Stojanche Angelov

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  • DraganOfStip
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 1253

    Ако се стават онда нека се стават сите бе друже,не само тие шо му одговарат на Миленко и на тие шо го плаќат да ги лепи на ѕид.
    Има уште многу такви шо дури и повеќе заслужиле да се на тој ѕид од горенаведените ама Миленко ги селектира тие шо ќе му наложат Грујо и компанија.
    Мене тоа ми беше муабетот,мило ми е шо сме на јасно.
    ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
    ― George Orwell


    • DraganOfStip
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 1253

      Дедо,еве го одговорот на Стојанче Ангелов на коментарите на Миленко на ФБ.Кога дојде ред Миленко да навредува човек кој прими куршум за Македонија и беше во првите борбени редови кога требаше да се брани државата,секој коментар повеќе е непотребен.

      Како одговор на мојот завчерашен текст, на ФБ си напишал: “Стојанче, пиратоловецу, се врати од кај сомалијците и одма со Миленко, а? Ако, ако...“
      Абе Миленко. Па ти прв се закачи со мене. Кој ѓавол те тераше завчера да јадеш “бурек“ за мене? Кој ѓавол те тераше да објавуваш слики од мене? Или, кога веќе си објавувал, си можел да одбереш некоја поубава. Слика. Од каде ја ископа баш таа? Зарем не виде дека фризурата ми е за никаде?
      Миленко. Морам да те корегирам. Јас не сум пиратоловец. Јас не ловам пирати. Напротив. Пиратите ме ловат мене. Поточно, не мене туку бродот кој јас го обезбедувам. Тоа ти е. Судбина. Некој се бори со пирати. Некој чува кози. Некој јаде “бурек“. Некој јаде друго нешто... Во вестите на Сител. Кој за што си учел. Кој за што го бива.
      Миленко. Има еден многу добар и реалистичен филм, “Капетан Филипс“. Погледај го, многу работи ќе ти се разјаснат. Она што мене ми остави впечаток во овој филм е моментот кога пиратите го заземаат бродот: “Капетане. Опуштете се. Никој нема да биде повреден. Во прашање е само бизнис. Ние сакаме пари“. И толку. Нема изживување. Нема навреди. Нема омраза. Ти Миленко си бетер од пиратите. Ти Миленко мразиш. Мразиш се живо и диво. И горд си на тоа. А омразата не е добра за здравјето. Со текот на времето може да те ослабне. Да те исуши.
      Миленко. Твојата омраза а не твоите ставови се вистинскиот проблем кај тебе. Последните неколку месеци редовно ги следам твоите активности на ФБ. За некои работи имаш право. За некои делумно, за некои не. Но начинот, начинот на кој ги кажуваш твоите ставови... Не е добар. Напротив. Лош е. Многу лош. Ги труеш луѓето. Ги полниш со омраза. И тие кои те подржуваат, и тие кои не те подржуваат, и тие кои не можат да те смислат. На тој начин правиш тројна штета. Ја разгоруваш омразата. Ја креваш летвичката на скалата за омраза. Бидејки твојата омраза е заразна. Се пренесува и кај твоите неистомисленици. Па и тие ти враќаат со омраза. Па ти продолжуваш со уште повеќе омраза... Па и тие ти враќаат со уште повеќе омраза. И така натаму. Круг. Волшебен круг. Круг на омразата. Круг од кој нема излез. Си се запрашал ли некогаш Миленко, каде на крајот ќе не одведе сета таа омраза???
      Јас Миленко не те мразам тебе. За воља на вистината, не те ни сакам. Јас сум само згрозен. Згрозен од твојата омраза. Омраза на која ти си горд. Затоа Миленко, еве прифаќам. Го прифаќам твојот предизвик. Да дојдам на твоите трибини. Трибини на кои шириш омраза. Тогаш кога ти ќе речеш. Таму каде ти ќе кажеш. Да дојдам и да видам народ. Како што ти ми викаш во твојот повик до мене. Да дојдам, и таму, на лице место, на тебе, и на тие околу тебе, и на сите присутни, да ви објаснам, зошто ние Македонците не треба да се мразиме! Зошто ние Македонците не смееме да се мразиме! Зошто ние Македонците заедно со сите македонски граѓани, треба да се обединиме!
      04.03.2015 година
      Генерал Стојанче Ангелов
      Преземано од официјлниот ФБ профил на Стојанче Ангелов.
      Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
      ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
      ― George Orwell


