Zoran Zaev - The Traitor

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    20,000 Macedonians protest in front of Parliament, want traitor Zaev and his associates hanged

    By Mark Abramoff - June 13, 2018

    Over 20,000 Macedonians spontaneously gathered this evening in front of Parliament, sending strong messages to the treasonous Government junta led by Zaev. Protesters demanded the quisling junta not go against the will of the people, because that would escalate the situation in the country, and urged an immediate annulment of the agreement between Zaev and Tsipras, the same way they did it – over the phone. Protesters pledged to gather in front of Parliament until the abolition of the agreement and the withdrawal of the referendum decision!

    The demonstrators gave strong support to President Gjorge Ivanov and told him that they would always be there along with him, in good and bad. They asked for a public hanging of Zoran Zaev, the illegitimate prime minister and traitor. Hangings were requested for Zaev’s associates as well. The protesters emphasized that the protest had people from all political parties and all ethnicities, asking no one to associate them with any political option.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Zoran Zaev: Mitsotakis said Macedonians speak the Macedonian language

      From a debate about a week ago on MRT1 (6.7.2020). Check at 1:36.35.

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Zaev makes the following statement while staring at the camera and addressing the Macedonian public:
      .......the Greeks have translated [the works of] Blaze Koneski for the first time, the Prime Minister Mitsotakis, from a right-wing government, says "there is one North Macedonia, in which live Macedonians, they speak the Macedonian language".
      Personally, I think Zaev just lied to the whole of Macedonia (not for the first time). But then again, Mitsotakis is known to backflip (see article below, for example) like most other Balkan politicians. So, who knows what those two morons tell each other behind closed doors after a few ouzos. The bigger point here is that Zaev is portraying this to the Macedonian public as some sort of open sentiment on the part of his new boyfriend(s) in the south, as if they suddenly respect Macedonians.

      September 25, 2019

      At his first meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev in New York, the new Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said he would never have signed the historic 2018 deal with Macedonia – but would honour it nevertheless. During their meeting on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change Summit, Mitsotakis told Zaev that although he would not have signed the deal, he now felt bound to honour it. Greek government sources cited by the Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Tuesday said Mitsotakis said that since the UN brokered “name” deal had now been ratified by the Greek Parliament in January, it was part of international law and so the Greek government had to respect it. Mitsotakis’ center-right New Democracy party came to power in July this year after winning a landslide victory over former prime minister Alexis Tsipras and his leftist Syriza party. Before becoming PM, Mitsotakis was a staunch opponent of the deal approved by his predecessor, insisting that it would harm Greek national interests, as it recognised the existence of a Macedonian language and identity. He said that under his leadership, Greece would uphold its right to veto North Macedonia’s EU accession bid. For his part, Zaev said that North Macedonia planned to fully implement all the commitments arising from the name deal, hoping this would further improve bilateral business ties. Mitsotakis responded that, even before the deal was signed, the so-called name dispute had never hampered good economic relations. Athens and Skopje signed their landmark agreement in June 2018 on the shores of the Prespa lakes shared by Greece, North Macedonia and Albania. The deal ended a decades-long dispute over the name of Macedonia. Under the deal, the latter changed its name from Republic of Macedonia to Republic of North Macedonia. It also obligated itself to take further action to distinguish itself from the Greek northern province, also called Macedonia. In exchange, Greece promised to stop blocking its neighbour’s accession to NATO and the start of its EU membership talks. It also accepted that the identity of the majority population in the neighbouring country, and their language, is Macedonian. On Monday, Greek Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos said his country would also go ahead with a treaty to protect North Macedonian airspace, despite what he called the negative effects of the “name” treaty. The plan for Greek jets to patrol the skies of North Macedonia once Skopje becomes a full NATO member, by the end of this year, or early next year, was not a direct part of the “name” deal but arose as a consequence of improved bilateral relations.
      Apparently he was staunchly opposed during the campaign but accepted it once in power. I wonder if Mickoski will take the same path.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        From Republika today... I didn't know Zaev even discussed this with Ahmeti.

