Smilkovci Lake Killings

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
    I was referring to the posts where you Diaspora people are so full of love and caring towards your homeland,encouraging us to stand up and beat the shit out of all our enemies (shiptars especially) but none of you had the decency of coming here and joining us in the I said,it's easy to be patriotic from the other side of the world.I bet when you saw the footage back in 2001 you were all like 'way to go boys,come on,let them have some,if I were there I'd show those scumbags...'Well,why weren't you?If someone is to blame for the poor response to the protests it's the Macedonians from Skopje - they live in the proximity and should have responded better to the calls for mass protests.Take me for example - it would take me like 1,5-2 hours to get to Skopje in the first place,not having in mind that I could lose my job for not showing up to work,thus making it even harder for me to make ends meet with just one typical Macedonian salary and a two-and-a-half year old daughter to feed.Was that a well elaborated answer for you?And I'll ask again:if need be will you fly home to stand in the front lines with a rifle or criticize us on the web from your home abroad?Many Macedonians were killed,wounded and traumatized during 2001 when the shit hit the fan.Where were you guys then?
    Yet interesting enough we see shiptars travel from kosovo to macedonia, or albania to macedonia to support their kinsmen and illegally cross borders, yet you are having some technical issues to travel 1 hour to skopje.

    You didnt have to travel to skopje anyway, you guys in stip could have protested. That way it would be better for macedonians who live in area's were there are no albanians, as you guys are too scared of them and you can protest in peace.

    Can you imagine in the late 80's when in the eastern bloc, instead of people demonstrating and bringing down the communist dictatorships they instead shrugged their shoulders and said it was too hard or complained that it took one hour to get to the protests. Or imagine if the croats or shiptars didnt protest and start the fall of Yugoslavia because they couldn't take a day off work.


    • Big Bad Sven
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 1528

      Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
      I don't know about you guys over there,but here we have to WORK OUR ASSES OFF for 150-200 euros of salary.So yes,most of us even work on Sundays and holidays just to provide.I have a little girl to feed and I barely make it through the month with 2 salaries and I'm certainly not gonna risk my job for a protest where even the locals failed to attend.Our governments betray us all the time,nothing new there.I don't agree with it's policy as well.Call me ovca,useless,or whatever the hell you want,but the full stomach of my little girl is my first priority.I'd suggest you come to Macedonia and see how we live before making your own conclusions.
      Yet you guys seem to have enough money to go for yearly holidays in Greece almost every year?
      What about all those people from places who to to over priced Ohrid every year and stay in overpriced accomodation? I see plenty of number plates from Skopje, Stip, Bitola etc. You guys can travel to party in Ohrid but not to stand up for your rights?

      And if you really want to live the luxury life you can go to Italy and Austria as well (as a lot of "poor" macedonians do so these days)
      Last edited by Big Bad Sven; 05-05-2012, 09:36 AM.


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8532

        Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
        Can you imagine in the late 80's when in the eastern bloc, instead of people demonstrating and bringing down the communist dictatorships they instead shrugged their shoulders and said it was too hard or complained that it took one hour to get to the protests. Or imagine if the croats or shiptars didnt protest and start the fall of Yugoslavia because they couldn't take a day off work.
        Or Martin Luther King Jr felt it inconvenient to march along with hundreds of thousands of others in the hot sun or our own grandfathers (and in some cases fathers) though it was too much of a hassle to organise partisan groups (seeing as email and skype didn't exist) and take on the worlds superpower at the time.

