchs like Kolettis, Rigas, Dragoumis, who knows what ethnicities of Tsakakloff, Ypsilanti, Vulgaris, Capodistria, and most importantly of all your own great grandparents.
      How dare you have the gall to offer us choices that you define as our national name. Shame on all of you left right centre and even the apathetic. You are all a blight on the 21st century you are a nasty degenerate bully culture and I for one hope your day comes in my life time.
      And now to your western European masters who have used your little country of fools and fanatics as a strategic base to keep out the Slavs and a psychological crutch for their 19th century racist born to rule Kiplinkesque world view.
      I hope your day of pseudo liberalism and charitable throwing of the scraps off your table to the third world whose wealth you exploited to grow your economies and nations in the first place is coming too. Your own societies are riddled with racisms and religious intolerance even terrorist acts, your chickens are coming home to roost and to destroy your pseudo freedom. The freedom for you rich and decadent at the expense of the colonies you lorded over for centuries, how dare you deny us the Macedonians the rights everyone else takes for granted.
      The first nation state in Europe the model for your own nations’ political characters and institutions, and you still line up against us and support the mad people of frappeland.
      I wish in my time I see the emergence of India, China and Russia as the great world powers maybe then we will have some justice in this western screwed up world.
      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


      • The LION will ROAR
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 3231


        Up until August of 1988, the "Hellenized" non-Greeks throughout the world were saying that there was no such thing as Macedonia and Macedonians! When communism was collapsing throughout eastern Europe around that time they drastically changed their position!? They began saying "Macedonia is Greek"!?
        Even their Prime-Minister Karamanlis recently and ambiguously stated that he and another 2.5 million (mostly) "Hellenized" non-Greeks whom live in (the Greek occupied part of) Macedonia are at the same time Macedonian!?
        The government of (modern, fabricated, "Hellenized", anti-Slav, the buffer state) Greece has since 1988 encouraged the imported people in the Greek occupied part of Macedonia (i.e. from 1913) to start calling themselves "Macedonians"!!! They, however, will not allow the ethnic Macedonians there (i.e. those Slav Speakers) to call themselves "Macedonians"!!!
        This is precisely the reason why the deputy spokesperson of the US Department of State Mr. Tom Casey earlier stated: ".....we recognize Macedonia, the country, by its constitutional name (referring to the independent state north of modern Greece). The US government does "not recognize" languages or other sub-national forms like that, as far as I know....."!!!
        Karamanlis cannot be an ethnic Macedonian! (i.e. from the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia), which includes the traitor Grkomani, (ethnic Macedonians that have been "Hellenized"!). If by some miraculous way Karamanlis was a true ethnic Macedonian (which is highly unlikely) from the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia, he would've declared himself as such! He would also be able to speak the Macedonian language! I have seen no evidence of either!
        Mr. Karamanlis is not an ethnic Macedonian from the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia (that includes the traitor Grkomani!). As mentioned, he is most likely a "Hellenized" non-Greek whom technically qualifies as a Macedonian in a geographical sense of the term.
        Recent estimates are that there are up to 410,000 ethnic Macedonians whom live in the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia today, whilst Macedonian Human Rights Activists put the figure to as high as 1 Million people! There are also Macedonians that have been relocated to the other regions of modern Greece, including the islands, irrespective of modern "Hellenized" non-Greek denials. All of them will "declare" themselves as "Macedonians" should there be an appropriate UN and EU conducted national census in modern Greece!
        Apart from the ethnic Macedonians, the rest of the impostors whom live in the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia, as mentioned, are either "Hellenized" non-Greeks and/or come from the following ethnicities: Anatolian Christian Turks, Vlachs, Gypsies, Turks, Albanians, Jews, Armenians, Egyptians, etc (and hybrids of these). Apart from the ethnic Macedonians, "these" people, as mentioned, also qualify (technically) as Macedonians in a "geographical" sense of the term. Mr. Karamanlis deliberately fails to mention this!
        There are no "real" Greeks living in modern Greece today! There is no "specific" Greek "ethnicity"! Anyone claiming to be "Greek" would ethnically come from any one (or a combination) of the above mentioned groups! They have been turned into "Greeks" by assimilation and false education!!!
        The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


        • TerraNova
          • Nov 2008
          • 473

          Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View Post
          Recent estimates are that there are up to 410,000 ethnic Macedonians whom live in the modern Greek occupied part of Macedonia today, whilst Macedonian Human Rights Activists put the figure to as high as 1 Million people!
          They are hidden very well then ...