      • DraganOfStip
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2011
        • 1253

        Just saw this this morning and couldn't believe my eyes
        Milenko has found some hear-say conspiracy theory and now actually believes that the Earth is not round,but flat?!
        At first I thought he's being cynical about something or joking,but then I read his comments below and my jaw just dropped.
        It's 2016 and this guy actually now believes the Earth is flat.
        At least now he can come as a guest in Vasko Eftov's show,this will be a very interesting subject for him,I have no doubt about that
        Looney Tunes,Macedonian edition .
        i can now ask everyone here the very same question in the title of this thread: СО КОГО СИ ИМАМЕ РАБОТА,БЕ?

        Last edited by DraganOfStip; 01-27-2016, 04:10 AM.
        ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
        ― George Orwell


        • DedoAleko
          • Jun 2009
          • 969

          DraganOfStip I thought you are sds member, since you behave like typical sds party troll,who twists things up to suit you as you please.That is why I asked you what does sds actually want with the boycott of the early elections, since that was their goal in the first place.
          I thought you might have some inside informations to share.
          This guy (Milenko N.) is exposing how these VITAL state companies were sold out in the most criminal way, how thousands and thousands of families were left to starve on the street and instead of defending him, you and trolls like you in lack of facts insult him on personal basis by calling him names.
          In this particular episode you mention, he doesn't claim the earth is flat, he merely states that certain people claim interesting things and that he thinks it will be interesting for the viewers and worth for episode. He NEVER says that he agrees with that.

          Couple of days ago this same guy had an episode how the electric company was sold. He comes with names and facts about the persons behind this national robbery and guess what names he pins on the board?
          Well, see for yourself.

          link: Kriminalnata rasprodazba na EVN
          Last edited by DedoAleko; 01-27-2016, 12:57 PM.


          • DraganOfStip
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2011
            • 1253

            Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
            DraganOfStip I thought you are sds member, since you behave like typical sds party troll,who twists things up to suit you as you please.That is why I asked you what does sds actually want with the boycott of the early elections, since that was their goal in the first place.
            I thought you might have some inside informations to share.
            Sorry to dissapoint you Dedo.No,I am not a SDS member nor a sympathizer,I already stated that but you seem to only read what suits you.Your problem,not mine.
            But you also stated you do not support DPMNE and yet everything you post concerns SDS crimes while you raise suspicion and disbelief to any alleged DPMNE crime.
            Are you a member by any chance (I know you said no,I just want to double check)?
            This guy (Milenko N.) is exposing how these VITAL state companies were sold out in the most criminal way, how thousands and thousands of families were left to starve on the street and instead of defending him, you and trolls like you in lack of facts insult him on personal basis by calling him names.
            Other than "clown" and a "looney tune" I haven't insulted this character on personal basis in any way.
            But I stand firm behind those names,because he really is a clown and (as this post of his proves) a looney tune.
            You say he exposes SDS crimes?Good.That's good.His proofs should be taken to the Ministry Of Interior so that they can arrest and convict those responsible for those crimes.
            But why doesn't he extend his investigation on DPMNE too?Can you give me one show of his where he exposes a DPMNE scam?You can't,can you?
            Just look at his official facebook page: down and everything you see is attacks on SDS (members,sympathizers,pro-SDS journalists,regardless).Not ONE SINGLE anti-DPMNE post on his entire timeline.
            This guy is just another DPMNE propaganda puppet like Latas,Janko etc.If you hadn't seen that by now it's only because you didn't want to.
            And he even dared to insult and spit on Stojance Angelov,who almost laid his life for his motherland,just because he's in conflict with Grujo.And where was Milenko when his country needed him?Oh I forgot,he couldn't be drafted anyway because he didn't even serve in the army.
            And you know what kind of people weren't accepted in the army during Yugoslavia,right?Let me give you a hint: some of them might have even believed the earth was flat.
            In this particular episode you mention, he doesn't claim the earth is flat, he merely states that certain people claim interesting things and that he thinks it will be interesting for the viewers and worth for episode. He NEVER says that he agrees with that.
            Just look at his facebook cover photo,man.It's the map of the flat earth for Christ sake!And look at all his posts in the comments.They all support that claim and he even provides links of websites that do.He even claims that he's in possession of a NASA paper that proves it!
            He's more like you when I think better - you say you don't support DPMNE but all your posts do,and he says he doesn't support the claim and yet posts links that do exactly that.
            Is this what the Central Committee instructs you both to do?Is that how the party propaganda works nowadays?
            Couple of days ago this same guy had an episode how the electric company was sold. He comes with names and facts about the persons behind this national robbery and guess what names he pins on the board?
            Well, see for yourself.