        What I find the most ridiculous of all is that Dragan, who's rights are in question, thinks a 1.5-2 hour drive is too much, but expects us to travel up to 30 hours to do his job for him. So not only do we have to struggle for our own rights in the countries that we live in, we have to go to Macedonia because Dragan has just got too much on his plate, working his arse off (while we pick our money from the money trees that grow on the street) because he's far too poor to take an hour or two to walk down the main street of Stip demanding that his government respects his rights.
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15659

          Dragan, your signature:
          Mакедонскиот народ е самостоен народ кој има право на самостоен живот и затоа треба да се бори за извојување на својата слобода без да се надева на туѓа помош, зошто оние кои ќе дојдат да гo ослободат, всушност ќе дојдат да гo заробат.
          Were you looking for help?
          Perhaps we in the Diaspora might come over there and enslave you to our evil Western culture. I have it on good authority the UMD will put a Starbucks on every street corner if they had their way.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Vangelovski
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8532

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Dragan, your signature:

            Mакедонскиот народ е самостоен народ кој има право на самостоен живот и затоа треба да се бори за извојување на својата слобода без да се надева на туѓа помош, зошто оние кои ќе дојдат да гo ослободат, всушност ќе дојдат да гo заробат.
            Were you looking for help?
            Perhaps we in the Diaspora might come over there and enslave you to our evil Western culture. I have it on good authority the UMD will put a Starbucks on every street corner if they had their way.
            That's a good pick up RtG - someone who can't even go to a PEACEFUL protest march in his own home town talking about "fighting" (I assume physical violence) for his freedom. I wonder how he went from an extremist pacifist to violent revolutionary berating us for our "carefree" lives and how "easy" it is for those idiot diaspora Macedonians with their money trees to sit on their luxury chairs and post with their 5 billion gigabyte per second internet download/upload speeds, while smoking a $500 Cuban cigar and drinking imported cognac from the finest French cellars. Some of us have it soooo good!
            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15659

              Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
              idiot diaspora Macedonians with their money trees to sit on their luxury chairs and post with their 5 billion gigabyte per second internet download/upload speeds, while smoking a $500 Cuban cigar and drinking imported cognac from the finest French cellars. Some of us have it soooo good!
              I do all of that.
              Sometimes I even get so bored that I just pay someone to have fun on my behalf.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Niko777
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2010
                • 1895

                If only there was another euroballs game going on at the same time, thousands of Macedonians would not have a problem of traveling a 2 hour trip to Skopje, or gather in the center of their towns (including Tetovo and Gostivar BTW)...

                Last edited by Niko777; 05-05-2012, 10:43 AM.


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  Just a thought...
                  Why does everything need to happen in Skopje?
                  Couldn't simultaneous protests be organised in each city/town via facebook/twitter/skype/sms? This was effective in the 'Arab Spring' protests.
                  Wouldn't simultaneous mass protests in each city/town be easier to organise and still get the appropriate attention? Where are the Skopjani to do it in Skopje?
                  Last edited by Brian; 05-05-2012, 08:44 PM.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by Jankovska View Post
                    Don't worry everyone,very soon it will kick off in Macedonia, then and only then we will be able to see who the real patriots are and who is ready to die for their country. Simples
                    Hi Jankovska, been a little while since we've exchanged words, hope all is well In your opinion, do you think the Macedonian army (supplemented as required by local volunteer units like in 2001) is capable of defeating a terrorist threat from Albanian extremists without the physical assistance of Macedonians outside of Macedonia?
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • TRAVOLTA
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 504

                      Медиумска битка за Македонија (SpreadTheTruth)

                      Текстот кој треба да го добијат сите светски медиуми треба да изгледа вака:


                      • TRAVOLTA
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 504

                        Article on CNN i Report:


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15659

                          Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                          do you think the Macedonian army
                          Sorry SoM, as soon as you mention the Macedonian Army, I think the only real question is whether the Macedonian army can be relied on to defend Macedonians. It has an ethnic Albanian defense minister and it has a mandated ration of ethnic Albanians serving.

                          I would be more inclined to support a splinter of the Macedonian army when the inevitable happens.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • DedoAleko
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 969


                            Само кај нас се протестира против полицијата која апси за петкратно убиство

                            Протестот мина релативно мирно, со навреди кон полицијата и политичарите и добро познатите скандирања, а единствено тензично беше пред Владата каде помала група се обиде да ги испровоцира полицајците

                            Неколку илјади луѓе, претежно млади лица и малолетници, вчера протестираа против апсењето на осомничените за масакрот кај Смиљковското Езеро, маскирани под мотото "Стоп на монтираните процеси". Со ова Македонија стана можеби единствена земја во Европа, а можеби и во светот, каде маса народ протестира против полицијата која ги штити и апси извршители на масакр.