        Ахмети: Се разговарало и за промена на грбот и знамето на Македонија, а нова химна е само „прашање на време“


        Претседателот на ДУИ Али Ахмети вчера во емисијата „Клан дебата“ откри дека со лидерот на СДСМ и коалиционен партнер Зоран Заев на маса веќе ги ставиле знамето и грбот на Македонија, а нова химна е само прашање на време.

        Се разговарало и за химната и за грбот и за знамето. Овие се прашања за кои е потребен консензус, но ова повеќе ќе зависи од договор помеѓу Македонците. Што се однесува на химната, се разговарало и нема којзнае какво противење и тоа е повеќе прашање на време и мислам дека може да се разговара без резерви, рече Ахмети.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Originally posted by Carlin View Post
          Претседателот на ДУИ Али Ахмети вчера во емисијата „Клан дебата“ откри дека со лидерот на СДСМ и коалиционен партнер Зоран Заев на маса веќе ги ставиле знамето и грбот на Македонија, а нова химна е само прашање на време. Се разговарало и за химната и за грбот и за знамето. Овие се прашања за кои е потребен консензус, но ова повеќе ќе зависи од договор помеѓу Македонците. Што се однесува на химната, се разговарало и нема којзнае какво противење и тоа е повеќе прашање на време и мислам дека може да се разговара без резерви, рече Ахмети.
          Carlin, I moved your post to this thread, which is more fitting given the subject. If there is any truth to this, Zaev would probably be upset at his Albanian master for revealing it publicly whilst he is currently trying to betray Macedonia to the steppe-nostalgic politicians in the east. He seems to prefer executing one betrayal at a time. Or perhaps he smells blood and wants to go for the sweepstakes, so he and his partners in crime are coordinating their efforts to test the waters among the population. In any case, I wouldn't put any of the above past them. Albanophone northadonians have called for changes to the coat of arms and anthem in the past. The flag seems like a new one though. Imagine watching Macedonians who think they're still patriots kicking up a fuss if a change is threatened against the northadonian flag? There is no limit to the irony.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Zaev apologizes to Greeks for "Macedonian national football team" tweet.

            North Macedonia PM says tweet was ‘mistake’

            Zoran Zaev has indicated that it was a “mistake” on his part to recently refer to his country’s national football team as “Macedonia”

            The prime minister of North Macedonia has indicated that it was a “mistake” on his part to recently refer to his country’s national football team, which is participating in the European Championship 2020, as “Macedonia,” omitting the qualifier “North.”

            “Sometimes, it’s normal to make mistakes, precisely in the Prespa Agreement. But I’m 46 years old. It’s normal in 47 years to mention it in one sentence and to repeat it sometimes,” Zoran Zaev told a press conference Skopje, speaking in English.

            “I believe in the Prespa Agreement … I’m the first to follow the Prespa Agreement,” he added.

            He said the national team comprised “Macedonian players, Albanian players, Bosniaks etc … They are Macedonians … and the representation of the Republic of North Macedonia.”

            Attending Monday’s game between North Macedonia and the Netherlands, Zaev tweeted: “Today, from the stadium in Amsterdam, I offer my strong support to the Macedonian national football team.”

            The tweet caused a storm in Athens, with the government reportedly postponing a cooperation memorandum with North Macedonia in protest.

            Zaev said the tweet was not a reason to hold up the Prespa Agreement and associated memorandums in the Greek parliament.

            “We waited two years for these agreements. And we can wait three more months more,” he said, adding that the citizens in both countries wanted the memorandums to proceed.

            Заев за името на ФФМ: Преспанскиот договор мора да се почитува

            Сите невладини институции, приватни или правно-приватни субјекти во кои спаѓаат и приватни фирми и граѓански здруженија, ако примаат пари од Буџетот за нивни меѓународни активности, треба да го почитуваат Преспанскиот договор.

            Вака премиерот Зоран Заев одговори вечерва на прашањето дали ќе се менува името на Фудбалската фе...

            Вака премиерот Зоран Заев одговори вечерва на прашањето дали ќе се менува името на Фудбалската федерација на Македонија (ФФМ).

            Заев рече дека чувствува горчина, но Преспанскиот договор е завршена работа и тоа е нешто што ни обезбедува иднина. Треба да тераме во тој правец, не ни требаат, како што нагласи, нови непријателства.