            link: Kriminalnata rasprodazba na EVN
            Great then,why doesn't he take all this info to the police and gets those bastards behind bars then?He'd be doing the Macedonian people a favor.What is stopping him?
            Last edited by DraganOfStip; 01-27-2016, 05:20 PM.
            ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
            ― George Orwell


            • DraganOfStip
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2011
              • 1253

              Just to spice things up,here's a polite reply on Milenko's claim that the flat earth was not his personal stance:
              Господине Миленко Неделковски, јас се извинувам што (покрај сите ваши изнесени линкови и коментари кои го поддржуваат ставот дека земјата е рамна, а малку или ниеден кој кажува дека е сферична), јас од тоа сум заклучил дека вашиот став е ЗА рамна земја, а не спротивно. Јас лично не се плашам да си го изкажам ставот (со тоа не изјавувам дека вие се плашите). Мојот став е дека земјата е во форма што прилчично наликува на топка, а тоа не е робување на предрасуди туку едноставна реалност (факт докажан безброј пати од мнозинството од научната јавност). Голем број од технологиите употребени за јас и вие воопшто да го имаме овој разговор (on the web) се базираат на тој факт.
              ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
              ― George Orwell


              • DedoAleko
                • Jun 2009
                • 969

                DraganOfStip, the subject here is about a specific group of thugs this guy is trying to dismantle. I don't like many things this xenophobe and homophobe says, but this is simply NOT the discussion here.
                You contribute to the thread by writing personal insults for the guy and taking the story in different direction by calling him names and posting things that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Don't you get it?
                When I mention that this guy exposes crime (this time done by sds) all you have to say is "But why doesn't he extend his investigation on DPMNE too? Can you give me one show of his where he exposes a DPMNE scam?You can't,can you?"
                With every single post you just add up some nonsense that has nothing to do with the issue here. And, like in the quotation I mention, you just pass the ball and conclude that others must have done the same too! THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE! That is NOT how free mind reasons things out and thinks.
                Also.The guy is neither judge nor jury and he can not arrest or prosecute the people ffs! He comes with informations and shares them with the public.And I believe he makes many good points!
                He also says if anybody doesn't agree with him or has anything to add, he is more than welcome to participate in the show.He specifically mentions that he would like to see people pointing fingers at government people and exposing government people's crimes, but he ads that people are cowards and scare to come on the open. You can hear him say that in the links I posted here, but NOOO, you prefer to ridicule him, how he speaks in his show that some people believe the earth is flat,that he is fat, ugly, clown, pig, etc....EXACTLY like the party (sds)trolls!
                That stinks DoS