                            Вчерашниот протест, кој беше најавен и организиран преку социјалната мрежа Фејсбук почна веднаш по пладневната молитва во Јајапашината џамија. Очигледно не помогнале апелите на ИВЗ да не се организира и да не му се даде поддршка на протестот, а јавна тајна е дека оваа џамија, како и уште неколку во Скопје, ја контролираат радикалните струи. Стотина верници веднаш со контејнери ја блокираа улицата "Цветан Димов" извикувајќи "Алах е голем" и "Албанците не се терористи".

                            Оттаму тие тргнаа кон Кривичниот суд, и нивните повици да им се приклучат имаа ефект бидејќи бројката протестанти нарасна на околу две илјади. Пред судот тие ги навредуваа полицајците нарекувајќи ги убијци, а можеа да се чујат и веќе познатите скандирања "УЧК" и "Голема Албанија". Од она што можеше да се забележи е дека протестот го предводеа млади лица, од Гази Баба, а во толпата можеше да се забележат знамиња на Албанија и на исламот.

                            Протестот продолжи пред Владата на РМ каде беше малку потензично, зачестија и навредите упатени кон политичарите и Владата, а мета им беше и лидерот на ДУИ за кого скандираа дека е "Четник".

                            На заминување за малку беше избегнат инцидент кога неколку помлади лица почнаа да ги навредуваат полицајците и да фрлаат камења кон нив. Набрзо својот бес го искалија на стаклата поставени на автобуската станица, но тука реагираа и останатите учесници во протестот кои не дозволија ситуацијата да ескалира. Мора да се напомене дека и полицајците кои беа мета на нападот и на навредите не подлегнаа на провокациите со што придонесоа тензиите да спласнат.

                            Еден од учесниците во протестот даде изјава за медиумите во која тврдеше дека собирот е спонтан и дека протестот е поради апсењето на жени и монтираните судски процеси. Тој исто така изрази сочуство и до семејствата на жртвите кај Смиљковското Езеро.

                            Ние протестираме бидејќи апсат жени, кои не се виновни. Сакам да изразам сочуство до семејствата на жртвите и да напоменам дека вистинските верници не се ниту криминалци, ниту терористи. Зад ова злосторство стојат други луѓе чии бизниси се загрозени, изјави Амет Адеми.

                            Од Владата толпата се врати кон Чаир, а попат се обиде да нападне неколку возачи и случајни минувачи кои беа на автобуската постојка кај стоковната куќа "Мост", а најдебелиот крај го извлече еден фоторепортер кој беше соборен на земја. Тука повторно реагираа истите лица кои спречија судир со полицијата и ги тргнаа нервозните протестанти.

                            strumicanec, 05.05.2012 00:53:42

                            Kolku mnogu policijata i vlasta da se trudat za monstrumnoto ubistvo na 5 te Makedonci od strana na radikalni albanski teroristi da ne se obvinuva celata albanska zaednica vo Makedonija ne dade plod, bidejki so demostracijite od strana na albancite za da se oslobodat ubijcite se pokaza deka zad ubistvoto stoji eden golem broj na luge od albanskata zaednica .
                            Last edited by DedoAleko; 05-05-2012, 08:18 PM.


                            • Brian
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1130

                              This is a repost.
                              Original: "Медиумска битка за Македонија (SpreadTheTruth)"

                              Текстот кој треба да го добијат сите светски медиуми треба да изгледа вака:


                              Article on CNN i Report:

                              Radical oIslamist insurgents protest in Skopje-Macedonia

                              View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at

                              Around 1,500 Islamist radical protested today in the Macedonian capital Skopje demanding release of the five Islamist radical suspects arrested by police on 2nd of May following an intensive 3 week investigation of the cold-blooded summary execution of four Macedonian children and one mid-aged Macedonian while they were fishing on Good Friday this year.