            -Сите институции кои не се државни, а примаат пари од државата за нивно претставување надвор, имаат обврска според Преспанскиот договор да се променат. Очекувам федерациите дури и кои не примаат пари или други здруженија, да го следат уставното име на државата. Не дека не е горчина и кај мене. Тоа е завршена работа и тоа е нешто што ни обезбедува иднина. И треба да тераме во тој правец. Не ни требаат нови непријателства. Дефинитивно сите невладини институции, односно приватнни или правно-приватни субјекти во кои спаѓаат и приватни фирми и граѓански здруженија, ако примаат пари од Буџетот за нивни меѓународни активности, тоа треба да го направат, објасни Заев.

            Во јануари, потсети премиерот, ФФМ има примено пари од Агенцијата за млади и спорт.

            -Очекувањата се да постапат согласно Уставот и законите зашто Преспанскиот договор е ратификуван и тој е закон. Да, во фудбаласката репрезентација на Северна Македонија играат Македонци, Албанци, Турци, Бошњаци,… Треба да го следиме Преспанскиот договор зашто тоа е наша обврска, а Грците си имаат нивни обврски кои ги исполнуваат, рече Заев.
            Last edited by Carlin; 06-23-2021, 09:28 PM.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              Zaev blames EU for the Bulgarian veto, reveals his latest offer to Bulgaria on the national identity front


              Zoran Zaev addressed his latest foreign policy humiliation today. At an event in Skopje, along with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama whose country was also stood out by the EU, Zaev laid the blame at the feet of the European leaders who promised him open doors if he rams through the name change.

              The grand idea of a united Europe has a problem, and the problem is in the EU itself. Brussels told us that it can’t find a way to secure the well deserved integration of the Western Balkans. That is the problem. The fact that 26 member states can’t prevent one state from blocking us, that is a problem of Europe, caused by the EU itself, Zaev said.

              He insisted that he will continue to push for opening of accession talks, together with Rama. But Zaev also announced the latest concessions he is willing to give to Bulgaria. While insisting that “the Macedonian national identity will not be subject to negotiations”, Zaev also discussed one one formula he was negotiating about with Bulgaria regarding the Macedonian nation. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to declare that the Macedonian nation was for most of its history part of the Bulgarian nation and is only recently derived from it.

              We confirm that there are people who believe that we belong to the same nation, just as there are many people who believe that we are two separate and unique nations, Zaev said.

              This comes after Bulgarian media outlets reported that Zaev was negotiating a declaration that the Macedonian language and the Bulgarian language are one and the same, but are merely internationally recognized as two separate languages. These two formulations would go a long way toward legitimizing Bulgarian claims aimed at Macedonia and would greatly undermine the position of the Macedonian nation and language as separate and unique.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Originally posted by Carlin View Post
                Zaev apologizes to Greeks for "Macedonian national football team" tweet.

                North Macedonia PM says tweet was ‘mistake’

                Attending Monday’s game between North Macedonia and the Netherlands, Zaev tweeted: “Today, from the stadium in Amsterdam, I offer my strong support to the Macedonian national football team.” The tweet caused a storm in Athens, with the government reportedly postponing a cooperation memorandum with North Macedonia in protest.
                A "mistake" - I don't think so. More like a deliberate ploy to fool the Macedonian public into thinking he was actually "with them" whilst Macedonia was still in the competition. He has been referring to the Macedonian national football team (македонската фудбалска репрезентација) the whole time on social media. And it (conveniently) caused a storm in Athens only during the last match, when it was known that Macedonia was to be eliminated. Sure. These northadonian politicians and their maggot counterparts in the south are in cahoots. Now that Macedonia is out, he doesn't need to pretend anymore, he can proceed with changing the name of the federation and anything else that may upset the infantile morons who complain about such issues in Greece.