                • DraganOfStip
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 1253

                  Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
                  DraganOfStip, the subject here is about a specific group of thugs this guy is trying to dismantle. I don't like many things this xenophobe and homophobe says, but this is simply NOT the discussion here.
                  You contribute to the thread by writing personal insults for the guy and taking the story in different direction by calling him names and posting things that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Don't you get it?
                  I simply posted his "flat earth claim" just to show the direction in which this CLOWN and LOONEY TUNE thinks.A man who thinks the earth is flat in 2016.That's in the realm of Vasko Eftov and his show based on hear-say conspiracy theories.Milenko spits on everything and everyone that disagrees with the Supreme Leader's policy the past 10 years.He's hardly someone the public should trust in making any claims (I'm not saying his "crime exposing" is fake, I'm just questioning the credibility of someone who claims the earth is flat and openly supportive of the current regime in that crime exposing).And so I ask you again: didn't you find it just a little bit suspicious that all his posts are critic to the opposition but none of them are critical to the ruling party?
                  When I mention that this guy exposes crime (this time done by sds)
                  No,ALL times done by SDS.There's a difference.Like I said I'm still waiting for the day when Milenko addresses a crime done by the current regime in power.And they've been in power for 10 years now,surely he's had enough time to investigate.
                  all you have to say is "But why doesn't he extend his investigation on DPMNE too? Can you give me one show of his where he exposes a DPMNE scam?You can't,can you?"
                  With every single post you just add up some nonsense that has nothing to do with the issue here. And, like in the quotation I mention, you just pass the ball and conclude that others must have done the same too! THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE! That is NOT how free mind reasons things out and thinks.
                  A free mind is open to every side of a story,not just one.You're preaching me of the way a free mind reasons and thinks?
                  You,who (among other) posted these threads on this forum: PM Gruevki's speech, Jan. 2016 ; IRI-Survey of Public Opinion in Macedonia (which happen to favor...wait for it...GRUJO!) ; Говор на Никола Груевски 23.10.2015 ; Telekom corruption case ; Aфера Телеком ; Македонија заложник на црпнати и на црпки ; Plot to topple the Macedonian government! ; Македонија памети! Спомениците на сДС etc, and yet you have not posted a single thread criticizing Grujo & co.?
                  And these are just the threads you created,it doesn't include all the threads from other people about crimes of DPMNE and your obvious doubt and questioning in the same.
                  So let me ask you the same thing: is this how an open mind reasons and thinks?
                  Also.The guy is neither judge nor jury and he can not arrest or prosecute the people ffs! He comes with informations and shares them with the public.And I believe he makes many good points!
                  He also says if anybody doesn't agree with him or has anything to add, he is more than welcome to participate in the show.He specifically mentions that he would like to see people pointing fingers at government people and exposing government people's crimes, but he ads that people are cowards and scare to come on the open.
                  Of course he's not a judge and a jury and he can't arrest and prosecute the people.Did I say he could?
                  I only said that if what he claims is true he should bring all that evidence and info to the police.They will take it from there.I think you misunderstood me.
                  Nothing would please me more than (if his accusations are true) he gets those scumbags in jail and make them pay for all the pain they caused to our people,I'd even recommend him for a medal or the highest possible recognition a citizen can get from his country.In fact,I'll be the first to shake his hand and admit I was wrong about him.
                  But if this is just yet another "продавање магла" ordered and orchestrated by DPMNE then that makes him no better than the same people he accuses.
                  You can hear him say that in the links I posted here, but NOOO, you prefer to ridicule him, how he speaks in his show that some people believe the earth is flat,that he is fat, ugly, clown, pig, etc....EXACTLY like the party (sds)trolls!
                  That stinks DoS
                  You obviously haven't read his FB posts where he uses all the street curses you can think of.He even called a woman "whore" (or "slut",I can't remember exactly).Is that a way that a professional journalist (as he claims to be) should be talking to the public?His posts are full of profanities and yet you get upset because I called him a clown(!).
                  I haven't called him fat (that is a relative term) or ugly (again,a relative term) or a pig (the pig should be more insulted if it's called "a Milenko" than the other way around,but that's another story),you must have confused me with someone else.
                  Bottom line is this: When you have someone making claims about one side but NEVER makes any claims about the other,you must take everything he says with a grain of salt.He's clearly not being objective.
                  And if you add to that this ridiculous claim that the earth is flat (which he supports no matter what he says, you can tell from his comment links),make that a whole bucket of salt.
                  Last edited by DraganOfStip; 03-08-2016, 05:17 AM.
                  ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                  ― George Orwell