                              Macedonians are predominantly Christians while ethnic Albanian minority in Macedonia that accounts for around 20% of the population are predominantly Muslims. In the last decade there have been increased incidences of imported radical Islamism from the Middle East that has not found a fertile ground among Macedonian Albanians despite their attempt to lure them into extremism. However there are reported Islamist terrorists cells in whole of the South East Europe region including in Macedonia too.

                              Macedonian police ensured that protest and march through the streets take place and after an hour the crowd dispersed. The radical islamist protesters chanted Allahu Akbar, Death to Christians, War on Christians, and brandished Al Qaeda insignia.

                              Macedonian police have arrested three out of the five suspects directly implicated into carrying the horrific crime that Macedonia has not seen since the WWII. All the neighbouring countries pledged support to the Macedonian Interior Ministry and arresting the two remaining suspects for whom Interpol warrants have already been issued.
                              This is a comment to this article from an Albanian (I think) and as we expected the 'Albanians are victims and it's the Macedonians fault' is his main thrust.

                              19 minutes ago
                              Shame on Macedonia for misusing this case to win sympathy from Europe and USA for the benefit of entering NATO and the European Union. Shame on you for not paying the due respect for those who were murdered but instead using their blood for this selfish benefit.
                              Report violation

                              31 minutes ago
                              Upon having read the above article I must say I am very shocked and am left questioning about the reliability of your sources. First of all nobody is defending the killer because no one know who the killers are. There are only suspected people who police think have committed this act, The Albanians protested in Skopje not to defend the killer, there was no call for protection whatsoever. The Albanians have a terrible experience with allot of set up cases ,we have been victims of many falsely made cases for example the case of NATO solder who was killed in Kumanovo and the police accused the Albanians and more than ten Albanians were in prison for more than ten years and only with the help of USA and EU, 10 years later was a new trial and they were proclaimed as innocent. We do not protect the killers, the killers should be punished for what they have done and in behalf of the Albanians we want the real criminals to be put behind bars and not the innocent people.

                              ('because these people must be inocent because they are Albanian?')

                              The minister of inner affair proclaimed that they caught the criminals without giving the chance for them to defend on court, which country does this? The police nowhere in the world decides who is guilty and who is not, the court does.

                              ('maybe because the court case has not begun yet? They were just caught recently.')

                              At the day of the arrest, 20 people were arrested all for terrorism and after two days only 4 are kept in prison the rest are released from prison because they have no relation with crime whatsoever. There should be a public apology from minister of inner affairs because she accused 16 people with terrorism among them being a 19 year old girl and 60 year old lady who probably can’t read or write. On the day of the demonstration there was no call for killing Christians no call for Al Kaida, this is a terrible lie. there was a call for justice there was a call for the right person to be put behind bars .You CNN should be more serious and don't publicise any information without verifying it. We have been living with Christians for decades and never called for killing and destroying them .Shame on you shame on you.

                              Curiously why has there been no comment from any of the Albanian political parties in government or opposition and why has the media not asked this question nor followed up on it. It is like they are getting a 'free ride' every time there is an opportunity to nail them!
                              Last edited by Brian; 05-05-2012, 09:01 PM.


                              • DraganOfStip
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 1253

                                @ Vangelovski:
                                Just a quick info for you ,oh proud Macedonian patriot - Macedonia has an unemployment rate of more than 25%,with over 70% of the population barely making it through the month.How dare you mock your own people for their poverty?If you have resolved your life income issue that's great for you,way to go.But us here,the majority of your fellow kinsmen,live in another reality.I didn't say you were billionaires,but tell me honestly - did you ever woke up one morning wondering if there's enough money to buy milk for your kid?That's something most of us face on a daily basis dude,so mocking us for our poverty is a blow below the belt.You must feel pretty good about yourself.
                                ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                                ― George Orwell