                Грчката влада реагираше и на почетокот на Европското првенство поради употребата на кратенката ФФМ (Фудбалска федерација на Македонија) на дресовите на фудбалерите, како и на кодот МКД, дека не се во согласност со Преспанскиот договор. УЕФА ја одби жалбата, а премиерот Заев во изјава за грчката новинска агенција АНА-МПА рече дека прашањето е покренато и ќе се реши во согласност со Договорот и правилата на УЕФА.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675


                  (Translation) When asked by MP Ane Laskоkoska about the tweet in which he used the words "Macedonian national football team", Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said today from a parliamentary rostrum that the tweet was wrong, because the football team represented the country, and according to the Prespa Agreement, should stands the national team of Northern Macedonia. "The problem is that you are looking for a way to fool the public as a dishonest approach to what is a guarantee of the future. When the state is represented, and the national team represents the state, then the national team of Northern Macedonia is used. This is clearly confirmed in the Prespa Agreement. Macedonian, Macedonian, Macedonian, Macedonian, it is used in all other forms of communication and communication of views. "That is why it is correct and political to correct oneself when something is contrary to the Prespa Agreement," Zaev said.
                  Says the rat who is dishonest to the people on a daily basis and only increased that dishonesty during Euro 2020. Here he is reassuring himself in his typically, manipulative way.

                  Lying rat. Meanwhile, his pal who is visiting Macedonia has this to say.

                  (Translation) The former mayor of Thessaloniki, Yannis Boutaris, said in an interview with TV 24 Vesti today that three years ago he was not physically attacked in public by his conservative compatriots just because of his support for the Prespa Agreement. We wanted to organize a gay parade in Thessaloniki in 2021. It was not held due to the coronavirus. I do not know what will happen now - said Boutaris, who is currently visiting Skopje. He added that the current Greek government's refusal to ratify the memoranda in the Greek parliament under the Prespa Agreement is due to intra-party squabbles in the ruling New Democracy. Boutaris expects great international pressure on Bulgaria, which will result in its withdrawal from the dispute with Macedonia and the unblocking of European integration. "I believe that by the end of the year, the pressure from the EU and NATO member states on Bulgaria will be large enough for them to realize that this is for a better future for both countries," Boutaris said. The politician who was the mayor of Thessaloniki for 9 years says that there is still talk in Greece that "Macedonia" will one day attack them and added that FYROM is no longer written on any of the traffic signs in the vicinity of his city, but only "Skopje".
                  Wow, what an achievement. Zaev branded himself a northadonian to trade up from FYROM to Skopje. Where is his counter-protest to the morons down south who aren't abiding by his precious (treacherous) agreement? Of course, that's not the way it works. He isn't even principled enough to immediately argue on behalf his own treachery with the party he signed the agreement with. Wouldn't make any difference anyway, calling the country FYROM, Skopje, North Macedonia - all an insult to Macedonia. No matter how much he whores himself out to other countries, he will never be respected as a statesman. Politicians in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania will always laugh behind his back. And he will always be remembered as the guy who betrayed his nation.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Zaev finally makes a timid attempt to complain about the signs in Greece, whilst also preparing to relinquish the MK and MKD codes in Macedonia.

                    Тоа што е важно за целиот наш народ и треба да го знае, е дека повеќе не сме ФИРОМ на кајроните, но исто така со народните кодификации или кодови МК и МКД и во едни такви околности јас само можам да кажам дека очекувам и грчката страна соодветно да продолжи како што е нашето очекување тој еден или два знаци со ФИРОМ коишто постојат – да ги тргнат. Не е коректно да пишува Турција, Бугарија и ФИРОМ, или не е коректно да пишува Турција, Бугарија и Скопје. Треба да пишува Северна Македонија. ФИРОМ навистина треба да се тргне, порача Заев.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Griffey
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2021
                      • 3

                      Do you think Zaev should be put on trial or even executed for his treason after he falls from power?


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Originally posted by Griffey View Post
                        Do you think Zaev should be put on trial or even executed for his treason after he falls from power?
                        He and his fellow cronies made unilateral decisions that betrayed the national interests of Macedonia and caused significant damage to the cultural heritage of the Macedonians. Compare it to anywhere else in Europe and you will understand that the level of shame that has been imposed upon the country and its people (including those outside of the republic) is unparalleled. He should be tried for treason and imprisoned. But then, so should many other politicians in Macedonia.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Zaev bitching that the plastic patriots from DPNE use Republic of N. Macedonia when submitting laws to the parliament and the Republic of Macedonia in their resolution. So much for Mickoski's initiative.