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Not really hidden, just that most of the robot citizens pretend that certain things don't exist in their 'Hellenic' society. The Macedonian Truth will prevail over the modern historical distortion known as 'Hellenism', and those that have inflicted harm towards Macedonia and the Macedonians will pay, one way or another.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • TerraNova
              • Nov 2008
              • 473

              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
              Not really hidden, just that most of the robot citizens pretend that certain things don't exist in their 'Hellenic' society. The Macedonian Truth will prevail over the modern historical distortion known as 'Hellenism', and those that have inflicted harm towards Macedonia and the Macedonians will pay, one way or another.
              And all will live happily ever after...THE END.

              Traditional Australian fairy tail.. ?


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                No happy endings, but probably some justice.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Venom
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 445

                  Terra, not hidden, just a bit like you. If you're really from Egej, then they would be people who deep down know their really not hellenes or ancient greeks or whatever you want to call them, they know their parents and grand-parents spoke a seperate language to the one you speak now, and they used to have a different name too.

                  And just like you, most of them are so frustrated with not having any link to hercules that it causes them to lash out in the form of hate mongering on forums like this one. Forums that are probably owned by your fellow countrymen and you would have no idea. because of how ignorant and racist your government has made you.

                  It's our job to remind these people like you of who they really are!

                  Today is Vodici by the way! I will remind you of some of the language your ancestors used to speak. Repeat after me: Na pomosh da e deno.
                  S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    This is usually the time when they say;
                    - but language is not an identifier of ethnicity (ummm, ok ... sure)
                    - cultural customs blah blah (yeah, my people were doing the rembetika ... not!)
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • TerraNova
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 473

                      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                      This is usually the time when they say;
                      - but language is not an identifier of ethnicity (ummm, ok ... sure)
                      - cultural customs blah blah (yeah, my people were doing the rembetika ... not!)
                      All my ancestors were speaking Greek, Swallow it.

                      Wasn't you who claimed that the fact that, 6000 ancient inscriptions in Greek were found in Macedonian soil and 0 of your language...does not identify ethnicity..?
                      If not you,some other brilliant mind...


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
                        All my ancestors were speaking Greek, Swallow it.
                        Prove it.

                        And while you are at it, since you believe the Slavic migration theory, also prove there were Slavs in Macedonia before the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • TerraNova
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 473

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          Prove it.

                          And while you are at it, since you believe the Slavic migration theory, 2.prove there were Slavs in Macedonia before the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet.
                          All my family archives and heilrooms and names are GREEK.
                          Also our lands are inhabited by Greek speakers as far as memory can go back.
                          And memory is sources and script -not fantasies of dedo and tata.

                          Now,prove that your family is Macedonian ,and because this is obviously really hard,at least prove that they were Slavic speaking.

                          2.The proof is in SOURCES,who testify the existence of Slavs from 600 AD on.(Greek scripts of course)
                          The fact that there wasn't a script among Slavs ,before the two Greek brothers from Thessaloniki gave it to them generously ,just proves that these people were hordes of illiterate shepherds,who didn't know what script is.
                          They found when they came,the Macedonians who were already writing in Greek the past 1000 years.
                          I apologize that the Greek language already had a written history of 2.200 ,when Slavs came.

                          And you know..writing is the best way to find proof.
                          The fact your far ancestors didn't know how to do it,before Greeks taught them,is not enough to accept your sci fi stories.
                          Last edited by TerraNova; 01-18-2009, 07:05 PM.


                          • Dejan
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 592

                            Originally posted by TerraNova View Post
                            All my ancestors were speaking Greek, Swallow it.

                            This sentence could have been changed to 'albanian' had they decided on what language they were to use in this newly created nation. Not trying to take a stab at you, but it's fact.
                            You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

                            A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


                            • TerraNova
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 473

                              Originally posted by Dejan View Post
                              This sentence could have been changed to 'albanian' had they decided on what language they were to use in this newly created nation. Not trying to take a stab at you, but it's fact.

                              And what about yours ?
                              Where they Albanian,Turks,Gypsies,Turcic tribe of Kumans,Patzinaks,ancient Barbarians like Paeonians...or just Slavs ?

                              Also how did your granpa identified ? As Bulgarian maybe?
                              Alternatively as Serbian,Greek ...?
                              Or he was so ilitarate as most of the peasants in North Macedonia,that didn't know anything except local identification...?