                  • DraganOfStip
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 1253

                    Stojance Angelov - How I survived the hell in Aracinovo

                    I recently came across a series of articles by Stojance Angelov describing his ordeal in the 2001 conflict,published on a Macedonian website.
                    He currently works in Iraq in a private security contractor company after his sea adventures as a ship security contractor to defend ships from pirates.
                    The articles are a gruesome reminder of the horrors of 2001 and one can't help to wonder how can someone who literally went through hell for his country can not only be treated as garbage,not only demoted instead of promoted and rewarded (just to mention that he was back on the frontlines just a week after getting out of intensive care following such a horrible and life-threatening wound),but eventually losing his job in the MOI due to disagreement with the regime in power.
                    If that wasn't enough, his wife who was also employed in the MOI was laid off soon after,leaving their family without income.
                    Now,I don't agree with his cooperation with traitors like Ljubco Vojvoda,Brat Ljube or the SDSM over the years since he formed Dostoinstvo (I can partly understand such decision), but nonetheless it's a shameful treatment toward someone who barely escaped with his life and is today partly handicapped from his wound sustained while defending his country.
                    Unfortunately the articles are in Macedonian and the website doesn't have an English language option,so the non-Macedonian speakers here will have to use translating tools.

                    Part 1:

                    Part 2:

                    Part 3:

                    Part 4:

                    I will forward links to his next articles as they are being published online.
                    Last edited by DraganOfStip; 10-26-2016, 02:51 AM.
                    ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                    ― George Orwell


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13674

                      Here is this clown Stojanche Angelov recently talking about the dual-language law in Macedonia with Vasko Eftov. It's like he lives in a world of his own. It's a short clip, the whole interview hasn't been put up yet.

                      And here he is in a debate with Filip Petrovski from last year. Clearly these two hate each other. Filip destroyed him in the debate:

                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • sydney
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 390

                        Stojanche’s favourite line is “северна но сепак Македонија”. What a fucking banana.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13674

                          Originally posted by sydney View Post
                          Stojanche’s favourite line is “северна но сепак Македонија”. What a fucking banana.
                          Just watched the whole interview. Link below:

                          Во Центар со Васко Ефтов: Интервју со Генерал Стојанче Ангелов!

                          Some of the things Angelov says suggest that mentally, he is on another planet. Talking about how Zaev saved the country and Macedonia’s entry into NATO will promote foreign economic investments and prevent the ethnic Albanians from rising up against the country again. Talking about how he is for dual-language but not for areas where Albanian isn’t spoken (when the dual-language law provides for just that). Denying that elements of the Tirana Platform are being implemented. Admitting that DUI originated from UCK terrorists then stating that he will continue to work with them in future.

                          Tries to argue that, contrary to Vasko’s assertion that the Macedonian people rejected a name change at the referendum (which, statistically speaking, is true), that was a message from the Macedonian people that they’d rather government institutions sort out the name issue. On multiple occasions he was asked if the name of the country has been changed, and bizarrely he said no, apparently it is still Macedonia just with a geographical designation. Eventually he concedes the name is changed, suggests that the Macedonian people accept the terminology of North Macedonia and so does he. He says if the Macedonian people were against the name change they would’ve come out in their masses to protest.

                          Basically, Vasko laid into him the whole interview. He said that Angelov the General defended Macedonia whereas Angelov the politician betrayed Macedonia. He accused him of drastically changing his views from 2013 to now (changing school names, statues of Albanians, being against the name change, etc.). Angelov, delusional, denies it. Vasko asks how he can deny it when he is part of a coalition (Zaev) that is against everything he stood for previously. Angelov dances around the question.

                          Vasko also talked about how Todor Petrov was apparently beaten up in Skopje and how Angelov was apparently chased out of Tetovo by ethnic Albanians. At one point Angelov threatens to sue him for libel but then asks Vasko to go to Tetovo with him. Vasko basically said he will not go with him (essentially suggesting that he doesn’t want to be seen with a traitor in public). Vasko stated that Angelov, Zaev and Ivanov all made a pledge to uphold the constitution of Macedonia then allowed it to be changed. Basically calling all of them traitors. Angelov says his Macedonia is alive and Vasko’s Macedonia is dead. At the end Vasko says he is honoured that he and Angelov are different.

                          And at one point in the video Vasko inserted a clip of Angelov breaking roof tiles with his head LOL

                          Anyway, a massive fall from grace for this clown.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