                          „Ако некој сака да го избегне уставното име, нека го прави тоа сам, ние тука нема да партиципираме. Нема да го кршиме Уставот. Уставното име на државата е Република Северна Македонија. Ја поддржуваме Декларацијата на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, ќе застанеме зад неа, на сите да им биде јасно дека сме сите заедно застанати во заштита на македонскиот јазик и идентитет, но тоа не значи дека треба да го кршиме Уставот”, рече Заев. Според него, први што треба да го почитуваат Уставот се токму Парламентот, Владата, институциите и политичките партии. „Во Резолуцијата на неколку места се спомнува Република Македонија, а во Уставот е Република Северна Македонија. И во Преамбулата, треба да стои Република Северна Македонија. Тоа е Устав, а не дали ние сакаме или не сакаме да биде вградено”, рече премиерот. На новинарско прашање дали е спорно тоа што опозицијата ги поднесува законите до Собранието на Република С. Македонија, Заев е дециден дека и тоа не е уставно. -Во нашиот Устав не пишува дека ние сме Република С. Макдонија. Ние сме Република Северна Македонија. Граѓаните за тоа прашање се изјаснија на рефенрдум и согласно Уставот, две третини. Парламентот во дискусија од 130 дена, три пати гласајќи, ја донесе одлуката за нашето ново уставно име. На името Република Македонија се додаде зборчето Северна и тоа е дел од Преспанската спогодба која е закон веќе, а е дел и од Уставот. Очекувам да се почитува Уставот од страна на сите, а политичките партии треба да бидат први. Непочитувачи ако се граѓаните сигурно ќе имаат реперкусии, а политичките партии не е во ред да останат неказнети и да сносат последици зашто така им текнало, им паднало на памет да не го употреуваат уставното име, одосно да не го почитуваат Уставот”, изјави Заев.
                          The highlighted part at the end is a threat of repercussions against citizens who don't respect the constitution (i.e., northadonism) and how political parties should also be punished. Strong words. But when his friend, the president of the assembly, disrespected the (already diluted) constitution by refusing to speak Macedonian recently, he sought no accountability.

                          „Талат Џафери го прекрши Уставот со тоа што се обрати во Европскиот парламент на албански јазик. Имаше три сесии, на двете се обрати на македонски, на третата на албански. Нема да побарам одговорност, очекувам од претседателот да објасни. Политичарите треба да тргнеме од себе и да бидеме пример како треба да се однесуваме, односно да го почитуваме Уставот", рече Заев.
                          Zoran Zaev. A parasite and a traitor in every sense of the word.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15659

                            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                            Zoran Zaev. A parasite and a traitor in every sense of the word.
                            I don't even know what is worse, someone who is openly a traitor like Zaev or others who sell their identity behind closed doors like DPmNE.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                              I don't even know what is worse, someone who is openly a traitor like Zaev or others who sell their identity behind closed doors like DPmNE.
                              SDS are overt traitors who appeal to selfish impulses and material desires. DPNE are a bunch of chameleons who manipulate patriotic sentiment. Their broader objectives are the same, they but differ in method only, offering Macedonia the miserable choice of either a quick death or a slow death. It's astonishing to think how the Macedonians of yesteryear struggled to obtain varying degrees of self-rule against large conglomerates like the Ottoman Empire and Yugoslavia in which they played a subservient role, only to see Macedonia's perfidious "leaders" desperate to jump right back into subservience mere decades after gaining independence.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • Rogi
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2343

                                In other news, the latest upcoming step in the undoing of the Macedonian people is what is about to happen with the local elections.

                                Zaev is having problems between Besa and DUI over who will be supported for Mayors in certain towns in the upconing local elections, with DUI threatening that they will walk now (forcing Parliamentary elections) if their terrorists are not supported as the candidates for Mayor.

                                So Zaev is offering to completely give them the census (as in, the manipulated results) instead, trying to time it with the local elections where they'll have the ability to manipulate the results to appease DUI and Besa.This is also as much about money as it is ethnic demographics (more Albanians in the census and higher population figures recorded where DUI and Besa are mayors means greater portions of budget allocated their way for them to pocket/steal from the Macedonian people).

